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How evolutionary philosophy and bad science led to imprisoning people deemed inferior. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham When you think of fungi, you probably don’t automatically think “smart”—especially considering they don’t have brains! But these incredible organisms are indeed “smart,” in the sense that they are designed to do what they do, and what they do, they do well. (Some of you may have heard me give a fun saying like this to kids in one of my live presentations!) The more we look at what God has made, the more obvious it is that we are without excuse if we refuse to acknowledge the Creator (Romans 1:20). And fungi are just one more [More]
“The greatest absence of evolution ever reported” is hailed as support for evolution. Read More
By Ken Ham When I think back to my 20s (those days before I had to start dying my hair to show people I was getting old – well, that’s what I tell people anyway)—I remember how few creation apologetics resources there were. It was hard to find books that affirmed the truth and authority of God’s Word when it came to this issue of origins. That’s why I am so passionate about the multitude of resources Answers in Genesis produces—we want to get as many answers into as many hands as possible. I grew up in a wonderful Christian [More]
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future, Dr. Cornelius Hunter, author of Science’s Blind Spot: The Unseen Religion of Scientific Naturalism, talks about new findings on so-called “junk” DNA. Evolutionary theory predicts lots of such “Darwinian detritus” that does nothing for organisms. That prediction keeps coming up false. “Satellite DNA” was one form of DNA thought to be junk, and left on the back burner by researchers. But now it’s been found to be both crucial — for the fertility of male fruit flies — and species-specific. Evolutionary theory expected none of this, though it gamely accommodate [More]
by Brian Thomas, Ph.D., and Timothy Clarey, Ph.D. Evolutionary narratives insist that kangaroos, and the marsupials they represent, evolved millions of years ago in Australia. Supposedly, that’s why today they only live there. In contrast, Genesis teaches that all animals—including kangaroos—migrated to their present locations from the Ark’s landing place “on the mountains of A… More… …read more Source: icr.org     
By Ken Ham When you come to Northern Kentucky to visit the ArkEncounter.com, you’ll enjoy seeing the life-size Ark (a 510-foot-long architectural wonder in itself) and exploring the three decks of exhibits—including live animals on Deck 2 brought up each day from the petting zoo. Outside the Ark, you can visit the animals in our expanding Ararat Ridge Zoo, explore the beautiful grounds, shop in our large gift shop, which includes an extensive fair trade section, and eat a delicious meal at Emzara’s Buffet. And now, your visit will be better than ever with feature Pure Flix movies, daily presentations, [More]
By Jonathan Augusta The Creator made all creatures, including amoebas, with variation and plasticity in their genome for global differences of climate, terrain, and environment. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
Modern science shows that Neandertals are fully human. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham This year marks the 10th anniversary of Deaf Day, our annual event reaching the Deaf community. It started with sign interpretation at the Creation Museum, and, in 2016, expanded to include the Ark Encounter. And now the event has become so popular we’re launching our first ever Deaf Answers Conference, Bible Alive, taking place November 8–10, 2019, at the Ark Encounter. This Deaf-led conference will be hosted in our brand-new Answers Center (our 2,500-seat multipurpose center) and will include special apologetics presentations, children’s events, the movie The Book of Job by Deaf Missions, a drama, …read more [More]
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID The Future from the vault, we’re featuring clips of questions and answers with Wesley J. Smith and John West from the premiere of The War on Humans documentary. Smith and West briefly answer questions about the threat of the fringe element of the radical animal rights movement; the advance of animal rights proponents political agenda; and the regulatory process that is creeping towards scientism. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Source: id the future     
By Dr. Danny R. Faulkner In preparation for the premiere of the documentary Faith on the Edge, I gathered my thoughts on the sociology of the flat-earth movement into 20 points. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham You might be surprised to learn there is a big bang I believe in! Yes, we need a “big bang” in our Stargazer Planetarium at the Creation Museum. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
Each year, CMI–US is privileged to provide the main creation teaching element at the Great Homeschool Conferences in the US in Greenville, SC. Our CEO, Gary Bates, gave five talks on creation on topics ranging from dinosaurs, to myth-busting evolution, to racism, as well as what we should think about UFOs and who created God.   The talks were well-attended and there were extremely good interactions with the audience, with applause and even a standing ovation from some during Gary’s final talk. One woman told us that she found Gary’s talks to be the most interesting of all the topics [More]
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future, Nancy Pearcey, author of numerous books, including Love Thy Body: Answering Hard Questions about Life and Sexuality, challenges the common belief that Darwin’s leading early supporters were convinced of the main pillars of his theory. The 19th century was ready to accept a theory of evolution, but not necessarily by natural selection. Some of his chief supporters believed in God or a “vital force” guiding evolution. But Darwin would have none of it. And what do evolutionary scientists say today? In private, among themselves? The controversies still are not over. [More]
Travis T inquired about a recent article, which supposedly details how multi-celled animals could have developed.   Dr Matthew Cserhati (CMI-US) responds. The experiment looks interesting, but it raises a lot of questions. A quote from the paper that you referenced: “The great-great-great-grandmother of all cells in the animal kingdom, so to speak, was probably quite similar to a stem cell.”   Read More: Were stem cell-like organisms the first forms of life? – creation.com
By Ken Ham This summer, 22 million children in the United States face the threat of missing daily meals as school meal programs stop for the summer break. But you can help these hungry children! Answers in Genesis is partnering with our friends at I encourage families to consider raising money for CHF’s Summer of Hope campaign. Get your children involved, opening their eyes to the needs around them and encouraging selflessness and generosity. We love CHF because they don’t merely meet the physical needs of those they minister to. They also meet the spiritual needs of these individuals by [More]
By Ken Ham The intention of a recent article is clear: bills which recognize the humanity of a baby, based on fetal heartbeat, are wrong and abortion is acceptable. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
Old World monkey and ape fossils both appear suddenly in the fossil record. (Note: “Old World” refers to countries known to Europeans before they discovered the Americas.) In 2013, the fossils were discovered together in an alleged 25 million-year-old Oligocene rock unit in Tanzania.1 Now a new alleged 22 million-year-old monkey fossil found in Kenya2 increases the known diversity for the sudden appearance … More… …read more Source: icr.org     
Dolphins use ‘double sonar beam’ to narrow down prey’s location. Algorithm used to analyse this could help design better body scanners. …read more Source: creation.com     
How did they form? …read more Source: creation.com     
By Troy Lacey A new study in the journal Nature Medicine revealed a nasty downside to the mutant gene variant of CCR55, which prevents HIV infection. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham Nothing warms my heart more than seeing children devouring and loving Answers in Genesis resources and God’s Word. You may have noticed that AiG loves kids and wants to raise up generations to love the Bible and to boldly and unashamedly proclaim the authority of God’s Word and the gospel of Jesus Christ. Well, I recently heard from a young man who was asked to create a display board on his favorite author—and he chose me! Matthew and his mother reached out to me and asked if I would answer Matthew’s questions for his special project. I [More]
By Ken Ham Books like I am Jazz, Red: A Crayon’s Story, and George are increasingly being used in public school classrooms across the United States (and internationally) to promote transgender ideology to children. Comprehensive sex education curricula (often slipped in without parental notification under the guise of “healthcare” teaching) push homosexual relationships as normal and natural—but that’s not how God designed it to be, and our children need to learn that, starting from an increasingly young age. God’s plan is the very best plan—and that’s the positive message children will get from a brand-new book from Master Books, our [More]
By Ken Ham On my Twitter, atheists frequently accuse me of trusting in myths and being irrational for believing the Bible and creation. But who is really being irrational? After all, if the universe is the result of random chance processes, then so are our minds. So how can we trust the conclusions our brains come to? Logic only makes sense in a biblical worldview, where there’s a logical Creator who made us—and our minds! Astrophysicist Dr. Jason Lisle, of the Biblical Science Institute, recently sat down with Billy Hallowell at the Ark Encounter for an episode of …read more [More]
By Melissa Webb Kids don’t just play differently from adults, they think differently too—by God’s design. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
Long-age thinking held back scientific explanations of a major South African geological feature. …read more Source: creation.com