By Creation Moments Almost all sighted animals that aren’t insects see with eyeballs. But that is not true of a fish named barreleyes, and that’s for a good reason. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham With less than two months until the Ark Encounter opens to the public (July 7), we’re now hiring! Employees will get to be part of history as they will be first to work at the full-size Noah’s Ark in Williamstown, Kentucky, just south of Cincinnati. The Ark Encounter is a world-class, Christian-themed attraction, with a life-size Noah’s Ark as the centerpiece that will be visited by millions of guests from around the world. To create the best possible experience for our guests, we have nearly 400 seasonal positions available at Ark Encounter. A sampling of …read more
By Creation Moments We are often asked why, if the Bible’s account of creation is true, don’t dinosaurs appear in any historical documentation. After all, according to the Bible, both the great land creatures and humans were created on day six of creation week. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham We rejoice when the secular media cover AiG and the upcoming Ark Encounter theme park in a balanced way. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham A recent article discusses why Darwin may have chosen to label his famous branching diagram the Tree of Life. The author notes, “Darwin’s appropriation of the tree of life was no mistake. He had grown up in a devout Unitarian family and knew his Bible well.” It seems likely that Darwin intentionally named his idea of an evolutionary origin of all life after the Bible’s tree of life—after all, he did train to be a clergyman, so he knew the Bible. Now why did he do this? Secularizing the Tree of Life? Well, the author goes on
By Creation Moments Australia has many unique creatures that people find fascinating. One example is the floodplain death adder and its habit of eating dangerous frogs. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham Until the end of the month, you can partner with us to be part of history by purchasing a Charter Boarding Pass or in other ways such as by sponsoring a Peg, Plank, Beam, or even a whole exhibit in the Ark. By partnering with us, you will not only be part of reconstructing Noah’s Ark, but you will also help us spread the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ to millions of people each year. The Charter Boarding Passes can be three-year (able to be converted later …read more Read more here: Ken Ham
By Creation Moments There are three ways to make mountains. The movement of two crustal plates running into one another will push up mountains. Likewise, volcanic activity will produce mountains. Finally, massive erosion of soft strata from harder strata can also create mountains. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham In a small town in Wyoming, after serving as a judge for over 20 years, Judge Ruth Neely is reportedly facing the possibility of being “banned for life from the judiciary and pay[ing] up to $40,000 in fines merely for stating that her faith prevents her from personally performing same-sex weddings.” Apparently, she is not even required or paid by the state to perform weddings. However, because of her comment, a state agency is saying that she has “‘manifested a bias’ and is therefore permanently unfit to serve as a judge.” This agency threat is clearly an
By Prof. Stuart Burgess God made his handiwork so clear that even a child can see it (Romans 1:18–20). The beauty of His work is inescapable—and an undeniable witness to His existence. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Devon Spencer, DVM Sightings of Thylacines have been reported over the years from explorers and from indigenous people groups who send hunters into the jungle or mountains. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham A recent article notes that travel and tourism in NKY—an industry that currently supports over 12,000 jobs here—brought $2.7 billion into the economy last year. Apparently, the overall numbers for the state as a whole are the strongest seen in 10 years. It’s great to see that tourism is booming in this beautiful state. There’s certainly a lot to see and do here. And it’s certainly going to only get better! The opening of the Ark Encounter in Williamstown (July 7) will attract 1.4–2.2 million visitors a year, most of them from out of our region and
Compromising the clear biblical teaching on origins leads inexorably to compromise on other areas, including God’s definition of marriage. …read more Read more here:
By Ken Ham The International Conference on Creationism (ICC), a global event held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, is going to be taking place July 29–August 1, 2018. This event is an outreach of the Creation Science Fellowship of Pittsburgh. Many staff members here at AiG, with doctorate degrees in a variety of science and other fields, plan to attend the ICC and present their peer-reviewed research papers. You’ve probably heard the false claims of many secularists who say that creation research isn’t conducted and reviewed. This major international conference refutes that ridiculous falsehood. Of course, many secularists claim that if a
By Multimedia On this episode of ID the Future, Robert Crowther interviews Dr. Michael Denton about the film Fire-Maker, released on DVD today. Denton discusses how finely-tuned conditions allowing for both combustion and human life fostered development of technology and describes how it is a ‘close call’ that we are even able to make fires.Order your copy of Fire-Maker today! Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Read more here: id the future
The first chapters of Genesis leave us in no doubt whatsoever about how God created the universe. On the six successive days of creation, God spoke and what He said happened. That is to say, the means that God used to create the universe and all things in it was His Word. The occasions of his speaking, from Genesis chapter 1:3–26 (NIV), are as follows: Read More: Creation-how did God do it –
The Titanic‘s sinking on April 14, 1912 was the most famous seafaring disaster in modern times. But the survival of Noah’s Ark in the Flood was the most famous seafaring success in ancient times. Did design specifications help make the difference? If so, that might help explain why the dimensions for Titanic II—a planned full-size replica luxury liner—will differ from the first Titanic. More… …read more Read more here:
By Tim Chaffey The issue that people have with Genesis 2 is that the order of the creation of man, animals, and trees seems to be contrary to the order stated in Genesis 1. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Creation Moments If an octopus thinks you have found him in his lair, he will squirt ink in your face and hope, in your surprise, you don’t see him fleeing. On the other hand, challenge a bull, and you will have more fight on your hands than you want. Other creatures will evaluate the situation to determine whether fight or flight is the best response. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
The Freedom From Religion Foundation suggests hotel Bibles be replaced with The Origin of Species. …read more Read more here:
Encouraging testimonies tell about lives changed because of creation information! …read more Read more here:
By Ken Ham You know, we need to be calling atheism for what it really is—a religion, an anti-God religion—a religion that exalts fallible human reason. In fact, atheist Lawrence Krauss, who is speaking at this rally, once said on video, “Forget Jesus—the stars died so you can be here.” You see, he is worshipping the stars. These atheists at the rally are no different from those the prophet Jeremiah spoke of: “Saying to a tree, ‘You are my father,’ And to a stone, ‘You gave birth to me’” (Jeremiah 2:27). And what will the message of the rally be?
Doug Sharp and Jerry Bergman show how leading creationists struggle against the odds to survive. …read more Read more here:
By Creation Moments Evolutionary naturalists have predicted that a given creature should have pretty much the same strategy for dealing with any of the predators that seek it out. As our knowledge of the animal world grows, they are beginning to realize that they may have to reexamine their prediction. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham Due to pressure from “the nation’s largest LGBT advocacy group,” the US Department of Education has released to the public a list of colleges seeking Title IX exemptions to protect their views on marriage and gender. This exemption is perfectly legal for religious institutions to protect themselves from being forced to support something that is strongly opposed to their firmly held religious beliefs. Of course, these college names are being used by secularists to expose and attempt to shame the schools who have sought the exemption. The president of the LGBT advocacy group says, “(We want) to
By Dr. Danny R. Faulkner What if the best data, the best science, lead to that conclusion that there might be a Creator? Only extreme atheistic bias would preclude God’s existence. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Creation Moments With the early morning dew on the leaves, a vegetable garden may seem a very peaceful place. Actually, though, it’s a war zone. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments