By Ken Ham Do you agree that 2 + 2 = 4? Well, according to several math educators and professors at certain American universities, that statement is nothing more than a “trope” that “reeks of white supremacy patriarchy.” Apparently, “the idea of math being culturally neutral” is a “myth.” This is the kind of ridiculous nonsense that’s being taught at secular universities by people who are trained academics. A verse comes to mind: “Claiming to be wise, they became fools” (Romans 1:22). If your child or grandchild is looking ahead to higher education, we have a better option for them
By Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell Countless people have been convinced by the wonders of the developing embryo—falsely portrayed—that evolution must be true. Why is this falsified idea still accepted by many teachers and scientists? …read more Source: AIG Daily
These geological structures form much more quickly than was thought! …read more Source:
By Ken Ham “What’s wrong with America,” the host of a recent TV news program wondered. Well, I have always taken the principle of the warning to the watchman in the book of Ezekiel very seriously: Whenever you hear a word from my mouth, you shall give them warning from me. If I say to the wicked, O wicked one, you shall surely die, and you do not speak to warn the wicked to turn from his way, that wicked person shall die in his iniquity, but his blood I will require at your hand. But if you warn the
By Emily Kurlinski On this episode of ID the Future, host Emily Kurlinski interviews “Mary,” a PhD biochemistry student who tells about her experiences at the annual Center for Science and Culture’s summer seminar program in Seattle, and how her relationships there developed into a community of friendship, professional connection, and support. What about the charge that ID is a “curiosity killer,” tempting scientists to answer every natural mystery with a shrug and a “God did it”? Mary says ID had just the opposite effect on her. Her pro-design perspective actually led her to choose a career in research, and
By Ken Ham Until very recently the statement that male and female are “real biological categories” wouldn’t have raised an eyebrow. Most of society, academia, and even the political arena accepted without question that there are two sexes/genders—male and female. But now, what was formerly a benign statement about an obvious reality will end your career. At least, that’s what happened to one evolutionary biologist. [Wright] claims he can no longer find work in academia because he’s been labeled a transphobe or as holding ideas simply too dangerous to risk guilt by association. Colin Wright—an outspoken critic of creation and
By Bodie Hodge Many people call themselves Christians, but their words and actions are grossly unchristian. How should we respond? Bodie Hodge explains. …read more Source: AIG Daily
A reader takes exception with our statement that animals are not spiritually alive. …read more Source:
By Ken Ham How old is the universe? Well, we can know for sure, but I’ll get to that in a moment. But from a secular standpoint, the answer to that question depends on which study you read—because they can’t agree! Here’s what I mean. One study, of which the popular summary was published July 15, 2020, claims the universe is 13.8 billion years old. They based this age on “the best image of the infant universe.” So they used what they call the “oldest light” to determine the age of the universe—and they’re confident it’s 13.8 billion years old.
It’s true that cats have an uncanny ability to land on their feet. But that doesn’t make them invulnerable. …read more Source:
By Hannah Klein In seeking to interpret the natural world through the lens of Scripture, a correctunderstanding of the Fall and its effects on the physical creation is essential. …read more Source: AIG Daily
Evolution cross-examined in the dock. A British lawyer prosecutes his case against neo-Darwinian evolution. …read more Source:
By Ken Ham God’s Design for Science. Designed for grades 3–8, this science curriculum meets all your elementary and middle school science needs. Bonus: it’s designed to be multi-level, so it’s easy to use with multiple children of different ages, saving you time, teaching, and money. A God’s Design for Beginners is also available for kindergartners through second graders. Introduction to Anatomy & Physiology. Explore the marvel of the “fearfully and wonderfully made” human body (Psalm 139) with this intro to anatomy and physiology by my dear friend, the late Tommy Mitchell, M.D. This curriculum is designed for junior high.
Once again, results are better when aquaculture imitates the natural life cycle of Atlantic salmon.1,2 In other words, the closer fish farmers get to imitating God’s natural program for anadromous fish life cycles, the healthier it is for the fish being farmed.3 This is no surprise for biblical creationists, but this has been a new learning experience for secular scientists. More… …read more Source:
By Jay W. Richards On this episode of ID the Future, host Jay Richards concludes his multi-episode conversation with science historian Michael Keas about the 2020 National Geographic series Cosmos: Possible Worlds. The two discuss a schizophrenia at the heart of the series–dour atheistic materialism one moment and gauzy, feel-good pantheism the next. Richards and Keas agree that if there’s one good thing to come of the series’ final episode,it’s that it brings the pantheistic religious mythology of the Cosmos franchise into the open. Everything comes together in a message that includes a creation myth, a story of sin (ecological
By Ken Ham Why should we start our thinking with the Bible? How can we know the Bible is true? Of all the books in the world, why use the Bible? Get answers at a special online conference event from our friends at the ministry of Living Waters, Saturday, August 29, 2020, from 12–5 p.m. (ET). This conference features my good friend Ray Comfort, me, and many others. You’ll get answers to questions such as these: How can we know the Bible was inspired by God? Why is it reliable? Is God a “moral monster”? This online event is structured
Did Modigliani’s striking lizard—a variety of Agamidae “dragon lizard”—go extinct, or has it just been hiding in Indonesia for 129 years? Recently, this sneaky reptile was discovered lying dead near a volcanic caldera in part of North Sumatra (in Indonesia). This proves that the nose-horned striking lizard has been hiding, sheltering in its place, unseen (by people) for more than a century. Yet we now … More… …read more Source:
Did people believe in apemen before Darwin? …read more Source:
By Ken Ham Okay, I have some very exciting news for you—something really big (I mean really, really big) is coming to the Ark Encounter. But I can’t tell you what it is just yet! You have to wait until the “big reveal” on Tuesday, August 18, 2020 at noon ET. We will be making this exciting announcement via a Facebook Live broadcast from the Ark Encounter. You won’t want to miss it! What I can tell you about this exciting announcement is that you’re going to want to get an annual pass for 2021 so you don’t miss any
By Ken Ham My friend Dr. Charles Ware, a man of “the darker hue” as he says, has an intense passion for equipping the church to deal with the race issue from the perspective of grace—not race—relations. (Because there’s only one human race—Adam’s race). He shares deep biblical truth in such a passionate way, you can’t help but be moved by what he shares. And six of his grace relations presentations are coming to our streaming platform, Answers TV, throughout August. Dr. Ware and I …read more Source: Ken Ham AIG
Have you heard about ICR’s new President and Chief Operating Officer, Dr. Randy Guliuzza? What can we learn from an old prayer? Is creation evidence ambiguous? What are people saying about their experience at the ICR Discovery Center for Science & Earth History? Discover the answers to these questions and more in the August 2020 issue of Acts & Facts! …read more Source:
By Dr. Gordon Wilson The forest is full of unseen wonders. Consider just one common type of fungus on the forest floor. …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham Forget everything you’ve heard about overpopulation depleting the earth of resources and warming the atmosphere, causing catastrophic change (after all, none of those apocalyptic predictions have come to fruition). The new threat to humanity? Population collapse. The global fertility rate has declined dramatically since the 1950s, and if these “jaw-dropping” trends continue, 23 nations are expected to see their populations cut in half by 2100. A new study found that falling fertility rates around the globe will lead to shrinking populations by the end of this century. The global fertility rate has declined dramatically since the 1950s,
Responding to recent William Lane Craig statements about creation and the historical Adam and Eve. …read more Source:
Using computer simulations, a team of researchers has concluded the planet Venus could still be geologically active.1,2 The scientists used computers to simulate the formation of coronae—ring-shaped, volcanic structures on the planet’s surface. By comparing the results of their simulations to images taken by spacecraft, they concluded that at least 37 coronae have been recently active.2 La… More… …read more Source:
By Simon Turpin Job 41 certainly describes Leviathan as a real creature that only the God of creation could master. …read more Source: AIG Daily
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