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By Ken Ham Homeschool moms and dads across the country are finishing up their 2021 plans and sketching out a schedule for 2022. Well, if you’re looking for a comprehensive, powerful Bible curriculum for K–5 (that can also be used for middle and high school students with some adapting) that isn’t “fluff” or just presents moralistic teaching like so many other Bible curriculums, I encourage you to consider Answers Bible Curriculum for Homeschool, a brand-new homeschool curriculum from Answers in Genesis. We released ABC Homeschool early this year and we’re receiving rave reviews from parents who love the ease-of-use, rich [More]
By Karina Altman Their ability to regenerate makes these salamanders the closest thing to the fountain of youth found in nature. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Eric Hedin On today’s ID the Future, Canceled Science author and physicist Eric Hedin sits down with host Eric Anderson to discuss what does and doesn’t constitute science, what nature can and can’t accomplish, and the use and abuse of consensus claims in determining scientific truth. It’s all material explored in Hedin’s new book, Canceled Science: What Some Atheists Don’t Want You to See, available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble and other online booksellers. Source …read more Source: id the future     
By Ken Ham Do you have a child who loves studying God’s creation? Would they benefit from learning from experts who not only love science but also love the Lord Jesus . . . and believe his Word? If so, then consider our popular Explore Camps at the Creation Museum. Each camp offers hands-on science combined with a biblical worldview. Our Explore Camps feature expert instruction on topics such as astronomy, earth science, zoology, forensics, automation, and more. Each camp offers hands-on science combined with a biblical worldview. As “campers” discover more about God‘s creation, they will participate in a [More]
Humans have the remarkable ability to inhabit high altitudes where living conditions are especially harsh and challenging. A new study in Genome Biology and Evolution has shown that specifically directed epigenetic modifications to various places in the genome are an important heritable adaptive mechanism in conferring this unique ability.1 These new results utterly refute the false Darwinian paradigm of natural selection&mdas… More… …read more Source: icr.org     
By Avery Foley Upon closer examination, this popular evolutionary argument quickly comes undone. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
Should doctors preserve live, or be involved in ending it? DIY abortion pills are by definition not safe, and women have needed emergency surgery, and had mental health problems. …read more Source: creation.com     
Could God have entered into time? …read more Source: creation.com     
Revolving copter blades on drones certainly work, but engineers are eager to attain the advantages of flapping flight, especially at the ‘nano’-scale. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham “Scientists Succeed in Creating Mouse Artificial Wombs”—now, that might not seem like the most newsworthy headline, considering the myriad of other issues capturing headlines and discussion in the United States and around the world on any given day. But it’s important that we understand what’s going on with scientific advancements like this because they have the potential for good or (and, sadly, more likely) great evil. What do I mean? What happens when it’s no longer mouse embryos but human embryos that are the subject of this experimentation? Well, in a scientific first, researchers in Israel successfully [More]
Whatever the flower colour of your morning glory plant, it did not evolve that way. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham It’s now spring . . . and that means summer is right around the corner, and with it, Vacation Bible School! Many churches are gearing up for a week of teaching children about God’s Word and the gospel using Mystery Island: Tracking Down the One True God, our VBS for 2021. And the fun “extras” to help kids remember what they’ve learned through VBS are on sale now. All of these fun giveaway items help reinforce the lessons that children are learning—vital lessons: what God is like, that we can know God from his Word, that God [More]
By Eric Hedin On this ID the Future host Eric Anderson continues his conversation with physicist and Canceled Science author Eric Hedin. Here Hedin argues that the dogmatic rule that natural science should only ever invoke natural causes has at its heart a logical problem. He and Anderson also review some startling cases of fine-tuning for life and why a “theory of everything” would not solve the fine-tuning problem for atheists but merely move it back to the theory of everything itself. Also in today’s conversation, a highly accessible flyover of how scientists came to realize that the universe wasn’t [More]
By Dr. Jerry Bergman The history of the mutation theory as the foundation of the source of new genetic information is reviewed. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham So many children have delighted in following the four Wild brothers and their parents, Mike and Libby, as they explored God’s incredible creation while serving as missionaries to an unreached people group in Asia Pacific. Their adventures have been documented in the popular DVD series Answers Family Bible Devotional (the first book in a five-book series) is a wonderful family resource that takes you on a chronological journey from creation to Joseph in Genesis. It features 40 “read and discuss” devotions that are ideal for families, friends, or a small group study. It really brings the Bible [More]
By Troy Lacey Some suggest a biblical contradiction about Abraham’s having a child in old age & his father’s late fertility, but the critique doesn’t consider the context of Genesis. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
In the past 15 years, it’s been determined that a vast ocean once covered the western Amazon drainage basin.1 However, studies of the Miocene fossils reveal a conflicting story.1 Fossils are found representing both fresh water and salt water environments in the same layers, leaving evolutionary scientists befuddled. How did these fossils get mixed together? A relatively recent paper published in the Journal of Biog… More… …read more Source: icr.org     
By Ken Ham The first day of spring is past, the trees are budding, early spring flowers are blooming in the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum gardens, and that means Easter is right around the corner. And you can enjoy this celebration of the risen Christ at our attractions in northern Kentucky, April 2–4, 2021. During our Answers Easter Weekend, enjoy special teaching and live music at both the Ark and museum. During our Answers Easter Weekend, enjoy special teaching and live music at both the Ark and museum (all included with normal admission). You’ll hear from me as well [More]
Can atheists and Christians have an honest, profitable debate? If a strategy could be agreed upon, what would happen if both sides engaged and truly adhered to it? …read more Source: creation.com     
The new science about DNA that challenges evolution …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham Are you looking for something unique to do next weekend to celebrate the risen Lord during Easter? Well, gather the family together to enjoy Jesus, a live theatrical production from our friends at Sight & Sound Theatres. Anyone who has ever visited their huge theaters (as I have a few times), either in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, or Branson, Missouri, knows firsthand how spectacular these productions are. With live animals, original music and lyrics, stunning props, and a massive cast, Sight & Sound Theatres pull you into their biblical accounts. And their production of Jesus is coming as a [More]
By Mark Etter According to the Bible, we are carefully crafted by a wise and benevolent Creator for a purpose – we’re not random, pointless byproducts of eons of evolution. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By John Bloom In celebration of Return of the God Hypothesis, ID the Future is pleased to feature this classic episode with physicist John Bloom, a CSC Fellow and professor at Biola University. Here he explains some of the exciting evidence of design from physics and cosmology, evidence unknown a century ago. If this subject intrigues you, take a look at the new book from philosopher of science and bestselling author Stephen Meyer—Return of the God Hypothesis: Three Scientific Discoveries That Reveal the Mind Behind the Universe. Launch date is Tuesday, March 30, 2021, but you can get some exciting [More]
The experience of missionaries to remote tribal people (e.g. PNG), in seeking to reach out with the Gospel, have vital lessons for western Christians too. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham Well, how are you all faring during this war? Yes, it has been a 6,000-year war that will rage until Jesus comes. The Bible uses a lot of military language (such as Paul describing us as soldiers) in teaching us about the spiritual battle Christians are in. For example, Ephesians 6:13 says, Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm. Just as God took David and made him a soldier (as David states in Psalm 144:1), so God provides [More]
Today’s feedback comes from R.A. from the U.S., who asks us to clarify a statement that appears on CMI’s webpage, What we believe. Skeptics may treat the statement as grounds for dismissing all of CMI’s claims as unreasonably biased, but this would be an illegitimate conclusion to draw. R.A.’s message (in green) is followed by a reply from Keaton Halley of CMI–US. Read More
In a new book, Pope Francis warns that a “great flood” could result if civilization fails to stop global warming, and he draws an analogy between future sea level rise and Noah’s Flood. He writes, “The Bible says that the flood is the result of God’s wrath….It is a figure of God’s wrath, who according to the Bible has seen too many bad things and decides to obliterate humanity.”1 His statemen… More… …read more Source: icr.org