By Ken Ham Christians need the Word of God—it’s not optional for us to know the Bible if we want to grow in Christ and think and view the world according to his Word. And our children need God’s Word, too! As Deuteronomy 6:6–7 says, “And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.” And we’re offering a new resource in
By Karina Altman Meet some cool creatures with weird and wild defenses. …read more Source: AIG Daily
How were caves like this formed? …read more Source:
By Ken Ham Did you know there’s apparently an “Abortion Provider Appreciation Day”? Reportedly the city of Alexandria, Virginia, declared March 10 “Abortion Provider Appreciation Day” and was planning a formal recognition of the day by the city until public outcry made them decide that “ultimately, it didn’t need to be on our council docket.” So, they really wanted a day to celebrate sacrificing children! How evil. According to the mayor, [This proclamation] was more controversial than a proclamation should be . . . We appreciate those providers for doing the work that they do, and doing it under adverse
How the sun and moon cause our super-helpful tides …read more Source:
By Ken Ham Christ is risen! In just a few weeks Christians will be specifically celebrating the risen Lord in homes and churches around the world. At this time of year, many unbelievers are more open to attending church or having spiritual conversations about Christ and what he came to do. So, we have resources to help you share the gospel with others during this season. “A Biblical and Historical Look at Easter” is a short booklet that deals with questions such as, What’s the meaning of Easter? From where does the origin of the holiday come? Is it for
When lies and fake news are abundant, it becomes hard to discern the truth. The Bible is the book that not only points to the truth, but is the truth. …read more Source:
In 1988 a fossil jaw was discovered by paleontologists in San Diego County, California. Decades later the scientists determined it belonged to a relatively unknown carnivore species of the machaeroidines (saber-toothed, placental mammals). The creature was named Diegoaelurus vanvalkenburghae and was about the size of a bobcat with teeth like slicing blades. So far, only 14 specimens belonging to the machaeroidines have been found.1More… …read more Source:
By Ken Ham We’re hiring this summer! During our busy season at the attractions, tens of thousands of guests pour into the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum—and that means we need to hire hundreds of seasonal staff to serve these guests. It’s an exciting time of helping families hear the message of biblical authority and the gospel message. We’re also hiring full-time and part-time staff in addition to the seasonal positions at the Ark Encounter, the Creation Museum, Answers in Genesis, and Twelve Stones Christian Academy here in N. Kentucky. You can view a full list of jobs on our
By Brandon Clay What 1 John 1:5 meant by affirming “God is light,” how light is connected with God in the Bible, and believers’ call to walk in the light …read more Source: AIG Daily
Is there a billions-of-years gap between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2, with a Luciferian flood that caused all the fossils? Biblical and scientific problems with gap theory. Read More
Although we see much beauty in God’s creation, we cannot help but see Earth as a perfect world gone wrong. Conditions such as cancer, COVID, and carnivores reminds us this world has been cursed due to the sin of our first parents. Cursed is the ground for your sake; in toil you shall eat of it all the days of your life. Both thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for you, and you shall eat… More… …read more Source:
By Ken Ham How would you and your family like to “bounce” back and forth between the world’s two leading Christian themed attractions? Well, now you can because we’re presenting a whole new way of experiencing everything the Ark Encounter and the Creation Museum have to offer in N. Kentucky. The museum and the Ark both offer so much for families to see and do: world-class exhibits, beautiful grounds, hands-on family programs, presentations, concerts, animal encounters, zoo animals, playgrounds, and more (with more coming!). Whew! No wonder families want to spend more than just one day at each attraction! And
By Ken Ham The plain meaning of Genesis, how the “days” in Genesis 1 have been understood in church history & answering common objections to the historical reading of Genesis …read more Source: AIG Daily
Evidence continues to accumulate that the Genesis Flood caused an ice age lasting hundreds of years.1 Creation scientists maintain there are two significant climate factors needed for an ice age. First, warm oceans are needed to increase evaporation, which ultimately generates extra rain near the equator and heavy snowfall in higher latitudes. Such conditions would build ice sheets atop the continents. Second, Earth&rsqu… More… …read more Source:
By Ken Ham In January, Answers in Genesis held a two-day conference with teaching, workshops, and displays to help equip Vacation Bible School directors and volunteers who will be using AiG’s powerful 2022 Answers VBS program, Learn more about Zoomerang at Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,Ken This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team. …read more Source: Ken Ham AIG
By Kaitlyn Iocco What do so many beautiful geological formations around the world have in common? …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Dr. Danny R. Faulkner There are 5,000 known extrasolar planets, and they are a problem for evolution because they defy naturalistic origins. …read more Source: AIG Daily
Refuting Jehovah’s Witnesses: Did Jesus die on a stake or a cross? And is God’s name Jehovah or Yahweh? Why do English Bibles translate God’s name as LORD? …read more Source:
Is evolution needed for biological research? Does biblical creation hinder scientific research? …read more Source:
A wide array of fish, amphibians, and arthropods have successfully colonized cave environments. In their cave adaptation, these creatures display complex systems of morphological, physiological, and behavioral traits that allow them to thrive in light-deficient and resource-scarce environments. One of the best-studied of these creatures is the Mexican tetra blind cavefish which is now revealing surprising and ingenious adaptive engineering that e… More… …read more Source:
By Ken Ham How should we communicate with extraterrestrials if we make direct contact with some distant species? Well, that’s not going to happen (you can read this article for my reasons why), but questions like that were recently discussed during an event sponsored by Harvard’s Mind Brain Behavior Interfaculty Initiative. Why are scientists such as those who participated in this discussion so sure we will someday encounter alien life? It’s because of their evolutionary worldview! In the popular science article linked above, one scientist, who believes we should take the search for ET more seriously, states, “We know that
Why are there predators, parasites, pathogens, in a very good creation? God didn’t make them that way! They became harmful after Adam’s fall. Poison depends on dose. …read more Source:
Surrounded by fiery lava and floodwaters, animals left their mark …read more Source:
By Ken Ham Have you explored the wide variety of content on Answers TV yet? Answers TV is our award-winning and powerful streaming platform. With over 5,000 videos now featured, there’s something for everyone in the family, from creationist nature programs to entertaining children’s shows to in-depth technical presentations in science and theology to music and more! New programs arrive regularly, including originals you can’t see anywhere else. And here’s just some of what’s new: Lost in a Sea of Relativity: Discover why a consistent atheist is forced to believe that there are no moral absolutes and that people have
By Dr. Nathaniel T. Jeanson Creationists are replacing Darwin’s ideas with better explanations for the origin of species. In fact, creationist ideas perform even better than expected. …read more Source: AIG Daily
Does evolution give a sound explanation for the arrival of acoustics? They say the earth was mostly quiet for billions of years, but is that an argument from silence? …read more Source: <a href= target=_blank title="Sounding off on evolution” >