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By Ken Ham Religious persecution is already here in the West—and it’s increasing. Now, some Christians will cry “foul” on this, pointing to the much worse religious persecution currently happening in countries such as China. But intense persecution doesn’t usually begin overnight—it begins with small acts of persecution and discrimination, such as that which recently took place in Finland. Once such “doors” are opened, then they are pushed open more and more over time. This MP is now being charged with three hate crime counts and can face up to six years in prison if convicted—for speaking the truth about [More]
Is science independent of Scripture? …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham The world tries to make humans equal in many different areas. So, are we all equal? What is true equality? 1. Biologically Really, the modern LGBTQ movement is a push to make humans equal biologically. Supposedly, males can be females, and females can be males. However, biologically (and genetically), males and females are different. Our sex chromosomes confirm what God stated in his Word that “from the beginning of creation, ‘God made them male and female’” (Mark 10:6). Women bear children—men cannot. Certainly there are many things men and women can equally do, but the Bible makes [More]
In Walton’s view no one can truly understand the meaning of Genesis 1-3 unless they view the text through worldview lenses informed by Ancient Near East literature. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Eric Hedin On today’s ID the Future, host Eric Anderson sits down with Canceled Science* author and physicist Eric Hedin to discuss Hedin’s new book and, in particular, the book’s take on the origin-of-life problem. Hedin says the second law of thermodynamics poses a serious problem for the idea of a mindless origin of the first single-celled organism from prebiotic materials. Such an event would have involved a breathtaking increase in new information, and Hedin says that physics tells us pretty clearly that mindless nature degrades information; it doesn’t create it. Are there workarounds? Listen in as he explains [More]
By Avery Foley I asked Avery Foley, a writer and speaker with Answers in Genesis, to interview my wife, Mally, on her perspective of the history of the AiG ministry and the Ham family. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham Chapter 1 of One Race One Blood: How Darwinian evolution inspired new forms of racism in Western civilization, resulting in untold human suffering and destruction …read more Source: AIG Daily     
Are disagreements among creation researchers reason to doubt biblical creation? …read more Source: creation.com     
The encouraging story of an “ordinary Christian” who influenced her denomination to re-affirm their biblical stance on creation. …read more Source: creation.com     
The largest volcano on Earth erupted catastrophically …read more Source: creation.com     
By Perry McDorman How God gifted the strawberry poison dart frogs in Central America to care for their young pollywogs from hatching until their metamorphosis is complete …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham Take a faith-building “walk through the Bible” with devotionals by Mike and Libby Wild, veteran missionaries to unreached people living deep in the jungles of Asia Pacific. They have a passion for presenting people with a clear, chronological study of the Bible, and we’ve just released the second in their five-book devotional series, You may know Mike and Libby as “mom and dad” in the popular DVD series The Wild Brothers, which gives you a glimpse into missionary life from their kids’ perspectives. And now you can enjoy insights from the Wild brothers’ parents (Mike and Libby) [More]
By Matt Dawson Several archaeological finds are indirect evidences which build a cumulative case supporting the biblical account of Jesus’s resurrection. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
How could the ice sheets have lasted millions of years with so little erosion underneath them? …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham Earlier this year our Answers News team covered a story regarding Bethany Christian Services, one of the largest adoption agencies in the US. Bethany had expanded its services to include LGBTQ couples, all in the name of serving children. But that decision wasn’t really about the best welfare of children—they abandoned the authority of God’s Word regarding God’s good design for marriage and family and bowed to the cultural narrative. And they’ve done so yet again, in similarly egregious fashion. Bringing Back “Racial Discrimination” Citing a “long journey toward becoming an anti-racist organization,” Bethany is openly advocating [More]
By Herman B. Bouma On this classic ID the Future, attorney Herman Bouma tells host Sarah Chaffee the story of how his talk at a National Association of Science Teachers conference was canceled at the last minute. His planned talk highlighted how Darwin’s The Origin of Species set an example of engaging one’s scientific critics with civility and reason. The talk was accepted but then three conference officials shut him down the morning he arrived to set up for the talk, accusing him of promoting fake science. Darwin wrote that “I look with confidence to the future, to young and [More]
Ireland finally has some dinosaur fossils of its own.1 The ground-breaking discovery came as a bit of a surprise, however, as the bones were found in marine rocks! This has left secular scientists a bit baffled. But the mystery vanishes if it’s accepted that these fossils and rocks were deposited during the global Flood. In fact, that’s what creationists expected! Most of Ireland has sedimentary rocks that we… More… …read more Source: icr.org     
By Ken Ham To the mothers in the dozens of countries that celebrate the day: Happy Mother’s Day! Mothers play such a vital role in their family’s training and instruction of children. We are so thankful for the many dedicated moms who work hard to do their part to instill a biblical worldview, knowledge of God’s Word, and the gospel in little hearts and minds. So as our thanks to you today, we’re offering you three free gifts. The first gift for you is a chapter from my book Will They Stand?. This is a highly unique chapter, as it [More]
By Troy Lacey Explanation for how Samson could have struck 1,000 men given his superhuman strength, terrain advantage, battle confusion, and presence of a “neutral” party …read more Source: AIG Daily     
Ever had a blood test? Along with a value measured, there are also the normal max/min limits for that value. This implies that the body normally controls that quantity between those limits. How does it do that? It measures the value and produces more or less of that quantity based on the value measured. This is called a control loop. There are hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions, of control loops in the human body.More… …read more Source: icr.org     
By Stephen C. Meyer Today’s ID the Future episode features excerpts from a lively conversation with Frank Turek as host and Stephen Meyer as guest. The focus: Meyer’s new USA Today bestseller, Return of the God Hypothesis: Three Scientific Discoveries that Reveal the Mind Behind the Universe.* The two discuss the new book, and Meyer fields questions from the audience. The conversation originally appeared on Turek’s national radio show, CrossExamined, and the excerpts from that longer interview are used here with permission. (*As an Amazon Associate, Discovery Institute earns from qualifying purchases.) Source …read more Source: id the future     
By Troy Lacey Addressing a concern about the name of our bookstore at the Creation Museum and how the Bible categorizes dragons and other animals …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham If you never learn to drive, don’t buy a dog, and never buy a new pair of jeans, can you have a baby? Well, the author of a recent Vogue article says . . . “maybe.” The article was titled “Is Having a Baby in 2021 Pure Environmental Vandalism?” In it, the author—a self-described “scientifically-engaged person”—shares how she “worried feverishly” about the strain of a baby on the planet and if her child would want to live in a world where “we have perhaps just another 60 harvests left before our overworked soil gives out and we [More]
By Brian Miller On today’s ID the Future, physicist Brian Miller continues his conversation with host Eric Anderson. Here they explore more problems facing the idea that life began as strings of RNA. In their discussion of the RNA World Hypothesis and the origin of life generally, they touch on ideas advanced by Jeremy England, Jack Shostak, Nick Lane, Helen Hansma, and others. One of several big problems with the RNA-first hypothesis underscored by Miller and Anderson: For it to have even a slender chance of working, you need prebiotic Earth to generate not one but two information-rich RNA strands, [More]
What makes the Bible different from other ANE literature? …read more Source: <a href=https://creation.com/a/15147 target=_blank title="Helpful survey on demons, but unclear in places” >creation.com     
By Brian Miller In today’s ID the Future physicist Brian Miller discusses fellow physicist Jeremy England’s book Every Life Is on Fire: How Thermodynamics Explains the Origin of Living Things. Has England made a significant step toward solving the mystery of how life first began? In Miller’s conversation with host Eric Anderson, he argues that while England’s laboratory work is fascinating and innovative, what’s happening in his experiments differs dramatically from what is required of even the simplest life, so much so that the experiments do not shed the kind of light on the mystery of life’s origin that some [More]
ICR physicist Dr. Jake Hebert* recently made a guest appearance on Good Heavens! A Podcast About the Universe with Wayne and Dan. Dr. Hebert presented his perspective on climate science, its relevance to the history of Genesis, and the importance of correctly interpreting geology and environmental science. Listen to the episode here: More… …read more Source: icr.org