By Ken Ham What a year for an unashamedly pro-life movie to come to theaters! Inspired by a true story of adoption, Lifemark is the latest full-length feature film from the Kendrick brothers, the same producers behind Courageous, War Room, Fireproof, and Facing the Giants. And it’s coming to US theaters one week only, beginning September 9, 2022. <!– –> …read more Source: Ken Ham AIG
“If you wonder what the difference is between ID and Creationism, about the 23 min. mark he goes into 9 min. discussion on that topic.” Admin By Casey Luskin Today’s ID the Future features Apologetics 315 podcast hosts Brian Auten and Chad Gross interviewing scientist Casey Luskin about the past, present, and exciting future of the intelligent design movement. Here in Part 1, Luskin tells how he got into ID movement, gives the back story on the birth of a promising intelligent design research program known as ID 3.0, and relates how he ended up rushing back from his geology
Plant scientists have known for decades that plants aren’t just static entities. The half-million or more species of plants in the world display incredible design features and complex interactions with other plants. Through the decades, botanists have found that plant systems are increasingly complex.1 Although not alive in the biblical sense,2 plants reveal creative design and organization. For example,… More… …read more Source:
By Ken Ham Here in Northern Kentucky, it’s been very warm lately (as happens this time of year), and many families are looking for things to do in the afternoons when it’s too hot for the children to play outside (for example, visiting the This fun experiment is a great way to introduce your children to the concept of batteries and circuits. This fun experiment is a great way to introduce your children to the concept of batteries and circuits. You can see a hands-on visual, with much more instruction and an engaging explanation of what’s happening in the ice
By Ken Ham How should we view the Bible? We at Answers in Genesis believe “the 66 books of the Bible are the unique, written Word of God. The Bible is divinely inspired, inerrant, infallible, supremely authoritative, and sufficient in everything it teaches. Its assertions are factually true in all the original autographs. Its authority is not limited to spiritual, religious, or redemptive themes but includes its assertions in such fields as history and science” (this is from our Statement of Faith). But does this mean we understand the Bible as “the literal word of God”? The Bible is written
Sedimentologists feel free to reinterpret data without presenting any new research, and fail to question data. …read more Source:
By Ken Ham God’s Word commands parents to talk about God and his commandments constantly with their children (Deuteronomy 6:7) and for one generation to pass the truth about God on to the next (Psalm 145:4). This teaching can come naturally when you’re outside enjoying his creation. You spot a bird and talk about the One who made it to soar in the sky. See a wildflower? Point out the Author of beauty. But what about when you’re doing inside activities? Ruth Carter (who has conducted many children’s workshops at the Creation Museum) has written a fun new book, Creation
By Ken Ham It’s almost here! In less than three weeks, our 40 Days and 40 Nights of Gospel Music event begins at the Ark Encounter. That’s right, August 2–September 10, 2022, Ark Encounter will once again be welcoming your favorite Southern Gospel, bluegrass, country (and more) artists for the world’s largest Christian music festival! Last year the event was an incredible success—and now it’s even bigger! Last year the event was an incredible success—and now it’s even bigger! This year 150 artists will be performing 120 concerts, and also new this year, concerts will not only be at the
Read our review of Jurassic World: Dominion. What are some of the newer dinosaurs in the movie, and were dinosaurs and pterosaurs feathered? …read more Source:
From summer gold to winter blue, reindeer eyes are designed to optimize vision during the winter twilight “blue hour”. …read more Source:
By Ken Ham We encourage families to visit the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum and celebrate God and his promises to man. …read more Source: AIG Daily
NASA’s JWST telescope is enabling us to see further into the universe than we’ve ever seen before. Will it give the big bang big headaches? …read more Source: <a href= target=_blank title="NASA releases James Webb Space Telescope's first deep field image” >
Recent measurements by astronomers at the University of Cologne (Germany) and Masaryk University (Brno, or the Czech Republic) have shown that a fast-moving star orbits the heart of our Milky Way galaxy in just four years.1,2 Teasing out this information was an impressive technical feat that required nearly twenty years’ worth of data. This fast-moving star, dubbed S4716, and others like it, are problematic for evolutionary astro… More… …read more Source:
By Ken Ham Fifteen years ago this past May, we opened the one-of-a-kind Creation Museum. The powerful world-class teaching exhibits have impacted millions of people with the truth of God’s Word and the gospel—it’s been such an incredible blessing to see what the Lord has done! But the Creation Museum is so much more than “just” the exhibits. Our guests enjoy daily presentations and family programs during their visit (and so much more), and our incredible facility allows us to host special hands-on science programs throughout the year called Explore Days. They are such a memorable way to explore God’s
By Ken Ham It’s the college event you won’t want to miss— Taking place at the Ark Encounter in Williamstown, KY, November 3–5, this event brings together the nation’s leading Christian colleges and seminaries that take a stand on a historical Genesis, a young earth, and a global flood. Meet directly with college representatives This event is free—and even includes free Ark Encounter admission for all registered students in grades 7–12! And you can bring the whole family—immediate family members receive a 20% discount on admission to the Ark Encounter (and kids 10 and under are free for all of
By Ray Comfort Evangelist Ray Comfort runs into two types of “fish.” Based on the Apostle Paul’s example, he believes we should identify both types and respond accordingly. …read more Source: AIG Daily
Are we in the Matrix, or are we safe to assume that the world we’re in is real? …read more Source:
We took her to Bible class. We took her to worship services regularly. We took her to countless youth events, trips, and activities. She was baptized at camp when she was 14. I thought we did everything right before she left for college. We did what the preachers and elders said we should do when it comes to raising our sweet daughter. And yet, when she left home for higher education, she left the church about the same time. She does not attend worship services or Bible class. She is not involved with any other Christians or on-campus Christian organizations.
According to the evidence, in nature, life only comes from life,1 making belief in naturalism and atheism (which require abiogenesis—life from non-life) a blind faith.2 In fact, naturalism is a self-contradictory belief, since a naturalist must believe in such unnatural phenomena.3 And yet, such rational truths are regularly neglected by today’s naturalist-dominated scientific community. Ironically, some acknowledge the total failure of naturalism to provide a reasonable explanation for how life came from non-life and proceed to (unconsciously) make a case against it that is as good as the case creationists have long made against abiogenesis. Hostile witness testimony is powerful evidence, since
“You can read part 1 here.” Admin Part II follows below and continues, without introductory comments, where the first article ended. Read More: More “Atheist-Making” Bible Verses You Need to Know – Apologetics Press
It might surprise some Christians to learn that a number of prominent atheists and agnostics have alleged that, of all things, the Bible “made them” unbelievers. According to 20th-century British playwright, A.A. Milne, author of the Winnie the Pooh books, “The Old Testament is responsible for more atheism, agnosticism, and disbelief—call it what you will—than any book ever written.”1 Renowned British agnostic Bertrand Russell wrote a booklet in 1927 titled “Why I Am Not a Christian” (which eventually made its way onto the New York Public Library’s “Books of the Century” list).2 In the pamphlet, Russell commented on Jesus and
God has no beginning or end, but what does that mean for how He relates to time? …read more Source:
By Dr. Kaia Kloster Evolutionists cite the recurrent laryngeal nerve as evidence of “poor design.” But the nerve serves an important designed function. …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham While the first day of school is still weeks away, many homeschooling parents are well into planning their fall curriculum. And if you’re still looking for a homeschool Bible curriculum that emphasizes biblical authority, teaches apologetics, and brings the Bible to life, look no further than Answers Bible Curriculum for Homeschool. I believe it is the best and most powerful such curriculum available. ABC Homeschool is: In-depth. We believe truth doesn’t need to watered down or made “fluffy” for kids. They thrive on “meat” from God’s Word. Chronological. The Bible comes to life when we understand it
By Dr. Gordon Wilson Two marvels in one: a spider that loves vegetables and a master thief, adept at nabbing golden treasures from fiercely guarded repositories. …read more Source: AIG Daily
Why creationists are sometimes too quick to embrace the latest apparent ‘evidence’ for biblical creation. …read more Source:
By Ken Ham Last July, we opened a brand-new exhibit at the The exhibit is so detailed, it’s challenging to explore all of the content in one visit, so I’m also excited to announce we have a new book Borderland: Israel in the Time of Jesusavailable for preorder. This book features all of the teaching from the exhibit, along with beautiful photographs, behind-the-scenes information, and more. This book is a fascinating read on its own or a wonderful supplement to your New Testament reading. You could even use it as a homeschooling resource (like a textbook) to help students …read