For more than a century, biologists have appealed to Darwinian natural selection to explain how living organisms adapt to different environments. But research over the last several decades has consistently dethroned Darwin’s view of natural selection. Rather than corroborating the concept that environments mold creatures through “survival of the fittest,” the research supports the astonishing idea that to a great extent creature… More… …read more Source:
By Dr. Danny R. Faulkner Dr. Danny Faulkner evaluates 23 arguments for recent origin for the sun, stars, and galaxies. …read more Source: AIG Daily
Northern Kentucky will host visitors from around the world as the spectacular annual Christmas programs return to the Ark Encounter and the Creation Museum. …read more Source: AIG Daily
[Editorial note: we asked Joe Jordan, a UFOlogist who was featured prominently in our documentary Alien Intrusion: Unmasking a Deception, to write this update to help our readers understand not only why the Alien/UFO phenomenon is relevant to creation/evolution, but also to show how this research is making a real difference in the lives of people who have experienced this often traumatic and distressing phenomenon] UFOlogy: the study of unidentified flying objects and associated extraterrestrial phenomena. UFOlogist: a person who studies unidentified flying objects. Christian UFOlogist: a Christian who studies unidentified flying objects. As a Christian UFOlogist, I have studied the
By Ken Ham A Pew Research Center report confirms what other research has said for years— across the West, Christianity is on the decline, and secularism is on the rise. …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham Technically, Answers in Genesis started in the San Diego, California, area (in January 1994). Now, AiG really started in Australia in our home way back in 1977. But the AiG ministry started in the USA over 25 years ago when three families moved from a temporary office in California to northern Kentucky/Cincinnati with the express purpose of building a Creation Museum. Before we moved out to Kentucky, during the first three months of 1994, we operated out of a small office over 2,000 miles away from Kentucky, where we are now. You can see part of our
By Michael Egnor On this episode of ID the Future, Andrew McDiarmid brings listeners a pair of Michael Egnor responses to atheist biologist Jerry Coyne, who recently argued that if God existed, we’d have sense organs to detect Him. We do have that organ, says Egnor. It’s reason, the means by which we can infer the reality of a designing mind behind nature. Through reason we can infer the unseen from the seen–everything from the existence of unseen electrons to the existence of an unseen intelligent designer from the evidence of design in nature. Egnor notes that while humans have
By Ken Ham If you’ve ever smelled a meteorite, it probably didn’t have much of an aroma. But that’s not the case with the newest addition to the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago. This four-pound visitor from outer space (a rare stony meteorite that is called a carbonaceous chondrite) crashed down in Costa Rica’s Alajuela province back in April. And when scientists received the sample, it smelled distinctly like Brussels sprouts! Why—and what does that have to do with creation and evolution? Well, to answer that question, I’ll share some of the text from the article, answering the
By Troy Lacey The purpose of a recent study was to determine if there was any correlation between the risk of dementia and marital status. What did the results show? …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Dr. Danny R. Faulkner Two recent studies of astronomical interest have been in the news. Both are about planets: one near (Saturn) and one far (K2-18b). …read more Source: AIG Daily
A team has come up with an interesting universal addressing system. But did you know living things have a solution to their own ‘address problem’? …read more Source:
By Ken Ham Our ministry friends (Ray Comfort and staff) over at Living Waters frequently release new films to help equip believers to evangelize and, most importantly, challenge unbelievers with the truth of God’s Word and the gospel. These films are always released, in their entirety, for free on the This film starts with my good friend Ray Comfort asking the question, “What happened to the dinosaurs?” and moves from there to a proclamation of the gospel. Ray is incredibly creative when it comes to engaging people in gospel-centered conversations. In my dinosaur presentation for children, I sometimes refer to
Were Paul’s letters coauthored? And are the resurrection accounts really plausible? Read More
By Simon Turpin What is happening now in western culture is not just the influence of secularism but also the return of ancient paganism (i.e., those who worship creation). …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham In August, over 100 volunteers from across the nation headed to the well-attended (over 1 million guests every year) Iowa State Fair to share the gospel with individuals and families attending the fair. It was a very fruitful time of ministry, with many seeds of truth and the gospel planted in hearts and minds. One of our staff members, Tony, heads up this outreach, and he shared a report with me about this ministry. Answers in Genesis believes the Great Commission is an emphatic GO! Mark 16:15 says, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel
By Bodie Hodge When people reject God as the ultimate authority, then man is attempting to elevate his or her thoughts to a position of authority over God and His Word. …read more Source: AIG Daily
The ability to distinguish the style of a Picasso from a Monet puts a whole new perspective on ‘bird-brainy’ …read more Source:
By Ken Ham What’s the biggest challenge to evolutionary ideas? There are so many things that you could point to—the origin of life, the complexity of a single cell, the language system that is DNA, and so much more. Well, the most recent issue of This article is fascinating—you won’t want to miss it! This newest issue also includes articles on “fishy” evolution, what scientists ignore about climate change, and how reindeer are able to thrive in their frigid home. You’ll also find these articles: Why Do Children Suffer? Only God’s Word can give us answers about suffering—and offer comfort.
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future, Andrew McDiarmid shares biologist Ann Gauger’s recent article on emerging clues to life’s design, and how the “Darwinian Regime” tends to ignore them. One stubborn bit of biological evidence Gauger highlights is the fact that cells can’t make life-essential ATP, NAD, and other metabolic co-factors without having ATP, NAD, and the other co-factors there first. It’s a “daisy chain of causal circularity woven by what must be an intelligent designer,” Gauger comments. Or as she also puts it, “It’s chickens and eggs, all the way down.” Your browser does not
New research goes a long way in explaining how creatures actively sense their environment and adapt to it. One mechanism enables some organisms to track the changing levels of nutrients, hormones, or stress they are exposed to, and then make appropriate responses if and when needed. Andrew Capaldi’s lab at the University of Arizona is responsible for these remarkable findings published in Nature Communications.1 Hi… More… …read more Source:
By Ken Ham Last year, we hosted our first Easter conference at the Ark Encounter, Answering Atheists. Well, it was so popular we decided to host an Answers Easter Conference again next year. This conference, April 9–12, 2020, south of Cincinnati, is tackling an extremely controversial and vital topic—physical and spiritual climate change. We have powerful answers to both physical and spiritual climate change. The media is rife with alarmism regarding climate change—with certain politicians saying the world will end in just twelve years! Young people are reporting being paralyzed by despair and anxiety as they fear the end of
By Ken Ham The claim that ending religion might be a bad thing is not a statement you’d expect to hear from the world’s leading atheist, Richard Dawkins. But he recently made those comments in response to research that shows that people are more likely to behave honestly when they feel they are being watched. He says that without a belief in God, “people may feel free to do bad things because they feel God is no longer watching them,” and it would “give people a licence to do really bad things.” Now, of course, everyone has a religion, so
Is the physical data enough to justify any cosmological theory? …read more Source:
By Scarlett Clay A putrefying animal carcass covered in flies and exuding an odor reminds us of the consequences of sin and the horror of rebellion against our Creator. …read more Source: AIG Daily
In today’s world, having a biblical worldview gives us a unique opportunity to minister to the culture. …read more Source:
By Dr. John H. Whitmore The cross-bedded Coconino Sandstone (lower Permian, Arizona) is often used as a “type” ancient eolian sandstone. …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham What’s on your child’s bookshelf? The books we read to our children can have a huge impact in shaping their views, beliefs, and theology. And for so-called “progressive Christians,” this can be a problem because many children’s books written by Christians are, as they put it, “skewed conservative” (in other words, biblical)—and they don’t want to read them to their children. So they are writing their own, as an article in Religion News Service states, in which several children’s authors were interviewed. But I want to focus on statements made by just one of these authors. …read