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By Creation Moments It is impossible for us, 6,000 years later, to get into the mind of the first man. For a start, he was created perfect, and we have no idea what it is like to be perfect or to have a perfect mind. Then again, given that he was perfect, we have difficulty in understanding why he would deliberately choose to disobey God and eat the fruit. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments     
Many claim that science proves the Earth is billions of years old. But Genesis chapter one teaches that God created the universe and everything in it in only six days. How long ago did God create the universe and how long did He take to do it? Does this issue really matter? Listen: The Timescale of Creation | The Institute for Creation Research
By Mark Looy Martin Luther King Jr. Day acknowledges his efforts to end racial segregation and secure civil rights for Americans, African-Americans most of all. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID The Future, we begin a series on human origins with biologist Ann Gauger, CSC Director of Science Communications. Gauger centers her discussion around a big new anthology from Crossway Books that she contributed to and helped edit, Theistic Evolution: A Scientific, Philosophical, and Theological Critique. Among the tenets of theistic evolution is the idea that humans evolved from a large population of ape-like creatures. But is that idea scientifically plausible? Today’s episode delves into the fossil evidence. Listen in as Gauger describes not a mere gap in the fossil record but a [More]
By Ken Ham There’s been a lot of buzz about STEM in the last few years. STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. STEM toys and camps have become increasingly popular with young people, and many parents are looking for ways to encourage their children to explore STEM. But, sadly, it’s hard to find STEM resources that affirm the truth of God’s Word and point kids toward the Creator. That’s why we’re thrilled about a unique creation apologetics STEM camp, Camp Infinity, held here in Northern Kentucky. Camp Infinity (Ci) was started by an AiG board member, Dan Wooster, [More]
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID The Future, Ray Bohlin talks with CSC Senior Fellow Jonathan Wells, author of the Zombie Science, about some new hype over Darwin’s finches, an icon of evolution that just won’t die.Seventeen years after Icons of Evolution, Darwin’s finches are back in the news and can still be found in biology textbooks despite the fact that they illustrate no net evolutionary change nor did they play a role in helping Darwin formulate his theory. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode [More]
By Ken Ham Over my many decades in apologetics teaching, I’ve noticed a sad trend (a trend that’s been confirmed by studies from America’s Research Group and was published in my coauthored books Already Gone and Ready to Return). Many pastors are not teaching apologetics, especially creation apologetics, leaving many in their congregations without solid answers to the skeptical questions of our day. Well, there’s an exciting upcoming simulcast that will help equip your church, February 28 or March 4, 2018! It’s a powerful, equipping event, with apologetics, evangelism, and a challenge to Christians to be prepared to contend for [More]
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future, Sarah Chaffee interviews Ann Gauger about intelligent design laboratory research. Dr. Gauger explains several key projects, including Behe’s review of peer-reviewed work on bacteria and viruses, Biologic’s work with proteins and enzymes, and how these impact the evolution debate. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Source: id the future     
By Ken Ham During the last couple of years, I’ve been experiencing a phenomenon that’s been steadily increasing—hearing testimonies about our ministry’s impact. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
Are historical mistakes being repeated today? And who’s making them? …read more Source: creation.com     
By Creation Moments We know that Noah did not have to fit two of every species of animal on the Ark. The Ark sheltered two of every kind of land and flying vertebrate, not two of every species. For example, modern species like lions and tigers would have developed from the pair from the cat family that were on the Ark. Over time, different species of cats have developed from this pair. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments     
By Ken Ham Each year, Answers in Genesis speakers travel to various countries, sharing the message of biblical authority, challenging and equipping Christians, and spreading the gospel. Well late last year one of our popular speakers, Bryan Osborne, traveled to Zambia, a country in the southern part of the African continent, to speak to over 500 pastors, students, and other Christian leaders. Bryan spoke, along with several other presenters, at the Ekklesia Leadership Conference hosted by Central Africa Baptist College and Seminary (CABC). The theme of the conference was “The Sufficiency of Scripture.” Bryan and the other speakers encouraged those [More]
By Creation Moments As a child, I was told that frankincense had been brought to Europe by the Frankish people – ancestors of the modern French. This turned out not to be the case. Instead, the prefix frank refers to this incense being of particular high quality or purity. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments     
A powerful way to change your view of the world. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Creation Moments Carbon dioxide is a wonderful gas. It occurs in the atmosphere at an average concentration of 404 parts per million by volume (ppm). Plants need carbon dioxide to grow. This is the principle source from which plants derive the carbon compounds that they require. Green plants use chlorophyll to catalyze a reaction between carbon dioxide and water vapor that produces sugars and also some free oxygen. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments     
By Ken Ham Every weekday my 60-second radio program, Answers with Ken Ham, airs on about 1,000 stations around the world. This program is even translated into Spanish as Respuestas Hoy (Answers Today) and airs in Spanish-speaking nations around the world. I’ve been doing this program for almost 24 years. Over the past 30 years, including at the Institute for Creation Research, I’ve probably recorded well over 7,000 such short-length radio programs, and I’m thankful for how God has used it to impact people, including Christians in the Caribbean, according to a recent letter. In just one minute, Answers with [More]
By Bodie Hodge To understand how various religions view “human life,” you need to understand religions around the world. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Creation Moments James Ussher is famous, or infamous, depending on your point of view, for his work on creation. It was Ussher who calculated that the Earth was created at 6 pm on the evening before October 23rd 4004 BC. Because of his exactness in choosing this date, he has been criticized and held up for ridicule in recent years. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments     
By Ken Ham Today marks the one-year anniversary of Answers News, our twice-weekly Facebook Live news program. This popular program usually features Dr. Georgia Purdom, Bodie Hodge, and me, looking at science and culture items from a biblical worldview perspective—something you certainly won’t get by turning on a TV news channel! When we started last year, we were recording live from a very small studio—it was hard to fit all three of us at the table! We also aired from 2:30–3:00 p.m. and that time slot has since changed to 2:00–2:30 p.m. Since then, we’ve moved to a beautiful set [More]
The Bible contains records of people doing terrible things. How can we tell when the Bible gives us negative versus positive examples? …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham A recent article in The New York Times argues that if your child is lying to you, that’s a good thing! The article even quotes one psychologist who claims that if you discover your young child lying, you “should celebrate,” and if your child “is lagging behind, don’t worry: You can speed up the process” by using games to turn “truth-tellers into liars within weeks.” So why would you want your child to lie to you? Well, apparently, it’s a sign of intelligence and of a high verbal IQ. It’s also a sign the child can see [More]
They may appear to be genuine shepherds, but many are leading their flocks astray. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Creation Moments The years between 1639 and 1651 were times of great turbulence in the British Isles as a series of deadly conflicts were played out. James Ussher was right in the middle of these events, being born, as he was, in Dublin in 1581. In a previous Creation Moment, we related Ussher’s precocious childhood, that led to his famous calculation of the date of creation as 4004 BC. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments     
By Ken Ham Apparently a gay couple in the United Kingdom is calling for a reverend in the Church of England to step down after he “refused to bless their marriage at their local church.” Reportedly, these two men wanted a “traditional service” at the local church. But the Church of England doesn’t allow for same-sex weddings, so they wanted the Reverend Alan Comfort to “bless” their “marriage” with a special ceremony, which he declined to do. And, predictably, the reverend is now facing severe backlash. But there’s no such thing as “marriage” unless it is one man and one [More]
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID The Future, John West, Associate Director of the Center for Science & Culture and author of Walt Disney and Live Action: The Disney Studio’s Live-Action Features of the 1950s and 60s talks about how science is portrayed in Walt Disney’s films and theme parks.Disney’s worldview was an interesting blend of 19th century morals with a 21st century vision for science and technology. A futurist, Disney was given to techno-utopianism and his works tended to reflect this, but have also bore warning messages about the dangers posed by both science and technology. John [More]
By Ken Ham In our western cultures, it’s popular to believe that the so-called separation of church and state means that everything has to be “secular”—no religion (and by religion they mean Christianity) is allowed anywhere in the public sphere. And, of course, those usually pushing this notion refuse to recognize their own belief system—humanism or atheism—as a religion, even though it is. The result of this misconception is increasing lawsuits and court cases in which Christians are being treated as second-class citizens and being denied what is available to everyone else. Recently, the news featured an incident that clearly [More]
Is Genesis just a myth made up by primitive people? Is it merely an allegory containing spiritual truths? Or does this book reveal a historical record of how God literally created the universe? Every Christian should believe in a literal Genesis and stand ready to defend biblical creation. Read More: Your Origins Matter | The Institute for Creation Research