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By Ken Ham Over the summer we announced ground-breaking research from staff geologist Dr. Andrew Snelling. Dr. Snelling—a world-class geologist with a PhD from the University of Sydney—has been doing research in the Tapeats Sandstone formation in the Grand Canyon that evolutionists have never done—and have even tried to stop Dr. Snelling from doing—because of their worldview of millions of years. But because Dr. Snelling starts with the Word of God, he has a totally different worldview of interpreting the Grand Canyon . . . and what he’s found, using observational science, has confirmed exactly what we’d expect by starting [More]
By Ken Ham Our Vacation Bible School, Answers VBS, is one of the top three in the world, used by thousands of churches around the world. And I personally believe it’s the most powerful VBS available. But what makes it different from other VBS options? Well, Answers VBS isn’t “fluff and stuff” like many other curricula, and it’s filled with deep content to give children a solid biblical foundation. That’s why Answers VBS is filled with apologetics (i.e., a faith defense) teaching, a biblical authority emphasis, and science experiments, great music, and much more. And it’s also why the topics [More]
By Harry F. Sanders, III The immune system does amazing work fighting off pathogens. But where did those pathogens come from? …read more Source: AIG Daily     
Elaborately designed by God …read more Source: creation.com     
By Cornelius G. Hunter On this episode of ID the Future from the vault, host and biologist Ray Bohlin interviews biophysicist Cornelius Hunter, author of Darwin’s God, about an article in the journal Science concerning a virus invasion of E. coli bacteria. The article subtitle announces “Natural Selection Caught in the Act,” and suggests that an impressive instance of unguided evolution has been directly witnessed. Not so fast, Hunter says. The results were intelligently designed (by the lab scientists), he notes, and the changes are less impressive than they may appear at first glance. Hunter also explains protein-protein binding and [More]
Wind tunnel videos have revealed some unexpected aerodynamic characteristics of locust wings, which design engineers of small robotic aircraft want to copy. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham Well, after forty busy days and nights at the Ark Encounter, our massive 40 Days and 40 Nights of Gospel Music event is now finished … for this year—and what an event it was! Guests from across the nation (and some international guests despite many borders being closed) enjoyed music from some of the biggest names in Gospel music, including Ernie Haase & Signature Sound, Lynda Randle, Karen Peck & New River, Brian Free & Assurance, and many, many more. This final week included speaking from Dr. David Jeremiah and music from Joseph Habedank, High Road, Triumphant, [More]
By Brandon Clay Everywhere you find people, you see work. Work is present in every culture on the planet. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
Can evolution explain the origin of systems underlying circadian rhythms? …read more Source: creation.com     
The Institute for Creation Research launched its 2021 multistate science expedition last week as a nine-member team left the ICR headquarters in Dallas, Texas, and headed to western Kansas, joined on the road later by two other members. Their mission? Digging up fossils, conducting field research, and capturing footage o… More… …read more Source: icr.org     
By Brian Miller On today’s ID the Future physicist Brian Miller and host Eric Anderson continue their exploration of a recent conversation between origin-of-life investigators Jeremy England and Paul Davies on Justin Brierley’s Unbelievable? radio show. Miller begins with a quick flyover of the many nanotechnologies essential to even to the simplest viable cell. A minimally complex cell is vastly more sophisticated than our best human nanotechnology. What about England’s insistence that real progress has been made in origin-of-life studies since the 1950s? True, Anderson says, but the progress has been principally in better understanding how the simplest cells function, [More]
By Brian Miller On today’s ID the Future physicist Brian Miller and host Eric Anderson explore a recent conversation between physicists Jeremy England and Paul Davies on Justin Brierley’s Unbelievable? radio show. Davies admitted he doesn’t want the origin of life to require divine design, while England argued that his work on non-equilibrium systems offers a promising avenue for explaining the origin of the first life in naturalistic terms. Miller and Anderson demur on both counts. They hold out hope that Davies, having recognized his philosophical bias, will eventually decide to follow the evidence wherever it leads, even if doing [More]
One man uses nature to declare his faith and also shows how Noah’s Flood shaped the world. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Troy Lacey Proper biblical hermeneutics should guide poetic and historical passage readings, especially when skeptics charge that the Bible says things the author did not intend. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham One of the popular programs on Answers TV (our streaming platform) is Unlocking Science with “Mr. P” (Roger Patterson, a former science teacher who now serves on our staff). This show teaches fascinating scientific principles and facts through the lens of a biblical worldview, as well as some hands-on episodes featuring experiments you can do at home. And the first half of season 3 is now available—and it’s gotten an upgrade from the previous seasons! Unlocking Science is better than ever with close-up shots, animations, sound effects, and more to make it even more engaging for children [More]
By Ken Ham Just because we can, does it mean we should? Well, how you answer such a question depends on your worldview and the foundation that worldview rests on. What do I mean? Well, consider the question of “chimeras.” In science today, chimeras refer to human-animal hybrids. Many scientists are doing such research today, artificially combining human and animal cells. But should they be? Well, the US Senate seems to think they should be. According to a recent article, “the Senate failed to pass an amendment … [in May 2021 that] would have banned chimera research in the U.S [More]
Sir David Attenborough is a highly accomplished man, but wrong about things like God’s existence and evolution; what about environmental and climate issues? …read more Source: creation.com     
About 150 people attended the 2021 Creation Research Society Meeting (July 23-24), roughly double the number of attendees at the first meeting in 2009.1 With the exception of the Creation Science Movement in the United Kingdom, the CRS is the oldest creation science organization in the world, founded in 1963 by Dr. Henry M. Morris (ICR’s founder) and nine other creation scientists.2 Last year’s mee… More… …read more Source: icr.org     
A commenter takes issue with using the Bible as an authority. Does he have a point? …read more Source: creation.com     
The Antikythera Mechanism has proven to be an astonishingly complex mechanical computer capable of predicting the planets positions contradicting evolutionary ideas of primitive ancient man …read more Source: creation.com     
Why does ICR focus on scientific research? How could paleontologists mistake a lizard fossil for a dinosaur? Is animal death before the Fall theologically or scientifically sound? How should you respond to misguided or hostile remarks about your faith? Discover the answers to these questions and more in the September 2021 issue of Acts & Facts! More… …read more Source: icr.org     
The origin of the Israelites is detailed in the Bible, but people tend to have an oversimplified understanding of the sons of Jacob, Isaac, and Abraham. …read more Source: creation.com     
What was the pre-Flood continental configuration? …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham It’s been an amazing summer—both attractions have been flooded with guests (with record numbers on many days) from across the nation, and even around the world. Hundreds of thousands of families have heard the gospel message and been encouraged to trust God’s Word, have answers, and think biblically. Based on this year’s numbers, Lord willing, we’re anticipating an even busier summer next year! But this creates a “problem”—an exciting “problem”! The Problem So here’s the “problem”—so many people are pouring into these God-honoring facilities that we need to provide more ways to accommodate all the people who [More]
By Ken Ham A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of sitting down and interviewing three of the Wild missionary brothers on the Legacy Hall stage at the Creation Museum. I chatted with Hudson, Kian, and Asher about missionary life in Asia, modern missions, unreached peoples, why they created their popular reality show, future plans, and more. It was a fun interview with behind-the-scenes stories and a wonderful perspective from three godly young men. This interview is now available for you to enjoy. I encourage you to watch it with your kids—it’s a great way to introduce them to [More]
By Dr. Andrew A. Snelling If the world’s oceans have been around for three billion years, they should be filled with vastly more salt than the oceans contain today. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham We’ve all heard about “missing links”—supposed races of human-like people who were similar to us but not as intelligent or skilled. …read more Source: AIG Daily