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By Ken Ham Every day groups from across the US and even internationally pour into our two Christian themed attractions, the Ark Encounter and the Creation Museum. Recently, one of those groups was a Sunday school class and their family members from First Baptist Dallas—about 80 people in all who flew in to Northern Kentucky! Included in the group from Texas was Chris Krok, who hosts a well-listened-to talk show in Dallas on radio station WBAP, and his family. Dallas radio personality Chris Krok with his family at the Ark Encounter Chris commented, It has been a life-changing trip …read [More]
By Dr. Rosaria Butterfield Confronted by the gospel, a national LGBT activist saw Christ transform everything about her life—including her identity …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Creation Moments Every year, more and more articles appear in print and on the web concerning the effects of climate change. These experts are an elusive group. Hovering in the background, commenting on every disaster, these nameless experts are like a 21st Century gnostic priesthood in possession of secret knowledge which only those expert enough to be experts can comprehend. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments     
Answers in Genesis is partnering with PureFlix.com to provide you with faith-building content to equip and encourage you and your family to trust God’s Word. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future, host Ira Berkowitz continues his conversation with Rabbi Moshe Averick about the rabbi’s book Nonsense of a High Order: The Confused World of Modern Atheism. Averick answers the who-designed-the-designer objection, shows how questions about God and intelligent design can’t be shoved aside as unimportant, and has a bit of fun recounting a dustup he had with evolutionist Jerry Coyne. Please consider donating to support the IDTF Podcast. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Source: id [More]
Two years ago today, the Ark Encounter opened its doors and quickly became a major international tourist destination. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham Should people be killed to avoid their suffering? That’s the position that famed atheist Richard Dawkins takes on the unborn, according to a recent tweet. This is not surprising considering some of Dawkins’ earlier tweets, as well as his atheistic and evolutionary worldview—if we’re the ultimate authority and we make the rules, why not decide who lives and who dies? Without an absolute authority (God’s Word), morality is utterly relative and ultimately “everything goes.” Pope Francis recently said, I have heard that it’s fashionable, or at least usual, that when in the first months of pregnancy they [More]
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future, Jerusalem-based guest host Ira Berkowitz talks with Rabbi Moshe Averick about his book Nonsense of a Higher Order: The Confused World of Modern Atheism, a critique of the the new atheists’ views on nature. Rabbi Averick shares his spirited takedown of the multiverse theory for the origin of life, dismantles the “God of the Gaps” objection to intelligent design, and wonders why people who criticize books like his think they can do so intelligently without taking the time to read them. Please consider donating to support the IDTF Podcast. Your [More]
By Ken Ham It’s hard to believe that today marks two years since the opening of the Ark Encounter on July 7, 2016. Since opening, we’ve welcomed well over two million guests from every state and dozens of countries around the world. It’s been exciting to see the spiritual and economic impact the ark has been having on the hearts and minds of those who visit and on the local area. We’re excited for what’s to come! Our Answers Center, located near the full-size Noah’s ark at the Ark Encounter, is currently under construction. It features a 2,500-seat auditorium, plus [More]
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future from the vault, geneticist Dr. Wolf-Ekkehard Lönnig talks about his book, The Evolution of the Long-Necked Giraffe. For years, Darwinists have presented the giraffe as a textbook example of adaptive morphological change in response to environmental conditions. Tune in as Dr. Lönnig discusses the problems with the idea that millions of years of mutations could create the many differences between a short-necked and a long-necked giraffe. Please consider donating to support the IDTF Podcast. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on [More]
By Ken Ham Happy Independence Day to all our American supporters! We’re thankful for this day to celebrate our nation and express our thanks to the Lord for the freedoms we enjoy here. But as we continue to see our freedom of religion and freedom of speech stripped away, many Christians in western countries are starting to realize there’s a huge and growing divide between what is Christian and what is not. And that’s a good reminder that earth is not our home. The Bible reminds us that Here we have no lasting city, but we seek the city that [More]
By Scot Chadwick Pastors, we must be personally devoted to the reliable Word of God, so that we can teach the truth and expose error. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Creation Moments During his visit to the Galapagos Islands Charles Darwin saw that each island was populated by a little finch. These birds were all very similar, yet from one island to another there were some differences in the size and shape of the beak. read more …read more Source:
By Ken Ham AiG’s Equipping Families to Stand conference begins in just a few days here at the Creation Museum, happening July 16–20, 2018. We’re very excited about this conference, which features Dennis and Barbara Rainey of FamilyLife and many of your favorite Answers in Genesis speakers. This is going to be a great week of equipping families to stand boldly on the authority of God’s Word in our increasingly anti-God culture. There’s still time to register your family for this faith-affirming conference. Each registered family member receives free admission to both the Ark Encounter and the Creation Museum for [More]
By Creation Moments Over 2,000 years ago, Aristotle wrote about red snow. Today, red, orange and even green snow has been found on every continent. It is typically found in deep mountain snows in the late spring. The snow color is caused by any of 350 species of strange snow algae. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments     
By Tim Chaffey Millions of Americans commemorate the signing of the Declaration of Independence with backyard barbecues and family gatherings, capping it off with fireworks. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham It’s not very often I get to share good news on my blog. But today is an exception as it was recently announced that the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) ruled in favor of pro-life clinics in California, which means they will no longer be forced to promote abortion as an alternative—the murder of unborn children—to their clients. The California Reproductive Freedom, Accountability, Comprehensive Care, and Transparency Act required pro-life centers to inform their clients that the state of California offers free or low-cost abortions. Essentially, the state was forcing pro-life centers to promote the [More]
By Creation Moments One of the early evidences for evolution, at one time found in almost every school textbook, was based upon the salt content of human blood plasma and the salt content of the sea. Professor Macallum of the University of Toronto began with the assumption that life on earth began in the sea and that the first land creatures had retained that sea salt concentration in their blood. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments     
By Ken Ham If you’re planning a visit to the Ark Encounter in Northern Kentucky, be sure to bring an appetite! We have a wide variety of delicious foods available, including our high-quality buffet in Emzara’s restaurant, meats and more from our smokehouse, nachos, Monte Cristo sandwiches, rolled ice cream, and so much more. People rave about the food options, many of which you can’t find elsewhere! Bring your appetites to the Ark Encounter—spiritual and physical! Monte Cristo sandwiches Nachos BBQ Sundae <img …read more Source: Ken Ham AIG     
Blister beetles of California’s Mojave Desert depend on solitary bees for their life cycle. However, the beetles have nothing of interest to offer the bees. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments     
By Ken Ham Do you have an academically inclined young person who loves discovering more about God’s creation? Well, we’re thrilled to promote and partner with Camp Infinity (Ci), a unique STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) camp that combines hands-on STEM activities with biblical worldview teaching. It’s the perfect experience for any young person who loves to solve problems and discover new things. And there are still spots available for young people in grades 7–12 this summer for Ci’s teen overnight camps, July 9–14 and 16–21. We’re thrilled to promote and partner with Camp Infinity (Ci), a unique STEM [More]
By Ken Ham The Ark Encounter and Creation Museum are “evolving”—but not in the sense of chance, random processes. It’s through lots of intelligent design! …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham Today is Canada Day, the anniversary of Confederation in Canada. We want to wish a happy Canada Day to our many Canadian supporters. And, for those in Canada who haven’t heard yet, we’re very excited about Answers in Genesis–Canada, our new (and quickly growing) outreach in that nation. Calvin Smith, from Ontario, Canada, is the director of AiG–Canada. Since we launched AiG–Canada, he’s been traveling across Canada, speaking in churches and other venues. We’ve been receiving rave reviews from people who are excited to have AiG in their own country and to have the ability to order [More]
By Creation Moments The Bible portrays Jerusalem as an established city of some importance even at the time of Abraham. Yet many Biblical scholars describe Jerusalem as, at best, an unimportant settlement as late as the time of David in 1000 B.C. Now a Biblical scholar may have found the evidence to settle the issue in favor of the Biblical history. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments     
By Ken Ham Could a wooden ship the size of Noah’s ark actually float? That’s the focus of the newest issue of Read the latest issue of Answers magazine to find out how Noah’s Ark could have survived the storm. This issue also looks at scientists who are speaking out against evolution—and they aren’t creationists! You’ll also see how the Smoky Mountains of Tennessee point toward a global flood, learn what’s behind the attack on marriage in our Western cultures, and discover if bacteria can be resurrected from the grave. Other fascinating topics include “Disarming Skeptics.” Homophobic. Misogynist. How do [More]
How many ways has God told us there are to come to faith? …read more Source: creation.com     
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID The Future from the vault, Jay Richards talks with Professor and author John Lennox about his book, Seven Days that Divide the World: The Beginning According to Genesis and Science. In his book, Lennox delves into controversial issues surrounding science and faith, answering common questions regarding apparent tensions between scripture and scientific evidence.