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By Ken Ham Looking for some adventure in God’s amazing creation? Then grab your hiking boots and join AiG adventurer, singer/songwriter, paleo-artist, and sculptor Buddy Davis in beautiful Tennessee for a Creation Caving adventure through the spectacular Cumberland Caverns, March 16–17, 2019. You’ll also discover how the caves actually formed according the true history found in God’s Word. Buddy’s video, Amazing Adventures: Extreme Caving, was filmed at Cumberland Caverns and he’ll be showing the video on location while you enjoy a delicious dinner inside the cave. You’ll also be entertained at a Buddy Davis concert, as well as hear some [More]
By Ken Ham It comes as no shock to anyone with a Netflix subscription that much of the content featured on the video streaming service is decidedly not family friendly by any means. Well, a recent survey of Netflix Originals (content produced for the Netflix platform) found that 61% have a TV-MA (mature content) rating, with an additional 18% receiving a TV-14 rating. Shockingly, a mere 1% of their original content enjoys a G (general audience) rating. Over 56 million Americans subscribe to Netflix, so these ratings are a good barometer of the kind of perverse content popular today for [More]
By Ken Ham Every year I encourage my followers This show is much more than just a competition. It’s really about the powerful proclamation of the Word of God! The National Bible Bee competition helps young people hide God’s Word in their heart and boldly proclaim it for all to hear. One of the schools even shared about a young man who came by their booth and filled out a form to receive further communication from the college. One of the questions on the form was “are you a Christian”? He answered “no,” so the school’s representatives took him aside [More]
By Ken Ham Many families choose to come and visit both the Ark Encounter and the Creation Museum for family vacations, reunions, birthdays, anniversaries—we’ve even had couples come and visit us on their honeymoon! One large family, the Grady’s, recently joined us at the Ark for their family reunion. Members of the family travelled from four separate states but originally come from a four-generation family farm in Iowa. Several of them also visited the Creation Museum and spoke highly of their visit. They decided to have their family reunion at the Ark because it was an attraction that would be [More]
By Ken Ham It’s a seasonal joke that on Christmas Eve, the only people buying gifts are men who haven’t finished their shopping yet—but by then all the “good” gifts are gone. I’ve got the perfect idea that will allow anyone to get their Christmas shopping done now—in November! I’m talking about giving tickets to the women in your life to attend our upcoming Answers for Women’s conference, April 5–6, 2019, at the Ark Encounter in Northern Kentucky (south of Cincinnati). A trip to Kentucky to see the Ark Encounter and the nearby Creation Museum, which is within a day’s [More]
News stories thrive on conflict and intrigue, and one theme presents science and religion as opposing forces—reason struggling to overcome divine revelation. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham Happy Thanksgiving! Today is Thanksgiving Day here in America, and I wanted to take this opportunity to express our thanks to the Lord for what he has done over the past year. And I also wanted to publicly thank our supporters—we absolutely could not do any of what we do without you, your prayers, and your financial support. Today we’re thankful for you and your sacrifice! And I also want to thank the Lord for the tremendously dedicated staff, who work very hard so that millions will hear the truth of God’s Word and the gospel. Here [More]
“We give thanks to God always for you all, making mention of you in our prayers.” (1 Thessalonians 1:2) We all have much to be thankful for. It is certainly appropriate to give audible thanks for our daily bread, whether in private, at a family meal, or in public at a fine restaurant. In fact, Jesus set the example. When He miraculously fed the multitude b… More… …read more Source: icr.org     
By Bodie Hodge “It was clear in the episode that you believe in God. But I just don’t understand how that is possible . . . . Do you at all agree with what I’m saying?” …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham Are you looking for a unique Christmas gift for an individual or even a whole family? Well, consider a gift that keeps giving all year—a subscription to the leading faith-and-family video streaming service PureFlix.com. You can choose a 3-month, 6-month, or 12-month gift subscription, allowing the recipient to access family-friendly video content, including Answers in Genesis content. Earlier this year, PureFlix.com began adding Answers in Genesis content so that, eventually, all of our excellent video content will be available on PureFlix.com at no additional cost to subscribers. This means for the cost of about one DVD a [More]
By Ken Ham Everyone knows about April Fool’s Day, which always falls on April 1. But did you know today is called National Absurdity Day? It’s a day to encourage people to embrace the absurd and ridiculous. But so many people around the world already do embrace something utterly absurd—evolutionary ideas! So today I want to do the opposite of what this day intends and encourage people to leave absurd ideas and, instead, base their thinking on God’s infallible Word. What are some ways that evolutionary ideas are absurd? Here are just three: Life came from non-life. Evolutionists believe that, [More]
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future from the vault, hear the first segment of an engaging discussion between acclaimed author Eric Metaxas and Dr. Stephen Meyer at Socrates in the City in New York. Tune in as Dr. Meyer defines the theory of intelligent design and explains how it is challenging neo-Darwinism. Please consider donating to support the IDTF Podcast. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode Visit www.SocratesintheCity.com to watch the complete interview. …read more Source: id the future     
By Ken Ham We were thrilled to be able to sponsor the National Day of Prayer Leadership Summit, which met October 29–30, 2018, at Cross Church in Rogers, Arkansas. The gathering included the 8 regional directors for the US, as well as representatives from all 50 states. The mission of the National Day of Prayer leadership is to mobilize unified public prayer in America in every town, every city, and every county. The Leadership Summit was characterized by heart-felt worship, gospel-centered preaching, and sincere prayer on behalf of the nation. We’re thankful we were able to be there with a [More]
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future, host Mike Keas begins a conversation with philosopher J. P. Moreland about Moreland’s new book Scientism and Secularism: Learning to Respond to a Dangerous Ideology. Moreland explains scientism as the belief that only the hard sciences can provide any reliably true knowledge. “It’s in the drinking water,” he says, but it’s also self-refuting, and therefore irrational — and very damaging besides. Please consider donating to support the IDTF Podcast. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more [More]
By Ken Ham If you’ve ever wanted a vacation that was “off the beaten path,” Answers in Genesis has the “answer” for you! Please consider joining AiG speaker and author Dr. Tommy Mitchell and his wife, Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell, on a creation adventure in South Africa next summer. Drs. Tommy and Liz will be joining tour group Living Passages and leading a creation safari in South Africa from June 7–17, 2019. During this tour you will have the opportunity to see many amazing creatures in their native habitat and marvel at the creativity of the Master Designer. You will be [More]
Do we seek the author’s original meaning in interpreting scripture or impose our own meaning based on trends in culture, politics or science? …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham Next week, the Tuesday after Thanksgiving Day is recognized as “Giving Tuesday” here in America. After recognizing all the blessings we have, and thanking God for them, next Tuesday is an opportunity to be purposeful in blessing others. And I wanted to take the time to highlight one way that many people have blessed us here at Answers in Genesis—by volunteering their time and talents! Each year, dozens of people—sometimes individually, as a couples or families, with a church group, youth team, or school class—come to the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter to volunteer with us. And, [More]
By Ken Ham During Easter week atheists are gathering in Cincinnati, OH—in the backyard of the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter—for their national convention. That same week (April 17–21, 2019) we’re hosting our own conference at the brand-new Answers Center at the Ark Encounter—Answering Atheists, and one of our special guest speakers is well-known evangelist, Ray Comfort (who loves to engage atheists). And we’re encouraging believers and atheists alike, in fact everyone, to attend. We will cover a large range of topics: biblical, scientific, philosophical, etc. This five-day conference (culminating in a sunrise service Easter morning) will answer …read more [More]
By Sarah Chaffee This episode of ID the Future features a conversation between physicist Brian Miller and biologist Ray Bohlin and about their recent speaking tour in South Africa, where they made a case for intelligent design. The pair talk about the open reception they received from sympathizers and skeptics alike. South Africa, they say, is less infused with materialistic philosophy than is Europe or America’s research universities. This means an open door for ID. However, it’s a door that threatens to close, they warn. Listen in to learn more. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your [More]
Today marks the one hundredth anniversary of the end of World War 1. Even in the horror of war, important lessons can be learnt about the truth of Genesis.
By Ken Ham A minister in the United Church, a theologically liberal denomination in Canada, has reached a settlement with the denomination that allows her to continue pastoring despite her professed atheism. The reason? A desire by the denomination to “dance” between their core values of faith and inclusiveness. The leader of that denomination said of the church’s core values of “faith in God and inclusiveness”: The dance between these core values, how they interact with and inform each other, is one that we continue to explore as followers of Jesus and children of the creator… As a Christian church, [More]
Entering his 10th decade, Russell Grigg continues to run with endurance the race set before him. Read More
Who am I? Increasingly, redefining marriage and gender are held up as a human rights. Some are also pushing to redefine their age, race and even species.
By Ken Ham Where can you explore mountains and rivers, pan for gold, and see tundra wildlife? In the last frontier—wild Alaska, of course. And you can experience six full days of touring this gorgeous state with adventurer, singer/songwriter, paleo-artist, and sculptor Buddy Davis, along with his wife Kay, by joining them on a Don’t miss your opportunity to Experience Alaska with Buddy and Kay Davis! Our friends over at Living Passages have put together an incredible family vacation in the wilds of Alaska. You’ll enjoy hiking, fishing, exploring, panning for gold, learning about God’s creation from Buddy and Kay, [More]
By Ken Ham Since the Ark Encounter opened in July 2016, we’ve been expanding, hiring new staff, and even refurbishing some areas to accommodate the massive numbers of people we’ve been seeing on a daily basis. But apparently we’ve been doing all of this for imaginary people because, according to a reporter—who (to our knowledge) didn’t reach out to anyone from Answers in Genesis, any local businesses, or tourist bureaus, but instead relied on “data” from an anti-Ark activist—very few people are coming! The reporter claims we’re struggling with attendance (we’re not!; we see thousands daily). In response to this [More]
By Ken Ham Today marks the one-year anniversary of the Museum of the Bible opening in Washington, DC. Many members of our staff, myself included, have had the pleasure of traveling to our nation’s capital to see this state-of-the-art attraction that honors God’s Word and encourages people of all backgrounds to engage with it. Museum of the Bible uses exciting, innovative technology to highlight the impact the Bible has had on the world around us and to give visitors an immersive and personalized experience with the Bible. It also features artifacts spanning back 3,500 years. It’s a very impressive museum [More]
By Callie Joubert It is not unintelligible that God created everything good from the beginning; it is only unintelligible to the person who makes the claim. …read more Source: AIG Daily