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Could Noah’s Ark and creatures outside the Flood survived the conditions Noah’s Flood created? …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham Recently, I posted on my Facebook page an item written by my 14-year-old granddaughter: her take on the whole COVID–19 situation. Kylie loves writing and is very creative; someday she wants to write novels and screenplays. Well, that post went rather viral with thousands of shares, likes, and reactions. I’ve put it down below for you to read. Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about Covid, where you will find toilet paper, whether or not schools will stay open, nor wondering if these masks really work? Is not life more than Corona? And the body [More]
By Michael Behe On this ID the Future, Eric Anderson interviews Michael Behe about Behe’s new book, A Mousetrap for Darwin. In this episode, Behe explains that he was spurred to build this collection of essays by a review in the journal Science claiming he had never answered his critics on key points. That annoyed Behe, because he had, multiple times. A Mousetrap for Darwin compiles more than a hundred of his responses, some of them from difficult-to-access places. The book also contains fresh material from Dr. Behe, including some lively behind-the-scenes details about his interactions with colleagues and critics. [More]
R?oland, an unbeliever all the way through college, was looking for answers to life’s big questions. So he looked into the philosophy of religion and of science—as well as history, which convinced him mankind was not getting better.   Read More: Roland Beard: a passion for the poor – creation.com
By Brandon Clay Looking back at past Thanksgivings as we are thankful to God in 2020, a year of uncertainty. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham What gift could you get your family, your kids, or your grandkids that will last a lifetime? A lifetime boarding pass to the Ark Encounter! With a lifetime boarding pass, enjoy free admission to both the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum for life (plus free parking, eight free Ark Encounter tickets to give away, and other perks). These boarding passes are only available for a limited time (through the end of 2020) and make a wonderful, impactful gift. It’s a wonderful gift that really builds a legacy, a legacy grounded in God‘s Word, the gospel, and …read [More]
By Ken Ham The atheistic outlook of an evolutionary worldview cannot account for gratitude, but Christians can and should be thankful this Thanksgiving. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Howard Glicksman On this ID the Future Eric Anderson and physician Howard Glicksman further discuss a recent Journal of Anatomy article suggesting possible evolutionary changes in humans: a persistent, prominent median artery in some people’s arms. Journalists have hyped this as evolution in action, but Anderson and Glicksman say there’s little reason to treat this as an evolutionary change, even if it’s real. And they say it’s far from clear how natural selection could select for this as an “adaptation” when its most obvious effect is to contribute to carpal tunnel syndrome and other health problems. Source …read more [More]
By Ken Ham One week from today is “Giving Tuesday,” the day recognized by many as the beginning of end-of-year giving for Americans. Just a few weeks ago, we launched our end-of-year campaign with our biggest match gift ever ($3.5 million match for a goal of $7 million total)—and you have responded with generosity. We’re already nearing the $3 million mark! These funds are crucial to sustain the Answers in Genesis ministry, including the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter, through the winter months. This year, we were forced to close for three months of our busy season when we put [More]
A reminder of creation and the Fall …read more Source: creation.com     
By Howard Glicksman On this ID the Future, Eric Anderson and physician Howard Glicksman discuss a recent article in the Journal of Anatomy suggesting new microevolutionary changes in humans. Researchers say a growing number of adults have a persistent, prominent median artery in their arms, an artery that’s important in the embryonic stage but tends to disappear later on. The study was quickly hyped in the popular press with breathless headlines such as “Evolution arms us with an extra artery.” On the way to separating hype from substance, Anderson and Glicksman dive into the physiology of arteries and embryological development. [More]
If you’re a fisherman who reckons that fish are now smaller, and there are fewer of them around, you’re very likely right. …read more Source: creation.com     
Is there a way back to trusting God again? …read more Source: creation.com     
By Wesley J. Smith On this classic ID the Future, hear more from bioethicist Wesley J. Smith about The War on Humans. In this episode of the series, hear about the legal movement to establish legal rights for animals, and even plants. Smith examines the meaning of the term “personhood” and its implications for human rights. Source …read more Source: id the future     
By Ken Ham I love hearing stories of what our great God is doing through the Answers in Genesis ministry, our outreaches, and our two Christian themed attractions, the Ark Encounter and the Creation Museum. When I read the testimony below, I knew I needed to share it with our supporters so you could see just a sample of what God is doing through this ministry. N.R. from California sent this email to our correspondence department: I’m not asking a question, but I realized I never thanked any of you. So, thank you. When I was a teen a few [More]
By Michael Behe On this ID the Future, Lehigh University biochemist Michael Behe reads from A Mousetrap for Darwin, his latest book making the case against blind evolution and for intelligent design. The volume contains some brand new material alongside a substantial collection of essays he’s written over the years in response to critics of his three previous intelligent design books. His pro-Darwin critics have jumped all over Behe. Some have even claimed he’s ignored their objections. A Mousetrap for Darwin gives the lie to that charge. Behe has answered his critics, and done so decisively, in everything from the [More]
By Ken Ham What is man and what is woman? Well, if you go by the dictionary definition, what defines a man and a woman has just changed, as the Oxford University Press has updated its definitions, primarily to be more “inclusive” of those who identify as LGBT. It’s another sign of the moral—particularly the sexual and gender—revolution, which is grounded in evolutionary naturalism, atheism, and humanism, sweeping through our culture. And, it’s also anti-science. After a petition gained more than 34,000 signatures, Oxford University Press reviewed its definition of the word woman and either removed or labelled certain synonyms [More]
Neil DeGrasse Tyson misunderstands the nature of God, the problem of evil, and the nature of miracles. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham We’re very excited that ChristmasTown at the Creation Museum and ChristmasTime at the Ark Encounter are just one week away—beginning November 27, 2020, here in N. Kentucky. Yes, our Christian attractions are open, so come stroll our spectacular garden of lights at the Creation Museum and also see the stunning lights at the Ark Encounter. These events have become family traditions for so many in our local area and across the country. These two wonderful Christmas events are free (except for a $10 parking fee). They have become family traditions for so many in our local area [More]
What is it? Is it a real fallacy? How do we respond? …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham My wife has said to me on more than one occasion, “I’m so concerned about the culture our 18 grandchildren are growing up in. They have to face challenges that we never had.” Yes, our families are having to face giants in the culture we didn’t have to deal with as kids. Even when I was a teenager growing up in Australia, I didn’t hear about abortion, gay “marriage,” transgenderism, euthanasia, pedophilia, and so on. Now, that’s not to say there weren’t such issues within the culture, but they weren’t out in the public in all their [More]
By Ken Ham Is there archaeological and scientific evidence for the events in the Bible? Should we start with Scripture alone? What was the “star of Bethlehem?” Is the Bible really inerrant? How do we know it’s really God’s Word? Did Jesus really rise from the dead? Whew—there are a lot of questions people have about the truth of God‘s Word! Maybe you’re wondering—or your child, grandchild, friend, or coworker is wondering—about such questions, and you want to be equipped to give a defense for the hope you have. Well, we have an event that will answer all these questions! [More]
By Michael Egnor On this ID the Future, neurosurgeon Michael Egnor discusses his recent article about Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. Solzhenitsyn, the great Soviet dissident and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Literature, penned the essay “Live Not By Lies” in 1974, just before he was arrested and exiled from Russia. It was his advice, or even strategy, for living under totalitarianism. Solzhenitsyn’s basic advice is simply not to participate with lies, and to refuse to speak what one does not believe. It’s unnervingly relevant counsel to us in America today, where “cancel culture” and other silencing tactics, long foreshadowed in the [More]
How teenagers with little knowledge and experience can hold their own in evolution classes. …read more Source: creation.com     
A sneak preview of the editorial from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics. …read more Source: creation.com     
Some people claim children have memories of their past lives. How do we respond? …read more Source: creation.com     
Calvin College student body president “comes out” as homosexual at a school where compromise with evolution happened years ago. …read more Source: AIG Daily