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By Ken Ham What a difference it makes when archaeologists trust God’s Word as a reliable historical record! You see, the Bible’s history really is true, so when those researching history choose to use the Bible as a framework for understanding the evidence, and as an absolute timeline around which to date other cultures of antiquity, they discover new things . . . and confirm what we’d expect starting with God’s Word. If only researchers would do this in every discipline: start with God’s Word. What a difference it would make, with astounding discoveries and understanding. Here’s just one example [More]
A review of Spectacle: The astonishing life of Ota Benga by Pamela Newkirk Amistad, New York, 2015. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham I’m so excited to announce a special event coming exclusively to the Answers Center, our 2,500-seat auditorium at the . Ahead of its October 15 release in theaters across America, the film will premiere on October 5, 2021, at the Ark Encounter during a red-carpet, world-premiere event. The entire leading cast of the film will be in attendance—and you can be there, too! This world premiere will kick off our Answers for Pastors and Leaders conference, and all registered conference attendees can attend the premiere for free. This world premiere will kick off our Answers for Pastors [More]
By Neil Thomas Today’s ID the Future offers a sneak peek at the new book Taking Leave of Darwin: A Longtime Agnostic Discovers the Case for Design by Neil Thomas (Discovery Institute Press). Here Scotsman Andrew McDiarmid reads from a Chapter 2 segment titled “The Elusive First Step.” Much of the book is a critical examination of Darwin’s theory of biological evolution, in its original and updated forms; but here Thomas takes up Darwin’s proposal for the unguided origin of the first living cell. Thomas, like others before, points up the persistent and growing problems with a designer-free origin of [More]
By Ken Ham In January 2008, we launched What about that exciting research I mentioned? Well, as one recent example, the editor of ARJ, Dr. Andrew Snelling, a world-class geologist and our Director of Research, published the first of six papers summarizing a four-year research project on samples taken from folds in the Grand Canyon. The meticulous research is a powerful blow to the millions-of-years’ timeline and a confirmation of exactly what we’d expect starting with God‘s Word. Observational science—and this was science that had never been done!—confirms the Bible‘s history, not man’s imaginations about the past. I encourage you [More]
By John G. West On this ID the Future from the vault, Discovery Institute’s John West discusses his book Darwin’s Conservatives: The Misguided Quest. Most conservatives are presumed to be critical of Darwin’s theory, yet a number of thinkers on the right, such as George Will, James Q. Wilson, and Larry Arnhart, have mounted a vigorous defense of Darwinism. West shows that the attempts to reconcile conservatism and Darwinian biology ultimately misunderstand both. Source …read more Source: id the future     
By Ken Ham It’s hard to believe we’re already nearly two weeks into the most ambitious event we’ve hosted yet at the Answers Center at the Ark Encounter—40 Days and 40 Nights of Gospel Music, the world’s largest Christian music festival. Featuring southern gospel, country, bluegrass, and light contemporary, there’s something for everyone—and all concerts are included with daily Ark admission! This past week, the Answers Center rang with the talented voices of NewSong, Endless Highway, Brian Free & Assurance, The Lore Family, The Guardians, 11th Hour, The Perrys, The Chitans, Primitive Quartet, Old Paths, Joseph Habedank, and High Road. [More]
How come Adam and Eve were told to ‘replenish’ the newly created earth with their descendants if it had never been previously filled? …read more Source: creation.com     
As the Ark Encounter celebrates its fifth anniversary today, the internationally popular life-size Noah’s Ark in N. Kentucky is seeing record crowds and is announcing future expansion plans. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
Where does the biblical Nimrod fit into extrabiblical history? …read more Source: creation.com     
My Christian friends don’t think it is …read more Source: creation.com     
Can a merciful God create parasites? How do diamonds confirm biblical history? Why won’t the gospel die? And why is consensus thinking anti-science? Discover the answers to these questions and more in the August 2021 issue of Acts & Facts! More… …read more Source: icr.org     
By Ken Ham Today is a very special day. This day, July 7, 2021, marks five years from July 7, 2016—the momentous day when we opened the Ark Encounter to the public. What a day that was! And when I think back to that day, all I can say is, “Wow, look what the Lord has done.” Here’s what the Ark Encounter themed attraction looked like that day in 2016: And here’s what it looks like now: It’s changed just a bit! Well, actually a lot! But what hasn’t changed is our basic message, because …read more Source: Ken Ham [More]
By Ken Ham Now that we understand more about genetics, we know that the process of natural selection can never form new kinds of animals and plants: this revelation uproots the weeds of racism …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham Back to school is just around the corner for many families throughout the United States. If you’re a homeschool family preparing to return to your studies in a few weeks, I encourage you to consider adding Answers Bible Curriculum to your curriculum plan—it’s an incredibly “meaty,” in-depth Bible curriculum that will equip your children to know and love God’s Word. We’ve received hundreds of rave reviews for Answers Bible Curriculum for Sunday School—and heard from many homeschoolers who wanted to use it at home. So we completely rewrote all 200 lessons for a homeschool setting (K–5, with [More]
By Matthew Eakin Tick-borne diseases like Lyme disease have plagued humans for millennia. Did God make them that way, and what do they teach us about a fallen creation? …read more Source: AIG Daily     
Creation magazine editorial: A pastor and a geologist realize why the young earth and global flood are foundational to the authority of Scripture, the goodness of God, and the Gospel …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham G’day, mates! Ready to zoom Down Under for the experience of a lifetime? Of course you are! And you can do just that with Zoomerang, our 2022 Answers Vacation Bible School (VBS) program. Now, as excited as I am that my home country is the setting for our next VBS (and my favorite animal, the platypus, will also be featured!), I’m even more thrilled about what children will be learning during VBS, because this is a powerful sanctity of life VBS! Yes, you read that right—a sanctity of life VBS for children! That’s a big topic, but, [More]
By Ken Ham Our full-day Explore programs have been incredibly popular with families—and they’re back for the fall and now open for registration. During Explore Days at our N. Kentucky attractions, your children will enjoy hands-on science learning with instruction from experts who not only communicate science but also teach a biblical worldview—where else can you find such a wonderful combination? This fall, we’re offering Explore Days with our many experienced scientists and educators at the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter that cover a bevy of science fields, so there’s something for every interest: Zoology Botany Earth science Forensics [More]
By Ken Ham For fans of gospel music, the Ark Encounter in Northern Kentucky is the place to be right now! We’re nearly a week into our 40 Days and 40 Nights of Gospel Music event—the largest Christian music festival in the world. Various award-winning artists have performed to the delight of our guests (including multiple visitors who shared that they received Christ as their Savior after hearing the gospel message presented!). And there’s more coming each day and night through September 10, 2021, south of Cincinnati. This week, we welcomed The Hoppers, Soul’d Out, Fields of Grace, Legacy Five, [More]
Is it possible that some UFO sightings might be explained as demonic manifestations? …read more Source: creation.com     
By Eric Metaxas On this classic ID the Future, bestselling author Eric Metaxas tackles the question, Does a commitment to science mean the death of God? Metaxas answers: Just the opposite. Increasingly, science makes the case for God. He and host David Boze discuss his ultra-viral op-ed at the Wall Street Journal making that argument, and Metaxas addresses what he says are strawmen critiques of the article. The two men also discuss Metaxas’s book, new at the time of this interview, Miracles: What They Are, Why They Happen, and How They Can Change Your Life. Source …read more Source: id [More]
By Ken Ham New transgender policies infiltrate California prisons with disastrous affects prompting contraceptive and abortifacient distribution—an appalling sign of the times. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Jay Richards On today’s ID the Future, philosopher Jay Richards, co-author of The Privileged Planet, continues a conversation with host Eric Anderson about Carl Sagan and a short video clip where Sagan fields questions about God. Sagan points out that there are different conceptions of God, but Jay asks, what’s his point? There are different conceptions of nature. That doesn’t mean that nature isn’t out there and that there aren’t true and false things that can be said about it. Also, when the vast majority of people speak about God, they have in mind a powerful, conscious Creator of [More]
By Jay Richards On today’s ID the Future, Privileged Planet co-author Jay W. Richards sits down with host Eric Anderson to discuss the gold rush of extrasolar planet discovery and how the Privileged Planet hypothesis has held up since 2004. Richards teases an anniversary edition of The Privileged Planet in the works, and he and Anderson discuss the statement that Carl Sagan is perhaps most famous for. Richards explains how science had already disproven the famous Sagan claim by the time the astronomer first uttered it to millions of viewers in his documentary series Cosmos. Source …read more Source: id [More]
By Ken Ham Since I started speaking on creation apologetics back in the 1970s, providing the church with resources has been a passion of mine. Because of that, it’s always been a focus of the Answers in Genesis ministry. And we love hearing from families that have been blessed by these resources. We recently received two testimonies that I thought I would share with you. S.H. from Michigan shared how she started using our homeschooling resources (many of them are published by Master Books) and how they have blessed her and her family: I wanted to reach out because I [More]
No other book before or since has so effectively substantiated Christians’ belief in the historicity of the Genesis Flood. Read More