By Ken Ham Our Special Effects Theater at the Creation Museum, already unique in the world, has been totally rebuilt and converted into a 4D theater. …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future historian Michael Flannery continues discussion of his new book Nature’s Prophet: Alfred Russel Wallace and His Evolution from Natural Selection to Natural Theology. Flannery tells how Wallace became convinced of some “overruling intelligence” in nature — not because of “gaps” in what he knew, but because so many human attributes demand a better explanation than Darwin’s own “utility principle.” They called for a cause adequate to the effects. Please consider donating to support the IDTF Podcast. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our
By Heather Lacey Left-handedness is just another physical trait that is still shared by millions of people, like red hair, green eyes, or a cleft chin. …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Harry F. Sanders, III “If God saw that all he had made was ‘good,’ then wouldn’t the forbidden tree and its fruit be deemed ‘good’ as well?” …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future from the vault, Dr. Cornelius Hunter talks about his website Darwin’s Predictions, which critically examines 22 fundamental predictions of evolutionary theory. In this fourth and final podcast of the series, Dr. Hunter discusses evolution’s failed prediction that competition should be greatest between neighbors. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Source: id the future
By Ken Ham We’re excited to announce that the special effects theater at the Creation Museum is completely refurbished and now open for guests to enjoy a brand-new, 20-minute, spectacular 3D show, In Six Days. Due to the updates, this state-of-the-art 4D theater is now able to show 3D films as well as provide special effects that create the “4th D,” such as rumbling seats, wind, and other surprises. We had our first showings this past Friday morning.
By Ken Ham The biblical account of Moses is coming to the big screen for two days only, September 13 and 15, 2018, in movie theaters across the US. Our friends at the Sight & Sound Theatre in Pennsylvania put on a spectacular live stage production of Moses’ life, including his discovery by the pharaoh’s daughter, the burning bush encounter, the 10 plagues, and the crossing of the Red Sea. This production has been seen by over two million people, and now it’s coming to theaters across America. Don’t miss it! …read more Source: Ken Ham AIG
By Ken Ham The human body is a wonderous creation of God. Its amazing design speaks to the great care God used to build it in his image. Answers in Genesis attempts to provide resources to show we are indeed “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14). Order your copy of The Digestive System and Metabolism today! The Digestive System and Metabolism is the fourth book in Dr. Tommy Mitchell’s Wonders of the Human Body curriculum series. This series is an in-depth look at the wonderful design in our bodies and is a great resource to help middle schoolers and others
A new DVD highlights deceptive false teaching under the guise of science. …read more Source:
Explaining why there is death and suffering if God created the world ‘very good’. …read more Source:
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future, Jorn Dyerberg, the Danish biologist and co-discoverer of the role of omega-3 fatty acids in human health and nutrition, talks with Brian Miller about finding irreducible complexity in cells 40 years ago. It wasn’t until he encountered ID researchers like Michael Behe that he gave it that name — but he saw how many enzymes and co-enzymes it took working together to make metabolism work in every living cell. And if neo-Darwinism is true, and these enzymes showed up one at a time, “And over these eons, the other enzymes
By Ken Ham Euthanasia is the idea that a patient can choose to end their own life, with a doctor’s help. Belgium now allows children of any age to choose euthanasia. …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham Our Eden Animal Experience at the Creation Museum has been a huge hit with guests. Visitors enjoy interacting with our camels, zorse and zonkey, Zebu steers, wallabies, goats, sheep, and other creatures. Our zookeepers do a great job caring for the animals, and part of that care involves animal enrichment activities. These activities encourage the animals to remain active while practicing natural behaviors. And you can help create some of the items used during these enrichment activities! On Saturdays, now through September 8, we’re offering a Let’s Build Animal Enrichment! workshop that allows you, or your child,
By Sylvia Thornburg Are you a grandparent or hope to be one someday? No matter where you are in life there are children who would be blessed by your prayers. …read more Source: AIG Daily
How to reach out to ‘Alien’ experiencers. …read more Source:
By Ken Ham It’s hard to believe we’ve already celebrated the second anniversary of the Ark Encounter! Visitors continue to pour in from all around the world to see the full-size Noah’s Ark, which is having These videos are featured on the leading faith and family video streaming service In our new agreement with them, even more people will see our excellent content. Eventually all of our videos (that’s more than 500 videos!) will be featured on the Answers in Genesis channel on at no additional cost to subscribers. Free One-Month Trial For the …read more Source: Ken
Opening today, a unique cinema-graphic experience awaits Creation Museum guests with the 3D film In Six Days, shown in The 4D Special Effects Theater. …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future, historian Michael Flannery discusses his just-released book Nature’s Prophet: Alfred Russel Wallace and His Evolution from Natural Selection to Natural Theology. It’s the intellectual history of Wallace, who is credited with independently propounding the the theory of evolution by natural selection. Darwin insisted on a purely materialistic version of the theory, but as Wallace studied the evidence, he grew convinced that intelligent design also played a role in the history of life, particularly in the origin of humans. Though not a religious person, he broke with the rising scientism of
By Ken Ham We’re excited to announce we shattered an attendance record at the Ark Encounter last weekend. On Saturday, August 4, 2018, we welcomed over 8,500 paying guests to the full-size Noah’s Ark in Northern Kentucky. The actual number on Saturday was even higher: countless young children and Ark members (and their guests) enter without paying and they don’t show up in the 8,500 figure. As families travel for their end-of-summer vacations, they continue to pour into the area in huge numbers to see both Ark Encounter and the Creation Museum. This same weekend, between the two attractions, we
By Ken Ham We are serious about protecting and organizing the Answers in Genesis ministry for the future. …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future, author and professor Nancy Pearcey draws on her new book Love Thy Body: Answering Hard Questions About Life and Sexuality to explore two inconsistencies she sees with philosophical materialists. One inconsistency is their unlivable claim that “we have no free will.” The other is the materialist credo to take our cues from nature — except when it comes to the male or female sexual makeup of one’s body. Please consider donating to support the IDTF Podcast. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our
A tragic fruit of the evolutionary compromise in today’s evangelical churches is the resurrection of age-old heresy concerning the deity of Jesus Christ. …read more Source:
By Ken Ham We’ve been thrilled to partner with the Wild family over the past several years. The Wilds are a missionary family with four boys who are serving an unreached people group in southeast Asia (Papua, Indonesia). The Wild brothers have produced, in partnership with Answers in Genesis, an excellent Christian reality series showing what life is like as missionaries in a remote corner of God’s creation. And we’re excited to announce that the Wild Brothers are back with new videos. Since their last video came out in 2016, several things have changed for the Wilds, most notably, a
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin talks with Dr. Cornelius Hunter—a Discovery Institute Fellow, adjunct professor, and author—about his website Darwin’s Predictions, which critically examines 22 fundamental predictions of evolutionary theory. In this third podcast of the series, Dr. Hunter discusses how mutations are adaptive and features of James Shapiro’s natural genetic engineering model. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Source: id the future
By Ken Ham If you’ve visited the Creation Museum recently and strolled through our zoo, Eden Animal Experience, you probably noticed a small pen inside the bigger wallaby pen. This pen is the current home of Boomer, our baby Bennett’s wallaby. He’s getting used to the wallaby pen and his new buddy, Skippy, before he moves in completely. Boomer has been very popular with our guests—and it’s easy to see why: he’s adorable! Given that I’m Australian—that’s where wallabies come from in our present …read more Source: Ken Ham AIG
In the last few years, ICR has released numerous resources to help parents teach their children creation truth. Our Guide to… series is perfect for homeschoolers or anyone who wants a detailed, easily understood science resource. Science for Kids books contain kid-friendly, hand-painted illustr… More… …read more Source:
Wikipedia is shown to have major problems with biased articles, and is systematically discriminating against biblical creation.