By Dale Mason You may think, “How can I impact my children and my children’s children? What could I do with only a few more years?” Friend, be like the repentant Manasseh. …read more Source: AIG Daily
Secular cosmologists claim that the universe originated in an explosion 13.8 billion years ago. Some Christians believe this Big Bang is the means God used to create the universe. Is there evidence to support this? How should laypeople respond to the 3 main arguments for the Big Bang? Why should Christians reject the Big Bang? Listen: The Big Bang Is Broken | The Institute for Creation Research
According to the Big Bang origins model, our universe is said to be 13.8 billion years old. But a straightforward reading of the Bible—including historical information and the testimony of the Lord Jesus—confirms a young universe closer to 6,000 years old. How can Christians answer Big Bang claims? Dr. Hebert provides scientific and biblical reasons for a young universe. Listen: Our Young Universe | The Institute for Creation Research
Hello, Friends. North Texas Giving Day is finally here! Will you partner with us? Your generosity will help ICR proclaim the truth and accuracy of God’s Word around the world. This is an 18-hour online giving event that gives you the opportunity to support North Texas nonprofits on one easy-to-use … More… …read more Source:
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future, host Ira Berkowitz talks with Rabbi Moshe Averick about his recent Times of Israel article, “From the People Who Brought You the Hydrogen Bomb.” Yes, it’s pointed — straight at scientists. It’s about scientists who jump out of their disciplines, taking the place of priests and shamans and pronouncing upon the place of mankind in the universe. It’s about scientists who say we’re nothing, mere specks on a speck of a planet, yet these scientists consider themselves “humanists” in spite of this outlook. Averick is the author of Nonsense of
By Ken Ham At the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum, over 4,000 square feet of our gift shops are devoted to our fair trade initiative. Fair Trade is a special relationship between Answers in Genesis and disadvantaged artisans from countries throughout Africa, Asia, and South America. Our fair trade market enables these artisans to reach a broader market for their goods and gives them a livelihood. Many of our trade partners are also actively sharing the gospel to these disadvantaged people. When you purchase fair trade items, you are helping artisans and their wider community break the cycle …read more
Does the use of ‘place’ in Genesis 1–;11 indicate a historical focus? …read more Source:
By Ken Ham Are you a college-age young person who loves God, STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics), connecting with young people, and a biblical worldview? If so, I encourage you to check out an exciting opportunity with Camp Infinity (Ci). This unique biblical worldview STEM camp, held in Northern Kentucky, brings hands-on STEM activities and biblical truth together for campers in grades 3 through high school—and they are looking for counselors for this summer! Ci is an independent organization but is endorsed by Answers in Genesis as we work in close cooperation. As a counselor with Ci, you will
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future from the vault, physicist Rob Sheldon discusses the BICEP2 Consortium’s apparent discovery of evidence for the inflationary model of the Big Bang, and the annoucement’s impact on questions of cosmic fine-tuning. The consortium later withdrew their claim to have found the first evidence for the primordial “B-mode” polarization of the cosmic microwave background (CMB). In part 2 here, Dr. Sheldon explains his questioning of whether the signal detected by BICEP2 was real. Please consider donating to support the IDTF Podcast. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your
By Ken Ham The vast majority of museums, schools, and other institutions teach science from a naturalistic (really atheistic) perspective. This, of course, includes evolutionary and millions of years teaching. Well, we’re excited to be offering hands-on, full-day science workshops at the Creation Museum that teach science from a foundation of faith in God’s Word and the truth of creation as recorded in Genesis. These workshops are called Explore Days and will build up, rather than tear down, your children’s faith, while they learn about what God has made—and how to defend the Christian faith. They’ve been extremely popular, usually
By David Chakranarayan Scientology was an interesting mixture between modern secular humanism, self-help psychology, and Eastern thought with a little science fiction thrown in. …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham As homeschool parents are well aware, homeschooling curriculum can get fairly expensive. And an important aspect of homeschooling (and parenting in general) is teaching our children apologetics and how to develop a truly Christian worldview. They need to know what they believe and why they believe it—and be able to defend what they believe to others. And we have an exciting new opportunity that provides you with over 500 Answers in Genesis apologetics videos for about the cost of just one DVD a month! Much of Answers in Genesis’ video content is now available on the leading
Chaplains are religious representatives operating in secular institutions. Since humanism is allegedly non-religious, is not a ‘humanist chaplain’ an oxymoron, revealing humanism’s blatant double standards? …read more Source:
Ken Ham’s revolutionary new book, Gospel Reset, has just been sent as a mass mailing to 266,000 American churches. …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham It’s hard to believe it’s almost fall time and that another winter is on its way. But before we say goodbye to milder weather, we get to enjoy fall colors, “sweater weather,” and delicious fall treats here in Northern Kentucky. And to celebrate the fall season we’re hosting a Join us for Fall Fun Day on Saturday, October 13, 2018! Appalachian music from the Hills of Kentucky Dulcimers Meeting our K-9 “officers” and their handlers—and even enjoying a skills exhibition from these highly-trained dogs Face painting Balloon animals Donkey cart rides Pumpkin decorating Animal encounters Games Special
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future, CSC Associate Director John West exposes the darker side of P.T. Barnum. Maybe you’ve watched The Greatest Showman – but have you heard of Barnum’s “What Is It?” exhibit? Listen in for more about racist displays of human “freaks” and how the science of the day endorsed Social Darwinism. For more, watch the newly released documentary, Human Zoos, and visit Please consider donating to support the IDTF Podcast. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more
By Ken Ham With all its technologies, the twenty-first century has opened up brand-new avenues of learning with online courses, eBooks, websites, and more. For all its faults, the internet has made information and learning so much easier than ever before, and we’ve been able to utilize many of these technologies to share the message of biblical authority and the gospel with others. And on National Online Learning Day, I thought I’d highlight some of our online resources you may not be familiar with. If you follow my blog, you’re likely familiar with our main website, This website hosts
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future, John West shares about pygmy Ota Benga, put on display in 1906 in the Bronx Zoo’s monkey house. Listen in to learn about how the New York Times, scientists, and ministers responded. Was Benga the only one treated like this? For more, watch the newly released documentary, Human Zoos, and visit Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode Please consider donating to support the IDTF Podcast. …read more Source: id the future
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future from the vault, physicist Rob Sheldon shares about the BICEP2 Consortium’s discovery, and its impact on questions of cosmic fine-tuning. Please consider donating to support the IDTF Podcast. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Source: id the future
By Ken Ham I had the wonderful opportunity to visit my home country of Australia and speak to overflow crowds in two different churches in the state of Queensland on the “Relevance of Genesis.” Believers in these churches were presented with the importance of thinking foundationally to give answers to a culture that is increasingly rejecting the word of God and the gospel of Jesus Christ. As with the rest of the West, Australia is headed for moral and spiritual chaos as secular, humanistic religion takes hold of that nation. It’s a very small percentage of the population …read more
By Ken Ham Gospel Reset deals with the topic of how we can more effectively evangelize a secularized culture. It also clearly presents the gospel, founded in Genesis. …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham Today is Grandparents Day here in the US, and I certainly have something to celebrate: Mally and I have 16 wonderful grandkids! Now, grandkids can remind us of many things, including ourselves—or our own child at that age. But having grandkids often reminds me that I’m not getting any younger (I tell people I’ve had to dye my hair grey to make sure people know this!). And this makes us think about the legacy we’re leaving for the next generation. At the Ark Encounter, one of my favorite exhibits is located in the queue line gardens, just
By Ken Ham Today marks 17 years since the tragedy of 9/11, the date the twin towers in New York City were destroyed in an act of shocking terrorism against the United States. Along with a hijacked plane that hit the Pentagon building in Washington, DC and the crash of a fourth hijacked plane in Pennsylvania, thousands of people lost their lives on September 11, 2001—leaving behind broken homes and hurting people. The answer for those hurting people back then is the same as for others, such as those affected by the mass shooting last week in nearby Cincinnati, who
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future, biologist Jonathan Wells, author of Icons of Evolution: Science or Myth? Why Much of What We Teach About Evolution is Wrong and Zombie Science: More Icons of Evolution, debunks a new study purporting to breathe fresh life into an old and throughly discredited icon of evolution, the peppered moth. Wells also tells how this icon of a moth “evolving” from light to dark still lives on in current textbooks, in the same form many parents probably remember from their school days. Dr. Wells and others have shown that many of
By Ken Ham Issues regarding so-called “race” and racism are swirling in our culture right now, and it’s vital that our children and grandchildren be equipped to think with a Christian worldview based on God’s Word. That’s why our 2019 theme for Vacation Bible School (VBS) is The Incredible Race. In a kid-friendly way, this VBS will tackle the issue of race from a biblical perspective. And I’m excited to announce the release of a brand-new resource that kids—and their parents—will love: One Blood for Kids. You may recognize the “one blood” terminology from the book I coauthored with Dr.
By John UpChurch If we take the idea of “survival of the fittest” to its logical conclusion, it seems almost absurd for anyone who accepts the story of evolution to think of death as being the enemy. …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Avery Foley You’ve done your job: you raised your kids and watched them leave the nest. It’s time to relax with, enjoy, and spoil the grandkids, right? Well, yes and no. …read more Source: AIG Daily