By Creation Moments We have all heard of “superbugs” – bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics. Antibiotic-resistant Staphylococcus bacteria have even shut down hospital wards. Now, researchers in New Zealand and Australia may have found out how to fight superbugs. And their weapon is one that has been in medical use for over 4,000 years! read more …read more Source: Creation Moments
By Avery Foley “The Bible says it’s ok to beat your slaves as long as they don’t die immediately….” Does the Bible teach that masters can beat their slaves? …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future from the vault, Casey Luskin interviews Biologic Insitute director Douglas Axe about his peer-reviewed paper in BIO-Complexity, “The Limit of Complex Adaptation: An Analysis Based on a Simple Model of Structured Bacterial Populations.” Dr. Axe explains complex adaptations — adaptive changes that require more than one simple mutation to a genome in order for a particular adaptation to work — and the difficulty Darwinian evolution faces when beneficial mutations have maladaptive intermediate stages. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic
By Ken Ham Do you want to use the unique skills and gifts that God has given you to help spread the message of biblical authority and the gospel? We’re hiring! …read more Source: AIG Daily
Dr. Hebert’s pursuit of creation research ministry started early in life. Learn about his early interest in science, middle school doubts about Christianity, and the book that changed the course of his personal and professional life. Listen: The Institute for Creation Research
Secular scientists claim the universe came into existence through a cosmic explosion called the Big Bang. Some Christians try to argue that God used the Big Bang to create the universe. But what does the Bible say? And what are the scientific arguments? Listen: The Institute for Creation Research
By Creation Moments “Put thi mack’ on, mi lad,” shouted my father, “Or tha’ll catch thi death o’ cowd!” read more …read more Source: Creation Moments
Creation and Change celebrates 20 years since its original publication with a new updated and expanded edition. …read more Source:
Seafloor sediments and dating methods may not seem like terribly exciting icebreaker topics. So, why does this field of research interest Dr. Hebert and the ICR science team? And how does it relate to our study of the Ice Age? Listen: The Institute for Creation Research
Many people today tend to dismiss the early chapters of Genesis as legend rather than history. However, if the Bible’s story of the Flood and the Tower of Babel are not history there are some established historical facts that have no explanation. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments
By Owen Strachan The transgender movement has shattered the culture’s understanding of God’s design. How can Christians respond with biblical love and integrity? …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Jim Newcomer Our children face a tough world, and every Christian parent yearns to direct them in the ways of the Lord. …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Creation Moments If you want to learn a new subject, find a master at the subject and copy them. If you want to lose weight, find someone who has already lost weight. If you want to program video games, find the ace games programmer and become her apprentice. And if you want to design ingenious and innovative new materials, go to the master designer Himself – God. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham Exciting new things are happening here at the Creation Museum. Jennifer Rivera, our education specialist (who is also a forensic scientist), has been designing new workshops for youth and adults, including full-day educational programs for children and teens, summer day camps, and high school biology labs. Museum guests love these new programs. Our full-day educational programs, called Explore Days, are always sold out, our summer camps are filling up, and our high school biology labs have already sold over half the available spots! (By the way, this is in addition to all the other wonderful workshops …read
By Ken Ham We’ve made some changes to ticket pricing at the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter that favor families with children and youth. …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Creation Moments In C.S. Lewis’s book about the creation of Narnia, The Magician’s Nephew, there is an “Enclosed Garden”. This is the place where Aslan sent Digory so that he could get the fruit which would heal his mother. It is clear that Lewis is referencing the Garden of Eden in his account, and it is interesting that he chose to position this Garden on top of a hill. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham We excitedly promoted the spectacular creation-based nature documentary The Riot and the Dance for several months in anticipation of the nationwide theatrical showing on March 19. This documentary, unlike most others, gives glory to the Creator for what he has made and shares a truly biblical worldview. We were thrilled to hear that, because of its success in movie theaters, it’s coming back for another night, April 19. <!– –> …read more Source: Ken Ham AIG
The Resurrection of Jesus is not less than a historical event. But it is also more-it is a reality that should permeate our entire lives as believers. …read more Source:
By Creation Moments Qohelet, the writer of the book of Ecclesiastes, reminds us to “Remember your Creator”. Why do we need to remember Him? It is because everything that we value has come from Him. Qohelet has spent eleven previous chapters, explaining that if we do not reference everything to God, then it is all meaningless, just like trying to grab hold of the air. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments
By Sarah Chaffee Physician Howard Glicksman talks with host Ray Bohlin about the amazing control systems involved in something we’re all familiar with: blood pressure. It’s a system requiring adjustment at every point along the way, from blood volume to blood pumping velocity to pressure out in the blood vessels. And it has to be able to act fast in order to keep us alive — which leads to some hard questions for Mr. Darwin. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Source: id the future
By Ken Ham Today is National Zoo Lovers Day here in America, so I thought it would be fun to highlight our zoos and zoo-related resources. We have our own zoos—Ararat Ridge Zoo & Petting Area, located behind the Ark at In honor of National Zoo Lovers Day, the Zoo Guide PDF (an online version of the book) is on sale for just $1.99 the whole month of April. And you’ll also enjoy 20% off select animal resources for the month of April when you use code ZOO18 at checkout. You can order both of these books at Thanks
By Ken Ham In a time when “racial” tensions are climbing yet again, it helps to remember figures like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the message of unity they proclaimed. …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham We appreciate hearing from our supporters who write to encourage us to keep up the good fight and continue contending for the faith (Jude 3). Their stories are a great encouragement to us, and I thought our supporters might enjoy reading two of the testimonies we recently received. A gentleman in Arkansas writes, I just wanted to thank you; you helped me come to Christ and ultimately get saved. I exhort you in the name of Jesus to keep on doing what you’re doing no matter how hard it gets because it is some of the most
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future from the vault, Casey Luskin and guest Dr. Cornelius Hunter talk about the issue of serendipity and what it means for the modern theory of evolution. Dr. Hunter discusses how Darwinian evolutionists have relied heavily on serendipity and exaptation — or, as Dr. Hunter calls it, “sheer dumb luck” — to explain complex features in biology and prop up their theory. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode Cornelius Hunter holds a Ph.D. in Biophysics and Computational …read
By Ken Ham Do you want to use the unique skills, talents, and gifts that God has given you to help spread the message of biblical authority and the gospel? Do you want to work with like-minded believers? Do you love what we do here and want to be involved at the Creation Museum, Ark Encounter, and Answers in Genesis here in Northern Kentucky? Well, you could join our growing team because we’re hiring! It takes many people with a wide variety of gifts to run both our attractions and the core ministry of AiG. We so appreciate each of
By Ken Ham A rather sad article appeared recently in the publication Skeptical Inquirer, published by the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry. This article was titled “Twenty-One Reasons Noah’s Worldwide Flood Never Happened.” In it, the author, Lorence G. Collins, a geologist, critiques the idea of a global Flood, claiming the evidence simply doesn’t support such an idea. The sad thing about the article is that Dr. Collins is a professing Christian. He begins his article by saying, I realize that readers of Skeptical Inquirer accept modern scientific views on this subject [the formation of the rock layers], but this examination
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future, host Mike Keas talks with Discovery Institute senior fellow Jay Richards, editor of God and Evolution, about a recent article by evangelical Michael Gerson in The Atlantic. There Gerson suggests that evangelicals have been culturally marginalized in part due to a misguided rejection of modern evolutionary theory. But Richards argues that Gerson fundamentally misunderstands the theory. Richards and Keas also explore the temptation to cede ground on an issue like evolution in order to curry favor with the mostly secular Washington establishment. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please