By Creation Moments Listeners will know from our Creation Moments programs that the scientific establishment is firmly convinced that Man evolved from the higher apes millions of years ago. For this reason, rhesus monkeys have long been used not only for pharmaceutical trials but in psychological tests to determine how Man’s intelligence evolved. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
You probably know quite a few book lovers. What better gift to give the book lovers in your life than these resources from the Creation Museum bookstore? …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Bodie Hodge The Christmas timeline of the biblical account makes sense when Luke and Matthew are carefully analyzed. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham Each year it’s becoming increasingly apparent that Christ is being taken out of Christmas. Nativity scenes are no longer displayed in public places, businesses are afraid to say “Merry Christmas,” and Christmas music focuses on Santa and presents. Why is culture taking Christ out of Christmas? Well, it’s because they’ve succumbed to secularist intolerance and the religion of naturalism that is being imposed on the culture. Secularists are not content with having their meaningless religion—they want to impose it on everyone else. It’s intolerance and prejudice! While many places have succumbed to secularist intolerance and no longer
By Creation Moments Years ago, evolutionary scientists labeled 180 human organs, such as the appendix, as vestiges left over from evolution. The fact is they did not know the function these organs actually served. Since that time, it has been learned that all of these organs have useful functions and have nothing to do with evolution. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham Looking for that special, last-minute Christmas gift for someone who wants a unique, adventurous experience combined with great biblical teaching? Surprise someone you love with a trip of a lifetime: a memorable raft trip through the Grand Canyon, led by an AiG staff member along with our friends at Canyon Ministries. As is stated on their website, “Canyon Ministries is dedicated to upholding the authority of Scripture from the very first verse and presenting the evidence seen in the Grand Canyon, which supports a young earth.” I joined a Canyon Ministries raft trip 10 years ago, and
By Ken Ham With Christmas season upon us, once again the American Atheists have their newest series of anti-God billboards set up around the country. These billboards encourage people to skip church this Christmas. By the way, have you noticed that the atheists only seem to attack Christianity! That’s because it’s ultimately a spiritual issue—a very real spiritual battle. According to their website, This billboard campaign is specifically aimed at that growing population, especially those who no longer believe but still occasionally attend religious services or call themselves religious despite their lack of belief. Why Do They …read more Read
By Bodie Hodge This quick survey can be used to present to a pastor at a church or a Christian college to see if the institution really believes what the Scriptures say. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By schaffee On this episode of ID the Future, we continue with the story of David Coppedge. A long-time employee of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California, Coppedge had his world upended when his supervisor discovered his support for intelligent design. Now, Coppedge goes on the record to tell his side of the story. So settle in for the final episode of NASA on Trial: The Persecution of David Coppedge. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Read more here: id the future
By Ken Ham Here at the . After visiting the Creation Museum, visit the startling life-size Ark only 45 minutes away. Did They Find a Feathered Dinosaur? Speaking of answers, I have been asked by many people to comment on a supposed “feathered-dinosaur” find that’s been popular in the news. Well, Dr. David Menton, an anatomist who works for us here at Answers in Genesis (and runs several very popular workshops for kids and adults), has written a response to this find. His conclusion? The beautiful feathers preserved in amber belonged to a bird, not a dinosaur. Researchers found 1.4
Is it possible to have a strong faith without first becoming an expert in apologetics? …read more Read more here:
By Multimedia On this episode of ID the Future, David Boze talks with Casey Luskin about the Precambrian fossil Vernanimalcula, which was thought to be the proof that Darwinists needed to refute the idea of the Cambrian explosion–the idea that life exploded in complexity during a specific period of time. Vernanimalcula was thought to be the Precambrian ancestor of all bilaterian animals, dating back to tens of millions of years prior to the Cambrian explosion. However, a new article published in Evolution & Development has concluded that “There is no evidential basis for interpreting Vernanimalcula as an animal, let alone
By schaffee On this episode of ID the Future, we continue with the story of David Coppedge. A long-time employee of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California, Coppedge had his world upended when his supervisor discovered his support for intelligent design.Now, Coppedge goes on the record to tell his side of the story. So settle in for NASA on Trial: The Persecution of David Coppedge, Part 2. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Read more here: id the future
By schaffee On this and future episodes of ID the Future, we tell what happened to David Coppedge, a long-time employee of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab in Southern California.Coppedge had his world turned upside down when his supervisor discovered his support for intelligent design. Now, Coppedge goes on the record to reveal the details of his story. So get ready to listen as we explore NASA on Trial: The Persecution of David Coppedge, Part 1. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Read more here: id
By schaffee On this episode of ID the Future, Ann Gauger discusses physiological, anatomical, cultural and behavioral differences between humans and chimpanzees.How long would it take to acquire needed mutations by Darwinian mechanisms? Much, much longer than the available timeframe, says Dr. Gauger. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Read more here: id the future
By Ken Ham A recent BuzzFeed article highlights secularist intolerance against Christians. The article focuses on HGTV Fixer Upper television stars, Chip and Joanna Gaines, who attend a church that takes a biblical stand on marriage—which is one man for one woman. The article asks, So are the Gaineses against same-sex marriage? And would they ever feature a same-sex couple on the show[?] . . . . In the absence of a response from them or their representatives, it’s worth looking at the severe, unmoving position [their pastor and church] take on same-sex marriage. So without even knowing this couple’s
By jwitt Evolutionists often speak in generalities about beneficial mutations. Such mutations may be rare, we’re assured, but they happen, and when they do, natural selection is there to capture, preserve and pass them along. All right, we now have some data to consider. We can put a number to the frequency of beneficial mutations in a very large sample. The number is … Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Read more here: id the future
By Ken Ham Christians, like myself, who start with God’s Word often hear things like, “You can’t say gay marriage is wrong—that’s intolerant!” Secularists who claim I’m intolerant for saying gay marriage is wrong are intolerant of my position based on the Bible. Those secularists who claim to be tolerant will be intolerant of positions they disagree with and often intolerant of the person who holds them. This isn’t tolerance at all! It’s a false definition of tolerance that tolerates only those who agree with them. The Myth of Neutrality Why is secular tolerance so intolerant? Well, the Bible makes
By Ken Ham Children as young as pretoddlers I encourage you to obtain the many children’s books available through Answers in Genesis (such as A is for Adam) and Kids Answers as an alternate bimonthly publication through Answers magazine that will help ensure that children are taught the true foundation of marriage in Genesis. And for parents, I urge you to study our book Raising Godly Children in an Ungodly World (authored by me and my brother Steve). To truly make America great again and build the right way of thinking in our children, “Seek first the kingdom of God
A direct test of a flat vs. spherical earth is possible using published airline flight data, conclusively showing the earth is not flat. …read more Read more here:
By Creation Moments How important is father to a child’s religious growth? Due to the way in which census information is gathered in Switzerland, researchers were able to find out. And while their conclusions might shock modern sensitivities, they are really not too surprising. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham Are you looking for a gift that your inquisitive young person will remember forever? Instead of getting them a gadget, consider sending them to Northern Kentucky for a fun, faith-building experience at one of Camp Infinity‘s upcoming summer camps. And enjoy the Creation Museum while here. Register now! Camp Infinity (Ci) is a creation STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) camp—the only one like it that we know about. They combine hands-on STEM training and activities with solid biblical apologetics teaching. As campers explore how creation works, they will learn what God’s Word says, helping them develop
Donald Burke, a Dean at the University of Pittsburgh, recently wrote, “Since 2000, almost half a million Americans have died from drug overdoses.” He suggested that scientists craft a digital model of our current drug society to project possible outcomes. Is a computer model really the answer? More… …read more Read more here:
To counteract children’s natural tendency to believe in a creator, secularists press for the teaching of evolution at a younger and younger age. …read more Read more here:
By Creation Moments If it weren’t for mushrooms, there would be so many un-decayed dead trees that there would be no room on Earth for anything else to grow. But mushrooms don’t just recycle dead trees. They help make the trees grow in the first place. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham Want to be a part of what God is doing through the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter? Well, we are expanding again to accommodate the record number of visitors we’ve been seeing. Please consider helping us do this—your gift will be matched by generous supporters today! These expansions include more biblically based guest activities around the Ark, such as an expanded zoo with outdoor teaching stage and more parking at the Creation Museum. Attendance has nearly doubled here at the museum, so we are in need of even more parking! While secularists are aggressively indoctrinating generations …read
By Ken Ham Since opening July 7, 2016, we’ve been continually adding new exhibits, programs, and activities to enhance your experience at Ark Encounter. If you visited this summer, you’ll definitely want to plan another visit to see all the exciting developments since then. New Exhibit Coming Early 2017 The Ark features three decks of world-class teaching exhibits. Well, at the bow end on the third deck, a massive “Why the Bible Is True” exhibit is being installed. This powerful exhibit will open early 2017. <img src="" alt="Why the Bible Is …read more Read more here: Ken Ham AIG