By Günter Bechly On today’s ID the Future, German paleontologist Günter Bechly unpacks what Charles Darwin referred to as an “abominable mystery,” the sudden appearance in the fossil record of a certain group of flowering plants. It was a mystery to Darwin because according to his theory, there should have been a long succession of precursors gradually evolving toward the flowering plants of the Cretaceous. Bechly and host Eric Anderson focus their conversation around a recent paper by Richard Buggs in the American Journal of Botany showing that the problem for evolutionary theory has actually grown more acute since Darwin’s
Western belief in ‘deep time’ first appeared in 17th and 18th century France …read more Source:
By Ken Ham Tomorrow is an anniversary. What happened on February 24, 150 years ago? Charles Darwin published The Descent of Man, arguing for the common descent of man from an ape-like ancestor and our supposed relation to the great apes. Sadly, this unbiblical and non-scientific idea was adopted by many scientists, laypeople, and even Christians at that time . . . and that continues today. But Darwin’s ideas were wrong then and they’re wrong today! Darwin’s ideas were wrong then and they’re wrong today! We’ve posted several articles over the last few weeks regarding Darwin and his unbiblical, unscientific
Various old-earth positions have loads of trouble figuring out why God put animals on the ark! …read more Source:
By Winston Ewert On this ID The Future from the vault, Robert J. Marks and Winston Ewert, both of the Evolutionary Informatics Lab, continue their conversation about three of their recently published papers dealing with evolution, biological information, and what is known as algorithmic specified complexity. In this final podcast of the series, Dr. Ewert explains the role of context in measuring meaning in images. A non-humanoid gelatinous alien might assign no meaning to the faces on Mount Rushmore if the alien had never seen a humanoid. But humans, and especially humans familiar with major figures in American history, have
By Ken Ham Here in Northern Kentucky we’re having the coldest week of the winter so far (and I know other states are currently in a cold snap), so I thought it was a good time to mention what will be here before we know it—summer and Vacation Bible School programs! Our Answers VBS theme this year is Mystery Island, so start thinking of sandy beaches, warm sun, and tropical flowers! The message of this VBS is vital in today’s increasingly secular anti-God culture. Children will learn who the one true God is and all about his attributes. The message
By Ken Ham A whopping 74% of young adults (“Gen Z”) in the United States hold to “moral relativism,” the belief that what’s right and wrong changes over time and with society. Sadly, many young people in the church also hold to such a belief. How do we disciple children so they will know and trust God’s Word, starting with the Bible as the foundation for their thinking? Well, it starts with them knowing what’s in God’s Word, understanding sound doctrine, and learning how to think foundationally. And that’s what we teach with Answers Bible Curriculum for Homeschool. This curriculum
A comparison of morphology-based and genomics-based approaches to understanding the created kinds. …read more Source:
By Jay Richards On this ID the Future philosopher Jay Richards responds to Mark Vernon’s charge that intelligent design is bad theology. No, Richards says, the charge itself is based on bad theology, bad reasoning, and a faulty understanding of both intelligent design theory and theism. First, the theory of intelligent design doesn’t specify the identify of a designer or the specific means of causation. It merely makes an argument to intelligent design as the best explanation for certain features of the natural world. Second, even if it did involve arguing that the designer was God and that God had
By Ken Ham It’s not often you have a beauty queen and football star visiting the Ark Encounter on the same day! Well, they’re married. Who am I talking about? Heisman Trophy-winning football player Tim Tebow and his wife, Miss Universe 2017, Demi-Leigh, originally from South Africa. They both visited the Ark Encounter recently and loved it! I enjoyed giving this couple a private tour (as I’ve done for many people over the years) of the life-size Noah’s Ark while the Ark was closed to the public (we are closed Sunday–Tuesday until March 10). I happened to be at the
By Ken Ham Coelacanths aren’t likely to win a beauty contest anytime soon. Featuring dull coloration and white spots, these six-foot-long fish make their home in rocky outcroppings in the deep ocean. Even though they aren’t the flashiest of fish, they might win for being among the most unique, coming equipped with armored scales, paired lobed fins that move in a synchronized fashion (like a helicopter in water!), a hinged skull, an electro-sensory system, and a hollow oil-filled “notochord” backbone. Oh, and they’re also considered “living fossils.” What is a “living fossil”? This term typically describes a living organism that
By Jonathan Wells On this ID The Future from the vault, Casey Luskin interviews biologist Jonathan Wells about evolution, intelligent design, scientific revolutions and historian of science Thomas Kuhn. Kuhn argued from the history of science that reigning scientific paradigms do not give way gently and rationally before new and conflicting evidence; instead, the proponents of the old paradigm tend to dig in their heels and resist till the bitter end. Wells sees this dynamic at work with the reigning paradigm in origins biology, the modern theory of evolution, now challenged by the theory of intelligent design. Wells describes examples
By Dr. Nathaniel T. Jeanson Genetics confirms the recent, supernatural creation of Adam and Eve and refutes the evolutionary narrative on human origins. …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Geoffrey Simmons On this ID The Future from the vault, Casey Luskin interviews CSC fellow and physician Geoffrey Simmons on what led him from card-carrying Darwinist to Darwin skeptic. Simmons has a BS in biology; coursework completed for an MS in microbiology, University of Illinois; an M.D., University of Illinois Medical School; Internship and Residency in Internal Medicine, LAC-USC Medical Center; Boarded in Internal Medicine since 1974. He is the author of several books, including What Darwin Didn’t Know (2004), Billions of Missing Links (2007), and Are We Here to Re-Create Ourselves?: The Convergence of Designs (2019). Source …read
By Ken Ham I wanted you all to meet Henry. He is 7 years old and is in second grade at a Christian school in Pennsylvania. I recently met Henry when I was speaking at Calvary Chapel of Delaware County in PA. Henry wanted to meet me because he is “a Ken Ham fan!” Henry’s mother told me they have been to the We need many more like Henry to be trained up to proclaim God’s Word in this increasingly secularized culture. Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,Ken This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research
Are Christians exempt from work, or on the contrary, called to work, unto the Lord? Our work ethics are rooted in the book of Genesis. …read more Source:
The takeoff and flight of butterflies has long been derided by evolutionists as being an unstable and inefficient product of evolution. However, a new study has shown that the spectacular complexity and efficiency of butterfly wing design is an optimized system worthy of emulating in a new generation of flying robotic drones.1 Butterflies fluttering around a sunny garden grab our curiosity and fascinate us like no other … More… …read more Source:
Answering an interesting question about whether the Ancient Egyptians knew about Adam’s genealogies up to Noah and Mizraim. …read more Source:
By Ken Ham Gen Z—today’s teenagers and young adults—are the most atheistic generation yet in America, according to George Barna. Given that, it’s not surprising that a new study found that “moral relativism” (“morally right and wrong changes over time, based on society”) is the belief of a whopping 74% of young adults in the US. A majority (65%) also believe “many religions can lead to eternal life.” Our very relativistic culture—which is just getting more and more relativistic each year—reminds me of Judges 21:25, “In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in
An interesting article1 on caught my attention. Its title is “Solved: The Mystery of the Expansion of the Universe.” But this can be misleading. The material covered really does not solve the problem of how the universe purportedly came to be expanding in the first place.2 However, it does attempt to solve a computational difference between two different methods of calculating an important number in c… More… …read more Source:
For those with eyes to see, a new Attenborough series conveys much biblical truth …read more Source:
By Ken Ham What’s significant about February 24? Ok, a test for you. Is the following fact or fiction? An edict banned church services and ordered the destruction of Scripture and churches. There was strong persecution for failure to obey. Later edicts commanded that pastors be arrested. Beheadings and burnings were the common punishments for disobeying the edict, but that depended on the creativity and cruelty of the particular governor of the region. Well, the above is fact! The first Roman edict for this situation was issued on February 24, 303. While the edict was issued by Diocletian, his subordinate
How the Egyptian pyramids fit into the true biblical history …read more Source:
By Bill Dembski On this ID the Future, intelligent design pioneer William Dembski talks with host Robert Crowther about his return to the intelligent design arena and what he’s been up to during his time away from the front lines of the ID movement. He also gives a sneak preview of the talk he plans to give at this Saturday’s Dallas Conference on Science and Faith. The February 20 conference is open to both in-person and live online attendance. To learn more about this exciting event, and to register, go here. Source …read more Source: id the future
We explain why CMI is not interested in entertaining ‘electric universe’ ideas. …read more Source:
By Ken Ham Well, 2021 has already been a very exciting year for our Answers Bible Curriculum team! Just a few weeks ago, they launched Answers Bible Curriculum for Homeschool, a completely rewritten curriculum based on our ABC for Sunday School, to be used in an at-home setting. And now they’re excited to announce a big development for ABC Sunday School users—ABC has gone digital! This Sunday school curriculum is utterly unique. It goes through the entire Bible chronologically in four years, teaching apologetics, biblical authority, Christian worldview, and sound doctrine to children (beginning in preschool), teens, and adults. …read
By Dr. Terry Mortenson Grudem is making the same biblical and theological errors that theistic evolutionists make. To be biblically consistent, he must abandon his old-earth position. …read more Source: AIG Daily