By Michael Denton Today’s classic episode of ID the Future shines a light on Australian biochemist Michael Denton’s book, Children of Light: The Astonishing Properties of Sunlight that Make Us Possible. Denton explores the properties of sun and air, both fine-tuned for creatures like us. The book shows how they are crucial parts of the larger story of our fine-tuned place in the cosmos. Or as he puts it in his book, “Whatever the cause and whatever the ultimate explanation, nature appears to be fine-tuned to an astonishing degree for beings of our biology.” Your browser does not support playing
By Dr. Nathaniel T. Jeanson Recent human history represents a novel arena in which to comparatively test evolution and young-earth creation (YEC) against each other. …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Avery Foley The Bible’s great and precious promises are as true during the coronavirus pandemic as they were before it. …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Avery Foley In a time of pandemic, we should remember the surety of trials, the comfort of truth, and timeless tips for the Christian. …read more Source: AIG Daily
Recently, Joshua Rosenfeld made a new attempt to explain an ongoing conundrum in secular geology.1 Although a mystery to those holding to a uniformitarian worldview, it is easily solved by accepting the reality of the global Flood. Rosenfeld, a retired oil geologist, publishing in the April issue of The AAPG Explorer, noted that the controversy over the origin of the Whopper Sand has endured for over 15 years, w… More… …read more Source:
By Ken Ham The global pandemic has turned everyone’s lives upside down in some way. For many, this has meant homeschooling (or, rather, schooling at home) for the first time. Some parents have discovered during this time of “accidental homeschooling” that they love it and want to continue in the fall. Well, if that’s you, or if you’re a veteran homeschooler, we have a resource I think you’ll love to help you on your homeschooling journey. While it’s designed for a church setting, ABC is easily adapted for a homeschool setting. Answers Bible Curriculum is our four-year Sunday school curriculum
How did deep belief in long ages of ‘geological time’ develop in 18th century France? …read more Source:
A fossil spider fooled experts and was published in a scientific journal. Since fossils are often used as weapons in the war of worldviews, what cautionary lessons can be learned? …read more Source:
By Troy Lacey Was Joseph wrong about hiding his identity from his brothers or was his act justified given his long-term plan to preserve his family? …read more Source: AIG Daily
How termites reflect the glory of their Creator. …read more Source:
Biological systems that allow organisms to function, grow, and adapt bear the hallmarks of being exquisitely engineered. These complex systems exhibit the same design principles that human engineers use to create successful machines and devices. Now, a new study has just been published that reveals part of the amazing internal signaling and communication scheme that plants use to synchronize their circadian clocks between shoots and roots.1More… …read more Source:
By Ken Ham Today is Earth Day—and it’s a special Earth Day this year (and not just because it’s falling in the middle of a global pandemic!). It’s special because this year marks the 50th anniversary of the beginning of Earth Day. It began on April 22, 1970, with mass protests against pollution and what was called “environmental ignorance.” That April day is considered the beginning of the modern environmental movement worldwide. How should Christians view this day? Well, we should recognize that those protests back in 1970 did a lot of good. Even though many participating in the protests
By Stephen C. Meyer On this episode of ID the Future, bestselling author and Center for Science and Culture director Stephen Meyer introduces an exciting and informative new Discovery U video course, “Stephen Meyer Investigates Scientific Evidence for Intelligent Design.” Here he sets the stage by recalling a few times when ID made national news headlines, sometimes with Meyer right in the middle of the controversy. He also addresses some of the questions generated by these dustups: Is ID faith-based or science-based? Did the earliest scientists follow ID principles or did they avoid them, as one state education commissioner claimed.
The heavens are expected to declare even more of God’s glory1 this week. Probably early Wednesday morning, the Lyrid meteor shower will peak.2 For those who are socially isolated due to the coronavirus pandemic, this event is an opportunity to enjoy a little more of God’s creation, as well as a reminder that our solar system is young. As comets approach the sun, they lose material as ices in the co… More… …read more Source:
By Ken Ham The Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter in N. Kentucky are home to a variety of animals—camels, kangaroos, sloths, an armadillo, creepy crawlies, a zorse and zonkey, coatis, and more. These animals have delighted our guests and, more than that, have been used to teach the truth of God’s Word regarding animal “kinds.” And, even while we are sadly closed due to the government shutdown concerning the pandemic, we’re still teaching people with daily Facebook Live videos at 3 p.m. (ET) featuring our zookeepers and various animals. Now, God’s Word teaches that we’re to care for creation,
Recently, a new study published in Nature Communications has suggested that pulses of massive amounts of lava can release as much CO2 as humanity will produce for the entire 21st century. This indicates that volcanic activity, especially during the global Flood and right after, likely produced tremendous amounts of CO2 that has far outweighed any produced by humans. This really should be no surprise, … More… …read more Source:
“Were it not for the asteroid, humans would never have evolved,” said Ian Miller, curator of paleobotany and director of earth and space sciences at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science.1 Such is the science of evolution that explains the origin of mankind. Miller and other evolutionists maintain the massive asteroid strike of the Yucatan peninsula (allegedly 66 million years ago) wiped out the dinosaurs… More… …read more Source:
By Dr. Terry Mortenson At some point, everyone struggles with tragedy. Without the Bible’s account of creation, there are no good answers. …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Günter Bechly On this episode of ID the Future, paleontologist Günter Bechly speaks again with host Andrew McDiarmid about the growing case against Darwinian gradualism. Bechly points out two more cases where fossil discoveries refuted Darwin’s prediction of gradualism in species transitions. In one of the classic showcases for such alleged transitions, between two species of deep-sea protists called foraminifera, more recent research showed their speciation to be abrupt and not an ancestor-descendent sequence. And fossil freshwater snails from Germany, once viewed as another textbook example of gradual speciation, were discovered not to be separate species at all. Is
By Ken Ham With the kids (or your grandkids) at home due to the current COVID-19 situation, and with social media and all news outlets covering this pandemic around the clock, I’m sure that almost everyone, including even younger kids have heard of the outbreak and may have hard questions. You want to give them solid biblical authority-based answers. So how do you handle topics like death and suffering for younger children? You want to be sensitive and to break things down into language they can understand. But most important, you want to give them solid biblical authority-based answers. So
By Ken Ham We recently announced an extraordinary deal during this difficult time of the COVID–19 crisis—all six of our Well, hundreds of people have already been taking advantage of this special offer (which is only available until the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum can reopen to the public), and here’s what one woman had to say about the courses: I have to say, I am absolutely loving the course! Thanks to everyone who had a part. It is so wonderfully done and is packed with so much wisdom! I’m so grateful to all of you, for your ministry, and
By Jay W. Richards On this episode of ID the Future, guest host Jay Richards interviews science historian Michael Keas about the new Neil deGrasse Tyson Cosmos television series and its “very impressionistic storytelling.” Starting with an episode titled “Ladder to the Stars,” Cosmos: Possible Worlds weaves a tale of chemical evolution that, according to Keas, fails to engage the tough problems required to build the first self-reproducing biological entity. Keas says it then it moves into a glib explanation for the origin of mind and human intelligence. As Richards and Keas show, evidence takes a back seat to storytelling
Spiders use electric fields in the atmosphere to help them get airborne …read more Source:
The complexities of turning a non-biped ape into something that walks bipedally appears to be totally ignored by evolutionists when they peddle their just-so stories. …read more Source:
By Ken Ham Coronavirus is, of course, now synonymous with a global pandemic. But it’s much more than that to nearly half of Americans—it’s also a wake-up call from God. According to a recent poll, 44% of Americans responded that the COVID-19 coronavirus is a “wake-up call for us to turn back to faith in God.” So is this a wake-up call from God? Well, I want share what Luke 13:4–5 says. Jesus here is responding to a question about why certain people died, and he refers to 18 people who were killed in a tragic accident. Why did they
Paleontologists in Australia have recently discovered a treasure trove of amber with trapped insects, spiders, and fungi.1 These new fossils are revealing some animal behavioral secrets and are creating some baffling mysteries. Amber is ancient tree resin. And many times what is trapped in the amber can provide us with a glimpse of life in the past—like a time capsule. This new discovery, published in Scientifi… More… …read more Source:
By Dr. Danny R. Faulkner How astronomers track Polaris and other Cepheid stars, issues related to the North Star, and how it relates to cosmology in a stellar evolutionary framework. …read more Source: AIG Daily