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By Ken Ham One of my favorite hymns celebrating the resurrection of Christ from the grave is “Low in the grave he lay” (also known in many hymn books as “He Arose”) by Robert Lowry, a 19th-century preacher and hymn writer. Apparently, he wrote this beautiful hymn at his organ rather spontaneously after reading and reflecting on Luke 24:5–8: And as they were frightened and bowed their faces to the ground, the men said to them, “Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is not here, but has risen. Remember how he told you, while he was [More]
By Troy Lacey Does Jacob’s “peeled bark” practice have any bearing on how sheep and goats breed? Did God instruct Jacob in this practice? …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham We’re excited to announce the release of educational guides for both the You can order these educational guides individually or in bulk at AnswersBookstore.com. Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,Ken This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team. …read more Source: Ken Ham AIG     
By Michael J. Behe On this episode of ID the Future, biochemist Michael Behe speaks further about his new book Darwin Devolves: The New Science about DNA That Challenges Evolution. Behe explains how evolutionists in the past had freedom to use their imaginations to suppose ways evolution could achieve major innovations, but new research at the molecular level now reveals obstacles previously unimagined. The most productive adaptations in nature tend overwhelmingly to be in one direction, Behe says, degrading or destroying genes, and no series of mutations have ever demonstrated the kind of coordinated effects needed to produce new systems. [More]
By Ken Ham Popular Roman Catholic blogger Matt Walsh (who we’ve covered before) recently wrote: “I have gotten into trouble with some Christians for several of the opinions I expressed during my interview with Ben Shapiro on the Sunday Special.” He writes that during this interview he “contend[ed] that Christians should not appeal to the Bible when arguing with unbelievers about political and cultural topics.” Is he right about this? Walsh went on to write, There is no need to quote Scripture when trying to explain, for example, why it’s wrong to kill babies. You don’t need to pull out [More]
By Troy Lacey In an evolutionary worldview, human grandmothers are a bit of a puzzle. Why would evolution favor human grandmothers? …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham Last October, several hundred pastors gathered at the In this three-video pack, you’ll hear from Dr. John MacArthur, of Grace to You, and me. I spoke on Acts chapters 2 and 17 and how to effectively present the gospel in our increasingly secular age. I also shared a message on the clarity of Scripture and the relevance of Genesis. Dr. MacArthur powerfully addressed the issue of the sufficiency of Scripture, highlighting that God’s Word is enough. I encourage you to order this powerful DVD set or download the set for your home library and consider ordering an [More]
By Ken Ham Answers in Genesis writer and speaker Bodie Hodge was recently interview by Todd Piro from FOX & Friends (on the FOX News channel) down at the Ark Encounter. The resulting 3-minute video on the life-size Ark attraction was phenomenal. Bodie not only explained this world-class attraction but clearly gave its biblical and evangelistic message. How often do you get to hear the gospel on national television? We encourage you to watch and share this short feature—it’s a great way to introduce your friends on social media to the Ark and encourage them to visit this family-friendly Christian [More]
By Melissa Cain Travis On this episode of ID the Future, Emily Kurlinski speaks with author and professor Melissa Cain Travis about the path that led to her work in the field of science and faith, and the writing of her book Science and the Mind of the Maker: What the Conversation Between Faith and Science Reveals about God. It started for her at a conference ten years ago where she heard Dr. Michael Behe sharing on intelligent design. That led to studies and research on science and faith, and a commitment to communicating it understandably for lay persons. Early [More]
The man in charge of the Beagle was known for his Christian character as well as his great skill as a mariner. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham Are you looking for a day of adventure, exploring nature while searching for creatures buried during the global flood of Noah’s day? If this fossil hunt sounds like it’s for you, I encourage you to register today for our 2019 Fossil Hunt on June 1 with geologist Dr. Andrew Snelling, who heads up the AiG research department. You will learn about the flood and fossils in the greatest classroom of all—the field! This fossil adventure is taking place at beautiful Cesar Creek Lake in Warren County, Ohio, one of the most popular fossil-hunting regions in the area. [More]
By Ann Gauger On this episode of ID the Future from the vault, CSC Senior Fellow Ann Gauger discusses the library of the cell. She delves into transcription and translation and the speed with which these processes take place. Listen in to learn more about the workings of the cell! Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Source: id the future     
The resurrection is central to the Christian faith. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Dr. Georgia Purdom Did Judas Iscariot die by hanging (Matthew 27:5) or did he die by falling and bursting open (Acts 1:18)? …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham I know the 2018–2019 school year isn’t over yet, so you probably don’t want to start thinking about the next school year! However, we think you’ll be excited about our recently upgraded resources that you can use now or next school year: online creation apologetics courses. These courses (available to start whenever you’re ready) are perfect for high school students—as well as parents, teachers (including Sunday school teachers), and pastors. We offer two introductory courses that lay the foundation for a thorough understanding of creation apologetics. During these self-paced courses, you’ll learn about the authority of Scripture, [More]
With Easter approaching, many people have a heightened interest in matters of faith and spirituality. Local WFAA news reporter Jobin Panicker chose this “holy week” to visit the ICR Discovery Center for Science and Earth History. He interviewed ICR Research Associate Dr. Brian Thomas and Discovery Center Director Chris Kinman about our purpose in this project and who we hope will visit. ICR is building the Discovery C… More… …read more Source: icr.org     
By Ken Ham Today is Good Friday, a day set aside to remember Christ’s sacrificial death on the cross for us. Many churches will host special services dedicated to the solemn remembrance of Christ’s gift to us through his death. I hope you will take time to attend a Good Friday service and reflect on what Christ has done and what it means for us as believers. So much could be said about Christ’s death and how precious his sacrifice is to us who believe. But I thought I would just let Scripture speak for itself: I will put enmity [More]
By Ken Ham In late January, a frequent Answers in Genesis’ critic had her letter appear in one of our local newspapers, the Kenton Recorder (Kenton County, Kentucky, not far from the Creation Museum). It was in response to my guest column two weeks prior in the same paper. Over the years, Nancy R. has written letters to the editor in various newspapers to attack the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter. Her latest letter is below. It is followed by a rebuttal letter from Dr. Stephen Kees, a dentist in our area and an avid AiG supporter. (Letter to the [More]
By Stephen C. Meyer This episode of ID the Future features the second and concluding part of a talk given by Stephen Meyer at the 2019 Dallas Science and Faith Conference. Picking up from his previous comments on how atheistic/materialistic assumptions have come to dominate much of the science community. That’s the bad news. The good news, Meyer says, is the the discovery of multiple lines of scientfic evidence with theism-friendly implications, including confirmation that our universe had a beginning, a development “anticipated by no one except the theologians,” in the words of astronomer Robert Jastrow. Materialistic atheism can’t effectively [More]
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future, biochemist Michael Behe discusses part 3 of his new book Darwin Devolves: The New Science about DNA That Challenges Evolution. Behe explains new research showing that although evolution really can bring about adaptive changes, it does so at the nickel-and-dime level of genus and species, and apparently only by breaking or degrading genes. Behe further argues that natural selection, supposed by evolutionists to be the great driver of new developments, actually limits them. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic [More]
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future from the vault, the CSC’s Dr. Paul Nelson talks with Dr. Wolf-Ekkehard Lönnig, retired geneticist at the Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research in Germany, about randomness in natural selection and why randomness is such a controversial topic. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Source: id the future     
How do we know what we know? The role of authority.   Read More: Dystopian science 2 – creation.com
By Ken Ham During our Answers for Pastors and Christian Leaders conference in the fall of 2018, I gave a presentation based on my book During this presentation, I share what’s happened in our culture to create the growing secularization, how we need to lay the foundation of the truth of God’s Word for others, and how we can move from that into presenting the gospel message beginning in Genesis. We want people to know that the Bible is true and therefore the message of the gospel that comes from the Bible is also true! The book and DVD are [More]
On Tuesday, April 2, 2019, sixth graders from Prestonwood Christian Academy visited the ICR Discovery Center for Science and Earth History for a sneak preview day of learning and fun activities. This was the first school group ever to visit the new, under-construction facility. The students viewed two planetarium shows. The first highlighted God’s design in … More… …read more Source: icr.org     
By Ken Ham Last week, several hundred women arrived from 38 states and Canada for our 2019 Answers for Women conference, “Sacred: Embracing God’s Design for Sexuality.” It was a tremendous conference inside the brand-new Answers Center at the Ark Encounter, equipping women to have conversations about sexuality that pointed people back to the truth of God’s Word. So many women loved the conference that over 150 of the attendees pre-registered at the conference for our 2020 Answers for Women conference next March at the Ark. <img src="https://assets.answersingenesis.org/img/blogs/ken-ham/2019/04/answers-for-women-georgia-purdom.jpg" alt="Dr. Georgia Purdom Speaks at …read more Source: Ken Ham AIG     
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future, Emily Kurlinski interviews bioethicist, author, and Discovery Institute Senior Fellow Wesley J. Smith on transhumanism. It’s a technology-driven anti-aging effort to create a post-human species with advanced intelligence, brain-computer interfaces, and even immortality. Built on zeal and desperation to defeat death, it’s a quasi religion, except with no plan or apparent interest in cultivating a more wise and loving human species — which, Smith argues, makes it more dangerous than it might at first appear. Please consider donating to support the IDTF Podcast. Your browser does not support playing Audio, [More]
Answers in Genesis (AiG) is hosting its five-day Easter Conference at the Ark Encounter next week, April 17-21. …read more Source: AIG Daily