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By Troy Lacey The killing of Christians because of their refusal to deny Christ has been recorded countless times since the martyrdom of Stephen in Acts 7. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham This decision really helps set a precedent in law for religious freedom in this country, because it confirms that Christian organizations, not just Answers in Genesis, can use religious preferences in hiring, as the law so clearly states already. We need to stand up for this freedom, when so often these liberties are coming under attack in America. Mike Johnson, chief counsel of Freedom Guard, the public interest law firm who argued the case for AiG, said that the federal judge’s decision was one of the best he’s seen on First Amendment issues regarding the Constitution’s …read [More]
By Ken Ham Isn’t it interesting how this unborn gorilla is being referred to as a “baby” before it was born, not a “fetus” even though that’s technically the term for an unborn mammal? The zookeepers and veterinarians treated this unborn gorilla as if it had value even before it was born. Sadly, this dignity is withheld from millions of unborn human babies. Instead of being seen as having inherent value and dignity just for being human, babies are seen as nothing more than an extension of a woman’s body, a clump of tissue, or some other dehumanizing term. …read [More]
By Creation Moments Are you hungry to learn more about God’s magnificent creation and teach your family what they need to know to defend the faith from the pseudoscience of evolution? Of course, the Creation Moments website is a great place to start. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
By Ken Ham BioLogos and others want to see theologians (who train future pastors, missionaries, and theologians) adopt evolutionary ideas and reject a literal Genesis. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham Well, a team of researchers from the University of British Columbia in Canada says that their research shows that “complex modern societies may have grown and prospered thanks to a pervading fear of moralistic, all-knowing and, above all, punitive gods.” Apparently they found that, regardless of religion, “believers widely respond to fear of reprisals from a supernatural being. And this fear can help drive model behaviour.” Supposedly the idea that a deity was watching your behavior from above helped early humans to cooperate and “play fair” with one another, including with those from other groups. …read more [More]
By Ken Ham If you start with a biblical foundation, you can give answers. When people ask questions about abortion, euthanasia, or the sanctity of life, you can give sound answers about the life you’re talking about. People are made in the image of God, so their life has meaning and value because they are not just evolved animals. Now, if it’s survival of the fittest, why should you take care of the weak? Why should you take care of the infirm? I’ve raised this issue with a lot of people over the years, and a lot of people tend [More]
By Creation Moments True or false? When the population of lemmings grows too large, they get into a frenzied state, and huge groups of the furry rodents commit suicide by hurling themselves into the nearest body of water. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
Is he right? …read more Read more here: creation.com     
By Creation Moments Today on Creation Moments we bring you a rather bizarre story. Its seems that scientists used the arms and hands of corpses in an attempt to show that human hands evolved for fighting. True story. In fact, it was reported in the Journal of Experimental Biology. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
Two-thirds of the children raised in conservative Christian families leave the church in disbelief by the time they get to college. Find out how ICR’s museum project can influence our culture, point people to God’s Word, and encourage them to respond with faith in Him. More… …read more Read more here: icr.org     
By Ken Ham Well, sadly many Christians and churches are seemingly unable to find a middle ground. We frequently see judgmental Christians who understand that homosexual behavior is a sin (1 Corinthians 6:9) but forget that God’s Word says, “Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites . . . will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the …read [More]
By Creation Moments On our previous Creation Moments broadcast, we told you about researchers who are claiming that our hands evolved so that they can be formed into fists for fighting. Now that same group of researchers is also telling us that our faces evolved to withstand being punched. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
By Ken Ham Here are a few baseball-related dates to keep in mind when planning your visit to the Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky area this summer to see the Ark Encounter (opening July 7) and Creation Museum. Sunday, July 24—The Cincinnati Reds will be hosting the well-known Christian band MercyMe for the annual Post-Game Faith Concert. The lead singer for MercyMe, Bart Millard, brought his family to the museum a year and a half ago after singing at the Reds ballpark. Sunday, August 14—If you enjoy minor league/independent league baseball, the Florence Freedom team (located halfway between the …read more Read more [More]
By Creation Moments HRL Laboratories, owned by Boeing, startled the world years ago when they unveiled the lightest metal ever produced. More recently they’re in the news again after Boeing released a video talking about what Popular Mechanics called one of the top 10 world-changing innovations of 2012. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
By Ken Ham At the National Religious Broadcasters (NRB) convention, I was interviewed by author and radio host Eric Metaxas about the history of Answers in Genesis, the Creation Museum, and the Ark Encounter. We discussed the topic of Christians who believe in millions of years. I explained why I see this as an authority issue. I showed that Christians who believe in millions of years and evolution have a problem, because if you believe in millions of years, that puts death and disease before sin. That’s a huge theological issue because the Bible makes it clear that death, bloodshed, [More]
Where they are not ignored, creationists are invariably disparaged and misrepresented. …read more Read more here: creation.com     
By Discovery Institute On this episode of ID the Future, hear part 3 of a lecture given by David Snoke at a conference sponsored by the Christian Scientific Society. In this segment, Dr. Snoke, professor of physics and astronomy at the University of Pittsburg, discusses the “Maxwell’s demon” thought experiment and evaluations the odds of an information processing system occurring spontaneously. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Read more here: id the future     
By Ken Ham After an incredible day yesterday at the construction site for the life-size Noah’s Ark (watch the replay of a live stream I recorded from there yesterday), I’m now in Nashville, Tennessee, ready to promote the Ark Encounter. I’m at the National Religious Broadcasters convention, and Answers in Genesis and the Ark Encounter are taking full advantage of meeting everyone here and getting the news out that Ark Encounter is opening on July 7, 2016. Plus, since most of the attendees and all of the exhibitors are involved in the media in some way, it’s really an important [More]
By Ken Ham Not at all. Atheism probably dates way back before the Greeks. It’s likely atheism existed in the world before the Flood of Noah—after all, the entire population except Noah and his family rejected God’s Word. We’re told that the generation of the Flood was incredibly wicked so that “every intent of the thoughts of [man’s] heart was only evil continually” (Genesis 6:5). Clearly, if they hadn’t already completely forgotten about God, they certainly weren’t acting as if He existed or as if He were was paying attention to their evil deeds. And the idea of humanism, often [More]
By Discovery Institute On this episode of ID the Future, hear part 2 of a lecture given by David Snoke at a conference sponsored by the Christian Scientific Society. In this segment, Dr. Snoke, professor of physics and astronomy at the University of Pittsburg, discusses the relationship between information and entropy. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Read more here: id the future     
By Ken Ham We recently received a testimony from someone whose life was radically changed by the message of biblical authority, a biblical worldview, and the gospel of Jesus Christ. I think you will find this testimony as encouraging as I did. I just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done. More importantly, your group helped save my life. In 2012, when I was [in] college, I almost ended my life. I was listening to secular scientists, and the world, and how miserable it was. I realized that what I had been taught in church did not mesh …read [More]
BioLogos retells an evolutionary version of creation. …read more Read more here: creation.com     
By Creation Moments I’m not much of a coffee drinker, but after hearing about its many health benefits, I just might make coffee my drink of choice. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
For the fifth time in six years, Answers in Genesis was recognized today by the 1,400-member National Religious Broadcasters for excellence in media. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
Brian Thomas shares how the ICR Museum of Science and Earth History can impact the faith of countless people by giving solid answers to their creation questions. More… …read more Read more here: icr.org     
By Creation Moments Evolutionary biologists like to give people the impression that they are unbiased individuals who follow the evidence wherever it leads. If only this were true! read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments