By Ken Ham Now you can join us every Thursday from wherever you are for Creation Museum Live! Each day, we feature a presentation from an Answers in Genesis speaker at both the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter. And every Thursday at noon, we livestream the Creation Museum presentation so you can learn from the comfort of your own home, office, or wherever you are! And of course, these programs are archived on my Facebook page, on our YouTube channel, and on Pure Flix. Our first Creation Museum Live! livestream featured a talk from forensic …read more Source: Ken
By Ken Ham The well-known dictionary Merriam-Webster recently announced it is adding a new definition for the pronoun “they.” This new definition reads that “they” can be “used to refer to a single person whose gender identity is nonbinary.” This is described as “a significant recognition that the new pronouns have reached the mainstream.” Even the words used to define the new alternative usage of “they” by Merriam-Webster demonstrate how much our language has changed. But it’s not just this new usage of the old pronoun that has “reached the mainstream.” Even the words used to define the new alternative
By Andrew McDiarmid On this episode of ID the Future, Andrew McDiarmid looks at three new discoveries in nature that shout design. The cone snail has a harpoon as fast as a speeding bullet. Researchers are looking at it for design ideas for robots and medical devices. The humble dandelion’s seeds are so optimized for lift and flight time that scientists wonder about borrowing its design for parachutes. And there’s a species, the mantis shrimp, whose larvae have “flashlights” in their eyes similar to advanced optics designed by human researchers. See more on these design wonders at Evolution News. …read
By Ken Ham As you pray for Dr. Tommy Mitchell’s whole family, please be encouraged as you learn about this wonderful defender of the Christian faith through these photos. …read more Source: AIG Daily
A campaign organized by the British Humanist Association, of 46 leading scientists and organizations, is pressuring the Welsh Government to ban creation in Welsh schools
By Richard Sternberg On this episode of ID the Future, Dr. Richard Sternberg, research fellow at the Biologic Institute, speaks on his mathematical/logical work showing the difficulty of identifying genes purely with material phenomena, and that DNA doesn’t have all that’s needed to direct the development of organisms. The math, he says, is even showing gaps in the computability of what happens in the cell, which could help shed light on how machine-like organisms are or are not, how evolvable they are, and whether artificial life is possible. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or
By Harry F. Sanders, III Most people in Christianity know that the church in America is dying. But is this all an old wives’ tale? …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham We recently had someone who produces high-quality nature videos for a variety of secular companies (including the Smithsonian) speak to our staff. He is a believer and a young-earth creationist. He shared that it was Answers in Genesis VHS tapes from back when he was a kid that helped him develop a biblical worldview regarding Genesis. We hear stories like this all the time—and that’s why we continue to produce videos (though they aren’t on VHS format anymore!). And now you can enjoy all our videos in one place. The leading faith and family video streaming service
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future, From Darwin to Hitler author and historian Richard Weikart returns to his conversation with Mike Keas about a recent book on Darwinism, Christianity, and war by Michael Ruse. Ruse aims at a surprising conclusion in this book. Weikart says he gets there first of all by overlooking several of the most important early voices on Darwinism and war. And the book’s conclusion? That Christianity should “compromise” with a form of religious Darwinism Ruse favors, by giving up on core Christian doctrines. Weikart pushes back. Please consider donating to support the
By Richard Weikart On this episode of ID the Future, From Darwin to Hitler author and historian Richard Weikart speaks with Mike Keas about a recent book on Darwinism, Christianity, and war by Michael Ruse. Weikart says that in the course of the book Ruse appears to shift from warning others about treating Darwinism as a secular religion to himself embracing it as such. Weikart also says the book presents Darwinist views on war as more palatable than Christian views, but only manages to do so by ignoring key primary and secondary historical material indispensable to a fair and accurate
By Ken Ham My dear friend and ministry colleague Dr. Tommy Mitchell went home to be with the Lord on Tuesday, September 17 (you can read my tribute to him in this article). He is deeply missed by his family and his friends. He was a very popular speaker, conveying truths about Genesis and God’s Word in a clear and often humorous, way. Thousands and thousands of people were impacted by his ministry with AiG. Many of his talks were livestreamed and are now available on one playlist on our Answers in Genesis YouTube channel. In the following playlist, …read
By Matti Leisola On this episode of ID the Future, Andrew McDiarmid reads an excerpt from Heretic: One Scientist’s Journey from Darwin to Design by Finnish bioengineer Matti Leisola and Jonathan Witt. It makes the case that modern neo-Darwinism is today’s “phlogiston,” a theory that explains everything but nothing, faces mounting contrary evidence, and survives only with ever more ancillary hypotheses. In the excerpt Leisola and Witt also discuss the well-documented pattern of scientists defending an existing scientific paradigm even after fresh discoveries have turned against it, with the obsolete dominant paradigm dying only very slowly. An especially dramatic and
Hear about the upcoming CMI tour to Egypt and why you should consider coming with us! …read more Source:
By Ken Ham Do you have a child who loves science, or do you want to supplement your child’s science teaching with hands-on teaching from a truly biblical worldview—the way science is meant to be taught? Then you won’t want to miss Explore Days at the Creation Museum! These are full days of hands-on workshops, taught by expert instructors, presented from a biblical worldview in botany, biology, geology, astronomy, chemistry, forensics, etc. There’s nothing else quite like it out there! I recently did a Facebook Live interview with Dr. Jennifer Hall Rivera, our education specialist, who develops and teaches these
By Ken Ham Ten years ago, Answers in Genesis was rarely asked about whether or not the earth was flat. We often heard atheists comparing a belief in creation to a belief in a flat earth (implying the creationist view violates what we can observe from observational science, which it doesn’t), but we didn’t receive serious inquiries about the earth’s shape. However, that’s all changed—it’s a question we hear frequently, particularly directed at our astronomer Dr. Danny Faulkner. In fact, it’s become such a popular topic that Dr. Faulkner wrote a book, On his blog, Dr. Faulkner has written extensively
By Ken Ham In two months, I’ll head north to speak at our Gospel Reset Mega Conference, taking place just north of the US border, on the Canadian side of spectacular Niagara Falls. We hope believers from both sides of the border will join us for this equipping event, November 21–23, 2019. This conference, based on my book Gospel Reset, is designed to equip you to more effectively and boldly share your Christian faith with others. This conference, based on my book Gospel Reset, is designed to equip you to more effectively and boldly share your …read more Source: Ken
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future from the vault, listen in as Eric Metaxas interviews Douglas Axe on The Eric Metaxas show. Axe, author of Undeniable: How Biology Confirms Our Intuition That Life is Designed, shares how he lost his research position in Cambridge over the evolution controversy. For more from The Eric Metaxas Show, visit Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Source: id the future
By Ken Ham Most people are familiar with the popular 1990s animated TV show, The Magic School Bus, spawned from a book series of the same title. This show was brought back by Netflix (as The Magic School Bus Rides Again) in 2017, and the authors have a We want the next generation to think biblically and to understand that science confirms the Bible, from the very beginning. That’s why we offer so many resources for children of all ages. I encourage you to fill your children’s library with these faith-affirming resources that will encourage and equip them to view
North Texas Giving Day is here once again! Will you help us reach the next generation? Your generosity will empower ICR and the brand-new ICR Discovery Center for Science & Earth History to help families, children, and students discover how science confirms creation. This 18-hour online giving event draws support for North Texas nonprofits… More… …read more Source:
Satan’s old lie, “You will be like God”, reverberates still today, and an effective rebuttal of the idolatry of popular humanistic claims requires creation without compromise. …read more Source:
By Troy Lacey A recent study examined whether cheating was influenced by scarcity and/or abundance and delved into the question of in-group versus outside group factors. …read more Source: AIG Daily
A campaign organized by the British Humanist Association, of 46 leading scientists and organizations, is pressuring the Welsh Government in ban creation in Welsh schools …read more Source:
By Ken Ham My dear friend, and a beloved member of the Answers in Genesis team since 2006, Dr. Robert “Tommy” Mitchell passed away this morning of heart complications. Many of you have heard Tommy speak, read his many writings, or personally met him at one of his speaking events around the world. I wrote a tribute to my long-time friend for our website this morning that I encourage you to read and share with others. It is entitled Please be in prayer for his wife, Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell, three daughters, Mary, Sarah, and Ashley, two grandchildren, and the rest
We believe the Bible is inspired, but what does that mean? …read more Source:
God inspired the Bible as completely accurate. So why does He allow us to have different opinions? …read more Source:
By Ken Ham Our Explore programs here at the Creation Museum are a day filled with hands-on workshops related to a specific topic (e.g., dinosaurs, botany, anatomy, etc.), and they’ve been extremely popular. They’re designed for students in grades 4 through 12, but now younger children can learn and explore as well with our Explore Jr. program for students in kindergarten through grade 5. In Explore Jr., children learn about fossils, Noah’s flood, and supposed ape-men through the lens of a biblical worldview, with God’s Word as the starting point. It’s a full day of learning and fun with hands-on
By Ken Ham I recently did a Facebook Live video from the Creation Museum highlighting what I called graffiti at the Creation Museum—but I was told by our artists that it’s actually called “street art,” not graffiti. So what’s street art doing at the Creation Museum? Well, you’ll have to watch the video to find out! As you can see from the video, the new exhibits coming to the Creation Museum are going to be stunning. When they open in mid-November, they will powerfully declare the truth of God’s Word from the very beginning. And they will encourage people to