By Multimedia On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin continues his series discussing the top 10 problems with biological and chemical evolution. This series is based upon Casey Luskin’s chapter in the volume More than Myth, edited by Paul Brown and Robert Stackpole (Chartwell Press, 2014). In this segment, Casey discusses the eight problem: differences between vertebrate embryos and how they contradict the predictions of common ancestry. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Read more here: id the future
By Multimedia On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin tackles another neo-Darwinian assertion made by Karl Giberson and Francis Collins in The Language of Science and Faith. In their book, Giberson and Collins capitalize on the popular notion of Neanderthals as brutish, non-human, cavemen like beasts in order to bolster their claims about common ancestry. Is this view of Neanderthals accurate? Do experts agree that Neanderthals are drastically different from early humans? What does this mean for the notion of common ancestry. Luskin explores the connection between Neanderthals and humans and sets Giberson and Collins straight. Your browser
By Creation Moments What animal is the world’s best smeller? Scientists now think it’s the African bush elephant. As we’ve mentioned on previous Creation Moments programs, elephants possess a versatile trunk that can toss logs, grasp food, spray water and even pick up branches to use as tools. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
Hidden away under a carpet in Carlisle Cathedral is fascinating evidence that dinosaurs roamed northern England in recent centuries. …read more Read more here:
By Ken Ham We at Answers in Genesis have been saddened by recent news of a devastating earthquake that rocked Nepal on April 25. This earthquake and its aftershocks have killed thousands, levelled buildings, and left countless thousands homeless and hungry. It even triggered an avalanche on Mount Everest that resulted in fatalities. Now, the headline of an article in the New York Times declares, “Ancient Collision Made Nepal Earthquake Inevitable.” The author writes, “More than 25 million years ago, India, once a separate island on a quickly sliding piece of the Earth’s crust, crashed into Asia. The two land
By Dr. Terry Mortenson In a blog post for The Gospel Coalition, Justin Taylor presented his reasons for doubting that the days of creation in Genesis 1 were literal 24-hour days. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
We hope you enjoy this sneak preview of the editorial from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the printed magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics. …read more Read more here:
By Creation Moments Also known as the water ouzel, the dipper is a small bird so named because of its characteristic dipping or bobbing motion when perched beside the water of fast-flowing rivers. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
Creative family uses Creation materials for child’s dinosaur-themed birthday party. …read more Read more here:
By Avery Foley When answering the skeptics we stand firmly on our presuppositions and point them to the truth of the Christian worldview and the gospel of Jesus Christ. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham When many people consider the age of the Earth debate, they think of it as science versus religion. They assume that those who hold to an old Earth have all the scientific facts behind them, and those who believe in a young Earth are just biased because of their religious beliefs. But it’s not really a battle of science versus religion—it’s a struggle between two philosophical worldviews! The idea of millions of years arose because of an anti-biblical interpretation. The scientists, and non-scientists, of the past 200 years who began proposing the idea of an old Earth
By Creation Moments In light of their expectation to find life on other planets, the news story I’m going to tell you about today must have been sheer torture for the Science News magazine to report. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham A number of people have asked how they could watch the two presentations I gave last Sunday at Calvary Baptist Church in Watertown, Wisconsin. I was given an hour for the morning service to present The Relevance of Genesis and even more than one hour for the evening service to present The 7 C’s of History so I was able to develop these topics more than I normally do in a church setting. You can watch these two presentations here. Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying, Ken …read more Read more here: Ken Ham AIG
By Multimedia On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin continues his review of Giberson and Collins’ The Language of Science and Faith, citing recent advancements in developmental biology that overturn their assertion that feathers evolved from elongated scales. Although Giberson and Collins have claimed the evolution of the feather as a prime example of novel features arising by random mutation, more recent findings show how evolutionary biology is failing to provide an explanation for how this could occur. Does the pursuit of scientific evidence really lead to the idea that the unique and complex structure of the feather
By Ken Ham The abortion battle is reportedly heating up yet again in California. According to Life News, “a California committee has approved a bill that would force pregnancy centers providing women with abortion alternatives to refer women for abortions.” Apparently, “there is no conscience clause or opt out for centers that provide pregnant women assistance without abortions or abortion referrals.” So even Christian centers that provide women with alternatives to abortion, if this legislation goes through, would be forced to promote abortion or face fines. This startling piece of legislation further highlights the increasing war on religious freedom raging
By Ken Ham There is more behind what has been designated today as Earth Day than planting trees, reducing pollution, and conserving natural resources. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Creation Moments When this fish is taken out of the water, its face almost looks like a very sad person. In 2013 it was voted the “World’s Ugliest Animal”. What is this creature that was adopted as the mascot of the Ugly Animal Preservation Society? It’s the appropriately named blobfish. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham Episode two of the TV mini-series A.D. The Bible Continues aired last week on NBC. This series is intended to depict what happened after Christ’s Crucifixion. Episode one showed His death and burial and dramatically ended with an open tomb. You can read our review of “The Tomb is Open.” This second episode, which aired Sunday, April 12, portrayed Christ’s Resurrection appearances and His ascension into heaven. One of our writers and researchers, Avery Foley, wrote a review of episode two that highlights how the producers have neglected yet again to present the gospel. This was one
The truth of Christ as the Lamb of God was revealed long before His Incarnation-starting in Genesis. …read more Read more here:
By Ken Ham One of the most popular regular events we hold at the Creation Museum is our annual women’s conference. This past weekend, about 500 women turned out for this year’s conference we called “Embrace.” The women once again heard excellent speakers, including Dr. Rosaria Butterfield, who shared her thrilling testimony (find out more about her outreach), Stacia McKeever, and other superb presenters. Dr. Georgia Purdom, also one of the speakers at the conference and its emcee—and the person who has been developing these yearly conferences for us—informs us that she has already set a date for next year’s
By Creation Moments The next time you enjoy a vanilla ice cream cone, keep in mind that vanilla wouldn’t even exist if evolution were true. Evolutionists don’t have a blooming idea about the origin of a special symbiotic relationship between a particular flower and a very special bee. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham Recently I had the pleasure of speaking at Maranatha Baptist University in Watertown, Wisconsin. This university is one of only a remnant of Christian colleges that stands on the authority of God’s Word beginning in Genesis. Paul J. Scharf (MDiv), a graduate of Maranatha and Faith Baptist Theological Seminary, wrote a summary of this exciting AiG event. Paul is a contributor to our popular Answers magazine as well as an assistant to prominent theologian and defender of biblical authority Dr. John Whitcomb (of The Genesis Flood fame). Paul also serves as a Bible instructor at Academy of
By Ken Ham Did you know that while guests continue to pour into the Creation Museum, our AiG speakers are still travelling around the country trying to reach as many people as we can with our Bible-affirming seminars and Sunday programs? In fact, during one week recently, we had six AiG speakers on the road around the same time, speaking from Maine to southern Alabama, and also from Texas to Ohio. I want to encourage you to watch this video that I just recorded which shares the benefits of bringing an AiG program to your church and community—please view it
By Multimedia On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin continues his series discussing the top 10 problems with biological and chemical evolution. This series is based upon Casey Luskin’s chapter in the volume More than Myth, edited by Paul Brown and Robert Stackpole (Chartwell Press, 2014). In this segment, Casey discusses the sixth problem: how molecular biology has failed to yield a grand “Tree of Life.” Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Read more here: id the future
By Multimedia On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin continues his series discussing the top 10 problems with biological and chemical evolution. This series is based upon Casey Luskin’s chapter in the volume More than Myth, edited by Paul Brown and Robert Stackpole (Chartwell Press, 2014). In this segment, Casey discusses the seventh problem: how convergent evolution challenges Darwinism and destroys the logic behind common ancestry. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Read more here: id the future
By Creation Moments A new species of dinosaur has been found. Scientists are calling Changyuraptor yangi the biggest feathered dinosaur ever discovered. Here at Creation Moments, however, we’re calling it a feathered bird. Dinosaur-to-bird evolution is nothing more than a flight of fancy. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham I recently wrote a blog post on the gruesome murder of a baby in her mother’s womb. In that blog post, I highlighted how the murderer—who allegedly stabbed the woman’s womb open and removed the baby—was reportedly not even charged with murder for her actions because the child was unborn. Well, a law professor at Northwestern University, Deborah Tuerkheimer, recently wrote an opinion piece for the New York Times on that very incident. And this op-ed is highly disturbing and disgraceful. In her piece, “How Not to Protect Pregnant Women,” she writes, “In the wake of a