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A powerful cumulative case against abiogenesis. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham What a milestone! Our Answers in Genesis YouTube channel—which features thousands of videos to help Christians defend their faith and to challenge unbelievers with the gospel message—recently reached 30,000,000 views! Praise the Lord! Think of all the people being impacted by these powerful videos. We give God the glory for bringing so many people, from all around the world, to our channel to learn his truth. We give God the glory for bringing so many people, from all around the world, to our channel to learn his truth. I also want to thank two different groups: Our [More]
By Ken Ham Discover the basics every creationist must know in the newest issue of In addition to creation basics, you’ll read fascinating articles such as “Yellowstone: Here Today, Gone Tomorrow?” “Life in the Borderland [Israel]” Quokka: The Happiest Animal on Earth? “Plants—Standing Their Ground” Journey Back to Bethlehem And more! As with every issue, you’ll enjoy a biblical worldview on the latest science and culture news items, instructions for a hands-on science experiment, devotionals, and more. And each magazine also features a separate magazine that helps young readers build a biblical worldview. In this Kids Answers issue, we’ll revisit [More]
By Ken Ham Tardigrades (also known as water bears) are famous for their ability to survive nearly anything, including the vacuum of space. Evolutionists believe these microscopic animals have survived for 540 million years, and yet, partially due to their size, only three fossil specimens have been uncovered. The third tardigrade specimen—described as a “once-in-a-generation” find—was only just discovered, preserved incredibly beautifully in a piece of amber dated at supposedly 16 million years. As many amber fossils are, this tardigrade was so well preserved that scientists could observe fine details: Researchers say the pristine specimen is the best-imaged fossil tardigrade [More]
By Ken Ham It’s a learning experience like no other! We’ve been offering high school labs at the Creation Museum for several years now. They’re very popular and usually sell out quickly. Now, these programs require homeschoolers to live within a few hours of the museum as the labs take place over the entire school year. So many parents have requested an “intensive” option where out-of-town students come and take all the labs in one week—and I am excited to announce we can finally offer that! These are not just for homeschoolers but also for parents who want their …read [More]
By Jonathan Wells Today’s ID the Future spotlights The Comprehensive Guide to Science and Faith, and specifically, an essay in the new anthology by biologist Jonathan Wells, “Is Darwinism a Theory in Crisis?” As Wells and host Casey Luskin note, the essay title alludes to philosopher of science Thomas Kuhn’s influential 1962 book The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. Kuhn argued there that if one studies the history of scientific revolutions, one finds that when the scientific evidence has begun to turn against a dominant scientific paradigm—when its days are numbered— its adherents do not simply concede defeat. Instead they use [More]
What are the odds that a buried animal would still have intact DNA after 125 million years? Researchers publishing in the journal Communications Biology said exactly that.1 But it’s what they elected not to say that tells just as big a story. The cartilage-containing fossil named Caudipteryx came from China’s famous Jehol Biota. Although the study authors along with most scientists lab… More… …read more Source: icr.org     
By Ken Ham College hunting—whew, it can be a challenge! Sorting through programs, scholarship options, and what the school believes and teaches can be a challenge. And, sadly, parents and students can’t even trust that a Christian college is truly Christian (even though it is claimed to be so), teaches a biblical worldview, and stands on the authority of God’s Word, beginning in Genesis. So how do you find a school that actually does? Well, we’ve done the hard work for you. We bring together the nation’s leading colleges that take a bold, uncompromising stand on God’s Word—beginning in Genesis—and [More]
By Ken Ham One start-up has a lofty goal—to “resurrect” the woolly mammoth by 2027 . . . sort of. You see, if successful, it will not be a true woolly mammoth like those that lived during the post-flood ice age but, rather, a modern elephant with edited genes (thanks to the “molecular scissors” technology CRISPR)—giving it smaller ears, more body fat, and the ability to survive the cold Arctic tundra. The company hopes that their hybrids will start having calves within four to six years and that artificial wombs will eventually help bolster large-scale herds to roam an area [More]
By Bodie Hodge It can be a difficult task to draw a fine line between the items we address and those we do not because all doctrines of Christianity ultimately interconnect. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham It’s a sanctity of life Vacation Bible School (VBS) program— Foam toys Water bottles Pens and pencils Fabric backpacks Carabiners Stamps Notepads Scratch art Puffy stickers Magnet puzzles And so much more! All of these products are now available for preorder, so it’s time to begin shopping for next summer! And enjoy 25% off your preorder with coupon code VBS22B (if you haven’t preordered your Super Starter or Starter Kit, you can use that code to get 25% off your kit as well!) through January 10, 2022. Visit AnswersVBS.com. Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,Ken [More]
How important are different understandings of origins? …read more Source: creation.com     
By Roger Patterson Some accuse biblical creationists of appealing to a “God of the gaps”—yet this charge often forgets humanity’s smallness and the universe’s complexity. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham You may have seen exciting headlines like this one: “3D scans show boat-like formation matching ‘biblical’ description of Noah’s Ark, archaeologists say.” According to reports, researchers using ground-penetrating radar have discovered a boat-shaped formation matching the dimensions of the biblical ark, including “parallel lines and right angles,” on Mount Tendürek in Eastern Turkey. Could it be true—has Noah’s ark been found? Well, this isn’t a new find—this is the Durupinar site we’ve written about many times before (for example here, here, and here). It was first postulated as an Ark site back in 1959 and has been [More]
The ‘great apes’ are not-so-great at providing clues as to our origins …read more Source: creation.com     
Evolutionists cannot challenge creationists to explain the order in the fossil record, since that order appears to be far from established. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham Children love them! Parents love them! And now you can And all four members of the giraffe family are now available as plush toys! These plush toys are popular with kids of all ages who love how cute and cuddly they are. The family is available in three different sizes, and you can order them all together as a pack or just bring home your favorite. Our production department worked hard to make these some of the best plush toys in the world! They really are fantastic. Find these …read more Source: Ken Ham AIG     
By Troy Lacey Some argue that the Bible contradicts itself on whether a person can see God face-to-face—but all biblical data should be considered in context. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
Skeptics scoff at the long lifespans of the biblical Patriarchs. Yet, the biblical data gives us a seamless exponential decay curve that could not have been invented by accident. …read more Source: creation.com     
‘That’s why there are stories from cultures worldwide, of dragon encounters and men terrified.’ …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham It’s dinosaur month! What a great opportunity to teach children the truth about dinosaurs, starting with God’s Word, and equipping them with apologetics so they know what they believe about the true history of the world and why. And one way you can do that this month is with a Dinosaurs for Kids. This book explores the 7 Ages of Dinosaurs for elementary and middle school kids, illuminating these creatures with a biblical worldview. And we recently released my book as a shorter swivel book which makes a great giveaway for churches. Dinosaurs for Little Kids. The [More]
By Jonathan Wells Today’s ID the Future spotlights a new book, The Comprehensive Guide to Science and Faith: Exploring the Ultimate Questions about Life and the Cosmos, and specifically a chapter by biologist Jonathan Wells titled “What are the Top Scientific Problems with Evolution?” Wells is the guest, and the host is geologist and Center for Science and Culture associate director Casey Luskin, who co-edited the anthology from Harvest House Publishers. In this episode the first problem that Wells highlights concerns homology and convergence. A second problem involves fossils. Darwin anticipated “innumerable transitions” in the fossil record, but such a [More]
Is the big bang compatible with God’s creation described in Genesis? …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham If you’re like many people when you watch the news, you shake your head and wonder, “What is happening here in America?” It’s obvious that our nation is divided, the church is conflicted and largely lukewarm, religious persecution is increasing, and Christians are struggling with what to do in the midst of all this. Well, God’s Word gives us the answers we need to stand boldly for him and share his gospel in any time or place. In this short blog post, I want to give you three ways you can equip yourself with solutions to a [More]
By Tim Chaffey There are “many infallible proofs” given in Scripture for the resurrecction of Jesus Christ—yet many still do not believe. Why? …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Casey Luskin On this classic ID the Future, Casey Luskin discusses how theistic Darwinists Francis Collins and Karl Giberson rely on the argument that pseudogenes are junk, “broken DNA.” The pseudogene is their centerpiece evidence for common descent and macroevolution in their book The Language of Science and Faith. This leaves them hard-pressed as researchers discover more and more functions for non-coding DNA, including pseudogenes. Source …read more Source: id the future     
By Ken Ham It’s a twisted world—so how can we stand firm? Get equipped to stand rooted in the Word of God in the face of an increasingly hostile world at our 2022 Answers for Women conference, taking place March 31–April 2, 2022, at the Ark Encounter, south of Cincinnati. During this powerful, three-day event, you’ll hear from Darrell B. Harrison of the Just Thinking podcast, Dr. Georgia Purdom of AiG, biblical counselor Martha Peace, Kyle Mann of The Babylon Bee, Bill Jack of Worldview Academy, Cong. Mike Johnson, an attorney who represents Louisiana in the US Congress, and more. [More]