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Earlier last month on March the 9th, Dr. William R. Cooper, ICR’s Master Faculty (known to ICR-SOBA’s faculty as “Dr. Bill” since 2009), left this temporal world to join the Lord Jesus, his Redeemer. Dr. Cooper was preceded in death by his beloved wife of 45+ years (Eileen); he is survived by two daughters, four grandsons, one granddaughter, and numerous foster-children. Having endured more than two dozen ye… More… …read more Source: icr.org     
By Ken Ham It takes a lot of very talented and hard-working individuals to operate the Creation Museum, Ark Encounter, and Answers in Genesis ministries here in N. Kentucky. If you’d like to be part of the gospel-centered work taking place here, I encourage you to consider coming to our job fairs at the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter or open interviews in Williamsburg, KY, or to apply online. A variety of positions are available. Creation Museum Job Fair You’ll have the opportunity to meet our managers, explore different departments, interview, and even potentially receive a job offer—all on the [More]
By Ken Ham What is the meaning of Easter? For most professing Christians, that’s an easy one to answer: it’s a celebration of Jesus’ substitutionary death on the cross for us and his triumphant resurrection from death. In a nutshell, it’s a time to remember the gospel message. Well, according to a US senator and “reverend,” Raphael Warnock of Georgia, the meaning of Easter is “more transcendent” than that. In a now-deleted tweet, Sen. Warnock wrote, The meaning of Easter is more transcendent than the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Whether you are Christian or not, through a commitment to helping [More]
By Rob Stadler On today’s ID the Future, host Eric Anderson sits down with Rob Stadler, co-author with Change Tan of The Stairway To Life: An Origin-Of-Life Reality Check. The topic of discussion–protocells. Stadler notes that the simplest existing single-celled organisms are far too sophisticated to have emerged through a blind process of prebiotic evolution. He further notes that this is widely acknowledged in the origin-of-life community, but those committed to a purely materialistic origin of the first life have a fallback explanation–protocells. That is, early biological structures far simpler than anything we find today. An intriguing hypothesis, but the [More]
Systematic theology with a solid foundation …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham “You know, I’ve told my daughters, granddaughters from the time they [were] old enough to understand what I was saying—and I mean it: There’s not a single thing a man can do that a woman can’t do as well or better. Not a single thing.” Who said this? US President Joe Biden recently did during an “Equal Pay Day” event. So is there really “not a single thing a man can do that a woman can’t do as well or better.” Of course not. Objectively it’s obvious that men and women are not exactly the same. Everyone [More]
By Steve Ham When Adam and Eve sinned against God, did they throw God’s plans into disarray? …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham Would you like to work in one of the most unique places in the world—the full-size Noah’s Ark attraction or the world-class Creation Museum in northern Kentucky? Well, if so, we’re hiring for a wide variety of positions! As we enter our busy season, we’re hiring for various full-time and seasonal positions, including in the zoo, culinary, programs, guest services, site development and horticulture, housekeeping, public safety, retail, and more. You can apply online or attend one of the Ark Encounter’s open interviews or the Creation Museum’s job fair and apply and interview in person. Learn …read [More]
By Ken Ham What are the three best creation-apologetics resources available to you and your family? Well first of all, I believe two of the very best are our video-streaming platform, Answers TV, and our biblical worldview family magazine, Answers. With these two resources, you’ll discover in-depth answers and build a more biblical worldview. And both are for the whole family! They are wonderful tools to come alongside you in helping you disciple your children. Answers TV features animal, science, and creation adventure programs, like Buddy Davis’ Out and About and Amazing Adventures, Peter Schriemer’s Hike and Seek, Avery Foley [More]
By Stephen C. Meyer Today’s ID the Future features, by permission, a recent conversation between radio show host Michael Medved and philosopher of science Stephen Meyer as they discuss Meyer’s new book, Return of the God Hypothesis. Listen in as Meyer, director of Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture, provides a swift flyover of 500 years of scientific history, in which he traces the rise, fall, and rise again of a paradigm Meyer refers to as “the God hypothesis.” To learn more about Meyer’s new book and see the growing list of enthusiastic reviews from top scientists, go to [More]
By Ken Ham We love hearing from individuals and families who are impacted by the AiG ministry. We recently heard from one such woman (you’ll see what she had to say below) who has been attending Answers in Genesis–UK’s monthly webinars and has been very blessed. Well, I encourage you to join her, and so many others, in learning during these informative events, no matter where in the world you live. Our next one, taking place April 17, 2021, is Answers for Evangelism and will feature six live presentations and a Q&A about sharing the gospel with others. Here’s what [More]
By James Tour Today’s ID the Future features another installment in James Tour’s hard-hitting and evidence-based YouTube series on abiogenesis. Here Dr. Tour, a world-leading synthetic organic chemist at Rice University, describes the early Earth primordial soup concept for the origin of first life (OOL) and shows why it’s simplistic, bogus, and doesn’t represent the current science on the issue. He also reviews survey data showing just how misinformed the public is about how far scientists have gotten in creating life in the lab. One critic of Tour protested that the simplistic primordial soup story might be found in highly [More]
By Ken Ham Happy Easter from all of us at Answers in Genesis! We pray that as you reflect on what Christ did for us on the cross, taking our place and the death we deserve and then his triumphant resurrection from the dead, you will be encouraged and strengthened no matter what you are facing right now. On Good Friday, I shared with you a free download of a chapter from AiG’s The 10-Minute Bible Journey, an excellent book by Dale Mason of our staff. As I wrote, this book gives the big picture of Scripture, in chronological order, [More]
By Ken Ham Children (and their parents!) love the adventures of In this exciting DVD adventure, join the Wild brothers on an exploration of Southeast Asia’s Raja Ampat—the “Islands of the Four Kings.” On this island, Morgan, Hudson, Kian, and Asher find traces of a lost island people, which sends them into an unexplored paradise full of dark animism, undocumented history, and ancient artifacts. It’s an exciting adventure mystery! I encourage you to consider this new adventure, as well as the entire The Wild Brothers series, for your family. It’s a wonderful and entertaining way for children to get excited [More]
By Eric H. Anderson Today’s ID the Future moves regular host Eric Anderson into the guest slot to talk with host Andrew McDiarmid about the success of the 2020 Discovery Institute Press book Evolution and Intelligent Design in a Nutshell. McDiarmid and Anderson discuss both the praise and criticism the book has received, what it covers, and how it actually breaks some new ground even while mainly being intended as a highly accessible introduction to ID arguments from prominent design theorists such as Stephen Meyer, Bill Dembski, and Michael Behe. Anderson co-authored the book with Paul Chien, Thomas Y. Lo, [More]
By Frost Smith Gospel means “good news” in Greek. But the fact is, if Christians only talk about good news, we’re not helping people find the answers they need most. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Darrell White This paper examines the chronology of the Neo-Babylonian and Achaemenid Empires and weighs Martin Anstey’s claim that 82 years of history was fabricated. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham Was a person fired for questioning “structural racism”? Apparently, yes. According to recent reports, an editor for the Journal of the American Medical Association was forced out of his job after “public outrage” (really, it was people complaining on Twitter) for a podcast he appeared on in which he questions the cultural narrative regarding racism—a narrative that views everything through the lens of critical race theory and Marxism. How’s that for academic freedom to discuss ideas that involve possible Marxism? Creationists have faced such opposition for years, including when we have argued that all people come from [More]
By Ken Ham The heavens declare the glory of God (Psalm 19:1) and you can experience just some of the glory displayed in the nighttime sky with Stargazer’s Nights and Astronomy Live programs at the Creation Museum in northern Kentucky. These fascinating programs are taught by our resident astronomer, Dr. Danny Faulkner, a former astronomy professor. Stargazer’s Night You’ll be treated to a planetarium show not typically presented at the museum and then get to go to our observatory to use our telescopes. During our Stargazer’s Nights you’ll enjoy an evening of astronomy, fellowship, and worship as you journey through [More]
By Eric Hedin Today’s ID the Future spotlights Canceled Science: What Some Atheists Don’t Want You to See with a focus on the book’s look at our privileged planet Earth, and how its location in the galaxy and solar system, as well as various unusual features, makes it strikingly fit for life. Is it just “dumb luck,” as one scientist put it? Host Eric Anderson continues his multi-part conversation with the book’s author, Biola physics professor Eric Hedin, who suggests that “dumb luck” is more of a cop-out than an explanation, and that when one takes all the evidence together, [More]
The resurrection is the glorious news that changed history and gives us hope in uncertain times. …read more Source: creation.com     
The UK’s National Secular Society does not want religious creationism taught in schools, but they are OK with religious humanism being taught. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham Yes—we need good news in these difficult times! As we approach Easter, I think of verses like: “For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God” (2 Corinthians 5:21). It’s because of this truth that “Good Friday”—the day we remember the death of our Savior—can be called “good.” In his death, Christ took our sin and the punishment of death for us. There is no longer any condemnation because of our sin for those who have trusted in Christ (Romans 8:1)! What [More]
How will ICR expand biblical creation education this year? How do fossilized fish and land creatures confirm Genesis history? Does recent research support human evolution? What lessons can Christians learn from the Painted Desert, dinosaur fossils, and Petrified Forest National Park? Discover the answers to these questions and more in the April 2021 issue of Acts & Facts! More… …read more Source: icr.org     
By Dr. Nathaniel T. Jeanson Should Christian colleges be held to a “higher academic standard”? Well, before I answer that, let’s discuss what that question means. Most people reading it might think “well, of course, if Christian colleges are being held to a lesser standard than other colleges, they should be held to the same academic standards as everyone else.” But is that really what the question was asking? (And this really matters, so read on!) So a researcher at Washington University recently wrote an opinion piece (which I have read in full) that has been shared widely. Consider the [More]
By Stephen C. Meyer Stephen Meyer’s new book, Return of the God Hypothesis, is now in bookstores—online and in stores. To celebrate, IDTF is pleased to offer this classic Dr. Meyer debate. Darwinists are often reluctant to debate advocates of intelligent design, but here are two who deserve a tip of the hat. Keith Pannell is a chemist at the University of Texas-El Paso who hosts Science Studio, a program on the NPR station there. He invited Meyer on to talk about the science of ID. Pannell is an ID critic, so kudos to him for being willing to have [More]
By Ken Ham “Speakers,” “biblical,” “truth,” and “teaching”—what were those words describing? Well, those were the words most used by survey respondents after attending our Answers for Women 2021 conference last week at the It’s going to be a tremendous conference next year—don’t miss it! Register today and enjoy super-early bird pricing. Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,Ken This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team. …read more Source: Ken Ham AIG