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By Ken Ham Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson’s book Traced: Human DNA’s Big Surprise lives up to its promised subtitle with bold claims as it presentsnew research on human genetics. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
New discoveries at Stonehenge reveal the ancient builders had accurate knowledge of the solar 365.25 day year. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Dr. Andrew A. Snelling The earth is scarred with evidence of the worldwide flood in Genesis. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham We’re excited to announce a whole new way of experiencing everything the Ark Encounter and the Creation Museum offer! These attractions offer so much—world-class exhibits, beautiful grounds, hands-on family programs, presentations, concerts, animal encounters, zoo animals, playgrounds, and more—families have trouble fitting everything into two days (one day at each attraction). So we are now offering a new pass to join our ticketing options. This new pass is our “Bouncer Pass,” which lets guests “bounce” between the attractions with unlimited access to both the Ark and museum for three days within a seven-day period. 3-Day Bouncer Pass [More]
The noble and lifelong pursuit of Christians throughout Christendom is the quest to know God as He truly is. Because God is infinite, He cannot be fully understood by finite creatures, so it is requisite that God reveal Himself to us. Because He desires a relationship with mankind, in His perfect expression, God has always been a revealer of Himself both in His words and in His works. He communed with Adam in the Garden of Eden, spoke to… More… …read more Source: icr.org     
Curvy rock layers undermine millions of years …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham After I gave a presentation on taking Genesis as literal history, including taking the six days of creation as ordinary days as the context requires, a pastor challenged me about our stand on a young earth and universe. The pastor said, “I just can’t accept your insistence of a young earth and universe, because the majority of scientists accept millions of years. Surely the majority of scientists couldn’t be so wrong on this issue.” I replied, “But just because the majority believe something doesn’t mean it’s correct.” The pastor responded, “But the majority of scientists use all [More]
What were Newton’s views on Genesis? …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham Will “Jurassic Park” someday be a reality? Well, scientists are working on trying to bring back a variety of extinct species, such as the woolly mammoth, passenger pigeon, and Tasmanian tiger (thylacine). Will they be successful? A new study says . . . maybe, sort of. This idea of bringing back extinct species is called “de-extinction” and involves studying preserved DNA from an extinct species and editing the DNA of a closely related species (both are part of the same kind, such as the woolly mammoth and African or Asian elephants) to match, as closely as possible, [More]
By Ken Ham It’s just under one month until we celebrate Easter, specifically remembering the death and resurrection of Christ from the grave. It’s both a sobering and a celebratory time for Christians but, sadly, the world has twisted this remembrance into something very different. Help focus your family on the true meaning of Easter with three resources from Answers in Genesis that proclaim the truth of God’s Word and the saving gospel. Free Easter chapters from The 10-Minute Bible Journey. This book is an excellent resource by Dale Mason of our staff. It gives you the big picture of [More]
By Michael Behe On this classic ID the Future, hear the story of how leading German paleo-entomologist and Darwinist Günter Bechly became convinced of intelligent design. Host Ray Bohlin shares the clip from the documentary Revolutionary, and sits down with the star of the film, Lehigh University biologist and Darwin’s Black Box author Michael Behe, to discuss some possible lessons to glean from Bechly’s dramatic story. In the time since the documentary was filmed, Bechly was forced to resign from his position as curator at the prestigious State Museum of Natural History in Stuttgart, Germany. Then his English language Wikipedia [More]
By Michael Behe On today’s ID the Future, Lehigh University biologist Michael Behe argues that Darwinism was built on a foundation of ignorance. Through no fault of Darwin’s, neither he nor anyone else in his day had a clue about the nature of cellular life and biological information, says Behe. Even the biologists of the Neo-Darwinian synthesis in the first half of the twentieth century were fairly clueless about the foundation of life, Behe says. When researchers did finally begin to unravel the sophisticated foundations of life, earlier notions of how evolutionary processes might have invented the great diversity of [More]
By Ken Ham God is glorified as we study what he has made and wonder over how amazing our Creator is. And your high school student can do just that with our high school labs at the Creation Museum or the Ark Encounter. This opportunity allows homeschool, Christian school, or public school students to enjoy hands-on lab experience while learning through the lens of a biblical worldview. Our labs are available in two formats. Through-the-year labs: This option has students completing twenty-four labs over twelve days, spread throughout the school year (August to March or April). At the Creation Museum, [More]
By Roger Patterson There’s been an explosion in the intensity of the conversation regarding the creation/evolution debate in the last few years—but not where one might expect. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Stuart Burgess On today’s ID the Future, Bristol University engineer Stuart Burgess dives deeper into the engineering marvels of such sea creatures as the parrotfish, sling-jaw wrasse, mantis shrimp, and the deep sea dragonfish, with a particular focus on the amazing linkage mechanisms found in these creatures. Burgess says these mechanisms are extraordinary examples of engineering prowess, and they are irreducibly complex, thereby posing a challenge to modern evolutionary theory. He and host Eric Anderson also discuss the engineering sophistication of muscles, with a specific look at the human bicep and how the muscle and the brain work together. [More]
By Ken Ham There are signs of spring all over the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter as the weather warms, including early spring plants beginning to peek through the ground as our beautiful grounds come back to life. But another sure sign that winter is ending is the switch from our winter hours to our spring hours as we prepare to welcome our spring break guests and officially start our busy season. And that begins tomorrow here in Northern Kentucky! As of March 9, 2022, we will be open for our expanded spring hours, which means we are open [More]
By Troy Lacey Some have suggested the Egyptian “ark of the contract” predates the Hebrew “Ark of the Covenant” by 1,000 years, but this doesn’t align with most accepted chronologies. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
Thallatosaur remains found in the belly of an ichthyosaur point to rapid burial. …read more Source: creation.com     
Is the Bible trustworthy and reliable? Response to critic, covering canon, contradictions, ritual purity laws, miracles, and science. …read more Source: creation.com     
Creationists are not merely anti-evolution. We are pro-Bible, and advance constructive arguments for biblical creation. Here’s the evidence. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham At the end of this month (March 31–April 2, 2022), our tenth annual You can still join us in person, or if you are unable to make it to Northern Kentucky, we are streaming all of the conference sessions and the special concert with Laura Story through Answers TV. You do not need an Answers TV subscription to stream the conference: you simply purchase the conference package (subscribers also need to purchase this) and enjoy the conference with your family, Bible study group, or your church’s women’s group. We are also excited to be offering ASL interpretation [More]
By Dr. Andrew A. Snelling For more than 100 years oil has been the “black gold” that has fueled transport vehicles and powered global economic growth and prosperity. So how does oil form, and what is its origin? …read more Source: AIG Daily     
Can one uniformitarian mystery solve another? …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham The NRB announced the recipients of its 2022 awards for media excellence. AiG picked up two major awards, including “Television Program of the Year.” …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham Are you looking for something fun to do as a couple? Forget dinner and a movie—go on an outdoor adventure with creation scientists from Answers in Genesis! (Now that would be an unforgettable date!) Our upcoming events— We have four Stargazer’s Nights taking place throughout 2022: April 8, July 1, August 5, and September 30. Register now to secure your spot (this event is designed for adults and older children, but younger children are welcome as well). Stargazer’s Nights have you looking up (way up!), but our Explore Fossil Hunt has you digging down into the dirt [More]
By Stuart Burgess Today’s ID the Future spotlights a Bristol University engineer whose design work helped Great Britain’s cycling team win gold in the most recent Summer Olympics. Stuart Burgess, currently on a visiting fellowship at the University of Cambridge and an expert on linkage mechanisms, discusses with host Eric Anderson how top engineering firms are paying big money to learn from the extraordinary designs found in biology so as to improve their own designs. Burgess has designed groundbreaking linkage mechanisms, but he says the human knee is still well ahead of what even the most advanced human engineers have [More]
Is there a billions-of-years gap between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2, with a Luciferian flood that caused all the fossils? Biblical and scientific problems with gap theory. …read more Source: creation.com