By Ken Ham I recently had the pleasure of being back in San Jose, California, during a beautiful fall weekend, to speak at Calvary Chapel San Jose. I did sessions for everyone Sunday morning, followed, the next day, by special sessions for children and teens in the morning with another session in the evening for a general audience. Between Sunday morning and Monday night we had over 2,000 people in attendance as well as 1,000 students Monday morning! And they were so hungry and excited to learn from God’s Word. I’ve spoken all over the country and found that those
Richard Dawkins is releasing an atheist children’s book laced with blasphemy. …read more Source:
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future, host Robert Crowther interviews Sarah Chaffee, Program Director for Education and Public Policy at Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture. With long experience in formal debate, as a student and beyond student years, Chaffee explains how defending views strengthens students’ education. She also corrects a persistent misconception about the Discovery Institute’s science education policy: It’s about more evolution education, not less. Please consider donating to support the IDTF Podcast. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read
By Ken Ham What’s in your library? October is Church Library Month, a good time to consider what’s in your church’s library and perhaps add some Answers in Genesis apologetics resources for kids, teens, and adults. These books and DVDs will help equip your church to stand boldly on the authority of God’s Word, answering the skeptical questions of our day and age. But what should you plan on purchasing for your library? Well, if you look through the library and can’t find any Answers in Genesis resources, consider starting with the basics: The New Answers Books Vol. 1, 2,
By Ken Ham In a culture that is obsessed with retaining youthfulness, we are bombarded every day with products that will slow the effects of aging. But why do we age? What is the science behind the aging process and is there a way to truly slow it down? Find out in the November–December issue of Answers magazine. If you don’t already have a subscription, sign up today to receive your copy of this award-winning magazine. And here’s an exciting offer for you: Subscribe to the print edition and receive the searchable digital edition (on as many devices as you
By Dr. Gordon Wilson If God is good, why are some creatures so bad? …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham Can we call creation “very good” in the face of climate change? That’s the question posed by “eco-theologian” and Presbyterian minister Dr. Neddy Astudillo. …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham In just a few days I am headed to Ireland to partner with Answers in Genesis—UK for a two-day conference to equip and challenge believers to stand on the authority of the Word of God. Just recently Ireland legalized same-sex “marriage” and abortion—examples of the growing secularization of that nation. It’s a reminder that believers there need to be equipped to boldly proclaim the truth of God’s Word, even when it’s not popular. We will clearly show how these issues regarding Genesis impact how we view the rest of God’s Word, the gospel, the sanctity of life,
By Todd Friel Todd Friel, host of Wretched TV and Radio, interviews Ken Ham on the 25th Anniversary of Answers in Genesis. …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Frost Smith Most people would consider fear a bad thing—or at least an unpleasant thing. And they’re right. But why is there fear and where does it come from? …read more Source: AIG Daily
Well-known Christian apologist and blogger Matt Walsh has made an uninformed attack against biblical (young-earth) creationism; CMI responds. Read More
By Ken Ham How do we know the Bible is true? Well, ultimately, we know it must be true because it claims to be the Word of God (2 Timothy 3:16) and God cannot lie (Titus 1:2). But Christians don’t have a blind faith in the Bible and its teachings (atheists have a blind faith that life arose by natural processes, which goes against observational science). There’s evidence that confirms the Bible’s claim that it is indeed the revealed Word of God and true in all it says. Here are just three separate lines of evidence that confirm what the
Dr Brown believed that evolution presents one of the greatest challenges, in all of history, against the credibility of the Bible and Christianity. Read More
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future, Tom Gilson reviews J.P. Moreland’s new book Scientism and Secularism: Learning to Respond to a Dangerous Ideology. Moreland’s book explains scientism as irrational, self-refuting, and contradictory to crucial human and spiritual knowledge — yet it hangs over and around all of us like the air we breathe. And because it’s everywhere you turn, Moreland argues, it’s vital that we learn to recognize and respond to it. This review first appeared in print at The Stream, where Gilson is a senior editor. Please consider donating to support the IDTF Podcast. <audio
By Dr. Nathaniel T. Jeanson This October marks the one-year anniversary of the release of Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson’s book Replacing Darwin. Have the beginnings of a revolution been realized? …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham In theory, science is about free inquiry and challenging long-held assumptions in a search for the truth. In practice, it’s often driven by unproven assumptions, faulty frameworks, and political correctness. A recent letter in the Guardian (a UK publication), signed by over 100 academics in a vast range of scientific disciplines, expresses their concern over the “suppression of proper academic analysis and discussion of the social phenomenon of transgenderism.” The letter expresses the concerns these academics have about scientific freedom in research, particularly regarding the issue of gender. They claim members of their group have faced harassment
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future, Dr. Michael Denton talks with host Sarah Chaffee about his new book Children of Light: The Astonishing Properties of Sunlight That Make Us Possible. Dr. Denton speaks of the properties of both light and water: From photosynthesis to metabolism to circulation, even from plate tectonics to the hydrologic cycle, both have exactly what it takes — in “amazingly fortuitous” ways — to make complex organic life possible; showing once again that the world is fine-tuned by a designing intelligence. Please consider donating to support the IDTF Podcast. Your browser does
By Ken Ham Some encouraging news regarding religious freedom came out of Atlanta last week. The former Fire Chief of the city, Kelvin Cochran was terminated from his position in 2014 after writing a devotional book for a Christian men’s Bible study. In that book, written mainly about being a godly father and husband, Cochran mentioned biblical marriage and sexuality in a couple of pages and this was the reason that the Mayor of Atlanta put him on a 30-day suspension and ordered him to undergo sensitivity training. Even after an internal investigation found that Chief Cochran had never discriminated
By Ken Ham Discover God’s wonderful design for sexuality—and how to share this message with others—at our 2019 Answers for Women conference, taking place at the Ark Encounter in the new Answers Center April 5–6, 2019. Enjoy in-depth teaching from experts such as Heidi St. John (“the Busy Mom”), June Hunt, Phylicia Masonheimer, me, and many others. But, hurry, the super-early-bird discount on registration ends November 1, 2018. During Answers for Women, you’ll be equipped to: Talk to your children and teens about the sexual revolution. Provide answers to the issue of transgenderism. Compassionately share Christ with homosexuals. Think biblically
By Simon Turpin There are many objections to the days in Genesis 1 being 24 hours. Many old-earth creationists believe their “silver bullet” argument concerns the seventh day. …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID The Future, philosopher and author David Berlinski joins geneticist and researcher Michael Denton for continued discussion on the debate over Darwinian evolution. Why has the theory persisted? What weaknesses threaten its existence in the 21st century?As Berlinski puts it: “…applying Darwinian principles to problems of this level of complexity is like putting a Band-Aid on a wound caused by an atomic weapon. It’s just not going to work.” Listen in as Berlinski and Denton explain why the Darwinian mechanism is being widely questioned as a viable theory of the origin and development
By Ken Ham Do you have your tickets for the patriotic film, Indivisible, coming to theaters October 26? This true-life film, brought to us by Pure Flix, Provident Films, and The WTA Group, is sure to inspire you and point you towards the hope and healing found in our God. We’re thankful for groups like Pure Flix that are producing content, such as Indivisible, that allows couples to go on a date night or enjoy a movie night with their teens without worrying about what might appear in the film. <!– –> …read more Source: Ken Ham AIG
By Jeremy Ham A major theme throughout the film, Indivisible, is how can there be a good God with all the suffering people face daily? …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham If you haven’t made plans to attend our Creation College Expo, there’s not much time left to do so! This annual event is taking place next week, November 2–3, 2018, at the Creation Museum in Northern Kentucky and features representatives from colleges that take a stand on biblical authority from the first verse of the Bible, such as six literal days, a young earth, a global flood, etc.. And best of all, it’s free! Here’s what you will enjoy by attending this conference: An opportunity to meet one-on-one with representatives from Christian colleges across the nation. And
By Ken Ham Recently the popular Catholic political blogger Matt Walsh made a fairly lengthy video explaining why he was not a young-earth creationist and why he thinks young-earth creationists are a stumbling block to the faith of many people. The video is filled with strawman fallacies, misunderstandings, and mischaracterizations of what creationists actually believe. After watching the video, I was left wondering if he had even read any of our literature discussing the age of the earth. Walsh’s main points were that the days in Genesis could not be twenty-four hours and that science has proved the earth is
What are the chances for extraterrestrial life? Could life evolve from non-living chemicals? Are there any suitable planets apart from ours? …read more Source:
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future, Dr. Winston Ewert continues unpacking his new hypothesis challenging Darwin’s tree of life. Ewert is a software engineer, and his new model is inspired by the coder strategy of repurposing existing code, called modules, for different projects. Moreover, some of these modules depend on other modules, meaning you can generate a dependency graph to better understand the similarities and differences among software programs that share modules. Ewert argues that a dependency graph model better explains the pattern of similarities and differences in the history of life, better than a model