By Ken Ham The Genesis Flood by engineer Dr. Henry Morris and theologian Dr. John Whitcomb was one of the first major books I read on the issue of creation, the age of the earth, and a historical Genesis, and it greatly impacted me. This book was one of the first we started selling back in the 1970s—indeed, it was the book that is credited for launching the modern creation movement. I’ve heard many testimonies over the years of pastors who told me The Genesis Flood book saved them from the liberal theology at the seminary they were attending. They
By Ken Ham This recent article caught my attention . . . for all the wrong reasons. As I’ve mentioned hundreds of times over the years, once you open the door for compromise on the book of Genesis, it allows the door to continually be opened wider for compromise on the rest of Scripture. It places a person on a slippery slide of unbelief. Genesis is the foundation for so many biblical principles, like creation, sin, death, marriage, gender, and sexuality. When the book of Genesis is relegated to myth, moral parable or “mytho-history” (as William Lane Craig puts it),
By Ken Ham Christ is risen! Hallelujah! Easter Sunday is such a wonderful day of celebration for believers as we remember that Christ died for our sins and then rose again, conquering death. With so much suffering and uncertainty in our world (with no sign that it’s going to stop anytime soon!), it’s wonderful that we can be grounded in the unchanging, eternal truth that Christ died for our sin and then rose again—and those who have trusted in him for salvation are saved for eternity. Praise the Lord! One way to celebrate Christ’s victory over sin and death is
By Eric Cassell On this ID the Future radio host Hank Hanegraaff interviews Animal Algorithms author Eric Cassell about insects and other small-brained animals with innate behaviors of astonishing sophistication—desert ants, leafcutter ants, honey bees, spiders, monarch butterflies, and many more. These appear to be hard-wired from birth with complex algorithms coded into their neural networks, and some of the algorithms seem to involve complex mathematics. Also mysterious: many of these innate abilities are do or die. So how could they have blindly evolved one small Darwinian step at a time? Also, how would genetic mutations generate the ability to
By Rob Webb Many believe that scientific laws confirm ideas like evolution, but we don’t ask why these laws exist, where they came from, and how can we even understand them? …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Heather Brinson Bruce When modern evolutionary physicists begin to connect the dots with abstract ideas that can’t be tested, even they are alarmed. …read more Source: AIG Daily
Whale sharks are amazingly designed, and have ‘teeth’ on their eyes instead of eyelids for protection. …read more Source:
By Ken Ham Do you want to transform your Sunday school program? As summer approaches, many churches will take a break from their regular Sunday curriculum and pick up again in the fall. This makes summer a great time to reevaluate what you’re doing for Sunday school—and maybe that evaluation reveals that your program needs a transformation. Sunday school curriculum or programs can often be disjointed, jumping from topic to topic each week. Or they can be very “fluffy,” with just moralistic teaching for children or lots of Bible “stories” without much teaching. If you want to use something that
Since its launch 32 years ago, the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) has taken incredible pictures of the universe. Recently, with the aid of a phenomenon called gravitational lensing, the Hubble took a remarkable picture of a star called Earendel. Astronomers say it is the farthest individual star to date. Earendel is unique because Hubble was able to observe the star independently beca… More… …read more Source:
Carbon dating clearly shows that the earth is young, but significant challenges remain for the biblical creationist. These are addressed here. …read more Source:
By Ken Ham There’s a whole new way of experiencing the Never Miss a Program! Our Ultimate Bouncer Pass gives an individual, couple, or family one year’s worth of “bouncing”! But the Ark and museum offer many different types of programs all year round. What if you don’t want to miss every season of our beautiful gardens, our Christmas events, Easter programs, daily presentations, special concerts (such as 40 Days and 40 Nights of Gospel Music), hands-on programs, live animal programs, and more? Well, our Ultimate Bouncer Pass (replacing our current annual pass) gives an individual, couple, or family one
By Wesley J. Smith On today’s ID the Future, bioethicist Wesley J. Smith explores a recent article in the journal Nature, “The Alarming Rise of Complex Genetic Testing in Human Embryo Selection.” As alarming as that title sounds, Smith says the reality is even worse than the Nature article suggests. Using the breakthrough technology known as CRISPR, scientists are not only altering the genes of a given creature, including humans, but are even altering the creature’s germline. This threatens to permanently alter a species, Smith explains, including the human species. There’s the question of whether we have the right play
Despite scoffers over the years, the ‘legends’ and ‘stories’ about these creatures from seafarers are actually based on fact. …read more Source:
By Ken Ham War is heartbreaking. And as the stories from Ukraine and Russia have flooded our news feeds, many of us have a heavy heart at the suffering men, women, and children are enduring. But be encouraged: God is at work, and his people are remaining faithful to his call for us to care for those in desperate circumstances. To encourage you, I thought I would share an update from our ministry partners, Children’s Hunger Fund, on what the Lord is doing through his church in Ukraine. Children’s Hunger Fund (CHF) has partnered with churches in Ukraine for over
Did a crocodile ambush an ornithopod dinosaur to eat it, or did it venture upon a fortunate last supper (already dead), before it got buried in the Flood? …read more Source:
By Ken Ham I’ve used many words to describe evolution over the years, but I think I might have a new one which describes a recent fossil find: “disarming.” This pair of fossils (one of an adult specimen and one of a juvenile) of Nagini mazonense, a small snake-like animal (technically a molgophid recumbirostran) that supposedly lived about 308 million years ago, was discovered in the Francis Creek Shale of Illinois. The adult fossil specimen measures about 4 inches long (10 cm), and although it has reduced hind limbs, it has no pelvic girdle to support those limbs or front
By Ken Ham What’s an extremophile? It’s a creature that thrives in extreme conditions, such as intense heat, cold, salinity, pressure, or chemical concentrations. These “super survivors” highlight how God has equipped his creatures with exactly what they need to live. And you can learn all about them in the latest issue of our award-winning family magazine, This spring issue also features: Work—A Gift or a Curse? Venus—Earth’s Noxious Neighbor How Do Seeds Spread? Sex-Swapping Swimmers? False Egyptian History Undermines God’s Word And more! These fascinating articles will help you think more biblically about the world around you and how
By Dr. Jerry Bergman Ancient cosmogonies from Egypt, Japan, China, Vietnam, and Korea contrast with Genesis, which highlights the scientific plausibility of the biblical account. …read more Source: AIG Daily
Most people would be surprised to know that, until recently, the human genome was not entirely sequenced where all the DNA letters it contains are deciphered. With the use of new DNA sequencing technologies, a complete version of the human genome has now been produced (except for the Y chromosome).1 The startling discovery surrounding this novel achievement is that the previously unsequenced regions were once thought to be mostly evolu… More… …read more Source:
By Ken Ham Editor’s note: This article was adapted from a news release that was recently distributed to the media. The internationally popular attractions of Answers in Genesis, the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum, are about to welcome their 10 millionth guest. That visitor is expected to arrive early next week. The attractions have been visited by a wide range of internationally well-known people over the years, from Pres. Jimmy Carter and a Nigerian king, to celebrities like Bill Nye and rock star Ozzy Osborne. Ken Ham, founder and CEO of AiG and its two attractions, declared: “We’re thrilled with
Many biblioskeptics attack the Bible for teaching racism and slavery, but it was actually biblical teaching that abolished these evils. …read more Source:
Christ is our Passover Lamb, which refers to the deliverance of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt following ten plagues by which God executed judgment on the gods of Egypt. . …read more Source:
By Ken Ham Today we remember the saddest day in history (Genesis 3:6)—but the day that, for Christians, is also a wonderful day. How can that be? Well, Good Friday is the day we remember the death of Christ on the cross. The King of the universe was put to death by sinful man. But this wasn’t some kind of tragic accident. It was God’s plan to save us! Scripture says: For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send
By Ken Ham The more scientists dive into the details of what God has made, the more they discover how complex, intricate, and amazing creation really is (even if they refuse to recognize the One who made it all!). I was reminded of this recently by a news item reporting on surprising findings regarding DNA “first responders.” God gave DNA a proofreading system to catch mistakes and “dedicated DNA repair machinery that routinely fixes mistakes.” But how do they work? DNA is a complex language system, built off four bases, that provides the information to build each living thing. Mind-boggling
Charles Darwin got one thing right, but it wasn’t evolution. …read more Source:
By Ken Ham Our powerful pocket guides have been extremely popular for many years—one of our best-selling resources. They’ve been used for personal growth, evangelism, and conversation starters by people around the world since we released them. And we’re excited this resource has just received Each of these guides is a small, easy-to-read book at around 100 pages—they fit perfectly in a purse or pocket. Each one gives an excellent overview of a particular topic, allowing anyone to explore that topic and find answers to common questions. And we’re now re-releasing them in an upgraded way, with the latest in
Modernists may sneer at the idea of Genesis as history but it’s the foundation for good science as well as vibrant Christianity. …read more Source: