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Evolution in action or loss of information? …read more Source: creation.com     
By Jonathan Wells On this episode of ID the Future from the vault, biologist and CSC senior fellow Jonathan Wells continues his conversation with Casey Luskin about Wells’ peer-reviewed article, “Membrane Patterns Carry Ontogenetic Information That Is Specified Independently of DNA.” Listen in as Dr. Wells discusses the “sugar code,” a non-DNA form of information that is determined by complex patterns of sugar molecules on membrane surfaces. Source …read more Source: id the future     
By Ken Ham Here at Answers in Genesis, the Ark Encounter, and the Creation Museum, we’ve always had an emphasis on training children in the knowledge of the Lord and equipping them to believe and defend God’s Word from the very first verse. To help us do that, we’re adding a full, state-of-the-art lab to the lower level of the Answers Center. Well, I’m very excited to announce that the lab is now fully funded, thanks to your generosity! We’ve ordered the equipment, and once it arrives and is installed, we will have a state-of-the-art lab to teach high school [More]
By Stephen C. Meyer On today’s ID the Future, Return of the God Hypothesis author Stephen C. Meyer sits down with podcaster and philosopher Pat Flynn to discuss Meyer’s new book. Flynn notes that some contemporary followers of the great medieval Catholic philosopher Thomas Aquinas argue that the theory of intelligent design is incompatible with Thomism. In response Meyer, a philosopher of science and the director of Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture, points out that some Thomists are fully on board with ID, and he offers reasons why he sees ID as fully compatible with Thomistic philosophy. Flynn [More]
Bats’ wings in flight are not simply skin-covered paddles flapping up and down-this thwarts evolutionary explanation. …read more Source: creation.com     
Are you looking for real answers to the tough questions of faith and science? Come to the Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis Conference on June 26 at Lincoln Christian School in Lincoln, Nebraska. ICR scientists will present evidence on the age of the universe, the origin of human life, dinosaurs, and more—all from a biblical perspective! Youth sessions are included for students from middle school through college. The confere… More… …read more Source: icr.org     
Could sulfuric acid help excavate many caves in a biblical timescale? …read more Source: creation.com     
Drowned and buried in Noah’s Flood. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham Ready to get dusty working as a paleontologist for a week? That’s right, July 26–30, 2021, you can explore an authentic dinosaur dig in beautiful eastern Montana as an outreach of the Creation Museum and the group FACT: Foundation for Advancing Creation Truth, with co-hosts Tommy and Martha Lohman, and AiG scientists Dr. Georgia Purdom and Dr. Jennifer Rivera. You might even uncover some dinosaur bones! During this exciting five-day trip, you’ll live the life of a paleontologist as you dig for fossils of all kinds (and even take some home with you!). During this exciting five-day [More]
By Troy Lacey BioLogos has written a curriculum named “Integrate” and has been republishing articles on their website in support of and defense of it. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Dustin Van Hofwegen On today’s ID the Future we go behind the scenes at the recent Conference on Engineering in Living Systems, where host Jonathan Witt sat down with Dustin Van Hofwegen, a biology professor at Azusa Pacific University in California. The two discuss the private conference, which brought together biologists and engineers to study how engineering principles and a design perspective can and are being applied to biology — to plants and animals but also to Van Hofwegen’s area of focus, the Lilliputian realm of microbial biology. The two quickly move into a conversation about Van Hofwegen’s article [More]
By Ken Ham Answers in Genesis is a global ministry with offices in Canada, the UK, Australia, and Latin America and holds outreaches around the world. One of those upcoming outreaches is our first-ever Answers Mega Conference Brazil, a free online outreach event July 2–3, 2021. We’re so excited for conference attendees to learn from God’s Word and see how science confirms the biblical account of creation. During this two-day event, you’ll learn from AiG-Latin America director Joe Owen, physicist Adauto Lourenço, and AiG’s paleontologist Dr. Gabriela Haynes. The entire conference will be presented in Portuguese or translated into Portuguese. [More]
By Ken Ham Dinosaurs—fact or fiction? A recent article highlighted the beliefs of some ultra-Orthodox Jews regarding dinosaurs. According to this article, the author was taught, “God put those fossils in the earth so you would think the world is billions of years old . . . There were never actually dinosaurs. God simply wanted to supply us with a believable ecosystem.” So, did dinosaurs actually exist or were the fossilized bones planted by God to confuse us? Well, God is not the author of deception. It simply isn’t consistent with the character of God, who is truth, to create [More]
Answering a question about the purpose of attack-defence structures like claws, and about vegetarian diets pre-Fall. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Dr. Charles Ware Chapter 2 of One Race One Blood: A brief history of racism in the United States and in the church with an overview of efforts to address these problems with the gospel …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4). Fathers have a difficult task before them: raising up the next generation of godly men and women. To encourage you in your God-ordained role, we’re offering all fathers free admission to both the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter on Father’s Day, June 20, 2021. This offer for free admission includes grandfathers, adoptive and foster fathers, and fathers of unborn children—all fathers, since, based on God‘s Word and the science of genetics, we know life begins [More]
By Harry F. Sanders, III How reliable is the tree ring data, and can it be conclusively proven that some trees (like Bristlecone Pines) only produce a single growth ring per year? …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham Today marks one year since the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum reopened after the state’s COVID shutdown—and what a difference a year has made! We’re busier than ever (record crowds on many days), with thousands pouring in daily to both attractions in N. Kentucky to encounter the truth of God‘s Word and the gospel message. We are so thankful for how God and his people sustained us during the very difficult shutdown time (we were closed for three months). We’re also praising him for how he has brought so many guests to both attractions. The truth of [More]
By Ken Ham Do your children know what’s in the Bible? Sadly, biblical illiteracy is rampant in the church—so many people don’t know what the Bible teaches or why they believe what they believe or how to answer the skeptical questions or attacks on God’s Word. But you can help your children know what the Bible teaches with chronological teaching through the Bible with a new show called Building Blocks on Answers TV. Building Blocks with Bryan and Avery features teaching from AiG’s Bryan Osborne, a popular author and dynamic speaker, and Avery Foley, one of our speakers and writers, [More]
Tasman Walker talks to Dr Peter Borger about biochemistry and the meaning of life …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham We’ve all heard the argument and seen the rainbow-colored signs—“I was born this way.” As the reasoning goes, people are just born homosexuals and therefore same-sex desires and behaviors are natural and acceptable. A recent article, reflecting on several studies that searched for the elusive “gay gene,” makes this very argument: However, biologists have documented homosexual behavior in more than 450 species, arguing that same-sex behavior is not an unnatural choice, and may in fact play a vital role within populations . . . Nonetheless, misconceptions persist that same-sex attraction is a choice that warrants condemnation or [More]
By Stephen C. Meyer On today’s ID the Future, listen to host Marc Bernier ask Stephen Meyer perceptive and wide-ranging questions about everything from the possibility of extraterrestrials, to the role of intelligent design in medicine and education, to meaning and the reliability of the mind. The discussion also turns to Meyer’s bestselling new book, Return of the God Hypothesis, and the reconciliation of science and faith. At one point Bernier asks Meyer about the statement, “The heart cannot exalt what the mind rejects,” and in reply Meyer talks about his personal experience grappling with the relationship between science and [More]
By Ken Ham Summertime is in full swing! Our two world-class Christian themed attractions, the Divided Nation: Cultures in Chaos & A Conflicted Church Divided Nation: Cultures in Chaos & A Conflicted Church. What’s happening in the culture? It’s in moral and societal chaos. Sadly, the church is largely lukewarm and there’s a mass exodus of the younger generations from the faith. What can we do? Get answers in my newest book. Fractals: The Secret Code of Creation. Intricate and infinite, these works of art are composed of numbers. The images, known as fractals, are a beautiful, fascinating mystery. In [More]
A society where all views are allowed, or only ‘approved’ views? Who decides? What do evolutionists fear that they feel the need to ridicule or oppose creationists? …read more Source: creation.com     
Ken Ham’s new book Divided Nation offers solutions as anti-Christian persecution intensifies in the Western world. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
John B from the UK writes into CMI questioning the article Time fears the pyramids? How they fit into the true biblical history. Gavin Cox and Gary Bates respond. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Dominic Halsmer On today’s ID the Future, host Casey Luskin sits down with Dominic Halsmer, a Senior Professor of Engineering at Oral Roberts University, to discuss Halsmer’s recent book, Hacking the Cosmos: How Reverse Engineering Uncovers Organization, Ingenuity and the Care of a Maker. Dr. Halsmer draws on the engineering concept of affordances to explore how Earth and the universe show evidence of having been intelligently engineered to afford the possibility of life, and even for humans to discover evidence of a grand designer. Also in the conversation, the implications of biologists using reverse engineering to better understand biological [More]