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Creation magazine can help us see how Scripture answers life’s most important questions. Read More
Did God create destructive parasites? …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham Climates have changed throughout the past, most dramatically after the Flood with an ice age that affected much of the globe. But what caused these climate changes, when were they, and what do they have to do with today’s climate change (if anything)? Well, how you answer those questions is determined by your worldview. Worldview determines interpretation—we’ve said that many times before. It’s true with topics like creation/evolution, the age of the earth, and even morality and social issues. And it’s also true when it comes to climate change as a recent blog published by Quanta Magazine [More]
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future, Andrew McDiarmid interviews Robert Alston, Ph.D electrical engineer working at Picatinny Arsenal and co-author of the new book Evolution and Intelligent Design in a Nutshell. The two discuss the origin of the Nutshell book and the origin and fine tuning of the universe. Though cosmic fine tuning is often referred to as “the fine tuning problem,” Alston says it’s really no problem at all — not unless you’re trying to shoehorn it into the box of philosophical materialism. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or [More]
Some liberal scholars are advancing a ‘lewd hypothesis’ about the description of Job’s behemoth in Job 40:17. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham Did small mammals scavenge dinosaur bones? A new study looked at tiny bite marks on the bones of massive long-necked dinosaurs, the sauropods, and concluded small scavenging mammals gnawed away at the bones. This makes sense within the context of the global flood. Eventually, rising floodwaters buried those remains, drowning and perhaps burying the scavengers along with them. As the floodwaters rose, dinosaurs and other creatures were drowned. Some were rapidly buried by the sediments carried in the water. Others drowned, and their decaying carcasses washed up on shore, where scavengers nibbled on a free meal. Eventually, [More]
By Ken Ham Creation vs. evolution—does it matter what we believe? How old is the earth? Can we trust the Bible’s account of origins? Find answers to questions like these from Joe Owen, the director of Answers in Genesis Latin America. Joe lives northwest of Mexico City, Mexico, and is fluent in Spanish and English. He will be presenting in Spanish on September 26, 2020, in the Answers Center at the Ark Encounter here in N. Kentucky to all of our Día Latino attendees. I will also be presenting (my talk will be translated into Spanish). It’s going to be [More]
By Dr. Jason Lisle Many Christians have bought into the idea of extraterrestrial alien life. But is this idea really biblical? …read more Source: AIG Daily     
British bio-scientist Denis Alexander reads evolution into the Bible, but this forces him to reinterpret fundamental biblical doctrines like an originally perfect Creation, the Fall and Christ’s Atonement. …read more Source: creation.com     
What effect did long-lived men having children have on human genetic diversity? …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham Truly biblical worldview teaching matters—it’s this kind of teaching in homes, churches, and Christian schools that impacts generations for eternity. We recently ran an article about the importance of a “creation education” and how teaching a literal Genesis increases the likelihood that a child will believe orthodox Christian teachings as they grow up. Well, I know a great biblical worldview school that is laying this rock-solid foundation for students—Twelve Stones Christian Academy. Twelve Stones is Answers in Genesis’ unique biblical worldview school. Currently offering K–9th grade, Twelve Stones in N. Kentucky teaches children and young people with [More]
By Brandon Clay Fundamentally, there are only two worldviews: God’s way and man’s way—and every variation of man’s way holds to three basic themes. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Melinda Christian The words “slug” and “festive display of color” don’t usually come to mind at the same time. Fun facts about nudibranchs or sea slugs. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
If you were standing in a field of tomatoes, you might be surprised to know that the soil underneath your feet is teeming with electrical signals being sent among plants as described in a new research study.1 These results continue to expand the startling complexity of plant adaptation and point directly to an Omnipotent Creator who engineered it all. In 2013, a study was published showing that plants signaled each other… More… …read more Source: icr.org     
By Ken Ham God’s creation is incredible—everywhere we look, we see his fingerprints on what he has made. And you can learn more about God’s creation and marvel at the One who made it all with Peter Schriemer, a filmmaker who recently joined the Answers in Genesis staff—moving here to Northern Kentucky to produce a nature program for Answers TV called Hike and Seek. These programs are the same quality as documentaries you see on secular television programs, except they’re presented with a creationist/Christian worldview. <!– –> …read more Source: Ken Ham AIG     
By William Worraker The biblical and scientific arguments for a pre-Flood vapour canopy do not support the theory. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
Recent research from the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST) continues to highlight how evolutionary theory influenced scientists to foolishly conclude that DNA in organisms not used to code for proteins (termed “non-coding” DNA) is useless “junk.” A press release highlighted an OIST scientist’s paper published in Nature Communications that identified a specific genomic reg… More… …read more Source: icr.org     
By Ken Ham Between the world-class and fascinating exhibits, gorgeous gardens and grounds, playgrounds, zoo animals, daily presentations, Discover programs, and more, there’s always something to do at the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum in N. Kentucky—the two leading Christian themed attractions in the world. And that’s why some of our visitors are frequent guests—like one gentleman who left a comment on one of our Facebook pages. He writes: I live about 8 miles away [from the Ark Encounter] and try to attend as many of the teachings that take place at the Answers Center as my schedule allows. I [More]
Both amateur and professional stargazers have an opportunity to see a little more of God’s glory revealed in the heavens1 next week. The Perseid meteor shower is probably the best of all the annual meteor showers, and it is scheduled to put on a “peak performance” in the early morning hours of Monday through Wednesday, August 12-13.2 Meteor showers are caused by comets. When comets approach t… More… …read more Source: icr.org     
Are scientists always objective? Do they always interpret the evidence with an open mind? Some time ago I experienced first-hand how a scientist’s beliefs affect the way he looks at the evidence. Whilst a geology student at university, I needed to identify a fossil. After consulting the Atlas of Invertebrate Macrofossils 1 I had tentatively identified it as a belemnite2 of the genus Hibolites. However, paleontology was not my specialty so I sought advice from an expert. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham In the midst of the darkness of our world, God is still saving people! By his Holy Spirit, he is using believers, churches, and Christian outreaches to reach people with the gospel message and see them brought to a saving knowledge of his Son. And we recently received a testimony from someone who God saved after he visited the Ark Encounter. The following gentleman donated to the ministry and one of our teams reached out to him to say thank you and ask how we as a ministry could be praying for him. He then wrote this [More]
By Ken Ham If someone told you, “Oh, I believe in Genesis,” would you assume they likely meant that they believe Genesis is history, written and inspired by God, and an eyewitness account of creation and the early events of history? Well, BioLogos (the leading “evolutionary creation” group) recently released a video titled “Genesis” that says, “Oh, I believe in Genesis,” while they demonstrate that they don’t actually believe in Genesis. Now, keep in mind the mission of BioLogos is to infiltrate churches and all Christian institutions (e.g., colleges) to try to get everyone to believe evolution! This song is [More]
By Sarah Chaffee This episode of ID the Future features Darwin Devolves author Michael Behe. The Lehigh University biologist and Discovery Institute Senior Fellow sat down to answer some of the most common questions put to him about evolution and intelligent design, and here we collect his answers to three of those questions: (1) What are some new examples of irreducibly complex systems? (2) What are some objections to ID from well-known critics? And (3) Why aren’t you convinced by theistic evolution arguments? Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic [More]
By Harry F. Sanders, III Is creation education vital to a healthy Christian faith? What do statistics show? …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Dr. Benjamin Shaw How to read Genesis in the original language while considering vocabulary, grammar, syntax, and common translation issues in the first book of Moses. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
We answer the question: Was the Bible’s text updated by later scribes? Read More
By Ken Ham It was with great disappointment back in the spring that we canceled all of our spring programs at the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter due to the response to the pandemic. But we’re very excited that a number of fall programs will be offered (albeit with new policies in place to ensure every guest has a safe visit). Join us this fall for Día Latino, Deaf Days, Answers for Pastors and Leaders, and Creation College Expo. Día Latino, September 26–27, 2020. Tour the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum, enjoy our brand-new exhibits, zoos, playgrounds, and more. Spanish [More]