By Eric Cassell Today’s ID the Future again spotlights the new book Animal Algorithms: Evolution and the Mysterious Origin of Ingenious Instincts. Host and Baylor University computer engineering professor Robert J. Marks talks with Animal Algorithms author Eric Cassell about the sophisticated algorithms that appear to be embedded in the brains of colony insects, granting them impressive instinctive abilities. Could these complex programmed behaviors have evolved through a blind Darwinian process? Cassell and Marks discuss the challenges to that idea, beginning with the fact that in our ordinary experience, when random changes are made to a computer algorithm, it inevitably
By Ken Ham It’s November . . . and that means our Christmas season is about to begin! On November 26, we host our first evening (5:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.) for 2021 of ChristmasTime at the Ark Encounter and ChristmasTown at the Creation Museum. These events run until December 30, select evenings. We can’t wait! Both of these spectacular Christmas events are free. You just pay for parking—but if you live in one of eight local counties, we’re offering you free parking this year for the final time. This is a wonderful opportunity for local believers to invite their
“Links to part 1 and part 2 if you haven’t read them.” Admin How were speleothem growth variables affected by Noah’s Flood and its aftermath? …read more Source:
Three long ice cores have been drilled and extracted from the East Antarctic ice sheet: the EPICA Dome C, Vostok, and Dome Fuji cores. Secular scientists have assigned ages to the bottoms of these cores: 800 thousand, 400 thousand, and 720 thousand years, respectively. Now, six international teams hope to drill a fourth deep ice core in East Antarctica, one with bottom ice labeled as 1.5 million years old. Because of concerns over global warming,… More… …read more Source:
By Ken Ham It’s nice to be able to report some good news! In September, the state of Texas enacted a “heartbeat bill” that bans abortion after a baby’s heartbeat can be detected (usually around 6–8 weeks gestational age). Now while this bill certainly doesn’t go far enough—a heartbeat does not determine personhood—the bill has likely saved over 2,000 babies’ lives as abortion rates were slashed in half in the state during September! We need to continue fighting for life in this nation—the lives of unborn children are depending on it. Taking a human life is murder. We need to
Does God have good reasons to use special revelation, like the Bible, to reveal Himself? …read more Source:
By Stephen C. Meyer On this ID the Future Stephen Meyer sits down with talk show host and bestselling novelist Andrew Klavan to discuss Meyer’s Return of the God Hypothesis. In this fast-paced conversation the pair touch on the Judeo-Christian roots of science, how fine tuning in physics and cosmology point to intelligent design, and how a great many scientists held out hope that the universe was eternal and therefore did not require a creator, but eventually threw in the towel as evidence mounted for a cosmic beginning. What about the multiverse hypothesis as an escape for atheists wishing to
By Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell If all the ingredients necessary for life can occur naturally, does that mean over time they can evolve into a living creature? …read more Source: AIG Daily
Many theological scholars today wrongly try to force the Genesis account into a straitjacket, interpreting it according to Ancient Near East pagan myths. …read more Source:
A recent article in Sky & Telescope magazine explains why secular theorists have difficulty agreeing on the ages of Saturn’s moons.1 In the process, the article provides a reminder that Saturn’s rings are young. It also presents possible evidence that some of Saturn’s moons are also young. Most important, it highlights the fact that (incorrect) secular origins stories spanning alleged histories of billion… More… …read more Source:
On June 7, 2021, NASA’s Juno spacecraft flew closer to Jupiter’s moon Ganymede than any spacecraft had ever before. Ganymede is the largest moon in the Solar System—a body larger than the planet Mercury. Its frozen surface holds interest as a distant water source. Analysts still ponder three unique features of Ganymede, one of which they’re now seeing for the first time. If reactions to youthful features on other bodies ou… More… …read more Source:
The sprouting of a seed is crucial to not only the beginning of a plant’s life, but all life on earth. Despite this fundamental process of importance to plant biology, scientists are baffled over how seeds detect when there’s enough water to germinate. This mystery is now beginning to unfold and nothing less than finely tuned engineering is the clear result. Researchers recently reported the discovery of a special… More… …read more Source:
“Watch part 1 here if you haven’t.” Admin What variables affect the growth rate of speleothems? …read more Source:
Ten strong evidences for the earth’s relative youth that confirm the Bible from geology, biology, paleontology, oceanography, and even astronomy …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham Discover some of the remarkable creatures that call Ararat Ridge Zoo at the Don’t miss our 14-month 2022 calendar (starting in December 2021). Order yours today at (bulk discounts available to give them out as fun Christmas gifts). Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,Ken This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team. …read more Source: Ken Ham AIG
By Guillermo Gonzalez On today’s ID the Future astrobiologist Guillermo Gonzalez and host Casey Luskin discuss the idea of undirected panspermia. Gonzalez explains the basic idea and what the best current evidence says about its plausibility. The occasion is his chapter on panspermia in the new anthology A Comprehensive Guide to Science and Faith, co-edited by Casey Luskin, associate director of Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture. Undirected panspermia is the idea that the first life on our planet came from outer space, carried by chance processes from a faraway living planet on space dust, asteroids, or comets either
The subject of origins continues to attract interest from the public and the scientific establishment. Understanding our origins informs us of who we are in the greater scheme of things: beloved creatures or cosmic accidents. The stakes are high. Our understanding of who and what we are forms the basis for all our philosophies, morals, laws, politics, economics, and worldviews. This issue is also important to biblical hermeneutics,… More… …read more Source:
Atheists actually believe in miracles without any reasonable cause for them. …read more Source:
By Ken Ham “Newly discovered sponge-like animals could change the known history of animal evolution.” Claims like this are ones we often hear—the evolutionary story and timeline are constantly changing as new finds upset everything they thought they knew, such as when animals first evolved from sponges (if they even evolved from sponges—that’s much debated in the evolutionary community!). Now, some will claim this is just how science works. After all, our knowledge about the natural world adjusts as we make new discoveries. But it’s interesting to note how frequently this happens with the idea of evolution—timelines that were “settled
“This is the first of a great 5 part series on Flood geology featuring geologist Steve Austin. There are links to the other parts on the videos page.” Admin In 1980 Mount St. Helens erupted and quickly became known as “God’s gift to Creationists.” Thirty years later geologist Dr. Steve Austin returns to the volcanic monument to share about the catastrophic processes which reshaped the terrain and how they support the Biblical record of earth’s history. He presents his research on how the events at Mount St. Helens reveal catastrophic processes in other geologic features such as the Grand Canyon
ICR scientists and support staff recently completed a two-week science expedition through the Great Plains and western mountain states to conduct scientific research and produce two documentaries. And now our Dallas creation museum and event teams are welcoming guests of all ages to celebrate our first ever Dinosaur Week and learn about these mysterious creatures from a biblical perspective. How can ICR afford to take on these and many other fait… More… …read more Source:
The Great Unconformity is one of the most baffling mysteries in the geological sciences.1 It is marked by a massive surface of erosion that appears all over the world at about the same time. Many studies have tried and failed to satisfactorily explain its global occurrence. Now a new report published in Geology claims to take a step forward in solving this mystery.2 Just like prior attempts, this research effort sti… More… …read more Source:
How can Noah’s Flood explain it? …read more Source:
Why do scientists discover similarities between human-engineered systems and creature adaptation? How does the Genesis Flood explain the Ice Age? How is biblical creation the best scientific explanation of our world? What does it mean to be rich toward God? Discover the answers to these questions and more in the November 2021 issue of Acts & Facts! More… …read more Source:
By Casey Luskin On this ID the Future from the vault, Casey Luskin finishes up his look at Francis Collins’s and Karl Giberson’s The Language of Science and Faith, a book arguing for theistic Darwinism. In this sixth and final installment in the series, Luskin reviews the contradictions and fallacious bandwagon appeals that he says permeate the book. He praises the two authors for their intelligence and professional achievements, but he encourages readers of the book to also read one or more works skeptical of theistic Darwinism in order to better assess how Giberson and Collins’s case holds up when
The book of Proverbs states, “Go to the ant, you sluggard! Consider her ways and be wise” (6:6). Evolutionists went to the ant, not to learn of her God-given ability to gather and store provisions, but to vainly attempt to determine human brain evolution. Human brain size has decreased since 3,000 years ago and is a mystery to anthropologists. To disentangle this mystery, a team of res… More… …read more Source:
By Ken Ham In our increasingly anti-Christian world, where sin is celebrated and those who stand on God’s Word are punished, how can we walk in wisdom, with gracious speech, as we make the best use of the time we have? Get answers at our powerful Answers for Women Conference, taking place March 31–April 2, 2022, at the Ark Encounter in Williamstown, Kentucky, south of Cincinnati. This isn’t your typical women’s conference filled with “positive thinking” and “fluffy” teaching. Rather, it’s a Word-filled three days, where engaging, passionate speakers who love God’s Word will give you practical tools for living