By Ken Ham We’re so excited that families will soon be receiving their orders of Answers Bible Curriculum for Homeschool, because Year One is now shipping! This Bible homeschool curriculum is a unique blend of apologetics, biblical authority, and chronology. I believe this powerful new curriculum is going to have a massive eternal impact on families around the world. There is no other Bible curriculum like this anywhere in the world. As they dive into biblical history, they’ll discover deep theological truths, the Bible as the foundation for our thinking, apologetics, and the gospel message from Genesis to Revelation. Dr.
By Harry F. Sanders, III Given the rush to “cancel” people, why do so many ignore one of the most influential racists from the 19th century, Charles Darwin? …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham Planning your visit to Northern Kentucky to tour the full-size Noah’s Ark attraction, Ark Encounter, and the high-tech Creation Museum just got easier. We’ve recently launched an exciting new feature at and that allows you to choose and book a hotel right through either of our sites when you purchase your tickets to our attractions (and it gives you special hotel rates, too!). It’s easier than ever to plan your trip! Our websites now feature a variety of vetted hotels (and that’s important for families to know that it should be the quality they expect)
A sneak preview of the editorial from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics. There is no bigger question than the question of origins. Where did I come from? Was this world created or did it evolve? It’s a question that affects every aspect of human existence. What is the point of living? What career should I choose? How should I treat others? Does my life have any significance? Read More
By Bill Dembski On this ID the Future, we pull a classic from the vault to celebrate the return of Casey Luskin and William Dembski to the intelligent design sphere. Both will be speaking at the upcoming Dallas Conference on Science and Faith, open this year to in-person and online participation. In today’s conversation Dembski offers advice to those who want to get involved in the intelligent design movement. One piece of advice he offers the academically inclined: go get your PhD. Interestingly, that’s exactly what Luskin did, and is just back from the University of Johannesburg to resume work
By Ken Ham America is in a mess—but it’s not just America. Really, the whole West is in a big mess socially, morally, and spiritually. Moral relativism permeates the culture. The Christian and biblical worldview has crumbled almost into oblivion in many places, as decades of secular, humanistic, and naturalistic teaching have eroded the foundation of biblical authority. How can we “contend for society” in the midst of what’s going on? Well, Answers in Genesis–UK is hosting a special online webinar titled “Contending for Society” on February 13, 2021, to help encourage you with biblical truth that you can apply
By Michael Behe Today’s ID the Future concludes our series on A Mousetrap for Darwin, Lehigh University biochemist Michael Behe’s new book on evolution and intelligent design. Here Behe and host Eric Anderson tackle an objection to Behe’s work from evolutionary biologist Larry Moran. Moran says that while the Darwinian process may find it difficult to find any particular solution requiring evolutionary innovation, there are countless possible solutions to a given problem, not just the one solution that evolution did hit upon and that is under investigation. According to Moran, Behe failed to take this into account, a factor that
Have you tried Answers TV yet? This streaming service is truly like no other, featuring thousands of Answers in Genesis videos and other God-honoring content that will encourage you in your faith and help you and your family build a more biblical worldview. As most streaming services increasingly push vulgar, violent, explicit, pro-LGBT, and anti-Christian/anti-biblical content, be encouraged with a streaming service that honors God and his Word. Here’s what one individual wrote us about Answers TV: My niece is wild about her subscription. Because of her disability she can rarely leave her apartment. She recently cancelled her secular
What is the mission of the Institute for Creation Research? What legacy did Dr. Henry M. Morris III leave behind? How will our Ice Age model impact the future of creation research? How does Arches National Park confirm the biblical account of Earth history? Discover the answers to these questions and more in the February 2021 issue of Acts & Facts! … More… …read more Source:
By Ken Ham We’re excited that in less than two months, women from across the nation will be gathering at the Ark Encounter for our annual Answers for Women conference, March 18–20, 2021. This conference, south of Cincinnati, is nearly sold-out for in-person attendance (unless the COVID restrictions are relaxed), but don’t worry: you can still “attend”! We’re offering the entire Bible-upholding conference streamed online to anywhere in the world for only $69.99! Here are three reasons I believe you should make sure you don’t miss this opportunity to stream this excellent conference: The line-up of speakers is exciting. You’ll
A reader contests our assertion that Jesus couldn’t have sinned. …read more Source:
Genesis 1-3 provides the explanation for the origin of death, suffering, and evil in God’s perfect creation. Evolution-believing theologians dismiss this, robbing Christians of hope. …read more Source:
By Ken Ham The Ark Encounter and the Creation Museum are hiring a variety of positions in Northern Kentucky – Job Fair is on February 17, 2021 at the Ark Encounter. …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Casey Luskin On today’s ID the Future, Rob Crowther continues his conversation with Casey Luskin, the intelligent design proponent who previously worked for Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture and has now returned. As Luskin explains, he left to pursue a PhD in geology at the University of Johannesburg in South Africa. The two discuss the wild conspiracy theories circulated by opponents of intelligent design when Luskin stepped away from Discovery Institute five years ago. Luskin also tells about an upcoming book he’s been working on with William Dembski, another intelligent design proponent who stepped away from day-to-day
By Ken Ham Here in the United States, the Higher Education Opportunity Act protects religious colleges, allowing them to operate according to their beliefs and not be denied accreditation because of them. Given the current cultural climate of intolerance towards (largely) Christianity and the squelching of religious freedom, it comes as no surprise that one secular group, the UN-sponsored Human Rights Council, has proposed that the US Department of Education under the new administration adopt new regulations to “Ensure Nondiscrimination Policies and Science Based Curricula Are Not Undermined by Religious Exemptions to Accreditation Standards.” In other words, if a Christian
By Casey Luskin On this ID the Future, Rob Crowther interviews geologist Casey Luskin, recently back from getting his PhD in geology at the University of Johannesburg in South Africa. Luskin, who formerly worked for Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture, and has just now rejoined the CSC, tells about his adventures doing field research in Africa, his side interest in human origins, his cross-cultural experiences, the amazing game parks, museums, and fossil sites he visited, and a little bit about his PhD, including some evidence suggesting that parts of Africa and Western Australia used to be connected. Source
How the disobedience of the first human couple had consequences for humanity. Only a historical Adam and Eve makes sense of death, suffering, and the Gospel. …read more Source:
By Ken Ham We thought 2020 was a challenging year and so many people looked forward to seeing it in the rearview mirror! Well, I believe 2021 will bring some incredible challenges as we live in an increasingly post-Christian culture (and we’re less than a month into this new year and that certainly seems to be the case!). So what should the major emphasis of the AiG ministry be in 2021? As 2020 drew to a close, I was really burdened with this question. As I spoke to others in leadership at AiG, they agreed with the direction I was
What can we learn from this tragic account? …read more Source:
The Ark Encounter and Creation Museum in 2021 will extend their 2020 offer of free admission to children 10 and under through the end of this year. …read more Source: AIG Daily
A well-known UFOlogist claims that the removal of benign objects from people is evidence of extraterrestrial interference of humans. …read more Source:
By Ken Ham What’s “Equiterra”? Well, recently UN Women, a United Nations’ “entity dedicated to gender equality and the empowerment of women,” released an article featuring a map of a fictional country called “Equiterra, where gender equality is real.” In the capital, you can stroll down streets such as “Unstereotype Avenue” or “Violence Free Alley,” have a picnic in “Inclusion Square,” or drop by the “Toxic Masculinity Recycling Plant.” There’s a lot that could be said about this ridiculous article and the ideology behind it. But I thought I would comment on the big picture idea represented by Equiterra. The
By Editor On today’s ID the Future, host Andrew McDiarmid presents an Evolution News essay, “How to Destroy Love with Darwinism.” Altruism as defined by evolutionists means “behavior by an animal that may be to its disadvantage but that benefits others of its kind.” It’s not an easy fit with Darwinism, since Darwinian evolution is all about passing your favored genes onto your offspring. How can a creature do that if she gives her life for another, particularly when it’s not even her own children, and before she has produced any offspring? Such individuals fail to pass on their own
By Michael Behe Today’s ID the Future features an excerpt from the Michael Medved Show spotlighting intelligent design proponent Michael Behe. The two Michaels do a quick flyover of Behe’s hard-hitting new book, A Mousetrap for Darwin: Michael Behe Answers His Critics. Along the way they discuss some random mutations often touted as proof of evolution’s power, including some found in dogs. On closer inspection, this dog of an argument for evolution won’t hunt. Tune in to hear Behe’s lucid explanation. Source …read more Source: id the future
By Ken Ham Today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day in the US, and even though it’s been decades since his work for civil rights and fighting discrimination, prejudice is still alive. Why? Well, because racism is a consequence of sin in a fallen world infused with evolutionary thinking. The consequences of racism on a personal and social level are huge. But what do we do about it? What do you do about it? Here are three very practical and personal application points from chapter five of my book with Dr. Charles Ware, One Race, One Blood. Like any true
Grudem’s Systematic Theology gets a new edition after 25 years. We review his chapter on creation. …read more Source:
By Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell On Sanctity of Life Sunday, the 60+ million unborn babies are not the only victims of abortion: there is regret for an irreversible action . . . but also eternal hope in Christ. …read more Source: AIG Daily