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By Jay Richards On today’s ID the Future, philosopher Jay Richards, co-author of The Privileged Planet, continues a conversation with host Eric Anderson about Carl Sagan and a short video clip where Sagan fields questions about God. Sagan points out that there are different conceptions of God, but Jay asks, what’s his point? There are different conceptions of nature. That doesn’t mean that nature isn’t out there and that there aren’t true and false things that can be said about it. Also, when the vast majority of people speak about God, they have in mind a powerful, conscious Creator of [More]
By Jay Richards On today’s ID the Future, Privileged Planet co-author Jay W. Richards sits down with host Eric Anderson to discuss the gold rush of extrasolar planet discovery and how the Privileged Planet hypothesis has held up since 2004. Richards teases an anniversary edition of The Privileged Planet in the works, and he and Anderson discuss the statement that Carl Sagan is perhaps most famous for. Richards explains how science had already disproven the famous Sagan claim by the time the astronomer first uttered it to millions of viewers in his documentary series Cosmos. Source …read more Source: id [More]
Did T. rex relatives live and die together, or are the scientists right that these Teratophoneus fossils were buried together in a flood? …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham Since I started speaking on creation apologetics back in the 1970s, providing the church with resources has been a passion of mine. Because of that, it’s always been a focus of the Answers in Genesis ministry. And we love hearing from families that have been blessed by these resources. We recently received two testimonies that I thought I would share with you. S.H. from Michigan shared how she started using our homeschooling resources (many of them are published by Master Books) and how they have blessed her and her family: I wanted to reach out because I [More]
When fire ants threaten lizard populations, it really is ‘survival of the fittest’. But ‘evolution’? No! …read more Source: creation.com     
By Dr. Danny R. Faulkner The star Betelgeuse drastically faded in 2019, but now it’s back to its normal, bright self—what does that mean for stellar evolution or creation? …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Dr. Andrew A. Snelling If sediments have been accumulating on the seafloor for three billion years, the seafloor should be choked with sediments many miles deep. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
No other book before or since has so effectively substantiated Christians’ belief in the historicity of the Genesis Flood. Read More
Is there a simple way to make such a decision? …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham Elephants use their incredibly dexterous trunks almost like a hand with fingers. This trunk boasts around 40,000 individual muscles and can be used to suck up food and water. But the elephant’s trunk isn’t just a “simple straw”—and new research shows it’s more complicated than was initially thought. A recent study detailed measurements during one zoo elephant’s feeding time. They discovered the elephant can “dilate its nostrils to boost its trunk’s carrying capacity.” Each of an elephant’s two nostrils can increase in volume by a stunning 64%! The “flow rate of water through the trunk averaged about [More]
By Dr. Monty White Creationists are often asked, “How is it possible for the earth’s population to reach billions of people if the world is only about 6,000 years old and if there were just two humans in the beginning?” …read more Source: AIG Daily     
Daniel Stern-Cardinale and Joshua Swamidass have made many false claims about creationism and creationists. DSC and Erika “Gutsick Gibbon” were at it again recently, but once again refused to listen to our answers. Read More
Scientists recently discovered a diverse assemblage of fossils in South Africa claimed to be some of the earliest land plants.1 Known as seedless vascular plants, the fossils were determined to be from early Devonian system strata. Most shockingly, secular paleogeography models indicate these plants grew at about 75 degrees South Latitude, very close to the South Pole! Discovered in 2015 during the expansion of the Mpofu… More… …read more Source: icr.org     
By Dr. Danny R. Faulkner Evidence now supports astronomers’ belief that the sun’s power comes from the fusion of hydrogen into helium deep in the sun’s core, but there is a huge problem. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham It’s a family homeschool experience at the Ark Encounter! We’re hosting our first-ever family homeschool conference, “Building Strong Foundations,” in May—but it’s so much more than just a conference! It’s a unique family experience at the world’s leading Christian themed attraction, the Ark Encounter, May 12–14, 2022. It’s an experience for homeschoolers you can’t get anywhere else in the world! During this fantastic conference, you’ll tour the life-size Ark Encounter with exclusive after-hours access, meet the animals in Ararat Ridge Zoo, visit the Creation Museum, relax and enjoy concerts, presentations, and break-out sessions. Children and teens will [More]
Scientific American accuses creationists of white supremacy, glossing over evolution’s own disgusting racist past. …read more Source: creation.com     
These ‘Ghosts of the Forest’ defy the odds against their survival. Or do they? …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham What’s the genetic difference between modern man and our so-called evolutionary cousins, such as Neanderthals and Denisovans? Well, a new study claims to have determined the number of differences with “shocking” results. The study authors write, “We find that only 1.5 to 7 percent of the modern human genome is uniquely human.” Now, one and one-half to seven percent is a very large margin of error! Why might that be? Well, for two reasons. Here’s the first, according to Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson, a biologist on our research staff who has worked heavily with DNA and has a [More]
By Ken Ham Over the years, we’ve had a variety of planetarium shows in our Stargazer Planetarium here at the Creation Museum. Guests always rave about the program, but the most popular show is Created Cosmos, a journey through the vastness of the universe. Well, we completely upgraded our planetarium last year with a new laser projector, tilted dome, new seats, a totally new look, and more—and now Created Cosmos has been completely upgraded to 4K resolution, so it really “pops” with the new technology. It’s like watching a whole new program! The script and narration for Created Cosmos are [More]
Ignoring the challenge of biblical creation may seem a sound decision if you think it is not scientific. But is it? Would you risk eternity on it? …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham Science always confirms the Bible because the Bible’s history is true. And a four-year, in-depth research project by a world-class PhD geologist, Dr. Andrew Snelling, once again confirms what we’d expect starting with God’s Word—and confounds evolutionary expectations. Throughout Grand Canyon, thick rock layers appear which are smoothly bent. Dr. Snelling observes, Normally, solid rock cannot bend without breaking, so this leaves only two options for bending: either the rock layer was bent while still soft, shortly after being deposited by water, or after the layer had fully hardened, it was bent by pressures which made the [More]
By Ken Ham The tour that sold out in minutes is coming back to the Ark Encounter! What do I mean? Well, several years ago the award-winning gospel music group, The Collingsworth Family, came to perform in concert at the Ark Encounter. Within minutes of the tickets going live, they were sold out. But if you missed that first concert experience, don’t miss their Inspiration Encounter 2021 because The Collingsworth Family is coming back to the Ark Encounter October 28–30, 2021. This exciting three-day retreat features concerts by The Collingsworth Family, Larnelle Harris, the Booth Brothers, Greater Vision, Keaton Family [More]
By Michael Behe On this ID the Future, ID biologist Michael Behe continues fielding tough questions from philosophers Pat Flynn and Jim Madden. Here in Part 3 of 3, Behe responds to the claim that some designs in biology are bad designs and to criticisms leveled at ID from some Thomists. Also in the mix, the issue of academic pressure to distance oneself from ID, even before those involved understand what the theory of intelligent design actually is. Madden also asks Behe what reforms he’d pursue if he suddenly found himself in charge of the National Academy of Sciences. Tune [More]
By Michael Behe In today’s ID the Future, intelligent design pioneer Michael Behe continues his conversation with philosophers Pat Flynn and Jim Madden. Here in Part 2 of a three-part series, Behe offers an illustration from language and Madden presses him, noting that meaning detection in language is not parts to whole. A lively exchange ensues and then Behe turns the discussion back to his primary focus, detecting design in molecular biological machines by recognizing the purposeful arrangement of parts. From there the conversation turns to everything from epigenetics, systems biology, and autopoiesis to co-option, mousetraps, tie clips, biologist Kenneth [More]
By Michael Behe Today’s ID the Future features Darwin Devolves author and Lehigh University biologist Michael Behe speaking about the logic and evidence of intelligent design with two philosophers, Pat Flynn and Jim Madden. In a friendly, stimulating exchange, Flynn and Madden press Behe with objections — some philosophic, others scientific — to see how well his position stands up to scrutiny from experts who have engaged the subject. Here in Part 1 of a three-part series, Behe counters the charge that ID is an argument from ignorance, and then the three men compare the contemporary design argument to philosopher [More]
By Ken Ham In just over a week—starting Monday, August 2, 2021—the world’s largest gospel music festival begins at the Ark Encounter. This event, 40 Days and 40 Nights of Gospel Music, features top names in gospel music, popular keynote speakers, and morning and evening concerts. We’re so excited to be welcoming thousands of guests each day for this concert event, taking place from August 2 through September 10, 2021, south of Cincinnati, in Williamstown, Kentucky. Each day’s concert is included with Ark Encounter admission. Now, an annual combo pass allows you to enjoy multiple concerts (or even all of [More]
Owls are God’s masterpieces of design, with their acute vision, fine hearing, and soundless flight. Owls have always looked the same since their creation on day five of creation week. …read more Source: creation.com