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Killifish have been found living in polluted rivers with levels of industrial toxins 8,000 times the lethal dose. …read more Source: creation.com     
By David Mcgee The most important part of the debate between views on creationism is about the presuppositions of each group and their biblical hermeneutics. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham Answers in Genesis employs many talented and knowledgeable PhD scientists who’ve specialized in a wide variety of fields, such as genetics, geology, paleontology, or anatomy, and they believe God’s Word beginning in Genesis. I thought I’d highlight one of these scientists who we’re thrilled to have here at the Creation Museum and Answers in Genesis—Dr. David Menton. Dr. Menton holds a PhD in biology from Brown University (a prestigious Ivy League school) and served as an award-winning professor at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, Missouri, US, for 34 years. He’s exactly what you’d want [More]
By Michael Newton Keas On this episode of ID the Future, Andrew McDiarmid again hears from science historian Michael Keas about another science myth exploded in Keas’ new ISI book Unbelievable: 7 Myths About the History and Future of Science and Religion. This time it’s the belief that Copernicus’s sun-centered cosmos demoted humans from our privileged position at the center. As another pioneering early astronomer, Galileo, noted, under the old astronomy the center was no privileged place. Instead it was viewed as the bottom of the universe, the “sump where the universe’s filth and ephemera collect.” So Copernicus’s discovery, if [More]
By Ken Ham Presidents Day is coming up next week, and we’re offering a special Presidents Day Sale through our online bookstore. Now through February 18, 2019, US residents enjoy 20% off storewide; just use the coupon code PRES19 at checkout. It’s a great time to add to—or maybe just begin—your home or church apologetics library. We even have some brand-new resources featured as part of this sale, so you can update your library with the latest in apologetics resources. Here are some of these brand-new resources: Get the DVD or video download of One Race, One Blood free with [More]
By Ken Ham Today many Christian leaders argue that the fossil record preceded Adam by millions of years. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
The male reproductive system is not poorly designed. Read Article
A tiny, amazing, colorful arachnid ‘struts’ around like the bird after which it is named. Read Article
By Ken Ham Today our world is selling our children the same lie, “Did God really say?” Did God really say marriage is for one man and one woman? Did God really say we’re created male and female? Did God really say sexuality is designed for within the covenant of marriage alone? These questions plant doubt in children’s minds about the truth of God’s Word and the goodness of our Creator. Let’s not respond like Eve! Today our world is selling our children the same lie, “Did God really say?” Eve doubted God’s Word, and it led her to rebellion [More]
By Laura Allnutt The penguin is a common favorite among children and adults, bird lovers, and cartoonists. Here are some fun facts about a fun bird on Penguin Awareness Day. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Harry F. Sanders, III Since an increase of information is needed for molecules-to-man evolution, evolutionists postulate polyploidy as a means for this. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham “Those who live in glass houses, shouldn’t throw stones.” This old adage warns people with a fragile worldview not to attack the worldview of others. And this is a good warning for those who hold to evolutionary ideas—it’s a glass house, cracking and ready to shatter. We’re excited to announce we have a new eye-opening book, edited by Bodie Hodge and me, available for pre-order, Evolutionists work hard to convince others that their evolutionary worldview is built on rock-solid foundations—that it’s the foundation for biology, and, without it, modern science wouldn’t be possible. But this is merely [More]
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future from the vault, Michael Behe is on The Universe Next Door with Tom Woodward to discuss his work that that presents a challenge to neo-Darwinian evolution, including his books Darwin’s Black Box and The Edge of Evolution. Behe explains his “irreducible complexity” concept, and also gives an overview of research by Richard Lenski that shows that random mutation is “like a bull in a china shop.” Note: Behe’s new book, Darwin Devolves: The New Science About DNA That Challenges Evolution, will be out this month! Preorder it now to receive [More]
While not necessarily expressing an adherence to biblical creation, more than 1,000 scientists worldwide have signed on to a “Dissent From Darwinism” statement that expresses skepticism over the theory of biological evolution and calls for the “careful examination” of Charles Darwin’s teachings.   “We are skeptical of claims for the ability of random mutation and natural selection to account for the complexity of life. Careful examination of the evidence for Darwinian theory should be encouraged,” the statement reads. Read More: More Than 1,000 Scientists Worldwide Sign ‘Dissent From Darwinism’ | Christian News Network
By Dr. Danny R. Faulkner A recent news story reported on the latest measurement of Saturn’s rotation rate. This is significantly shorter than what is found in most astronomy textbooks. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham This day five years ago, on February 4, 2014, I was finishing up the preparations for the presentation I would make that evening during The tickets to come and watch the debate live in our 900-seat auditorium, Legacy Hall at the Creation Museum, sold out in two minutes, so we knew people were certainly interested! And they definitely were—it’s estimated 3-4 million people tuned in to watch the debate live! And an estimated 20-plus million have watched it altogether. No matter where I go, I hear feedback from people telling me that they watched the debate and [More]
By Melinda Christian Scientists have long tried to understand how geckos can walk on walls and ceilings, even on smooth glass. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Michael J. Behe On this episode of ID the Future, Jay Richards interviews biologist and Center for Science and Culture senior fellow Michael Behe on his forthcoming book Darwin Devolves: The New Science About DNA That Challenges Evolution, available now for pre-order. Very recent advances in gene sequencing show that genetic mutations and natural selection sometimes work to create niche advantages, but by breaking genes, not by building new ones. It’s like increasing fuel efficiency by jettisoning things from your car: great if fuel efficiency is a matter of life or death, not so great if you actually wanted [More]
It was an exciting week here at ICR as we watched workers carefully mount nine fossil replicas to the Discovery Center’s exterior wall. Each 12?×12? panel weighs 3,500 pounds! Two of them are based on fossils in ICR’s collection. Artisans carved the replicas out of modeling clay and cast them in concrete. The sequence from left to right reflects the relative order these creatures were buried in the fossil reco… More… …read more Source: icr.org     
By Troy Lacey Two amber fossil finds have revealed some interesting examples of similarities between fossil and extant forms, both in morphology and in lifestyle/behavior. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham Did Moses really write the first five books of the Bible (known as the Pentateuch or the Torah)? Did he even have the ability to write or the Israelites the ability to read? Most mainstream scholars would answer no to these questions—an answer in direct opposition to the testimony of Scripture (Exodus 17:14, Numbers 33:2, John 5:46). If Moses didn’t write the Pentateuch, this calls into question the truth of Scripture and of the exodus from Egypt. Get answers that powerfully affirm the truth of God’s Word in a brand-new film coming to US theaters March 14, [More]
By Ken Ham Later this month I am heading west for California and a Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) studio to record an episode of Join me on February 20, 2019, in Tustin, California, US, for this afternoon of conversation on creation and evolution, how this relates to the culture, and how you can be equipped to share the truth of God’s Word with others. It’s sure to be a great conversation! Tickets are free but you must register to secure your place. Now, we certainly wouldn’t agree with every theological view shared on the various programs carried by TBN, or [More]
You think it’s no big deal how humans originated? Where, according to atheists, do meaning, value and significance come from? Is theistic evolution the answer? …read more Source: creation.com     
On January 21, 2019, during a total lunar eclipse, astronomers and amateur stargazers alike saw a small meteorite strike the lunar surface.1 The collision was seen as a flash of light just before midnight Eastern Time. The darkened surface of the moon during the eclipse made the flash much easier to see. Although scientists have observed and recorded other meteorite strikes on the lunar surface, this is apparently the first time … More… …read more Source: icr.org     
By Ken Ham The book of Hebrews describes the Word of God as, “living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart” (Hebrews 4:12). Scripture is powerful, and we need to be encouraging our children to dig into God’s Word and hide it in their hearts (Psalm 119:11). And you can help families do that through the National Bible Bee’s Summer Study program. Help these young people discover the treasure of God’s Word. Be a Summer Study Host [More]
By Ken Ham Evolutionists have long believed other supposed “species” of humans were primitive and not quite human. Biblical creationists, because we start with a completely different starting point, have long argued that there’s only one species of humans (but a good deal of variety within this species) and that other human varieties were intelligent and fully human, just like us. We believe this because the Bible clearly teaches all humans are descended from Adam and Eve (Genesis 1:27, Genesis 3:20, Acts 17:26), and therefore we’re all related: all one race, the human race. And a new discovery confirms what [More]
By Michael Newton Keas On this episode of ID the Future, Andrew McDiarmid interviews science historian and author Michael Keas about Keas’ new ISI book Unbelievable: 7 Myths About the History and Future of Science and Religion. The myth this time is that the Church tortured Galileo for opposing official teachings on the structure of what we now call the solar system. In fact Galileo had found support for heliocentrism but hadn’t proved it scientifically; there were scientists and theologians both against him and for him; and he wasn’t tortured anyway. There’s plenty here for both scientists and theologians to [More]