By Troy Lacey While many believe Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed because of rampant homosexual behavior, others say Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed because of pride. …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham When I travel and speak, or when I am meeting guests here at the Creation Museum or at the Ark Encounter in Northern Kentucky, I am asked many of the same questions about our two world-class Christian themed attractions. Here are some of the most-asked questions and our exciting new way to answer them: We need more time than one day to experience everything at these attractions. How can we do this? We would love to regularly bring our children and/or grandchildren to the remarkable playgrounds. Is there a way to do this? Can we come to
A reader claims that we were unfair in our assessment of another Christian’s research. We respond. …read more Source:
Does the reviled coyote deserve its reputation? …read more Source:
By Ken Ham We’re on volume 14 of our award-winning (11 EPA awards this year) biblical worldview magazine, Answers. Since 2009, we’ve had professional readers turn the written articles into audio articles. We now have over 100 hours of audio content from a decade of the magazine. That’s an incredible amount of great content! So our magazine team has launched a brand-new podcast to allow you to enjoy the best of those audio articles. And that new podcast is now available as Creation Answers. Each article starts with the perspective that God’s Word is true, from the very first verses.
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future, Michael Egnor interviews philosopher Edward Feser about Feser’s new book Aristotle’s Revenge: The Metaphysical Foundations of Physical and Biological Science. Scientists can get along without Aristotle’s metaphysics, says Feser, but science can’t; in fact science presupposes Aristotle. Mechanistic views of nature have tried to make nature nothing but particles interacting, but a full understanding of nature requires that we include Aristotelian purpose, or teleology, and essences as well. Ultimately, Feser suggests, this leads us toward evidence for a divine mind behind it all. Your browser does not support playing Audio,
By Dr. Terry Mortenson Was Genesis 1 written from the perspective of “God’s time,” unlike the rest of Scripture? …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future from the vault, Ann Gauger discusses so-called “junk” DNA. She explains species-specific mobile genetic elements and how our DNA is used. Listen in to learn about our computer-like genome! Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Source: id the future
One more powerful critique of neo-Darwinism. …read more Source:
By Ken Ham If God called His creation “very good,” then why does it include dangerous venomous snakes today? …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham I frequently share news about the Ark Encounter and the Creation Museum on my blog, social media platforms, and when I am speaking around the country and abroad. We want people from all over the world to visit the two leading Christian themed attractions in the world and be equipped and encouraged by the message of biblical authority and the gospel. So maybe you’ve heard about both attractions before, and you’re wanting to visit us in Northern Kentucky, but you still have a few planning questions. Well, here are answers to the most common questions I get
By Dr. Alan L. Gillen Blood reveals much about the majesty of our Creator and Master Craftsman, irreducible complexity, and the health or disease state of the human body. …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham As I wrote on my Facebook page last week, a major Kentucky newspaper, the Lexington Herald-Leader (, stooped quite low and published an opinion column worthy of a tabloid. The writer, a Herald-Leader reporter who has been anti-Ark Encounter over the years, penned an opinion piece about the Ark that was filled with misinformation, name-calling, and anti-Christian sentiment, continuing her ongoing opposition to our Ark Encounter Christian themed attraction in Williamstown, Kentucky. Incredibly, this single incident was her “proof” that the Ark was not having an impact in the region after three years of operation! The reporter
A sneak preview of the editorial from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics. …read more Source:
Transporting water up a tree ten stories high from the roots to the leaves is no easy feat. How is this accomplished? The answer lies in tiny, specially designed vessels called xylem—plus a combination of other factors. Scientists are getting closer to mimicking this amazing vertical passage of water for the purpose of future large-scale desalination and sewage treatment.1,2 Evolutionists give credit to th… More… …read more Source:
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future, attorney Herman Bouma tells the story of how his talk at a National Association of Science Teachers conference last April was canceled at the last minute. His talk highlighted how Darwin’s Origin of Species (sixth edition) set an example of engaging his scientific critics with civility and reason. Bouma says in response to the incident, “It’s almost as if they considered Darwin a threat to Darwinian evolution.” Three conference officials shut him down, accusing him of promoting fake science. As Bouma notes, Darwin wrote that “I look with confidence to
By Ken Ham A Detroit festival recently had to reverse its ticketing policy due to backlash, threats, and performers cancelling. What kind of ticketing policy did they have that sparked such outrage? Well, reportedly they featured an “‘Early Bird POC Ticket’ for $10—with POC meaning ‘people of color’—and an ‘Early Bird NONPOC Ticket’ for $20. The group defined ‘NONPOC’ as white people.” This disparity was, apparently, their attempt to fight inequity. But is such an approach a good answer to the problem of racism or inequality? Well, based on the negative feedback the festival received, I hope they realized it
By Ken Ham Our culture has largely abandoned God’s definition of marriage, throwing out “man” and “woman.” This dangerous precedent has begun to redefine marriage yet again. …read more Source: AIG Daily
An article addressing some of evolution’s difficulties was recently published in Aeon, a magazine of philosophy and culture. It was just another stark case of evolutionists embarrassed about the implications of their own worldview coupled with an obvious attempt to rewrite history. The article was oddly titled “Don’t misread Darwin: for humans, ‘survival of the fittest’ means being sympathetic.”More… …read more Source:
By Ken Ham We hear from people every day who’ve visited or are visiting our two world-class Christian themed attractions, the Ark Encounter and the Creation Museum. These people come from all over the world and leave raving reviews. One person from Pennsylvania recently visited and posted that the Ark Encounter was “more beautiful and impactful than seeing the Eiffel Tower, the leaning tower of Pisa, Notre Dame, the Statue of Liberty, the Colosseum and any other man made creation” they had personally seen. Here is the full review from JW of Pittsburg, PA: I couldn’t stand not sharing this
By John C. P. Smith The study looks at delineations and definitions of ???? in Scripture, and in lexical and other sources. …read more Source: AIG Daily
Is it a bird? A bat? No, it’s Ambopteryx! Multiple characteristics show that new fossil is likely a bird. …read more Source:
By Ken Ham The Atlantic recently described the initial popularity of so-called secular churches, used as a replacement for the community found in churches. Does it work? …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham In the past, I would hear atheists argue that the Bible supposedly teaches a flat earth, and therefore we can’t trust anything it says about science. But now it’s not just atheists arguing the Bible teaches a flat earth—it’s some Christians, too, who’ve sadly fallen for flat-earth arguments and now believe that’s what the Bible teaches. But does it? The biblical text is meant to be interpreted naturally, according to the genre. No, it doesn’t. Now, flat earthers will frequently bring up poetic passages, such as verses from Psalms or Job, and say those verses teach a
By Ken Ham “This monument is to acknowledge that we know what is happening and what needs to be done. Only you know if we did it.” Those are some of the words featured in “A Letter to the Future,” a memorial to a melted glacier in Iceland. Okjökull, known as Ok, lost its status as a glacier in 2014 due to its shrinking size. The presumed cause of the shrinkage? Man-made climate change. Throughout the article that reports on this melted glacier, these phrases are used, “the first glacier killed by climate change,” “the first casualty of climate change
By Dr. Terry Mortenson Most Christians at least give lip-service to following Christ. But what about His view of the Old Testament? …read more Source: AIG Daily
Despite capability of taking up new sugar, yeast species has not undergone evolution …read more Source: