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Jeremy DeSilva of Dartmouth College gave an evening presentation at the end of this year’s week-long American Society of Mass Spectrometry conference. As a human fossil expert, DeSilva’s lecture discussed a different topic than what these engineering-oriented scientists typically study. Whether technician or homemaker, everyone wants to understand more about where we all came from. DeSilva first wowed the crowd with his… More… …read more Source: icr.org     
By Ken Ham Join Answers in Genesis for an exciting outreach event at the Iowa State Fair, August 11–21, 2022. Over one million people will attend this fair—and you can be part of sharing the life-changing message of the gospel with them. This outreach is led by Tony Ramsek, an AiG staff member with a deep passion for reaching the lost with the gospel message who has been leading evangelism events for AiG for over twenty years. Here’s what he shared about last year’s event: The Word of the Lord was spread rapidly and glorified through the Answers in Genesis [More]
By Ken Ham I thought you would appreciate reading a summary of a number of our battles to remind us of the faithfulness of God in seeing us through to where we are today. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
An aerospace engineer who designs missiles shoots down evolutionary ideas. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham Editor’s note: This article was adapted from a news release that was recently distributed to the media. The world’s largest Christian music festival makes an encore this year at the Ark Encounter in Williamstown, Ky., south of Cincinnati. The large-scale event, with 150 music artists, is called “40 Days & 40 Nights of Gospel Music at the Ark” and will run August 2–September 10, 2022. Multiple concerts will be held Monday through Saturday and a worship concert on Sunday afternoons, along with well-known speakers and opportunities to experience the popular Ark Encounter and Creation Museum. New additions [More]
No, not even if time was infinite. Read why. …read more Source: creation.com     
Is the data from dry valleys along the Jurassic Coast consistent with Noah’s Flood? …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham On Friday, June 24, 2022, the internet erupted with the news that, after forty-nine blood-stained years, the constitutional “right” to an Fearfully & Wonderfully Made Book. This resource celebrates the wonder of life from the very moment of fertilization. Fearfully & Wonderfully Made Wall Display. Catch people’s eye with this dramatic wall display that beautifully showcases the wonder of life, answers common pro-abortion arguments, and gives the gospel message. (Get this wall display “on-the-go” with this kit.) The big question regarding abortion is, “When does human life begin and who decides?” Get answers in this excellent DVD [More]
A new drone using flapping ‘wings’ for lift has many advantages. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham Our Here’s what you can find in Kids Answers: More of the always popular animal facts and pictures that kids absolutely love, Created Creature and Unlocking Science sections have moved from Answers to Kids Answers, Letters, jokes, and other things we receive from kids, New sections like “Explore Creation” with colorful photos and “Scripture Sleuth” with an activity to get kids inside the Bible, More activities for kids to do, And more! Kids Answers is an incredible resource—your kids will love it! (And you don’t have to worry about what they’re reading!) All this is with no [More]
Concerns about fossil fuels becoming scarce has led many to believe that without immediate extreme action we are doomed. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham “Oh, he’s such a Neanderthal!” Have you ever heard someone use such a phrase to insult a person with “backward” views or coarse manners? (A couple of our political leaders used that term recently in referring to the abortion issue.) While the man in question might be insulted to be called a Neanderthal, the poor historical Neanderthal behind the slight might take more offense! You see, Neanderthals weren’t backwards, coarse brutes—they were humans, just like us. Based on the archaeological record, scientists now believe that Neanderthals: Made and used tools. Made musical instruments, jewelry, and even make-up. [More]
By Liz Abrams How Christians can improve their gospel conversations with family, friends, and acquaintances. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Troy Lacey Some LGBT activists state that God originally made Adam as both male and female, the female half (or nature) being removed to then create Eve. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
Evolutionists consider the freshwater paddlefish (Polyodon spathula) of the class Actinopterygii to be a prehistoric creature, a primitive bony fish “50 million years” older than the dinosaurs—making the freshwater paddlefish “350 million years” old. They look bizarre, and they have always been paddlefish. If you looked at picture [sic] of a paddl… More… …read more Source: icr.org     
God’s people have always been in the learning business. While “fools despise wisdom and instruction” (Proverbs 1:7), “the heart of the prudent acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge” (Proverbs 18:15). Christians are primarily interested in learning from God, His Word (Psalm 119), and from those who imitate Christ (1 Corinthians 11:1). However, we can also learn some valuable lessons from unbelievers,1 including those who contend an all-powerful, all-knowing Creator God does not exist.   Read More: 3 Things We Can Learn From Atheists – Apologetics Press
The vast majority of people in the western world today believe the Earth and the Universe are billions of years old. This teaching is based on dating methods that are founded on assumptions that have not been proven and are riddled with error. In spite of these assumptions and errors, it has been common for many Bible believers to adopt this ancient Earth belief (or at least tolerate it) and attempt to find places in the biblical text to insert the possibility of billions of years.   The two most common attempts at this effort are known as the Day-Age [More]
Incredible fossil evidence points to Noah’s Flood and post-Flood Ice Age. …read more Source: creation.com     
In Matthew chapter four, we read about Jesus’ temptation by Satan in the wilderness. The text says that Jesus “fasted forty days and forty nights.” How could Jesus possibly live that long without eating? Does the length of Jesus’ fast cast doubt on the reliability of the Bible?   As is always the case, a deeper study of this allegation vindicates Scripture. First keep in mind, while one might assume that biblical fasting always means to abstain from food and drink, a study of examples of fasting in Scripture reveals that there are various types of fasting1   Read More: [More]
If there is an unwanted beetle or cockroach running across your kitchen floor, what is your first reaction? For many of us, it might be to step on the intruder or smash it with a shoe. While that might work for the average bug, there is one beetle that would laugh at your pitiful attempt to smash it, since its armor is so tough. The diabolical ironclad beetle is one of the world’s toughest critters, and has a shell that is so strong it can get run over by a car and scuttle off with hardly a scratch.   Read [More]
Plesiosaurs (“near lizards”) were an amazing group of aquatic reptiles. Their clear design includes unique flippers and streamlined bodies with long necks. Evolutionists maintain many millions of years ago fish evolved into tetrapods.1 But some of these animals after becoming established on land (e.g. mammals, birds and reptiles) turned around and went back into the ocean, becoming aquatic mammals (Cetacea) a… More… …read more Source: icr.org     
By Dr. Mark A. Snoeberger Martin Luther called the church back to the Bible’s authority over 500 years ago. New attacks in our scientific age demand a new reformation. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
Wild imagination abounds in the new Jurassic World: Dominion movie. Even a fully-feathered dinosaur is shown swimming below the ice at one point. But this is similar to the outlandish ideas published in the world’s best paleontology journals. The movie portrays these fanciful ideas on the big screen. What you see is the prevailing view of dinosaurs in the conventional paleontological community. The latest installment… More… …read more Source: icr.org     
According to the recent research of Princeton University evolutionary biologist Shane Campbell-Staton and his colleagues (published in Science magazine in October1) ivory poaching has caused the “rapid evolution” of African elephants. Elephants with tuskless genetics have become more typical among the species. Is the proliferation of elephant tusklessness evidence of Darwinian evolution?   Read More: Are Tuskless Elephants Evidence of Rapid Darwinian Evolution? – Apologetics Press
The unbridgeable gap between prokaryotes and eukaryotes remains. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham Our Vacation Bible School program has been extremely popular—people love the biblical worldview teaching, apologetics, and emphasis on biblical authority and evangelism, combined with all the VBS fun of crafts, games, snacks, drama, and science experiments. If your church is putting on our 2022 pro-life VBS Zoomerang this year or prepping for Keepers of the Kingdom: Standing Strong in Today’s Battle for Truth, our 2023 VBS, you’ll want to order now, because both programs are on sale! AiG’s VBS is certainly unique and powerful. Zoomerangis a sanctity-of-life VBS that teaches children the value of every life, from [More]
Why should New Testament scholars care about the interpretation of Genesis? Because the New Testament quotes it frequently-as history! …read more Source: creation.com