Tens of thousands of volcano-looking features exist across the northern lowlands and other areas across Mars.1 In the past, these volcanoes were thought to be caused by lava flows from the planet’s interior. However, a new study published in the journal Nature Geoscience has postulated that many of these “volcanoes” may have actually flowed mud, not lava.1 Petr Brož from the Czech A… More… …read more Source: icr.org
By Ken Ham Did you know wedding pictures could be a “microaggression”? Well, apparently, they can be, at least according to two academics! As employees are increasingly working from home during COVID-19, online meeting apps, such as Zoom, are being used more frequently than before. Well, these two academics (one from Michigan State University and one from the University of Colorado, Denver) are worried that the use of these online meeting platforms is “a ripe setting for unconscious bias.” Why? Because someone, they say, might put their wedding photo—of a man and a woman—as their virtual background and “unintentionally reinforce
Are women superior to men because they have one more X chromosome? Read More
A new study published in the journal Gondwana Research has identified a rather out-of-place bone from a theropod dinosaur called an elaphrosaur that apparently didn’t eat meat.1 In fact, it was toothless. Adding to the mystery, it was found in rocks thought by secular scientists to be 40 million years too young.2 Furthermore, the dinosaur was found in a location that is claimed to have been close to t… More… …read more Source: icr.org
By Ken Ham Has the coronavirus brought out the best or the worst in you? I want to share what I’ve observed concerning our supporters, staff, opponents, and others. …read more Source: AIG Daily
We are already contending with the COVID-19 virus and the recent spate of murder hornets in the Pacific Northwest, but now sobering news coming out of Georgia sounds like a B-level horror movie. According to the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, a large invasive lizard—hailing from Guiana to Uruguay in South America—has now been discovered in areas of south Florida and two Georgia counties. The squat-bodied ugly … More… …read more Source: icr.org
Engineering-minded scientists have taken notice that many types of fish have bodies shaped like a low-drag airfoil that are characteristic of airplane wings. Now, a new research study has proven that the engineered mechanics of this design in fish provide optimized movement and thrust for swimming.1 Human-designed airplane wings have a rounded leading edge combined with a smoothly tapered trailing section that is uniquel… More… …read more Source: icr.org
By Ken Ham I’m very excited to announce that our Stargazer Planetarium at the Creation Museum has been completely renovated and is now ready for our reopening on June 8, 2020! We’ve had a planetarium since shortly after the Creation Museum opened in 2007, and it was time for a major upgrade with the latest cutting-edge technology. So in January, our fabricators began the job of expanding and totally refurbishing the planetarium. Actually, it was a total rebuild! Now it’s ready for our guests, and it’s incredible! <img …read more Source: Ken Ham AIG
How to respond to a college student’s loss of faith. …read more Source: creation.com
Astronomers have determined that a distant galaxy discovered three years ago is rotating, making it the most distant rotating disk galaxy yet observed.1 This disk galaxy has been designated DLA0817g, but has been nicknamed the “Wolfe Disk,” after the late astronomer Arthur M. Wolfe. Astronomers used the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), a collection of sixty-six radio telescopes in northern Chile, to veri… More… …read more Source: icr.org
By Ken Ham The June 8th re-opening date of the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum is fast approaching—only 17 days now! We greatly look forward to the impact that these attractions will have in the months and years ahead. So many of you have helped to preserve this ministry during these days of seeming uncertainty. (The days were never uncertain to God, though; in fact, he has shown his amazing goodness and blessing throughout these challenging days.) In mid-March, when the revenue from the Ark and the Creation Museum stopped overnight, so many of you responded. You’ve prayed without ceasing.
By Simon Turpin Biblical scholar John Walton asserts Noah is the “one man” that Paul refers to in his address to the Athenians in Acts 17:26. But is he correct? …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Dr. Danny R. Faulkner There has been discussion whether Pluto once had or perhaps still does have a subsurface layer of liquid water. Why would Pluto have water? …read more Source: AIG Daily
Living out the faith in a Christless culture. Read More
A review of Four Views on Creation, Evolution, and Intelligent Design …read more Source: creation.com
How can we explain this likely interstellar object from a biblical perspective? …read more Source: creation.com
This year marks the 40th Anniversary of the eruption of Mt. St. Helens. Join Eric Hovind, Dr. Steve Austin, Paul Taylor and Jay Seegert in a live interactive event showing the latest evidence of Mt. St. Helens. – Is Mt. St. Helens evidence of the Worldwide Flood? – How has Mt. St. Helens recovered? – What are Creationists doing for the 40th Anniversary of this event? This will be a webinar format and we will invite people to join by audio with questions for the speakers. It will be held on Jun 7, 2020 at 7PM Central time. Click Here
A recent study conducted by researchers from Harvard University found that deaths from despair are significantly less common among healthcare workers who regularly attend religious services.1 A “death from despair” was defined as one related to alcohol, drugs, or suicide. They summarized their findings in the journal JAMA Psychiatry: In this cohort st… More… …read more Source: icr.org
Researchers are now seeking to broaden the spectrum of colors typically represented in manmade products, the BBC reports.1 Experts in the color industry have had a longstanding, behind-the-scenes impact on the colors of clothing, house décor, advertising, product packaging, and countless other aspects of our lives. They have painstakingly studied and formulated ways to bring certain colors into mass production. Th… More… …read more Source: icr.org
‘Primitive’? A ‘hodge-podge of leftovers’? Or something else? …read more Source: creation.com
By Ken Ham I’m very excited to announce the return of a very popular offer—one I didn’t think we’d be offering again! But many of our supporters have been asking for it, so we decided to bring it back for a limited time because of the COVID-19 situation. What am I talking about? Lifetime boarding passes to the Ark Encounter and the Creation Museum! It’s your all-in-one access to both of these incredible attractions—for life! Offered in both an individual or family option, the boarding pass provides lifetime admission for you or you and your immediate family to both the
The beginning of modern-style plate tectonics is another unsolved mystery in uniformitarian geology. No secular geologist seems to have a good answer. Some have even speculated that massive meteorites or large mantle plumes could have started the plates moving, but there is little physical evidence to support either.1 Recently, another attempt was made to solve this mystery. A new study published in Science AdvancesMore… …read more Source: icr.org
The May 2020 issue of Astronomy magazine asks what might have once been seen as an unthinkable question: Is the Big Bang in Crisis?1 The article cites four major problems with the model: 1) that the Big Bang implies that 95% of the universe’s content is unknown to us, 2) the inability of the Big Bang to explain the enormous matter/antimatter imbalance in the universe, 3) the nature of cosmic inflation that was “tac… More… …read more Source: icr.org
By Tim Chaffey Get answers to questions regarding the Christ’s resurrection and its relationship to the Old Testament. …read more Source: AIG Daily
John Walton’s claim that Genesis 1 is exclusively about functional creation is considered and critiqued. …read more Source: creation.com
Does a new analysis undermine ‘exotic neutrinos’ as dark matter or not? …read more Source: creation.com
By Ken Ham As the lockdowns and social-distancing requirements continue to drag on during COVID-19, many families are looking for new things to do and are learning to make the most of this time (or to just distract themselves from boredom!). Well, we have resources your teens will love that will equip them to think biblically, refute evolutionary ideas, and better understand science, social issues, and more through the lens of God’s Word. What do I recommend for teens? Here are my top four suggestions for them (but there are hundreds more resources at AnswersBookstore.com): Replacing Darwin and Replacing Darwin