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By Ken Ham Evolutionists have long wondered what made us humans such uniquely intelligent and social creatures. Well, according to a new idea, religion did it. Apparently humans are capable of making and forming relationships and social ties because we developed religion through evolution. Is this the right interpretation of the evidence? Bonded Together The research found that activities we often associate with religion, such as singing or doing things in a synchronized fashion, produce endorphins, which bond people to one another. Religion also “create[s] the sense that we’re all one family” to stop people from “killing everybody else out [More]
A correspondent suggests the Bible’s teaching was changed to remove reincarnation. We respond. …read more Read more here: creation.com     
By Creation Moments Does a five-month-old infant know that three is more than two? Impressive new evidence strongly supports the idea that infants have natural mathematical reasoning skills. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
By Ken Ham Digital media is increasingly replacing print as the media of choice for Western consumers. Well, an engaging new evangelistic tool called Unpopular is now available on YouTube as a sort of digital gospel tract. Pastor Emilio Ramos and RedGraceMedia have put together a visually stunning and theologically compelling explanation of the gospel of Jesus Christ as a witnessing tool. Being a Christian is sure to make anyone “unpopular” in our culture, yet the gospel is the only solution to the sin problem that we have all inherited from Adam. Unpopular does a great job highlighting our sin [More]
By Ken Ham We constantly battle against the idea that you can add evolutionary ideas or millions of years to the Bible. Christians who compromise Genesis with evolution are really no different from the Israelites who compromised with the Canaanite religions. They are taking parts of the secular worldview and trying to squeeze them into the Bible. It’s an attack on the authority of the Word of God. We live in an era when the authority of the God’s Word has been greatly undermined in this culture (and throughout our Western world). One attack on the Bible, which I call [More]
By Ken Ham When I announce on Facebook that I’ll be doing a session for children or teens, many of the atheists who follow me get upset. When I speak to kids, evolutionists fear that they will get exposed to creation apologetics teaching regarding the truth of Genesis and the lie of evolution. Secularists fear when Answers in Genesis overcomes censorship and exposes school kids to evidence for creation and against evolution. You could even say these secularists throw tantrums when myself or our AiG scientists expose the lie of evolution and millions of years to the world and teach [More]
By Creation Moments As we learn more about the history of our planet, it’s becoming increasingly obvious that the Earth has had many faces over its history. Remains of tropical forests have been found within 400 miles of the North Pole. Dinosaurs once lived in the tropical lushness of Alaska. At one time, you could even walk to Australia from Asia. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
By Ken Ham The Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) is at it again in America. This time its targets are two school boards in Arkansas that pray before they begin their board meetings. The FFRF sent letters to both school boards, stating that “public prayers before board meetings violated the U.S. Constitution.” The school boards have temporarily stopped praying before their meetings while they are “researching the legality of the public prayers.” FFRF is known to bully school boards, counties, or other places with the threat of a lawsuit if they continue praying or displaying a Christian symbol, or even [More]
A Harvard library website that offers ways to spot “fake news” links to a non-Harvard google doc with “Tips for analyzing news sources.” The doc lists hundreds of “False, Misleading, Clickbait-y, and/or Satirical ‘News’ Sources,” and as of this writing, the list includes the Institute for Creation Research. More… …read more Read more here: icr.org     
By Creation Moments When it comes to wasps, you can just forget everything you learned about sexual reproduction in Biology 101. There are male and female wasps. But that has very little to do with wasp reproduction. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
By Avery Foley Is the compassionate answer to embrace sinful behavior and change our churches into inclusive sanctuaries that affirm and celebrate sinful behaviors? …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
Students on an American college campus believe Christians should be given fewer rights than Muslims! …read more Read more here: creation.com     
By Creation Moments What two things are most important to someone lost in the desert? Why, a compass and, of course, some water. If you are lost in the desert and find a compass barrel cactus, you have both in this amazing plant. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
By Ken Ham Take a minute and think about all the young people you know. Your older children, their friends, your church’s youth group, that newlywed couple, your college friends—how many of them have a biblical worldview? Well, according to new research, only 4% of the millennial generation in America—the twentysomethings—have a biblical worldview. Only 16% of their grandparents and just 7% of their parents can be said to have a biblical worldview. It should come as no surprise that Millennials are less likely than any other generation to have a biblical worldview and are very secularized in their thinking. [More]
By schaffee On this episode of ID the Future, learn about new and exciting uses for DNA in information storage, electrical engineering, and more. Did you know that all the world’s data could, theoretically, be stored in DNA that would fit in one room (or even smaller)? Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Read more here: id the future     
By Creation Moments A strange alga that has muscle like tissue illustrates that there are no simple life forms. Protein muscle fibers, say evolutionists, are a later and more advanced development in living things. Yet, these scientists also claim that alga are among the first of the living things to have evolved. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
By Ken Ham Returning to the Creation Museum on Saturday for a third visit were members of the Duggar family, the famous reality-TV family with 19 children. I wrote about their two prior visits. On this trip, several of their children (and some grandkids) toured our life-size Noah’s Ark as well, along with some of their friends. Here is a photo of the large group at the Ark on Friday morning. No, they weren’t here filming for TV—just enjoying a family visit to two family friendly attractions! Make plans to bring your own family to the Ark Encounter. Thanks for [More]
By Ken Ham We’re adding new items daily to the spectacular Ark Encounter. And it’s not just the Ark that’s getting additions—we’re adding a new exhibit at the Creation Museum too. I thought I’d share some of the newest additions, and some that are still up-and-coming. Impressive new signage was installed alongside the three-dimensional Ark model on deck one of the full-size Ark. Spectacular artwork, consisting of 14 major pieces, is being prepared for the new Christ, Cross, Consummation exhibit scheduled to open …read more Read more here: Ken Ham AIG     
By Simon Turpin God and the Big Bang is anything but biblical but is the consequence of synthesising evolution and the idea of millions of years into the Bible. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham Biblical illiteracy has been growing here in America. Most people don’t know what the Bible says. They may know a few isolated Bible “stories” here and there, but they don’t understand the scope or flow of the biblical text, largely because they have never read most of it! Though the growing biblical illiteracy epidemic is very sobering, here’s an encouraging report from new research—the majority of Americans still want to read their Bibles. According to a recent study, 61% of Americans answered “yes” to the question, “Do you wish that you read the Bible more or not?” [More]
If life is in the blood, does that mean the unborn child is not human until he or she has circulating blood? We respond. …read more Read more here: creation.com     
By schaffee On this episode of ID the Future, Brian Miller interviews Michael Flannery on how Darwin’s background conditioned him to materialism, and how this influence impacted his development of the theory of evolution. Listen in to learn more about Darwin’s experiences at the University of Edinburgh with the Plinian Society, and his interaction with prominent atheists Aveling and Büchner near the end of his life. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Read more here: id the future     
By Multimedia On this episode of ID the Future, atheist philosopher Bradley Monton defends intelligent design as science, discussing methodological naturalism and the evidential force of ID with Casey Luskin. Listen in as Professor Monton shares how ID-critic Robert Pennock tried to intimidate him (and click here for more of that story). Bradley J. Monton, Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Colorado, Boulder, is author of the book, Seeking God in Science: An Atheist Defends Intelligent Design (Broadview Press, 2009). Listen to Part One of this series. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade …read more [More]
By Creation Moments The beautiful wing of the butterfly has a lesson to teach everyone who believes living things were created by chance. The design of the butterfly wing involves much more than just intricate complexity. In addition to showing a knowledge of flight, each wing design is the product of very precise specifications built around the specific wavelengths of visible light. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
By Creation Moments The great Flood at the time of Noah was more than simply the world’s biggest rainstorm. Scripture paints the picture of an upheaval across the face of the Earth that combined floods, landslides, volcanoes and earthquakes. As the ground literally danced with earthquakes of unimaginable intensity, hills and mountains would have flowed like pudding. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
By Ken Ham Secularists are redefining gender, marriage, and family to be more “inclusive,” but they exclude those with Christian views of gender, marriage, and family. Those who claim they’re tolerant of all views of marriage are intolerant of those who say marriage is only one man and one woman, based on the Bible. Those who say we should allow all views regarding gender don’t allow the view that says that what God instructs is the correct view—male and female. Those who redefine gender and marriage are intolerant of and prejudiced against the Christian view that defines these as God’s [More]
By Creation Moments In Genesis 2:19 we read that God brought to Adam the animals He’d made to see what Adam would call them. It’s been noted for generations that this task showed Adam’s great intellectual abilities. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments