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By Dr. Andrew Fabich References to Noah’s Ark abound in the culture and even have been used to describe recent efforts to store strains of microbes (instead of animals). …read more Source: AIG Daily     
Responding to a “Christian psychiatrist” on homosexuality and transgenderism. …read more Source: creation.com     
Is the ribosome designed? Are there differences between the ribosomes in the different domains of life? Read More at Creation.com
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future from the vault, hear the second segment of an engaging discussion between acclaimed author Eric Metaxas and Dr. Stephen Meyer at Socrates in the City in New York. Dr. Meyer discusses backlash to the publication of his book Darwin’s Doubt and delves into key points of the positive scientific case for intelligent design, including irreducible complexity and the digital information in our DNA. Please consider donating to support the IDTF Podcast. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode [More]
By Ken Ham We recently wrapped up our annual Creation College Expo here at the Creation Museum. This year we welcomed 500 youth who learned about a wide variety of Christian, creationist colleges, attended special speaker presentations, and enjoyed free admission to the Creation Museum. We were thrilled to see so many young people come from across the United States and even Canada. These students and their parents are looking for a theologically conservative college that takes a stand on the authority of the Word of God beginning in Genesis. Thirty-two colleges were represented with booths …read more Source: Ken [More]
Humans mostly find rodents repulsive, but lots of creatures love this one. …read more Source: creation.com     
Every student in US public schools will likely come across illustrations claiming the earth’s tectonic plates have been moving slowly for millions of years. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham My good friend Buddy Davis (AiG singer, dinosaur sculptor, workshop leader, adventurer, author) certainly has his fair share of crazy stories to tell! He’s been all over the world digging for dinosaurs, exploring caves, whitewater rafting, going on safaris, and much more. After years of traveling around the world, he’s had quite a few adventures. And he’s finally put 60 of his favorite adventure stories—including some from when he was a boy—into a book for everyone to enjoy. Buddy’s Crazy True-Life Adventures is now available from our online store. Packed with full-color photographs, this book will make [More]
By Ken Ham Neanderthals have long been considered our evolutionary cousins and are usually portrayed as brutish and uncivilized as shown in some kids’ TV programs. But this view has consistently been shown to be wrong. We now know Neanderthals wore jewelry and makeup, made instruments and tools, and more. Of course, this is exactly what we’d expect starting with God’s Word, which teaches humans are all one race. Neanderthals simply reflect the incredibly variety within humans. And with yet another study, another evolutionary idea about Neanderthals bites the dust. The article starts with, “Neanderthals are shaking off their reputation [More]
A pristine Mesozoic bird fossil showed impressions of feathers and even some organs, including what appear to be lungs. The technical article published in the leading journal PNAS did not report any original body tissue, nor any substance that literally felt soft.1 Instead, the now-decomposed lungs left such detailed impressions that researchers saw lung microstructures. Two aspects of this set of probable lungs confirm … More… …read more Source: icr.org     
By Ken Ham Have you ever had the opportunity to tour Israel? I was privileged to see many of the sites where biblical events took place when I did a speaking tour across Israel many years ago (all my pictures from the trip were taken with a film camera, not digital—that tells you how long ago it was!). It was incredibly impactful and really brought the Bible to life. And now you can have the opportunity to tour Israel, September 23–October 7, 2019, with AiG’s Dr. Georgia Purdom, in partnership with Tribe of Dan Tours. When people have visited the [More]
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future, host Mike Keas and philosopher J. P. Moreland continue their conversation on Moreland’s new book Scientism and Secularism: Learning to Respond to a Dangerous Ideology. Scientism is the view that science trumps all other knowledge, but Moreland and Keas reveal in this podcast just how much science depends on both philosophy and history. Scientism is, thus, self-defeating. Nevertheless, and as Moreland goes on to argue, it remains “at the bottom of the turmoil that is facing our culture,” and many young people are being sucked into its errors. Your browser [More]
Old Testament professor: Genesis 5 and 11 are accurate and gap-free timelines that teach a ~6,000-year-old earth …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham Looking for some adventure in God’s amazing creation? Then grab your hiking boots and join AiG adventurer, singer/songwriter, paleo-artist, and sculptor Buddy Davis in beautiful Tennessee for a Creation Caving adventure through the spectacular Cumberland Caverns, March 16–17, 2019. You’ll also discover how the caves actually formed according the true history found in God’s Word. Buddy’s video, Amazing Adventures: Extreme Caving, was filmed at Cumberland Caverns and he’ll be showing the video on location while you enjoy a delicious dinner inside the cave. You’ll also be entertained at a Buddy Davis concert, as well as hear some [More]
By Ken Ham It comes as no shock to anyone with a Netflix subscription that much of the content featured on the video streaming service is decidedly not family friendly by any means. Well, a recent survey of Netflix Originals (content produced for the Netflix platform) found that 61% have a TV-MA (mature content) rating, with an additional 18% receiving a TV-14 rating. Shockingly, a mere 1% of their original content enjoys a G (general audience) rating. Over 56 million Americans subscribe to Netflix, so these ratings are a good barometer of the kind of perverse content popular today for [More]
By Ken Ham Every year I encourage my followers This show is much more than just a competition. It’s really about the powerful proclamation of the Word of God! The National Bible Bee competition helps young people hide God’s Word in their heart and boldly proclaim it for all to hear. One of the schools even shared about a young man who came by their booth and filled out a form to receive further communication from the college. One of the questions on the form was “are you a Christian”? He answered “no,” so the school’s representatives took him aside [More]
By Ken Ham Many families choose to come and visit both the Ark Encounter and the Creation Museum for family vacations, reunions, birthdays, anniversaries—we’ve even had couples come and visit us on their honeymoon! One large family, the Grady’s, recently joined us at the Ark for their family reunion. Members of the family travelled from four separate states but originally come from a four-generation family farm in Iowa. Several of them also visited the Creation Museum and spoke highly of their visit. They decided to have their family reunion at the Ark because it was an attraction that would be [More]
By Ken Ham It’s a seasonal joke that on Christmas Eve, the only people buying gifts are men who haven’t finished their shopping yet—but by then all the “good” gifts are gone. I’ve got the perfect idea that will allow anyone to get their Christmas shopping done now—in November! I’m talking about giving tickets to the women in your life to attend our upcoming Answers for Women’s conference, April 5–6, 2019, at the Ark Encounter in Northern Kentucky (south of Cincinnati). A trip to Kentucky to see the Ark Encounter and the nearby Creation Museum, which is within a day’s [More]
Before uniformitarian geology derailed biblical history, the rails were greased by an unwarranted confidence in scientific history. What is the relationship between science, history, and truth? Carol Cleland, a leading philosopher of science, attempts an answer. Reacting to critics who claim historical science is less valid than experimental science, she defends their epistemic equality with both negative and positive arguments. Her negative argument highlights flaws in both the theory and practice of experimental science. Although her arguments ably undermine some modern distortions, her case against experimental science in this paper relies on the straw man of positivism—the idea that science [More]
News stories thrive on conflict and intrigue, and one theme presents science and religion as opposing forces—reason struggling to overcome divine revelation. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham Happy Thanksgiving! Today is Thanksgiving Day here in America, and I wanted to take this opportunity to express our thanks to the Lord for what he has done over the past year. And I also wanted to publicly thank our supporters—we absolutely could not do any of what we do without you, your prayers, and your financial support. Today we’re thankful for you and your sacrifice! And I also want to thank the Lord for the tremendously dedicated staff, who work very hard so that millions will hear the truth of God’s Word and the gospel. Here [More]
“We give thanks to God always for you all, making mention of you in our prayers.” (1 Thessalonians 1:2) We all have much to be thankful for. It is certainly appropriate to give audible thanks for our daily bread, whether in private, at a family meal, or in public at a fine restaurant. In fact, Jesus set the example. When He miraculously fed the multitude b… More… …read more Source: icr.org     
By Dr. Nathaniel T. Jeanson Frello’s recent critique is helpful progress in our discussion, and it argues for the strength of the science in Replacing Darwin. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Bodie Hodge “It was clear in the episode that you believe in God. But I just don’t understand how that is possible . . . . Do you at all agree with what I’m saying?” …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham Are you looking for a unique Christmas gift for an individual or even a whole family? Well, consider a gift that keeps giving all year—a subscription to the leading faith-and-family video streaming service PureFlix.com. You can choose a 3-month, 6-month, or 12-month gift subscription, allowing the recipient to access family-friendly video content, including Answers in Genesis content. Earlier this year, PureFlix.com began adding Answers in Genesis content so that, eventually, all of our excellent video content will be available on PureFlix.com at no additional cost to subscribers. This means for the cost of about one DVD a [More]
By Avery Foley Matt Walsh misses the heart of the issue in his rebuttal of Ken Ham and young-earth creation. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
D.M. from the UK wrote in, sarcastically asking: “Which of the physical sciences do you believe in?” Dr Robert Carter, CMI-US, responds: Fantastic question! The short answer is, “All of them.” In fact just looking at a list of the people who work for CMI, I see PhDs in physics, nuclear physics, engineering, radiotelescopes and antenna design, geomorphology, molecular biology, plant science, plant nutrition, forestry, physical chemistry, zoology, and marine biology. We also have a medical doctor or two. This does not include the many other highly qualified people at CMI with up to master’s-level degrees. In short, we love science! We also have several theologians and educators on staff, to make for a very [More]