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The results of a computer analysis to investigate how the solar system might have formed should cause evolutionists to think again about naturalistic processes. …read more Source: creation.com     
What has Easter got to do with the creation of the world and humanity? Well, consider that the resurrected Jesus taught from the authority of Moses’ books (which include Genesis)! …read more Source: creation.com     
By Brian Thomas and Jeffrey Tomkins The story of whale evolution is one of the most ridiculous fables of scientifically unsupported speculation ever perpetrated on the public. And now, with the recent discovery of a Peruvian fossil of a clearly four-legged land animal named Peregocetus being called “An Amphibious Whale,” the evolutionary myth has just di… More… …read more Source: icr.org     
By Ken Ham A study from the Barna Group revealed that half of US pastors “feel worried about speaking out on certain issues because they’re worried about offending people,” particularly people in their own churches. Predictably, LGBT issues and gay “marriage” concern them most, with abortion and sexual immorality as runners-up. Interestingly, pastors seem to recognize that they should be influencing their congregations on these issues: “More than nine in 10 Pastors . . . believe they have influence with their congregants when it comes to how they think about current issues in society.” “9 out of 10 Christian pastors [More]
‘Whodunnit’? …read more Source: creation.com     
By Dr. David Menton The secret ingredient to continual breathing? Water. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham Last week we had a tremendous Easter conference entitled Answering Atheists, at the Ark Encounter in our brand-new 2500-seat Answers Center. Hundreds of individuals and families came from across the United States and even other countries to Williamstown, Kentucky, to learn how to reach atheists with the gospel of Jesus Christ. During the conference, we also had a special dedication ceremony for the Answers Center. During this ceremony, the three founders of AiG (Mark Looy, …read more Source: Ken Ham AIG     
By Michael J. Behe On this episode of ID the Future, Andrew McDiarmid continues his series with Michael Behe about Behe’s new book Darwin Devolves: The New Science about DNA That Challenges Evolution. Here Behe explains the “Revenge of the Principle of Comparative Difficulty,” According to this principle, evolution it is much easier for evolution to create a new adaptive niche by damaging one or more genes than even the simplest new genes and irreducibly complex structures. Along the way, Behe also explores how biology got enamored of mathematical theory built on “hopeful ignorance” regarding the nature of genes. Please [More]
How can we begin correlating the Bible’s chronology with data outside the Bible? …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham I love being able to tell our supporters about other ministries that hold to the truth and authority of God’s Word and are working hard to equip the next generation to know and love it. And that’s why I’m excited to promote the Bible memorization not only helps them hide God’s Word in their hearts but also assists in learning how to properly read and study Scripture. When many people think of the National Bible Bee, they think of the National Bible Bee Competition where hundreds of young people compete each year for the opportunity to win [More]
By John C. P. Smith There is a considerable disconnection between lexicography regarding ???? and the formation of creation theology. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
Have they now finally found a whale missing link, Peregocetus pacificus? …read more Source: creation.com     
The story behind an engineer who left the mining industry and fulfilled a desire to preach. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future from the vault, Ann Gauger shares about the cell as a bustling city. What is the powerplant of the cell? How about its thoroughfares? Waste recycling? Listen in to learn more! Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Source: id the future     
On April 10, 2019, a team of astronomers revealed the first-ever photograph of a black hole.1 Modern physics sees time and space as being interconnected, forming a kind of “fabric” or “membrane” called spacetime. A black hole is a region of spacetime that is extremely distorted by the presence of a sufficiently dense mass. The gravity in this region is so strong that anything getting too close to … More… …read more Source: icr.org     
By Ken Ham Today is, apparently, “ Later in the ceremony, Mally and I were presented with a wonderful portrait rendering of the two of us, done by my very talented nephew, Dave Ham. He is a portrait and figurative artist who grew up in Brisbane, Australia. His work has been recognized by acclaimed juries, including the Portrait Society of America, and he has also received awards from multiple universities and exhibitions. He received his training through the visual art department of Pensacola Christian College in Florida (one of the colleges on our CreationColleges.org website), where he currently works as [More]
By Ken Ham If we don’t work and pray to raise up generations on God’s Word, their naturally depraved sin nature will exhibit the same behaviors as ancient cultures. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham The fossil record is full of (mostly marine) creatures that are now extinct. In an attempt to explain all this biodiversity that has since vanished, evolutionary scientists propose a series of mass extinctions caused by various catastrophes, though they frequently disagree on what those catastrophes were. One supposed extinction event, “the Great Dying,” is the subject of new research that claims volcanoes were responsible for wiping out 95% of life on earth. Researchers studied mercury levels in the geologic record from various sites and concluded that this mercury was released by volcanic activity. The massive amounts of [More]
By Ken Ham I know the 2018–2019 school year isn’t over yet, so you probably don’t want to start thinking about the next school year! However, we think you’ll be excited about our recently upgraded resources that you can use now or next school year: online creation apologetics courses. These courses (available to start whenever you’re ready) are perfect for high school students—as well as parents, teachers (including Sunday school teachers), and pastors. We offer two introductory courses that lay the foundation for a thorough understanding of creation apologetics. During these self-paced courses, you’ll learn about the authority of Scripture, [More]
By Ken Ham One of my favorite hymns celebrating the resurrection of Christ from the grave is “Low in the grave he lay” (also known in many hymn books as “He Arose”) by Robert Lowry, a 19th-century preacher and hymn writer. Apparently, he wrote this beautiful hymn at his organ rather spontaneously after reading and reflecting on Luke 24:5–8: And as they were frightened and bowed their faces to the ground, the men said to them, “Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is not here, but has risen. Remember how he told you, while he was [More]
By Troy Lacey Does Jacob’s “peeled bark” practice have any bearing on how sheep and goats breed? Did God instruct Jacob in this practice? …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham We’re excited to announce the release of educational guides for both the You can order these educational guides individually or in bulk at AnswersBookstore.com. Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,Ken This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team. …read more Source: Ken Ham AIG     
By Michael J. Behe On this episode of ID the Future, biochemist Michael Behe speaks further about his new book Darwin Devolves: The New Science about DNA That Challenges Evolution. Behe explains how evolutionists in the past had freedom to use their imaginations to suppose ways evolution could achieve major innovations, but new research at the molecular level now reveals obstacles previously unimagined. The most productive adaptations in nature tend overwhelmingly to be in one direction, Behe says, degrading or destroying genes, and no series of mutations have ever demonstrated the kind of coordinated effects needed to produce new systems. [More]
By Ken Ham Popular Roman Catholic blogger Matt Walsh (who we’ve covered before) recently wrote: “I have gotten into trouble with some Christians for several of the opinions I expressed during my interview with Ben Shapiro on the Sunday Special.” He writes that during this interview he “contend[ed] that Christians should not appeal to the Bible when arguing with unbelievers about political and cultural topics.” Is he right about this? Walsh went on to write, There is no need to quote Scripture when trying to explain, for example, why it’s wrong to kill babies. You don’t need to pull out [More]
Where do the lowest rocks in the rock record fit in the biblical timeframe? …read more Source: creation.com     
By Troy Lacey In an evolutionary worldview, human grandmothers are a bit of a puzzle. Why would evolution favor human grandmothers? …read more Source: AIG Daily     
How do black holes relate to biblical creation? …read more Source: creation.com