How Noah’s Flood solves long standing geological puzzles …read more Source:
By Ken Ham October is Pastor Appreciation Month. Pastors, and their families, do so much in serving their congregations, and this is a wonderful time to thank them for their service. And one way you can say “thank you” is by gifting your pastor and his wife a trip away to Northern Kentucky for our Raising Godly Generations conference, October 5–7, 2021, at the Ark Encounter. This conference, which is actually open to everyone, is generally designed for pastors and leaders to encourage them with practical advice on how to raise up godly generations in a secular world. Speakers include
By Ken Ham What is abortion—a hideous evil or “a moral and social good”? Well, that depends on your starting point, God’s Word or man’s word! Sinful human beings, who are in rebellion against God and ignore his Word and look to their own selfish, dark hearts for “truth,” will affirm darkness instead of light, death instead of life, and call good evil and evil good (Isaiah 5:20). The state of Texas has been in the news recently because lawmakers have enacted a “heartbeat bill” that bans abortions after a heartbeat can be detected (usually around six weeks’ gestational age).
If the human genome is degrading, shouldn’t lifespans be getting shorter? …read more Source:
By Ken Ham Yes, we’re already starting to think about fall events here. In just one month, the first of our fall events takes place over two days—Día Latino at the Ark Encounter, October 16, and Creation Museum, October 17. This special Spanish-speaking event takes place every fall and is growing in popularity each year as families from across the US and Latin America arrive at our attractions in N. Kentucky for two days of fun, fellowship, and diving deep into the truth of God’s Word. Spanish signage and captions will be available, along with Spanish interpreters, so Spanish speakers
By Micah Bowman Even the cutest critter reminds us that we live in a fallen world. …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Harry F. Sanders, III Some animals use “tools” to perform tasks, but these phenomena are far simpler than the tool-making abilities God gave to people. …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham Adventure, excitement, and getting into the dirt: that’s what you can expect with our upcoming Explore Day at Caesar Creek Lake, Ohio, where you get to be a paleontologist for a day—and you get to take home what you find! This event, taking place Saturday, October 2, 2021, is part of our popular Explore Days programs at the Creation Museum, but it’s open for adults and taking place off-site (about 60 miles from the museum) at one of the region’s most popular fossil-hunting sites. Kids can attend teaching sessions and will be able to ask questions, learning
A team of 11 people from the Institute for Creation Research is currently traveling on a multistate science expedition to dig up fossils, conduct field research, and capture footage on location for two new ICR-produced films. You’ll find reports on the first week of the trip in “More… …read more Source:
A newly interpreted Old-Babylonian clay tablet reveals a sophisticated understanding of mathematics and survey consistent with the biblical timeframe …read more Source:
By Ken Ham Over 40 years ago, I stood on a piece of property in Australia with a friend and board member of our ministry and prayed for a creation museum—and now look what the Lord has done! I could never have imagined back in those days what God has now entrusted to us (it’s so exciting serving the Lord!). We’re reaching thousands of families every single day through the attractions, the websites, our resources, and our programming. And one of the ways we’re reaching those families is with our Explore programs at the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter.
By Simon Turpin Scholars who reject the Mosaic authorship of the Torah are as unwilling as the Jewish leaders (John 5:39–40) in not wanting to listen to the words of Jesus on this subject. …read more Source: AIG Daily
The body cells do not contribute DNA to the next generation. Only reproductive cells do. This is called the Weismann barrier, an important concept for the development of evolutionary thought. It is no longer true. …read more Source:
By Ken Ham I recently toured Ararat Ridge Zoo at the Ark Encounter with a special ministry friend that many of you will recognize—actor and director Alex Kendrick. He’s best known for the movies Fireproof, War Room, and Courageous (more on Courageous in a moment!). In the below video, you can join Alex, animal presenter Karina Altman, and me as we pet a wallaby, see baby emus, and check out a few of the 200+ animals that live at the Ark Encounter. <polygon points="295.45 22.49 282.26 70.73 268.92 22.49 254.35 22.49 241.16 70.69 228.12 …read more Source: Ken Ham AIG
By Philip Huber Misinformed scholarship about Hittite metallurgy contrasted with the technological advancements of ancient man as demonstrated in the early Old Testament …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Dr. Georgia Purdom Scientists were surprised to find that DNA was still intact after a supposed 250 million years. …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham The Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter are exciting places to be! We just opened the stunning Borderland: Israel at the Time of Jesus exhibit at the Creation Museum, are five weeks into our 40 Days and 40 Nights of Gospel Music event at the Ark, are hosting an exclusive red carpet world premiere of the Kendrick Brother’s Courageous: Legacy film during our Answers for Pastors conference, and more—and now I’ve got two more announcements! Encounter the Wonder in 4D Beginning with Genesis, Encounter the Wonder shared how God created a perfect world, how it was marred
Should compelling naturalistic explanations be enough for Bible-believing Christians to give up their convictions? If so, what about atheists who, by definition, rule out the supernatural? …read more Source:
By Ken Ham Over the summer we announced ground-breaking research from staff geologist Dr. Andrew Snelling. Dr. Snelling—a world-class geologist with a PhD from the University of Sydney—has been doing research in the Tapeats Sandstone formation in the Grand Canyon that evolutionists have never done—and have even tried to stop Dr. Snelling from doing—because of their worldview of millions of years. But because Dr. Snelling starts with the Word of God, he has a totally different worldview of interpreting the Grand Canyon . . . and what he’s found, using observational science, has confirmed exactly what we’d expect by starting
By Ken Ham Our Vacation Bible School, Answers VBS, is one of the top three in the world, used by thousands of churches around the world. And I personally believe it’s the most powerful VBS available. But what makes it different from other VBS options? Well, Answers VBS isn’t “fluff and stuff” like many other curricula, and it’s filled with deep content to give children a solid biblical foundation. That’s why Answers VBS is filled with apologetics (i.e., a faith defense) teaching, a biblical authority emphasis, and science experiments, great music, and much more. And it’s also why the topics
By Harry F. Sanders, III The immune system does amazing work fighting off pathogens. But where did those pathogens come from? …read more Source: AIG Daily
Elaborately designed by God …read more Source:
By Cornelius G. Hunter On this episode of ID the Future from the vault, host and biologist Ray Bohlin interviews biophysicist Cornelius Hunter, author of Darwin’s God, about an article in the journal Science concerning a virus invasion of E. coli bacteria. The article subtitle announces “Natural Selection Caught in the Act,” and suggests that an impressive instance of unguided evolution has been directly witnessed. Not so fast, Hunter says. The results were intelligently designed (by the lab scientists), he notes, and the changes are less impressive than they may appear at first glance. Hunter also explains protein-protein binding and
Wind tunnel videos have revealed some unexpected aerodynamic characteristics of locust wings, which design engineers of small robotic aircraft want to copy. …read more Source:
By Ken Ham Well, after forty busy days and nights at the Ark Encounter, our massive 40 Days and 40 Nights of Gospel Music event is now finished … for this year—and what an event it was! Guests from across the nation (and some international guests despite many borders being closed) enjoyed music from some of the biggest names in Gospel music, including Ernie Haase & Signature Sound, Lynda Randle, Karen Peck & New River, Brian Free & Assurance, and many, many more. This final week included speaking from Dr. David Jeremiah and music from Joseph Habedank, High Road, Triumphant,
By Brandon Clay Everywhere you find people, you see work. Work is present in every culture on the planet. …read more Source: AIG Daily
Can evolution explain the origin of systems underlying circadian rhythms? …read more Source: