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By Ken Ham For decades, scientists have been searching for a so-called “gay” gene. Of course, this is more than just some dry academic pursuit. There’s a social and moral agenda behind it—that is, if somehow scientists can prove there’s a genetic “cause” for homosexual behavior, then some will argue that people are “born this way,” they have no control over their own desires and behaviors, and therefore no one can say what they’re doing is morally wrong. Well, a new study has just emerged that argues there is no “gay” gene, but that there are genetic markers purportedly …read [More]
By Harry F. Sanders, III Despite aiming for “humility and gracious dialogue,” Biologos partners with atheist who maligns supporters of biblical creation. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Simon Turpin God’s knowledge about the future isn’t just a minor issue for theological debate. It’s central to our hope of eternal life. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham There are so many lies marketed at Christians, disguised as truth. Some are obvious—others are sneaky, cloaked in half-truths and out-of-context Bible verses. Satan mixes truth with error to confuse us and lead us astray. The only way to defend ourselves against these lies is to know the truth. That arms us against the lies of the enemy. That’s why the theme for our 2020 Answers for Women conference (March 27–28, 2020) is “Truth: Uncovering the Lies We Believe.” This conference, taking place in the 2,500-seat Answers Center at the Ark Encounter in Northern Kentucky, will …read [More]
By Ken Ham Here at the Creation Museum, we offer a variety of Discover Programs for our guests, which are hands-on workshops. People love them, and we’re excited to offer these programs completely free to our guests (included with a museum ticket). Some of our longest-running Discover Programs are hosted by anatomist Dr. David Menton. Dr. Menton is a fascinating teacher, and his programs are incredibly popular. With a PhD in biology from an Ivy League school, Dr. Menton is an exceptional speaker—and uses lots of humor. One of our museum guests shared this about one of Dr. Menton’s resources [More]
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future from the vault, Zombie Science author Jonathan Wells talks about his multifaceted, impressive and, at times, quirky educational history. Dr. Wells started as an undergrad geology major at Princeton and later moved to Berkeley to finish his undergraduate work. He was arrested
A reader asks: Why would the women take spices to the tomb when Jesus was entombed with 75 pounds of spices? How would you respond? …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham Later this month, I’ll be heading down south to Bob Jones University (BJU) in beautiful Greenville, South Carolina. I will be speaking at their free STAND Education Conference, September 24, 2019. BJU is unlike the vast majority of Christian colleges. This school actually takes a stand on a literal Genesis, including a young earth, six literal days, and a global flood (you can find a list of such schools at CreationColleges.org). I’m thrilled to be speaking at a school that doesn’t compromise the truth of God’s Word and is excited to share …read more Source: Ken Ham [More]
This Labor Day, over 1,600 people flowed through the ICR Discovery Center for Science & Earth History to celebrate its grand opening. ICR staff and volunteers welcomed plenty of Texas locals as well as longtime supporters from all over the country. Many were excited to see this incredible vision come to fruition. Our CEO Dr. Henry Morris III reflected on the momentous day: “It is wonderful … More… …read more Source: icr.org     
By Ken Ham In recent times, we’ve sadly seen many pastors and other church leaders (and denominations) change their stance on marriage, abortion, and other social issues. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham God’s Word commands us to “contend for the faith” (Jude 3)—something that we need to do increasingly in our secularized age when the Bible and Christian faith are under attack. And we want to equip you to stand strong and have the answers for the questions of our day so you can effectively share the gospel with others. That’s why we host conferences around the world—and, if you’re in the United Kingdom or anywhere in Europe, we invite you to join us in West Midlands, UK, October 24–26, 2019, for the AiG–UK “Contending for the Faith” …read [More]
By Ken Ham Our biblical worldview magazine, Answers, tackles the tough issues of our culture, giving you helpful answers and perspectives—always starting with God’s Word—on these contentious issues. And our latest edition, arriving in mailboxes soon, is no different. This issue features articles on gender and sexuality, helping believers think according to God’s Word regarding hot-button topics such as transgender, gender fluidity, and homosexuality. This is not an issue you want to miss! And all of us need equipping on these timely topics so we can teach our children how to deal with these issues that permeate our culture. All [More]
The ICR Discovery Center is now open to the public! We’re excited for you and your family to discover how science confirms creation. What can you experience on an ICR field trip? Are blue eyes in humans a mutation? And how does belief in creation or evolution impact Christian worship? Discover the answers to these questions and more in the September 2019 issue of Acts &am… More… …read more Source: icr.org     
By Ken Ham We are so excited to announce another of our Las Crónicas Del Reino joins Conmoción Oceánica (our 2016 Answers VBS) in our Spanish VBS collection. It is 100% digital, allowing it to be downloaded and used anywhere in the world. Many churches and missionaries use these Spanish VBS programs, and children love them! They challenge the children with truth, equipping them with answers to the questions of our day and helping them to think biblically. Children will be taught how to put on the full armor of God so they can stand strong in the battle for [More]
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future Dr. Robert J. Marks, Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Baylor University and former President of the IEEE Neural Networks Council, argues that computer programs cannot be genuinely creative. Computer programs also won’t be able to experience consciousness, he says, never mind all the media hype on this point. Marks concedes that a computer code can surprise us, as when a program playing the game Go makes a surprising move. But when it does this, it’s following a rigorous algorithm that neatly explains the move. Marks says this [More]
CMI deals with end times, but the really important issue may not be what you think it is! …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham For many (many!) years, (25 years in October!), I have had a 60-second daily radio feature called “Answers with Ken Ham.” It airs on nearly 1,000 radio stations nationwide, and other stations internationally including Latin America (translated into Spanish for certain stations). We’re currently airing Volume 134. We frequently hear from people who were introduced to the Answers in Genesis ministry by this program. And they share how blessed they were by the quick answers to the questions of our day. One such listener is Eric, from Indiana, who shared the following encouragement with us: Dear Mr. [More]
By Marcos Eberlin On this episode of ID the Future, Scotsman Andrew McDiarmid reads from Marcos Eberlin’s recent book Foresight: How the Chemistry of Life Reveals Planning and Purpose. In this excerpt, the distinguished Brazilian scientist highlights the challenge the Venus flytrap poses for evolutionary theory. Dr. Eberlin, the former president of the International Mass Spectrometry Association, describes the problem: The Venus flytrap, like all carnivorous plants, had no use for its insect-trapping function unless it also had an insect-digesting function. And vice versa. Did they really both evolve together? And how when there would be no functional advantage along [More]
By Ken Ham So much goes on behind the scenes here at Answers in Genesis, particularly at the moment in our design studios as artisans feverishly work to get ready for the grand opening of our brand-new Creation Museum exhibits this November (just in time for the massive crowds that come to see our stunning garden of lights, live nativity, and more for ChristmasTown west of the Cincinnati Airport). Our artists and designers are remarkable—God has brought some extremely talented individuals to work here. They do everything with such attention to detail and such excellence—and it shows. I believe it’s [More]
Reformation wall defaced. Whodunnit and why? Widespread acceptance of homosexuality today signals spiritual situation of our modern culture. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham After four years, a case in Virginia involving a transgender student and restrooms has been settled by a federal judge. The case was decided in favor of the transgender student (now a 20-year-old). The student was told “he” (really, she) could not use the male restroom, but could use a gender-neutral facility. She then sued the school for discrimination against her chosen gender identity. In her decision, the federal judge ruled the school’s policy was discriminatory: there is no question that the board’s policy discriminates against transgender students on the basis of their gender nonconformity . . [More]
By Ken Ham It’s almost fall, but don’t worry—you’re going to need your flip flops, beach umbrellas, and sunscreen soon! Our 2020 Vacation Bible School (VBS) is Mystery Island, an exciting beach-themed Vacation Bible School program that will teach children about the one true God, the God found in the Bible. we need to look to the Bible, not the culture or our own opinions, to know who God is and what he is like. And that’s what Mystery Island is all about! There are many false ideas about who God is floating around in the culture (e.g., God is [More]
We think it’s great so many young people are interested in writing on “Creation vs. Evolution” and want to provide some guidelines for students. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham One of the remarkable exhibits at the Bring these totally unique and beautiful gift items home—they make great conversation starters about the Ark and the flood. And, from that, you can talk about the message of God’s mercy and his offer of salvation. Browse the Oscar Nava Gift Collection at <a target=_blank …read more Source: Ken Ham AIG     
By Ken Ham A family in Michigan had a choice to make for their summer family vacation. Should they go to Disney World in Florida or would they visit the Ark Encounter and the Creation Museum in Northern Kentucky? And they chose the Ark and museum! Were the kids disappointed? Well, I’ll let them tell you the answer themselves! I met this family of five (the father is a pastor in the Detroit area) at the Creation Museum. I interviewed them about why they chose to come to Northern Kentucky to see our two attractions instead of traveling further south [More]
A review of Dictionary of Christianity and Science by Paul Copan, Tremper Longman III, Christopher L. Reese, Michael Strauss (Editors) …read more Source: creation.com     
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future from the vault, Tod Butterfield reads from the beginning of Heretic: One Scientist’s Journey from Darwin to Design, by Jonathan Witt and Matti Leisola. It’s an exciting book that tells the story of how one major European scientist who applied the maxim, “Scientists are supposed to investigate mysteries with an open mind; not assume an explanation from the outset.” He came to see that arguments insisting on purely material causes in nature are based on assumptions, not evidence. He noted how history shows that scientific consensus doesn’t always mean scientific [More]