By Ken Ham Last year I urged our supporters to go and see the incredible wildlife documentary The Riot and the Dance in movie theaters. This spectacular film (every bit the quality of a BBC production, but without the evolutionary content) glorified the Creator and was loved by thousands and thousands of viewers. And now it’s out on DVD, Blu-ray, or digital download for you to enjoy in your living room. And not only is it on DVD now for your whole family to enjoy, but The Riot and the Dance is also part of a foundational biology high school
By Robert Crowther On this episode of ID the Future, host Robert Crowther speaks with Discovery Institute Senior Fellow Jay Richards, a speaker at last weekend’s Dallas Conference on Science & Faith. Coming available soon on video, this conference featured Richards, Eric Metaxas, Stephen Meyer, and world-renowned synthetic organic chemist James Tour — plus a surprise guest. For all the great presenters there, though, Richards’ favorite feature of the conference was the thousand attendees — some of them skeptics — who stayed straight through to the close and beyond, asking questions and learning that science, more than ever, supports faith
For many churches and pastors, abortion is a difficult issue, but our churches are full of wounded people who can and must be helped. …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham Here at Answers in Genesis, we’re celebrating 25 years of ministry. To thank our Northern Kentucky neighbors for their support of the ministry, I wrote an exclusive guest column that appeared recently in a few local newspapers, including the Boone County Recorder (this is the paper that serves the county where the museum and AiG headquarters are located), Kenton Recorder, Campbell Recorder, and Campbell County Recorder. You can read that guest column here: This month marks the 25th anniversary of Answers in Genesis. While incorporation papers were filed on December 27, 1993, we consider January 1994 our
CMI’s Alien Intrusion: Unmasking a Deception helps answer questions raised by the History Channel series Project Blue Book. …read more Source:
By Ken Ham Our thanks to attorney Nate Kellum of the Center for Religious Expression for this legal opinion and response to the latest attack by the Freedom from Religion Foundation on the freedom of religion in America. (See my previous article for details on FFRF’s threatening letter sent to public schools in Kentucky and beyond to stop classes from visiting our Christian attractions). A highly respected religious freedom attorney, Mr. Kellum is sending the following legal memo to the superintendents of Kentucky’s public schools. To: Kentucky Public School Superintendents From: Nathan W. Kellum, Chief Counsel, Center for Religious Expression
By Ken Ham Proverbs 26:4–5 reads: “Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest you be like him yourself. Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own eyes.” This verse may seem like a contradiction when you first read it. But like most alleged Bible contradictions, the “contradiction” quickly disappears with further thought. So what does it mean to answer and not answer a fool according to his folly? Well, let’s start by noting that the Bible isn’t engaging in name calling by using the term fool. It refers to someone who has
By Stephen C. Meyer On this episode of ID the Future, Kerby Anderson, host of the nationally syndicated Point of View radio show, interviews New York Times bestselling author Stephen Meyer about the Dallas Conference on Science and Faith, featuring Meyer, Eric Metaxas, Jay Richards, and renowned synthetic organic chemist James Tour of Rice University. Learn more about the January 18-19 conference here. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Source: id the future
By Ken Ham If I asked you what the defining cultural issue of the past five years has been, you probably wouldn’t hesitate to answer, “gender and marriage.” Yes, the “gender revolution” is permeating the West. In the blink of an eye, the revolution has overthrown any semblance of a biblical view of sexuality. How are Christians to respond and equip their children to think biblically when the culture is selling a lie, dressed as an attractive truth? Well, we want to invite all women to come to the (a $53 value!). Register today and see a full list of
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future, Ira Berkowitz interviews Rabbi Moshe Averick, author of Nonsense of a High Order: The Confused World of Modern Atheism, about Stephen Hawking’s comments on God and religion in Hawking’s posthumously published Brief Answers to the Big Questions. Averick describes the work as “superficial,” “convenient” and marked by “a glaring lack of profundity.” Or as the rabbi puts it, “If he did physics that way his university would have fired him.” Listen in to hear why Averick has such a problem with the new book. Your browser does not support …read
By Ken Ham The American Atheists sent two parks and recreation departments letters “demanding that they cease promoting upcoming trips” to the museum and Ark. …read more Source: AIG Daily
To rebut threatening letters sent to public schools by an atheist group, Ken Ham assured them of the legality of sending classes on an official school trip. …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Andrew McDiarmid On this episode of ID the Future, Andrew McDiarmid talks with science historian Michael Keas about Keas’ revealing new work from ISI Books, Unbelievable: 7 Myths About the History and Future of Science and Religion. “Scientists do love a good story,” says Keas. “Turns out there are plenty of stories we shouldn’t believe, myths about science and Christianity supposedly at war with each other.” He also discusses a future-oriented ET myth that functions as a substitute for traditional religion. Listen in to learn more about Keas fascinating and informative new book. Your browser does not support playing
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future host Andrew McDiarmid continues his series with science historian Michael Keas about Mike’s new work from ISI Books, Unbelievable: 7 Myths About the History and Future of Science and Religion. Here they focus on the myth that a vast cosmos renders humanity insignificant, and in the process, discredits the Judeo-Christian worldview. As Keas notes, science popularizer Bill Nye recently dusted off this old saw, but the Old Testament itself, in the Psalms, depicts man and the earth as tiny in compared to a vast universe. Keas also discusses C.S. Lewis’s
By Ken Ham When was the last time you and your spouse went out for a fun night of fellowship and laughter? Well, we’re excited to be hosting an evening of clean, family-friendly comedy with “God’s comic,” Brad Stine. Brad is known as the man who revolutionized Christian comedy many years ago. He has performed across the country, appeared in a few movies, and has been featured on many mainstream media outlets. You’ll thoroughly enjoy this The food, which will be prepared this year by the head chef of our attractions, is always delicious. This year’s menu features your choice
By Ken Ham Why do people look different from one another? Do most people realize those outward differences are really minor? Why do we speak different languages? Are we really one family? Get answers to these questions and more with our 2019 Answers VBS The Incredible Race: One Family, One Race, One Savior. This totally unique VBS tackles the race issue in a fun way, taking kids across the globe while they complete challenges and learn what the Bible’s history tells us about race—that we’re all one race, one family, and all have one Savior, Jesus Christ. And now you
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future from the vault, hear more from Dr. Cornelius Hunter, who signed up to take an online college-level course on evolution. Dr. Hunter discusses the dogmatic arguments for Darwinian evolution that he encountered and his experience dialoguing with fellow students. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Source: id the future
By Casey Luskin On this episode of ID the Future from the vault, hear from CSC Fellow Dr. Cornelius Hunter, who signed up to take a free online course at Coursera titled “Introduction to Genetics and Evolution,” taught by Duke University professor Mohamed Noor. Tune in as Dr. Hunter shares about his experience & discusses the misrepresentations and fallacies that are presented in the typical undergraduate evolutionary biology course. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Source: id the future
By Ken Ham In 2017 a group of evangelical Christian leaders gathered in Nashville, Tennessee, to draft and sign a series of 14 affirmations and denials regarding human sexuality and marriage. This Nashville Statement—which I signed—affirms a biblical and historic Christian view of only two genders, male and female, and marriage as a lifelong union between a man and woman. Recently the Nashville Statement was translated into Dutch and signed by over 250 Christian leaders in the Netherlands—and now Dutch prosecutors are investigating to see if this breaks the law. Yes, you read that right. Dutch prosecutors are investigating to
By John C. P. Smith The concept of “blind faith” is a recent invention, found nowhere in Scripture. …read more Source: AIG Daily
CMI’s Alien Intrusion: Unmasking a Deception helps answer questions raised by the History Channel series Project Blue Book. …read more Source: <a href= target=_blank title="UFOs on The History Channel” >
By Ken Ham It’s encouraging and humbling to hear stories of how God is using the ministry of Answers in Genesis to impact people’s lives around the world. One of our staff was approached by a pastor at a conference in Missouri. This pastor had taken his three teenage grandchildren to the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum this summer. Now, he said that his grandchildren always had questions about the Bible before their visit to our attractions. Shortly after visiting both locations, they were all camping. As they sat around the campfire, they began discussing what they had seen and
By Ken Ham Get ready to head to eastern Montana, July 22–26, 2019, in search of dinosaur fossils, left there by the global flood of Noah’s day, during our semi-annual Dinosaur Dig with Buddy Davis. Your hard work digging in the dirt is sure to be rewarded with some animal fossil finds. Previous groups have found dinosaur bones and teeth—including some from T. Rex and Triceratops—turtle bones and shells, figs, petrified wood, and more. You’ll even enjoy bringing some fossils home with you! My good friend Buddy Davis, adventurer, singer/songwriter, and dinosaur sculptor, leads this trip and provides exciting afternoon
By Ken Ham The FFRF have again blanketed public schools within driving distance of the Ark and the museum with threatening letters to bully schools not to bring students. …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Troy Lacey In 2018, we covered several news items from many disciplines of science. All of the news items pointed to the accuracy of Scripture in history and science. …read more Source: AIG Daily
How a fascination with birds led to a lifetime of scientific investigation. …read more Source:
By Ken Ham Following the Freedom from Religion Foundation’s most recent attack on freedom of religion in America, the group American Atheists has now launched an attack on those who organize tour groups that come to our Ark Encounter and Creation Museum that are arranged by parks and recreation departments around America. Earlier this week, the FFRF threatened public schools in an effort to bully them not to send public school classes to visit our two Christian facilities. Following suit, the American Atheists, another anti-Christian activist organization, has sent threatening letters to two parks and recreation departments “demanding that they