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Modern science allows us to perform experiments on human embryos that are contrary to Scripture. What should our response be? …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham Some Christians claim the idea of the big bang is compatible with the creation account in Genesis—but it’s not! More in a moment on why the two are utterly incompatible. Now, when it comes to questions about origins, we should remember that we must always take God at his Word rather than take man’s ideas about the past and add them into the Bible. God’s infallible Word—not man’s fallible word—is the standard of truth because God has always been there, does not lie, and does not make a mistake. God and his Word must be our ultimate [More]
By Avery Foley How the unborn baby develops in the last stage of pregnancy, is protected by the mother’s immune system, and is nourished by the placenta until birth …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham University campuses are spiritual battlefields. At secular schools, students will encounter anti-God, anti-biblical ideas presented as fact and often see Christianity, God, and the Bible mocked, ignored, and, in some cases, treated as responsible for the evils in the world. Sadly, even many Christian colleges teach ideas that oppose God’s Word, such as evolution and millions of years. Students need practical strategies to help them survive—and even thrive—in the worldview battle in the classroom. And that’s exactly what they’ll find in a brand-new book from AiG-Canada’s Patricia Engler, Prepare to Thrive. Patricia is currently at Answers in [More]
By Ken Ham Editor’s note: This article was adapted from a news release that was recently distributed to the media. Prolific author, popular speaker and Ark Encounter visionary Ken Ham has released his newest book Creation to Babel: A Commentary for Families. Between offering penetrating commentary and devotional thoughts on the most scrutinized section of the Bible, Genesis chapters 1–11, Creation to Babel tackles today’s most-asked questions about the book of beginnings and addresses the pressing issues of our day, such as: Can you find evolution in Genesis? Where did the different “races” come from? Why are there diseases like [More]
Does it make sense without the bad news of the Fall? …read more Source: creation.com     
A group of evolutionary scientists from the United Kingdom and France recently unearthed a large track-bearing surface in southern Wales.1 They speculate that these prints are from a bipedal prosauropod2 dinosaur, similar to Plateosaurus, common across Europe. But their interpretation has one major issue. It appears that the prints were made across freshly deposited ocean sediments. Were these dinosaurs walking in t… More… …read more Source: icr.org     
By Ken Ham God has put us here “for such a time as this” (Esther 4:14). Our time is aptly described in Philippians 2:15 as a “crooked and twisted generation”—how can we stand for Christ, boldly proclaim his Word, and remain firmly planted in truth in such a time? We all need to be equipped to know how to deal with the changing culture we live in. Get answers that will encourage and equip you at our upcoming Answers for Women Conference at the Ark Encounter, March 31–April 2, 2022, south of Cincinnati. The line-up of speakers is exciting. Here [More]
By Linda Sauer A baby is usually born during gestational weeks 38–40 amid many complex and miraculous developmental changes to the baby . . . and the mother. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
Baraminology studies need adjustment to properly reflect the biblical distinction between flying animals like Archaeopteryx and land animals like dinosaurs. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham I’m excited to announce that Answers TV, our powerful streaming platform, is now an award-winning service! The National Religious Broadcasters (NRB) has announced its list of 2022 media award recipients, and Answers in Genesis received two awards. We received the “Best Use of Multiple Media” award for Answers TV, our very popular streaming service. We received the “Best Use of Multiple Media” award for Answers TV, our very popular streaming service. Answers TV now hosts over 5,000 programs and is continuing to grow weekly, with new programs and new seasons being added all the time. These programs [More]
By Bryan Osborne The Bible opens with one of many mysteries—where did Cain get his wife? Some people think it’s trivia, but it’s not. The gospel is involved. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Dr. Jason Lisle The “big bang” story aims to explain the universe’s origin without God and simultaneously fails to align with either the Bible & established scientific findings. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Dr. Alan L. Gillen How Christian Gram’s providential bacteria discovery in 1883 helped improve bacterial taxonomy and identify pathogens of infectious diseases. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Liz Abrams What we know about an unborn baby’s head, body, skin, hair, weight, hearing, and movement 21 weeks after fertilization. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
William Lane Craig’s historical Adam is Homo Heidelbergensis 750,000 years ago. …read more Source: creation.com     
After 52 years of fruitful ministry, the Institute for Creation Research is renewing its commitment to rigorous scientific research that affirms the truth of Scripture. As a staff, we’re delighted to reveal a new logo that reflects our mission and highlights an exciting field of research… More… …read more Source: icr.org     
Anti-creationists often claim that young-earth belief began with Seventh-Day Adventists. Refuting Compromise, Ch. 3, 8, showed that old-earth belief is the novelty, and the result of intimidation by uniformitarian geology. …read more Source: creation.com     
Even the best supercomputers struggle to solve the ‘Travelling Salesman Problem’. Yet bees do it as a matter of course. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham We’re increasingly seeing legislation pass in some countries that will almost certainly be used against Christians who stand on God’s Word. And there’s yet another example of such legislation, this time out of Canada, which has just banned so-called “conversion therapy” in a new bill, Bill C-4. Will this vaguely worded bill be used against Christians? It’s almost certain. Reportedly the preamble for this bill states that “heterosexuality, cisgender gender identity and gender expression that conforms to the sex assigned to a person at birth are to be preferred over other sexual orientations, gender identities and gender [More]
By Bodie Hodge Right under my nose was a fascinating find—in a book in my office that I overlooked for years. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
A recent secular news article confidently asserts that a fish fossil discovered in 1995 “is an ancestor of the first land animals or four-limbed vertebrate tetrapods.”1 The Flinders University zoologists stated the brain of Cladarosymblema narrienense was adapted for life on land, the ancestor of the first land animals. That’s quite a statement. The late evolutionist Carl Sagan once said, “Extraordinary… More… …read more Source: icr.org     
By Ken Ham You may have seen the news reports a few weeks ago stating that humans have now “touched” the sun—well, this exciting NASA mission, featuring the Parker Solar Probe, did indeed “touch” the sun. The probe reached the sun’s atmosphere (the corona), nearly four million miles from the sun’s surface, in order to sample the particles and the magnetic field found there. And an Answers in Genesis (AiG) staff member was involved in this historic mission! Rob Webb started with AiG in November as our new apologetics and science writer (he’s already published on our website, with more [More]
By Ken Ham It’s incredibly exciting research that rewrites everything you thought you knew about “race,” ethnicity, and human history—and it’s only possible because the researcher, Harvard-trained Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson, starts with God’s Word, not the evolutionary timeline. You won’t want to miss diving into this fascinating study that confirms God’s Word, beginning in Genesis. In 2020, I interviewed Dr. Jeanson about his exciting new research on the human genome as he used the Y chromosome (inherited through the male) to study events in human history, discover who is related to whom, and connect “genetic stamps” with known events in [More]
Accident and adaptation, or divine design? …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham Did you know Answers in Genesis has a biblical worldview discipleship Christian school, Twelve Stones Christian Academy? Located in Northern Kentucky, this school emphasizes biblical worldview teaching, biblical authority, apologetics, critical thinking, and excellent academics—and has access to all the incredible resources the nearby Creation Museum and Ark Encounter have to offer. There’s no other Christian school like it in the world. Come and see for yourself what makes it so unique during one of its two upcoming open houses, January 22 or February 26, 2022, from 10 a.m. until noon. TSCA uses only biblical worldview textbooks [More]
By Stephen C. Meyer On this classic ID The Future, Stephen Meyer, director of the Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture, honors Phillip Johnson, the U.C. Berkeley law professor who helped ignite the modern intelligent design movement with the publication of his highly successful book Darwin on Trial. Meyer says Johnson had the courage to speak up when others wouldn’t. “The overweening dynamic of this debate is fear,” Meyer says. “There are many many many people who have come up to the water’s edge, who have seen the problems with Darwinian evolution, have counted the cost, and recoiled.” But [More]