By Troy Lacey The plausiblity, internal consistency, and reliability of the historical flood in Genesis compared with other flood narratives from the ancient Near East …read more Source: AIG Daily
Multiple ice ages are mainly an assumption stemming from reinforcement syndrome. …read more Source:
By Ken Ham In the fall, many churches resume their regular Sunday school curriculum after a summer break. If that’s your church, now is a great time to consider changing up what you do for Sunday school. If you want to use something that is “meaty,” chronological, and focused on the gospel message while teaching the whole Bible, doctrine, theology, Christian worldview, and apologetics (not merely moralistic “fluff and stuff”!), consider Answers Bible Curriculum for Sunday School (ABC). Over 10,000 churches use ABC—and we frequently hear from pastors and Sunday school teachers who share that ABC is revolutionizing their churches.
By Dr. Jennifer Hall Rivera The differences between empirical and historical science, how predictions can be helpful in the sciences, and how worldview affects our perspective about the past. …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Michael Behe On today’s ID the Future, author and biologist Michael Behe discusses with host Andrew McDiarmid how the once seemingly humble cilium is actually even more irreducibly complex than Behe suggested in his ID classic Darwin’s Black Box—and indeed, even more complex than his review of cilia in his update in 2007. At the time Behe described cilia as “irreducible complexity squared.” But as noted in a recent article at Evolution News, even more layers of sophistication in cilia and their Intraflagellar Transport (IFT) system have now been discovered. So, does that mean we are now looking at
Are lizards and snakes a part of the same biblical ‘kind’? …read more Source:
By Bodie Hodge How many races there are, names of races, evolution-inspired racism, and the solution to racism in the gospel of Jesus Christ …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham Scientific American is supposedly a scientific publication. Well, as such, they should be ashamed of themselves for allowing a badly researched opinion piece to be printed recently. In an article titled “Denial of Evolution Is a Form of White Supremacy,” filmmaker Allison Hopper, a believer in the evolutionary “out-of-Africa” model, opines about how the supposed dark-skinned ancestors we evolved from are so often left out in museums and in books. In the process, she smears biblical creationists by claiming we believe and teach something we certainly do not! The author writes what can hardly be described as
By Colin R. Reeves The use of Baraminic Distance Correlation is based on a shaky understanding of statistical principles, and that their use ought to be abandoned. …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Günter Bechly Today’s ID the Future concludes a debate over the merits of intelligent design and modern evolutionary theory. Günter Bechly is a distinguished German paleoentomologist who was an atheist and Darwinist but became convinced of theism after he finally decided to read some of the books written by leading ID proponents and found their arguments far stronger than he had been led to believe from second-hand accounts. S. Joshua Swamidass is a computational biologist at Washington University in Saint Louis who says ID may or may not be true in some part of what it affirms, but while
Fossils from two giant rhinos dated by evolutionists to be “22 million years old” in the evolutionary timetable have been discovered in China.1 They were much larger than today’s rhinos and stood at over 20 feet, but they were still rhinos. This is true with many large animals found in the fossil record—vertebrate and invertebrate. For example, there are giant water bug fossils from the Crato Formation … More… …read more Source:
How God’s design inspired the enduring design of John Smeaton’s Eddystone lighthouse. …read more Source:
By Ken Ham Problems with progressive creation, including non-historical reading of Genesis 1, multiple animal creation events, manlike creatures before Adam & others …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham What? Another well-known Christian organization going soft on the LGBTQ movement? Why is this happening? Well, the Jews had a proverb that God, through the Apostle Paul, reminds us of: “A little leaven leavens the whole lump” (Galatians 5:9). Oh, how I despair that much of the church has not taken heed of this! The leaven of compromise is a major contributing factor to the alarming generational exodus from the church and increasing numbers of lukewarm local churches and Christian organizations/institutions compromising on issues such as marriage, sexuality, and gender. I’m sorry, but I can’t just sweep
By Günter Bechly Today’s ID the Future features a debate over the merits of intelligent design. Günter Bechly is a German paleoentomologist heard many times on ID the Future, who says the science convinced him that intelligent design is true. S. Joshua Swamidass is a computational biologist at Washington University in Saint Louis who says ID may or may not be true in some part of what it affirms, but for him, the science doesn’t lead you to it. They met in a dialogue hosted by Justin Brierley on his Unbelievable? podcast, reposted here with Brierley’s permission. This is the
Let’s say you recorded a library of books onto DNA. Hundreds of books could fit on your fingertip, but how would you find the one book you wanted? As it stands, digital data occupy hard drives stacked in stadium-sized exabyte data centers that cost a billion dollars to build and run. DNA appeals as a more stable and, someday, cheaper data storage vehicle, excepting one important hurdle: how to retrieve that needle in a DNA st… More… …read more Source:
Researchers say that cliff swallows are ‘evolving’ shorter wings to avoid being killed by fast-moving vehicles. …read more Source:
Where do species come from? How much change is allowed? If species change, what separates creation from evolution? …read more Source:
Advice for teachers who may be required to teach evolution in the classroom. …read more Source:
By Ken Ham The nation’s leading creationist Christian colleges and universities are gathering at the Ark Encounter in Williamstown, Kentucky for our annual Creation College Expo 2021. This exciting event is free—and includes free Ark Encounter admission for all registered 7–12th grade students—and is a great way to learn more about colleges that actually take a stand on God‘s Word when it comes to Genesis. Students can visit one-on-one with representatives from Christian institutions across America who hold to biblical authority and young-earth creation. Such schools are rare, so having many of them gathered in one area is a …read
By Brian Miller On today’s ID the Future, physicist Brian Miller continues his review of James Tour’s origin-of-life YouTube series. As Miller explains, Tour, a world-renowned synthetic organic chemist and professor at Rice University, was inspired to create the series when YouTuber and evolutionist Dave Farina critiqued Tour’s critique of contemporary origin-of-life claims. In reviewing Tour’s video series, Miller and host Eric Anderson praise the Tour series and discuss the Levinthal paradox of the interactome, the ridiculously long odds of blind processes assembling the first living cell, and the challenge of cell death (think Humpty Dumpty and what all the
By Ken Ham Evolutionist Adam Rutherford challenges Darwinian propaganda admitting directionless evolution which entails purposeless of mankind in their worldview. …read more Source: AIG Daily
Flood models provide answers to a secularist geological mystery. …read more Source:
Earth’s water didn’t come from meteorites …read more Source:
The location of the Israelites Red Sea crossing has perplexed scholars and intrigued the public for centuries. Multiple places have been suggested, each with a set of strengths and weaknesses. …read more Source:
By Brian Miller On today’s ID the Future, physicist Brian Miller touches on various challenges facing the origin of the first life. He and host Eric Anderson discuss Jeremy England’s origin-of-life ideas and the RNA World Hypothesis, and offer multiple reasons why they are convinced that various proposed mindless processes do not explain the origin of the first self-reproducing cell. Miller urges another approach, one that draws on engineering principles and embraces the evidence in even the simplest cell of highly intelligent engineering. Source …read more Source: id the future
A parasitic fly has silenced the crickets on this Hawaian island. But crickets remain there yet. …read more Source: