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How published geological reports help develop a biblical interpretation. Read More
By Ken Ham During our Answers for Pastors and Christian Leaders conference in the fall of 2018, I gave a presentation based on my book During this presentation, I share what’s happened in our culture to create the growing secularization, how we need to lay the foundation of the truth of God’s Word for others, and how we can move from that into presenting the gospel message beginning in Genesis. We want people to know that the Bible is true and therefore the message of the gospel that comes from the Bible is also true! The book and DVD are [More]
Because of grievous deficiencies in the standard neo-Darwinian Model of evolution, which is largely selection driven, scientists proposed an alternative postulate called the ‘Neutral Model’ in the late 1960s. The Neutral Model is also mutation driven, but selection is deemed to be an insignificant force of change. Instead, random genetic drift is alleged to be the main driver. Since its inception, the Neutral Model has come to be incorporated in many theoretical evolutionary scenarios at some level. However, due to numerous discoveries in genomics and genome function, the Neutral Model has also become deficient, prompting a new move in science [More]
Tiny diatom frustules reveal God’s beautiful design. Read More
On Tuesday, April 2, 2019, sixth graders from Prestonwood Christian Academy visited the ICR Discovery Center for Science and Earth History for a sneak preview day of learning and fun activities. This was the first school group ever to visit the new, under-construction facility. The students viewed two planetarium shows. The first highlighted God’s design in … More… …read more Source: icr.org     
By Ken Ham Last week, several hundred women arrived from 38 states and Canada for our 2019 Answers for Women conference, “Sacred: Embracing God’s Design for Sexuality.” It was a tremendous conference inside the brand-new Answers Center at the Ark Encounter, equipping women to have conversations about sexuality that pointed people back to the truth of God’s Word. So many women loved the conference that over 150 of the attendees pre-registered at the conference for our 2020 Answers for Women conference next March at the Ark. <img src="https://assets.answersingenesis.org/img/blogs/ken-ham/2019/04/answers-for-women-georgia-purdom.jpg" alt="Dr. Georgia Purdom Speaks at …read more Source: Ken Ham AIG     
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future, Emily Kurlinski interviews bioethicist, author, and Discovery Institute Senior Fellow Wesley J. Smith on transhumanism. It’s a technology-driven anti-aging effort to create a post-human species with advanced intelligence, brain-computer interfaces, and even immortality. Built on zeal and desperation to defeat death, it’s a quasi religion, except with no plan or apparent interest in cultivating a more wise and loving human species — which, Smith argues, makes it more dangerous than it might at first appear. Please consider donating to support the IDTF Podcast. Your browser does not support playing Audio, [More]
By Troy Lacey A recent journal article features the discovery of a fossil (MUSM 3580) touted as a “walking whale,” in the Pisco Basin, located in the desert of Peru. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
Answers in Genesis (AiG) is hosting its five-day Easter Conference at the Ark Encounter next week, April 17-21. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham Our biblical worldview and apologetics magazine, Answers, has just added 11 more awards—including the most prestigious, the Award of Excellence, to our list of awards, at the recent Evangelical Press Association convention in Oklahoma. These awards highlight yet again the excellence of our family apologetics magazine. In addition to the Award of Excellence, we also placed first in two other categories. In the “General Article (short)” category, we picked up a first for the article entitled “Wolves: Strength of the Pack,” and in the “Original Art (digital/mixed media)” also placed first with the cover …read more Source: [More]
Missing why the age of the earth matters. …read more Source: creation.com     
“Unplanned” gives the viewer a front-row seat to the horrors of abortion. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future from the vault, Todd Butterfield interviews Michael Flannery, author of Alfred Russel Wallace: A Rediscovered Life. Flannery discusses his article on the Greek philosopher Anaxagoras (ca. 500-428 B.C.), who was one of the first to articulate an argument for design in nature. Read the article here! Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Source: id the future     
When Christian radio host goes head-to-head with many leading atheists and critics of Christianity, does it leave his faith intact? You be the judge. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham What is marriage? Well, according to an opinion piece in a UK publication by a described human rights campaigner, Peter Tatchell, it’s an outdated, patriarchal system that needs to be replaced. He argues that any two people (and why two? but we will get to that) who care about each other—whether that’s best friends, siblings, or others—should be allowed to form a “Civil Commitment Pact” (his replacement for marriage), giving legal recognition to their relationship. Tatchell argues that the only difference between a husband and wife, and two best friends is that the former have sexual relations [More]
By Dr. Danny R. Faulkner Hugh Ross contends that “creation passages” in Ephesians through Revelation also teach that the age of the universe is on the order of billions of years. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Dr. Carrie John Recently published research discusses the synthesis of a large molecule which folded into a ring pattern and compared it to the folding of proteins. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Michael Belknap The estimated numbers, sizes, and types of ark animals impact nearly every aspect of the vessel’s interior operations. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham Should you or should you not have children? Can’t decide? Maybe you should go and see a “parenthood-indecision therapist” (and no that’s not an April Fool’s joke!). A recent article in The Washington Post highlighted this new line of therapists cutting through “the stranglehold of indecision” to help couples decide if having a baby is right for them. These anxious, undecided young people, reports The Post, express fears such as “concerns about the political climate and the prevalence of gun violence… climate change… [and] the tremendous cost of raising a child.” One woman even said, “It’s scary [More]
By Ken Ham Scientists in Canada have announced their analysis of a 65% complete T. rex skeleton, painstakingly dug out of rock and analyzed over the past 29 years. Their estimates put this dinosaur at 28 years old at death and a whopping 19,500 pounds. Now that’s a big dinosaur! One of the lines in the National Geographic article on the announcement reminded me of a common question we are asked here at AiG. The article stated (emphasis added): The find suggests that large predatory dinosaurs probably got older and bigger than paleontologists would have surmised based on currently available [More]
By Ken Ham I recently conducted an interview with Sam Rohrer of Stand in the Gap Today, a program produced by the American Pastors Network. This program covers a host of topics, and I was thankful to be asked to speak to an audience primarily made up of pastors and other Christian leaders about biblical authority and how vital it is that we equip our young people with answers. That program has now aired, and you can listen to it at the link below. Stand in the Gap Today is carried on 450 radio stations and the American Pastors Network [More]
It’s been known for decades that the hot pools of Yellowstone National Park contain exceptional and robust types of prokaryotic microorganisms called Archaea. Previously known as the archaebacteria, these organisms include methanogens (methane producers), extreme thermophiles (organisms resistant to heat), and extreme halophiles (organisms requiring salt for growth). One species of thermophilic archaea is Sulfolobus that can … More… …read more Source: icr.org     
Termites (order Isoptera) are eusocial—animals with an advanced social organization—insects that can number in the millions, producing something biologists call a superorganism. This is defined as a colony of termites having features of organization analogous to the properties of a single creature. These insects have the ability to digest wood due to symbiotic gut-dwelling flagellates, single-celled eukaryotic creatures… More… …read more Source: icr.org     
How do we know what we know? What is the role of authority? …read more Source: creation.com     
By Dr. Danny R. Faulkner Hugh Ross contends that “creation passages” in Matthew through 2 Corinthians also teach that the age of the universe is on the order of billions of years. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
Neo-Darwinism, Neutral evolution, and the ‘Extended Evolutionary Synthesis’ cannot avoid the multilayered complexity of the genome and cell. …read more Source: creation.com     
Influential humanist propagandists try to redefine ‘extremism’ to advance their secular agenda-and they’re targeting the teaching of creation in schools. …read more Source: creation.com