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By Ken Ham As we approach the New Year, many families will resolve to begin holding family devotions together next year. Well, if that’s something your family is looking to do in 2022 (and I strongly encourage you to do so, if you don’t already; a time together to worship, pray, and study God’s Word has an incredible influence on children!), we have the perfect resource for you—a faith-building “walk through the Bible” with This “read and discuss” set of devotionals goes through the entire Bible chronologically. It’s perfect for family study or for sitting down with a friend or [More]
By Frost Smith Just three weeks after fertilization, the tiny unborn baby’s brain, spinal cord, and other organs begin to form, demonstrating early complex development. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
What are the odds that a buried animal would still have intact DNA after 125 million years? Researchers publishing in the journal Communications Biology said exactly that.1 But it’s what they elected not to say that tells just as big a story. The cartilage-containing fossil named Caudipteryx came from China’s famous Jehol Biota. Although the study authors along with most scientists lab… More… …read more Source: icr.org     
By Ken Ham It’s a question frequently asked after a personal or national tragedy, illness, or loss: “Why do bad things happen?” And it’s no surprise that over the past nearly two years, 23% of US adults say they’ve mulled over this question “a lot,” along with other difficult topics, such as the purpose of suffering and the meaning of life. What are their conclusions? Well, according to a new Pew Forum study, Americans largely blame random chance – along with people’s own actions and the way society is structured – for human suffering, while relatively few believers blame God [More]
By Ken Ham Are you tired of “fluff and stuff” Christian conferences? Consider the following question posed by organizers of a conference: “Are you ready to be Human again?” Okay, what does that mean? Well, to be honest, it’s rather unclear. (And now we’re all confused!) Here’s where I heard this phrase. One of the members of our research department received a mailer for an upcoming conference for family ministry teams. The theme of this conference is “Be Human.” So, what does that mean? Well, inside the mailer, the conference organizers explain: When God became human, it wasn’t to prove [More]
How easy it seems to simply adjust an age that does not fit the evolutionary long-age narrative. Sometimes, there are no qualms about changing a ‘date’ by a billion years! …read more Source: creation.com     
By David Wright How did Jesus Christ fulfill a promise made by God in Genesis? …read more Source: AIG Daily     
It’s the hardest substance in the human body. But be warned: If you’re slack with your dental hygiene, fixing your tooth enamel ain’t easy. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham Australopithecus sediba—did it walk like a human but climb like an ape? According to a recent study, new lower back fossils of this so-called “human ancestor” supposedly “settles a decades old debate proving early hominins used their upper limbs to climb like apes and their lower limbs to walk like humans.” Now, we’ve said for years that A. sediba was just an ape. But does this new study show it was indeed a “missing link,” as the article claims? Paleontologist Dr. Gabriela Haynes, one of the members of our research team, shares this about A. sebiba and [More]
By Bodie Hodge The true story of St. Nicholas: Bishop of Myra, giver of gifts to children, and defender of orthodoxy at the Council of Nicaea …read more Source: AIG Daily     
A ‘handy’ mutation in sheep could revolutionize the Australian woolgrowing industry. But it’s not evolution. …read more Source: creation.com     
The Coconino Sandstone, famously exposed near the top of Grand Canyon’s splendid sedimentary layers, remains a controversial rock. Two counterclaims vie for its origin. If wind formed the Coconino’s now-hardened sand dunes, then the whole region must have been dry land exposed to the air—unlike the Bible’s portrayal of a worldwide Flood. But if water formed the Coconino’s features, then the whole region must have lai… More… …read more Source: icr.org     
By Ken Ham Many of our supporters want to visit the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter in Northern Kentucky, but they haven’t been able to yet. Others came years ago and now want to see all the incredible upgrades and improvements that have been made. And others just visited and want to relive their experience. And, of course, there are many overseas who would love to come and visit, but right now it’s difficult to travel internationally. Well, I’m excited to announce that everyone can visit the Creation Museum right now from their living room! Peter’s commentary on the [More]
Scientists are still trying to out-do each another by finding the biggest dinosaur. Brian Curtice, from the Arizona Museum of Natural History, recently threw his name in the hat with a new analysis of the long-necked dinosaur Supersaurus.1 His findings were presented virtually at the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology’s Annual meeting. Supersaurus was originall… More… …read more Source: icr.org     
‘Evolution in action’ turns out to be nothing of the sort. ‘Bacteria evolve resistance to antibiotics’, ‘Insects evolve resistance to pesticides’, ‘Organisms evolve tolerance to pollutants’—these headlines lead many to think that the molecules-to-man evolutionary process is happening before our very eyes.   …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham Do your children enjoy Schus Off!? This fun kids’ adventure program features Trevor and Avery Schu (Foley), and their three children, on explorations in God’s creation. Season 1 is available on Answers TV and Answers in Genesis videos on demand Learn MoreFree Trial Schus Off! also has a blog on our kids’ site, and the pilot episode of the show was included for free, no subscription needed, in a recent blog post. You can enjoy that blog and the full episode in “Meeting the Bison at Big Bone …read more Source: Ken Ham AIG     
By Andrew McDiarmid On today’s ID the Future, host Robert Crowther sits down with writer Andrew McDiarmid to discuss his recent New York Post article, “Word to the Wise: Progressives Forget that Parents are in Charge of Kids’ Education.” The two discuss recent dustups in the news in which parents were told to butt out of the public education of their children. This is profoundly wrongheaded and for a variety of reasons, McDiarmid argues. McDiarmid, a Discovery Institute senior fellow, advocates for greater parental involvement, rather than less, and he and Crowther then apply the principle to the narrower question [More]
A question is asked about sceptics’ responses to creationists using speedy growth rates of speleothems under man-made structures to illustrate speedy natural cave formations …read more Source: creation.com     
By Dr. David Menton Look at those luscious pancakes! Can’t you just taste them? You can—because of God’s intricate design for your senses. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham On December 1, 2021, the United States Supreme Court heard oral arguments that may overturn Roe v. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court decision that declared the US Constitution supposedly protects a woman’s “right” to have an abortion. Breaking News Supreme Court upholds the Texas “Heartbeat Bill,” while allowing suits to move forward against the state. This seems to be a positive sign that the Court is allowing recent pro-life legislation to stand. (Source: The Christian Post) While these powerful arguments were being presented before the justices, apparently a group of pro-death activists stood outside with a banner [More]
By Harry F. Sanders, III How we know human life begins at conception, as the Bible affirms, and the cultural consequences of ignoring the facts …read more Source: AIG Daily     
How could the earth get out of a global glaciation? …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham Our spectacular Christmas programs have begun in N. Kentucky! Thousands of families have already visited to enjoy the gorgeous lights, live nativity, Christmas caroling, and more. And there’s still plenty of time for you and your family to come and enjoy ChristmasTown at the Creation Museum (exit 11 off I-275 in Petersburg, KY) A breathtaking garden of lights, with bridges, waterfalls, a boardwalk, lighted dinosaur models, and more A petting zoo with alpacas, goats, pigs, chickens, a wallaby, and more A live nativity (Thursday–Sunday nights) State-of-the-art playground Glice® (synthetic ice) skating (a nominal skate rental required) Zip-line [More]
By Ken Ham We’re mourning the loss of another giant in the AiG ministry. Dr. David Menton, who passed away today at age 83 after a brief illness. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Douglas Axe This ID the Future brings in protein scientist Douglas Axe to discuss his contribution to a new book, The Comprehensive Guide to Science and Faith. Axe and host Casey Luskin discuss Axe’s thinking on the design intuition, the evidence that it’s triggered almost universally in small children when they observe things like dragonflies or fresh-baked cookies, and why he’s convinced that this intuition is a rational one rooted in our true sense of what sorts of things require know-how for their creation. For those who retort “Science!,” Axe has some of that to offer as well. As [More]
By Ken Ham The Answers in Genesis ministry is nearly 28 years old, but I’ve been in full-time creation ministry for over forty years. Much has changed in our world in 40 years, but the message I have taught, and that Answers in Genesis has proclaimed, hasn’t changed—it’s only become more relevant as Western culture continues to base its thinking on man’s word instead of God’s Word. I recently saw three comments on a Facebook post I wrote about our Christmas events that I thought I would share with you. These three individuals shared how the AiG ministry and our [More]
By Ken Ham I recently had the wonderful opportunity of speaking to thousands of high schoolers and college students at Bob Jones University for their STAND conference. The sessions were well attended and enthusiastically received, and thousands of students also received a copy of my new book, Divided Nation. I’m thankful for BJU—they are one of the few Christian institutions that stand with Answers in Genesis on a historical Genesis. <img src="https://assets.answersingenesis.org/img/blogs/ken-ham/2021/12/ken-ham-bju-7.jpg" …read more Source: Ken Ham AIG