When you look through the Bible, there is one interesting land animal type which is missing. There is nothing to say that a pair of them got on the Ark, but we have to assume that they did so that they survived until after the Flood. Today, we just think of them strutting around the world, vicious killers, waiting for the opportunity to spring on their next prey. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham After the death of renowned evangelist Billy Graham earlier this year, headlines appeared asking questions such as, “Will there ever be another Billy Graham?” Well, I don’t believe there will be another evangelist like Reverend Graham in our culture as it is today (more on why below). And that’s why I’ve written my brand-new book, Gospel Reset. Now, why don’t I believe we will have another evangelist like Billy Graham in this nation? Because today’s culture is nothing like the culture he spoke to in past decades! The approach he used, preaching a message that began with
By Avery Foley Most of the science-related resources you’ll find in your public library will be from an evolutionary perspective. But you can help get creation resources them! …read more Source: AIG Daily
A previous Creation Moment talked about the Crystal Palace Dinosaurs – those beautiful models of dinosaurs built in Victorian times that do not look anything like what we imagine those same dinosaurs to look like today. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments
By Sarah Chaffee Jerry Bowyer of the Bowyer Briefing interviews the Discovery Institute’s John West about a recent documentary on the work of biochemist Michael Behe. Behe’s Darwin’s Black Box introduced the public to the wonders of biochemical machinery, and set materialist science on a frantic search to refute his theory of irreducible complexity, leading to a conclusion of intelligent design. It’s a search that’s failed in many ways since then, as the documentary reveals — and this discussion explains as well. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download
Conservative Christians speak of inerrancy and inspiration, while liberal theologians prefer dynamic equivalence. But what does Jesus teach? How much authority do the Bible’s words really have? Listen: The Institute for Creation Research
The Mount St. Helens events give us a glimpse into Earth’s geologic power, the origin of rocks, and the formation of geologic features. How does the ecological recovery of Mount St. Helens affirm the work of creation scientists? And what does this outdoor science lab teach us about the great Flood of Noah’s day? Listen: The Institute for Creation Research
Doctors are often criticized for prescribing unneeded tests and procedures that harm more than they help and add to medical costs that could otherwise be avoided. Diagnostic tests are better than ever but they pick up conditions that might be perfectly harmless, forcing us to rethink when things are best left alone. …read more Source: Prevent Disease
In 1997 scientists recovered mitochondrial DNA from the leg bone of a Neanderthal man. After comparing it to modern human mitochondrial DNA, they declared that Neanderthal man was not human after all. This neatly moved him back into the ape-man category, but we need to look at this claim more closely. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham Since we opened in July 2016, our designers have been busy designing and installing new exhibits throughout the Ark and Ark Encounter grounds. Even if you visited just last year, much has changed and been added since then. The latest exhibit to be installed is a Timeline of History exhibit on the third deck of the Ark. This display has been designed in a unique way for you to see the true history of the world at a glance!
Theories on the origin of the universe abound, but all seem to fit into one of two categories. Either you believe “in the beginning God created” or you must believe the Ph.D. who says he or she knows better. How can we separate fact from fantasy? Can anyone truly know how the universe began? Listen: The Institute for Creation Research
Geologist Dr. Steve Austin called the Mount St. Helens eruption “the geologic event of the twentieth century.” Mount St. Helens was not the largest volcano episode of the last century, but it became the most informative. What can the Mount St. Helens explosions, volcanic mud flows, and rapid ecological recovery tell us about the Genesis Flood? Listen: The Institute for Creation Research
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future from the vault, Casey Luskin interviews Biologic Insitute director Douglas Axe about his peer-reviewed paper in BIO-Complexity, “The Limit of Complex Adaptation: An Analysis Based on a Simple Model of Structured Bacterial Populations.” Dr. Axe explains complex adaptations — adaptive changes that require more than one simple mutation to a genome in order for a particular adaptation to work — and the difficulty Darwinian evolution faces when beneficial mutations have maladaptive intermediate stages. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic
By Avery Foley The April 2018 National Geographic is dedicated to “the complicated issue of race” with the cover story featuring twins, Marcia and Millie Biggs. …read more Source: AIG Daily
The Bible’s message requires absolute accuracy of every word of its written text. Jesus referenced the eternal nature of His Word. Even the letters themselves—the “jots” and “tittles”—are under God’s authority. What is the consistent message of Scripture? Can we be certain the Bible is without error? Listen: The Institute for Creation Research
The Apostle Paul warned Timothy about pseudoscience and “false knowledge.” Today, many twist the meaning of Scripture to promote their interpretation of scientific data. What is the root of this issue? And how should Christians handle apparent conflicts between the Bible and science? Listen: The Institute for Creation Research
According to the Bible’s history, human beings were created perfectly by God about 6,000 years ago. We should note that this means we were not only morally perfect, but genetically perfect as well. According to evolutionists, our ancestors split off from the monkeys millions of years ago. Both viewpoints agree that each generation of human beings adds mutations to the ongoing human gene pool. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham We recently wrapped up this year’s Answers for Women conference. The theme was Life: Contending for Life from Beginning to End. Several hundred ladies from across the United States gathered to learn how they can stand up for the lives of everyone—the unborn, those who have had an abortion, the elderly, those in sex trafficking, and more. And it was a great conference that the ladies in attendance said was encouraging and equipped them to more effectively contend for life. Dr. Georgia Purdom, who heads up our women’s conference and was the opening speaker, shared these thoughts
By Ken Ham Words like communication chasm and Greekized show it is vital to understand we have a problem communicating the gospel and Christian worldview. …read more Source: AIG Daily
The scientific world strives to exclude God from its thinking, and faith is not subject to the scientific method. So, how do we reconcile faith and science? Listen: The Institute for Creation Research
Con men develop elaborate schemes to cheat people out of their money or other possessions. Successful cons are cleverly and intelligently directed toward the con man’s goal. We would not expect such intelligently directed, albeit sinful, behavior in animals, except that the Bible tells us that deceit is the way of the world since sin has entered the creation. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham Since we opened in July 2016, our designers have been busy designing and installing new exhibits throughout the Ark and Ark Encounter grounds. Even if you visited just last year, much has changed and been added since then. The latest exhibit to be installed is a Timeline of History exhibit on the third deck of the Ark. This display has been designed in a unique way for you to see the true history of the world at a glance! <img src="https://assets.answersingenesis.org/img/blogs/ken-ham/2018/04/timeline-of-history-3.jpg" alt="Timeline …read more Source: Ken Ham AIG
By Ken Ham I recently had the opportunity to share with TV journalist Kirt Jacobs why I am so passionate about Genesis and what prompted me to move from my home Down Under, in Australia, to California, and eventually to Kentucky. This interview was filmed for MoxieTalk, a secular documentary series that provides interviews that offer “an intimate look into the courage, character, and defining moments of today’s most inspiring individuals,” mostly business leaders and politicians (like Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee), and sometimes religious leaders. I recently shared with TV journalist Kirt …read
In 1997 scientists recovered mitochondrial DNA from the leg bone of a Neanderthal man. After comparing it to modern human mitochondrial DNA, they declared that Neanderthal man was not human after all. This neatly moved him back into the ape-man category, but we need to look at this claim more closely. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham Six years ago this month, I had the wonderful privilege of speaking in Minnesota at Grace Church in Eden Prairie (near Minneapolis). It was one of the best-attended conferences that year, and the hunger for our resources was enormous—some of our tables that were piled high with books and videos were swept clean by the enthusiastic, large audience. I talked on topics such as racial reconciliation, the authority of the Bible, and how the book of Genesis is relevant in our modern-day culture. Last week, it was our pleasure to host Grace’s senior pastor, Troy Dobbs, his
By Rand Hummel If we haven’t experienced it, we know someone who has—a child who was raised in a good Christian home but left it all behind. …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham Words like communication chasm and Greekized show it is vital to understand we have a problem communicating the gospel and Christian worldview. …read more Source: AIG Daily