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By Ken Ham A new study has found that acceptance of evolution—specifically the affirmation of this statement: “human beings, as we know them today, developed from earlier species of animals”—is now “solidly above the halfway mark” at 54% of Americans. Is this surprising? No, it’s certainly not surprising, given the following: Most children (including 90% of those who attend church) are brainwashed by the secular education system in naturalistic evolution. The majority of Christian leaders compromise with the clear truth of God’s Word and accept evolutionary ideas in some way. God’s Word teaches, “Enter by the narrow gate. For the [More]
By Troy Lacey How some scientists claim the alvarezsaur species shrank over millions of years to eventually become bird-like insectivores—and a biblical creation response to the available data …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham It’s nearly Labor Day here in the United States, and we’re having a Enjoy fantastic prices (and freebies when you buy in groups of three!) on DVD resources such as: Quick Answers to Tough Questions The Clarity of Scripture The Wonder of DNA Are People Born Gay? The Wild Brothers The Bible: An Authentic Book And many, many more! Or consider our excellent pocket guides (perfect for evangelism), back issues of our biblical worldview magazine Answers, or issues of our children’s magazine Kids Answers. As you shop this sale, you’ll enjoy great pricing, such as: DVDs normally [More]
Scalps of aborted babies were grafted onto mice to test human immune responses to bacteria. This represents new lows in science, whereby humans are brutally treated like commodities. …read more Source: creation.com     
A historical survey of Adam and Eve-from a skeptical perspective. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Dr. Andrew A. Snelling Despite multiple expeditions over many centuries, Noah’s Ark still has not been found. A geologist proposes one reason why. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham Answers in Genesis is a worldwide ministry, with offices in Canada, Latin America, Australia, and UK/Europe. I recently received an update from Simon Turpin, the director of AiG–UK, who is very excited that in-person events are finally back on in the United Kingdom. Coming up soon they have several in-person events, plus their biggest online event ever—the Answers UK Mega Conference, October 28–30, 2021. You can read a ministry update below: This month, we are finally on the road again! We don’t have to tell you that the last year has been anything but normal. With all [More]
By Troy Lacey An overview of the Greek flood legend of Deucalion and Pyrrha and how it compares and contrasts with Noah’s flood recorded in Genesis …read more Source: AIG Daily     
A star appears to explode faster than the cosmic speed limit. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham The fourth movie in the popular God’s Not Dead franchise is coming to US theaters soon—October 4–6, 2021. This new movie is God’s Not Dead: We the People, and it addresses a very important (and timely!) topic: religious freedom, specifically when it comes to the freedom to homeschool and teach our children what we believe. <!– –> …read more Source: Ken Ham AIG     
By Ken Ham Who “owns” the children—parents or the government? In our day and age, many involved in western government believe it’s the government that owns kids. Many believe they know what is best for children and think they should get to dictate what children learn—and parents are just in the way of accomplishing the state’s goals. And that shouldn’t surprise us because how you answer the question of “Who owns the children?” depends on your starting point and the worldview you build that’s based on that starting point. If you reject God and his Word, then anything goes—there’s no [More]
By Troy Lacey An overview of the “natural balance theory” in the secular world and a biblical understanding of providential balance in creation, justice, and eternity …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham Dr. David Menton has been an entertaining and extremely informative speaker, writer, and researcher with Answers in Genesis for two decades. Thousands of families have learned about God’s incredible design, the impossibility of evolution, the uniqueness of man, and the precious nature of an unborn baby from Dr. Menton’s presentations and special workshops at the Creation Museum—and in years past, he often spoke at AiG conferences with me all across America. Dr. Menton holds a PhD in biology from Brown University (one of the prestigious Ivy League schools) and served as an award-winning professor (and known creationist) [More]
Meet the amazing David Coppedge, the ‘Creation Safari man’ who singlehandedly runs an astounding range of creation outreach activities. …read more Source: creation.com     
On June 7, 2021, NASA’s Juno spacecraft flew closer to Jupiter’s moon Ganymede than any spacecraft had ever before. Ganymede is the largest moon in the Solar System—a body larger than the planet Mercury. Its frozen surface holds interest as a distant water source. Analysts still ponder three unique features of Ganymede, one of which they’re now seeing for the first time. If reactions to youthful features on other bodies ou… More… …read more Source: icr.org     
By Ken Ham The “ABC” in ABC Sunday School and ABC Homeschool stands for Answers Bible Curriculum—but it also stands for what the unique emphasis is: apologetics, biblical authority, and chronology. And this approach is vital for equipping whole churches to stand on God’s Word and believe the gospel message. We need churches and homes that are filled with God’s Word, rich teaching, and apologetics (faith-defense training). Why is this approach so important? Well, we live in a time when so many Christians don’t know what the Bible teaches, have only a shallow grasp of Christian theology and doctrine, can’t [More]
By Jonathan Wells On this ID the Future, Icons of Evolution author Jonathan Wells sat down with host and fellow biologist Ray Bohlin at the August 2021 Insiders’ Briefing near Seattle to discuss some fresh discoveries into the workings of the human genome detailed in a recent article in the journal Axios, “Diving into the Genome’s Uncharted Territories.” As the article details, researchers continue to discover important functions in the noncoding regions of the human genome, once regarded by evolutionists as junk DNA. Wells and Bohlin explore the exciting new findings and some of their implications for modern evolutionary theory [More]
The SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes Covid-19 is mutating rapidly. Deadly new forms of the virus have appeared. Yet, there is no ‘evolution’ here. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham The devil is always on the prowl, seeking a new way to slip into Christian homes. Could his newest method be through homeschool materials? …read more Source: AIG Daily     
How does the Bible address counseling issues? …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham “Ugly diamonds”—or fibrous diamonds—aren’t the kind you’re likely to see on a lady’s finger, but you might find them in a scientific laboratory. Some of these cloudy diamonds contain small pockets of fluid, believed by many geologists to be billions of years old and therefore supposedly able to give us insight into early earth. But where do these dates come from? Well, a popular summary of some new research on these fibrous diamonds states, By modeling [the] decay [of uranium and thorium] and how much helium 4 leakage is possible over time, Weiss and his colleagues determined [More]
By Ken Ham We’re nearly four weeks into our The wonderful time continues today with music from Ernie Haase & Signature Sound, Heart 2 Heart, and Full Radiance. I will be presenting today on the truth of God‘s Word and a biblical worldview regarding “races” as well. See a full schedule at 40DaysofGospelMusic.com. Concert admission is included with your general ticket to the Ark Encounter—and children 10 and under enjoy free Ark Encounter admission for 2021. And an annual combo pass allows you to attend any concert event you would like, as well as enjoy unlimited admission and free parking [More]
By John G. West This ID the Future from the vault features an interview with filmmaker John West on the Michael Medved Show, about West’s powerful documentary Human Zoos: America’s Forgotten History of Scientific Racism, now streaming on YouTube and with more than three million views. Medved and West explore the tragic story of Ota Benga, and the prominent role that the Bronx Zoo, the pro-Darwinian scientific establishment, and the New York Times played in that tragedy. As West explains, there are lessons here about the danger of letting the voices of “science” confuse our grasp of moral truth. Source [More]
By Dr. Danny R. Faulkner Comets can’t survive billions of years. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Troy Lacey An overview of Cain’s murderous crime in the book of Genesis, speculation about the mark, and why it should never be used to justify racism …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham A recent headline declared, “Many conservatives have a difficult relationship with science—we wanted to find out why.” But do conservatives really have “a difficult relationship with science?” Well, it really depends on what you mean by “science.” At Answers in Genesis, we love science, study science, conduct numerous workshops on science, and employ a number of full-time PhD scientists. In the article, the author uses the term science to refer to the so-called “scientific consensus” regarding things such as climate change alarmism, vaccinations, evolution, and a lack of “human exceptionalism.” But what the author is failing to [More]
Does evolution hinder conservation efforts for the kiwi? …read more Source: creation.com