When debating skeptics who insist that science is all about evidence, it’s important to show that their worldview is incoherent; it does not make rational sense of the world we live in. …read more Source: creation.com
Natural selection can only select for the attributes an organism needs to survive, so how is it that creatures are endowed with a whole lot more than necessary? …read more Source: creation.com
By Ken Ham Time off for having an abortion? The city of Boston, Massachusetts is offering employees three months’ paid leave if they experience “a loss of pregnancy”—and they’ve expanded that definition to include the intentional murder of an unborn child by abortion! Now, it’s a wonderful thing to give parents time off to grieve the loss of a baby (We at Answers in Genesis extend a bereavement leave to parents who have suffered the loss of an unborn child.) It’s a devastating event because a human life has been lost and parents need time to grieve for their child.
By Richard Weikart Today’s ID the Future again spotlights The Comprehensive Guide to Science and Faith. Historian Richard Weikart and host Casey Luskin discuss Weikart’s contribution to the new anthology, his essay “How Evil Has Been Done in the Name of Science.” As Weikart explains, over the past century and a half, science has been misused to fuel racist policies and undermine human rights. Darwinian ideas helped lay the groundwork for Nazi ideology in Germany. And we shouldn’t imagine the problem was restricted to Nazi Germany. Scientific racism also reared its head in the United States, including in the long-running
The bacterium has “remarkable” and “sophisticated” nano-scale electric motors …read more Source: creation.com
By Ken Ham Why is this painting more valuable than a Picasso? Well, first of all, consider the painting: Now please read the letter that came with it from an eight-year-old: Dear Ken Ham, My name is Adyn and I am 8 years old. I live in Michigan and I love going to the Ark Encounter and the Creation Museum. My favorite exhibit in the Creation Museum is creation and corruption. My favorite part of the Ark Encounter was the second floor. I also love eating at Emzara’s. What are your favorite exhibits? I enjoy reading your …read more Source:
What does it tell us about the evolution of flight? …read more Source: creation.com
There are countless interconnected, precise, and non-coincidental features of Earth that directly contribute to our planet’s ability to sustain life. One such phenomenon is that of Earth’s ultraviolet shield called the atmosphere. The atmosphere’s complex arrangement and seamlessly balanced, life-sustaining attributes distinctly indicate non-coincidental purpose and skillful crafting by a Designer who “is before all things… More… …read more Source: icr.org
On select dates Friday, November 26, through December 30, we will host our free spectacular annual Christmas programs at the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum. …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham Would Jesus be declared “woke” by political conservatives if he came to earth today, instead of 2,000 years ago? According to a recent tweet, the Democratic lieutenant governor hopeful of Texas, Matthew Dowd, believes so. Is Dowd right? Is Jesus “woke”? Well, “woke” means many things today. In his tweet, Dowd appears to define it with the following statement: How about we just say it is human decency to treat all with respect and dignity and that it is constitutional to say all men and women are equal. Now, in his tweet he’s basically defending being “woke”
A lot depends on what we mean by ‘evidence’. …read more Source: creation.com
By Ken Ham We want to take time today to thank the Lord for what he has done through Answers in Genesis, the Creation Museum, and the Ark Encounter this year. …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Tim Chaffey Three reasons Answers in Genesis plans to build a replica of the Tower of Babel, rightfully considered a symbol of man’s rebellion after the global flood. …read more Source: AIG Daily
What can we learn from stone tool finds with Homo erectus skulls? …read more Source: creation.com
Answering the question, ‘Why does God allow bad things to happen?’ To whet your appetite, we hope you enjoy this sneak peek of an interview from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. …read more Source: creation.com
Evolution must be true because most scientists agree it is; but is that really the case? …read more Source: creation.com
A team of evolutionary scientists from the U.S., China, and Canada recently found a complete tiny crab in amber.1 Publishing in Science Advances, the team determined that the specimen was a member of Eubrachyura, a category of “true crabs” based on living animals. Found in Myanmar in rocks claimed to be 99-100 million years old, the crab was smaller than a human fingernail.1 But the big question is this:… More… …read more Source: icr.org
After Leif Eiriksson’s original voyage to North American shores, the Greenland Vikings remained in “Vinland the Good” for a time—but for how long? A couple of decades, at least, according to new evidence reported in Nature.1,2 The new evidence comes from old samples. Dozens of radiocarbon dates taken from wooden artifacts excavated at L’Anse aux Me… More… …read more Source: icr.org
By Spike Psarris Every year, the moon moves an inch or so farther away from earth. It may not seem like much, but that tiny movement puts a big limit on the moon’s age. …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham Well, I finally did it! It’s something I’ve wanted to do for a very long time. And now it’s here! I’ve always wanted to write a verse-by-verse commentary on Genesis 1–11 in my own conversational, easy-to-understand style for the family. It’s unique, packed with God’s amazing and foundational events, and it’s entitled I believe one of the main gifts the Lord has entrusted to me is the gift of teaching. I love to communicate the truth of God’s Word, the gospel, and the foundational truths of Genesis so everyone will understand the message. Woven throughout all my
By Dr. Charles Ware While many call for better race relations, God’s call for “grace relations” will help bring a more lasting and eternal peace among all peoples. …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Dr. Alan L. Gillen Just as the baker uses yeasts to transform hard, flat dough into new bursting life in bread and beverages, the Creator makes new living creatures in Christ. …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham Does your church host a VBS program? Many of us have wonderful memories of attending a Vacation Bible School program as children. But is it worth the time and effort to put on a week-long VBS at your church in 2022? Yes! Here are three reasons why: Kids hear the gospel message. Many children in our communities (and even in the church) have never heard the gospel message. VBS is a wonderful opportunity to share with children how much Christ loves them and that he died for them. And not only do they hear the gospel message,
If you’re looking for a book that covers a range of science subjects to counter evolutionary indoctrination, you need seek no further. …read more Source: creation.com
Fossils in amber look like creatures still alive today! …read more Source: creation.com
By Ken Ham When you truly understand the biblical truth that every person is fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14) in God’s image (Genesis 1:27), your heart should be moved with compassion for other image-bearers who are suffering or in need. And that’s why our 2022 Answers Vacation Bible School (VBS), . Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,Ken This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team. …read more Source: Ken Ham AIG
By Ken Ham “Shocking human tail surgically removed from newborn,” the headlines proclaimed. According to news reports, a baby boy was recently born in Brazil with a “human tail with a ball at the end of it.” The report even went so far as to call this a “real human tail”—but is that what it really is? Well, the article states (note how evolutionary the terminology sounds—really, what they call a “tail” isn’t a tail at all but the critically important coccyx where the muscles will attach later in development): Around the fourth week of gestation, most of us start